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Why Do U Guys Do It?


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So im guessing from the responses i am getting that you guys support your missus famliy? Ok so tell me why you feel the need? im a curious guy.

Well personally, I don't support my extended Thai family. Fortunately they are self sufficient. I also don't troll around forums asking stupid questions! :o

But you spend time to answer stupid questions.

You got me there TROLL, so now do us all a favor and go crawl back in your hole.

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Guilt is an amazing thing, and it is not exclusive to Thailand. The girls play on foreigners' guilt, and their Mothers use guilt on them. I could never believe how much control the families can exert on their daughters. When you think their Mothers know that when they ask them to send 10K home, and the fact that they know what the girls have to do to get that money, it turns my stomach.

This is another thing that gets me, 10k for example. If she worked as a teacher she might struggle to get that. lol money for free wow cool.

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So im guessing from the responses i am getting that you guys support your missus famliy? Ok so tell me why you feel the need? im a curious guy.

Well personally, I don't support my extended Thai family. Fortunately they are self sufficient. I also don't troll around forums asking stupid questions! :o

But you spend time to answer stupid questions.

You got me there TROLL, so now do us all a favor and go crawl back in your hole.

Sorry matey but if i was a troll i would live under a bridge. Now lets get back on topic. In other words mizzi39 butt out if i have hit a nerve, :D

Edited by Changkok
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. But really, the loss of face for her being with an elderly ugly farang and not getting compenated would be the end of the world.

So Neeranam, was that you I saw in Big C Khon Kaen wheeling a trolley around full of goods for mama and the brother ? :D

Khon kaen maigo?? and here is me thinking from all the posts you make constantly about farangs marrying rich birds i was thinking you must of yourself????? Now i understand, So how much do u offer for your inlaws?

You've obviously never been to Khon Kaen recentley, KK city don't look poor to me.

I wouldn't really know though as I go there to see the younger sister whos at school there, but judging by what I see, theres money about in Khon Kaen City, and don't even start talking about Udon Thani or Khorat, the times they are a'changing.

I pay the in laws 300,000 baht a week. :o

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. But really, the loss of face for her being with an elderly ugly farang and not getting compenated would be the end of the world.

So Neeranam, was that you I saw in Big C Khon Kaen wheeling a trolley around full of goods for mama and the brother ? :D

Khon kaen maigo?? and here is me thinking from all the posts you make constantly about farangs marrying rich birds i was thinking you must of yourself????? Now i understand, So how much do u offer for your inlaws?

You've obviously never been to Khon Kaen recentley, KK city don't look poor to me.

I wouldn't really know though as I go there to see the younger sister whos at school there, but judging by what I see, theres money about in Khon Kaen City, and don't even start talking about Udon Thani or Khorat, the times they are a'changing.

I pay the in laws 300,000 baht a week. :o


Edited by Changkok
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. But really, the loss of face for her being with an elderly ugly farang and not getting compenated would be the end of the world.

So Neeranam, was that you I saw in Big C Khon Kaen wheeling a trolley around full of goods for mama and the brother ? :o

Khon kaen maigo?? and here is me thinking from all the posts you make constantly about farangs marrying rich birds i was thinking you must of yourself????? Now i understand, So how much do u offer for your inlaws?

Khon Kaen is a very rich city :D It the farmers out in the country with their pickup trucks and Toypta fortuners that have no money.

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"Then my condition is, you have to look like Angelina Jole & and be a nympho & have a twin sister."

Why does everyone think she is so hot? I have never understood that. Don't get me wrong she is not ugly and is beautiful, but if I was wishing...it wouldn't be her...... The only thing that attracts me to her is those full luscious lips....... :o

Cmon mr dingdong its to early to start changing the thread before we have answers :D:D:D:D:(

I want answers as to why dingdongrb doesn't think that Angelina is a ravishing sex kitten.

To each his own...... Just my preferences and tastes are obviously different than yours..... Like I said, she has some very lush, full and sexy lips.... Other than that, no thank you....... I don't like tattoos on my women and if you remove all the glamor and makeup from her you get just a plain Jane, not much natural beauty (my opinion and we all know what opinions are like, right?)


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Khon Kaen is a very rich city :o It the farmers out in the country with their pickup trucks and Toypta fortuners that have no money.

Yeah.. Khon Kaen has dual pricing too at the museum, 20 Baht for Thais and 90 Baht for Farangs, well it said Tourists 90 Baht, I couldn't be bothered to try to show my 5 year license and yearly Visa even if it would have got me in for 20 Baht.

But had a good day out there in KK, that Multi tiered temple is spectacular.

True, many Vigo 4WD and Fortuners in Big C Car Park, the owners were all pointing and laughing at some poor Farang push starting an old beat up Mazda, I nearly went out and offered him a bowl of my MK Suki. :D

Edited by Maigo6
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Why Do U Guys Do It?, support her family that is.

Perhaps they know the consequences to themselves of not handing over the cash.

Any business will fall apart when the cash flow stops.

spot on,....in most cases the white knight in shining armour ( aka the farang ) will whisk the maiden from a fate worse than death ( a life on the game ) and pay the monthly installments, usually WAY over what said maiden was earning,. and those that dont see it as a "rent a wife " scheme are the ones wearing the horses blinkers,. :o
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Why Do U Guys Do It?, support her family that is.

Perhaps they know the consequences to themselves of not handing over the cash.

Any business will fall apart when the cash flow stops.

spot on,....in most cases the white knight in shining armour ( aka the farang ) will whisk the maiden from a fate worse than death ( a life on the game ) and pay the monthly installments, usually WAY over what said maiden was earning,. and those that dont see it as a "rent a wife " scheme are the ones wearing the horses blinkers,. :D

These guys speak from bitter experience chaps, take note of what they say and don't do it !!! :o

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Why Do U Guys Do It?, support her family that is.

Perhaps they know the consequences to themselves of not handing over the cash.

Any business will fall apart when the cash flow stops.

spot on,....in most cases the white knight in shining armour ( aka the farang ) will whisk the maiden from a fate worse than death ( a life on the game ) and pay the monthly installments, usually WAY over what said maiden was earning,. and those that dont see it as a "rent a wife " scheme are the ones wearing the horses blinkers,. :D

These guys speak from bitter experience chaps, take note of what they say and don't do it !!! :o

Forgive me Maigo I had no intention of hitting a nerve?

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i have money off my gf mother and father,even though i have to take care of mama sexually she is only 68.very richpeople that take of me is far better so i dont need to work and i am only 20 yo,so reitrement is so good for me.


i send nowt as they have plenty money,does that answer your question.

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Why Do U Guys Do It?, support her family that is.

Perhaps they know the consequences to themselves of not handing over the cash.

Any business will fall apart when the cash flow stops.

spot on,....in most cases the white knight in shining armour ( aka the farang ) will whisk the maiden from a fate worse than death ( a life on the game ) and pay the monthly installments, usually WAY over what said maiden was earning,. and those that dont see it as a "rent a wife " scheme are the ones wearing the horses blinkers,. :D

These guys speak from bitter experience chaps, take note of what they say and don't do it !!! :o

Forgive me Maigo I had no intention of hitting a nerve?

My 300,000 Baht a week plus christmas bonus ensures my relationship stays steady. :D

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i have money off my gf mother and father,even though i have to take care of mama sexually she is only 68.very richpeople that take of me is far better so i dont need to work and i am only 20 yo,so reitrement is so good for me.


i send nowt as they have plenty money,does that answer your question.

Alai na?

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Unfortunately, coming from a background in Thailand where I have employed literally thousands of girls over the years in bars, restaurants and the like, I have a fairly unique insight into the utter bullshit that 99% of them dish out to the western guys. Now guys here will disagree with me and that is their prerogative but not many have seen what I have seen.

The first lie is how much they send home. This is directly related to the lies they tell as to how much they would need to keep their panties on if the guy takes them out of the game. Few send more than a couple of thousand home regularly, irrespective of how much they earn. The rest is wasted on ......... (you fill in whatever you want, they will waste money on it).

If they do send a reasonable amount home, you know what happens ? People stop work or goods are purchased on finance which means that poor old Lek has to keep paying more and more just to keep the lazy family in beer, whisky and of course the ubiquitous LCD tv. Holes in the roof and broken toilets can wait.

Now these are extreme examples and many families are not as bad as this but one thing is absolutely certain, 99% of girls do not need to work in the bars or on the game. They do so either because they want easy money for themselves because they are bone idle and lazy or because mama and papa want a cushy life on the cash sent home from her nocturnal activities. I have not met more than a handful of girls who could not have survived working locally for local wages. Greed and laziness are the number one reason why working girls do what they do.

Now I somewhat agree that if you meet Lek and she is already sending 2-3k home a month from her job, be it any type of job and you want her to stop work and live with you then you should step in and meet her prior obligations. Over a longer period when she can perhaps manage a household food budget, she should be able to save and take care of this herself.

Now if you think that poor little Lek working in an office was sending home 20k a month then you should be locked up. You should not be let out for your own safety. People paying these amounts are just daft, plain and simple.

Westerners have to know where their cash is going. Fictitious bills for this or that are something I will never put up with. I had an ex ask for 20k once to keep her brother out of jail. Later she admitted it was a scam to get gold back from the shop as the guy who bought it was coming back.

I would help a family to help themselves. I will not just keep doling out cash to people for no good reason. Girls thinking mama and papa should retire when 40 or so are taking the piss. Especially on a pension from you !

In my Thai family there is a no good brother of my missus. The western husband of my missus' sister is shelling out for a new truck for the guy. He is not a kid anymore but 2 jobs I got him paying over 15k a month were just abandoned as he cannot be bothered to work and his mother still gives him money. One life's wasters he will turn out to be.

So to summarise, I understand helping with a small stipend if necessary but not at levels which are crazy and not to allow people to stop work. To do otherwise is plain stupid IMHO.

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i have money off my gf mother and father,even though i have to take care of mama sexually she is only 68.very richpeople that take of me is far better so i dont need to work and i am only 20 yo,so reitrement is so good for me.


i send nowt as they have plenty money,does that answer your question.

Alai na?

mai khao jai khap???

mygf mama gives me money so that i can take her,they are rich and take care me,me 20yo and i retire on thai money.


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Khon Kaen is a very rich city :D It the farmers out in the country with their pickup trucks and Toypta fortuners that have no money.

Yeah.. Khon Kaen has dual pricing too at the museum, 20 Baht for Thais and 90 Baht for Farangs, well it said Tourists 90 Baht, I couldn't be bothered to try to show my 5 year license and yearly Visa even if it would have got me in for 20 Baht.

But had a good day out there in KK, that Multi tiered temple is spectacular.

True, many Vigo 4WD and Fortuners in Big C Car Park, the owners were all pointing and laughing at some poor Farang push starting an old beat up Mazda, I nearly went out and offered him a bowl of my MK Suki. :D

Were they all 4 feet high, wearing yelow shirts and jatukam?

Actually, I got rid of the old mazda and bought a new mazda sports car 2 years ago. I know you'd rather have a sportscar but can't get the bails of hay in it. :o

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Why Do U Guys Do It?, support her family that is.

Perhaps they know the consequences to themselves of not handing over the cash.

Any business will fall apart when the cash flow stops.

spot on,....in most cases the white knight in shining armour ( aka the farang ) will whisk the maiden from a fate worse than death ( a life on the game ) and pay the monthly installments, usually WAY over what said maiden was earning,. and those that dont see it as a "rent a wife " scheme are the ones wearing the horses blinkers,. :D

These guys speak from bitter experience chaps, take note of what they say and don't do it !!! :o

Forgive me Maigo I had no intention of hitting a nerve?

My 300,000 Baht a week plus christmas bonus ensures my relationship stays steady. :D

You can rent me for that !...... ill polish up well in a red frock and high heels ! lol :D
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Now if you think that poor little Lek working in an office was sending home 20k a month then you should be locked up. You should not be let out for your own safety. People paying these amounts are just daft, plain and simple

Absolutely, but it's also very good business done by the girl.

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Now if you think that poor little Lek working in an office was sending home 20k a month then you should be locked up. You should not be let out for your own safety. People paying these amounts are just daft, plain and simple

Absolutely, but it's also very good business done by the girl.

ive said this before, these poor uneducated girls are fantastic at milking farang dry,..makes you wonder where the illiteracy lies,however in fairness, i know some pretty shrewd guys that have been absolutly raped and left penniless,.they were warned but obviuosly thought it wouldnt happen to them, :o
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For those dishing out the money to "relatives" what if you went skint and they had a good year and you needed emergency cash for your medical bills, would they reciprocate?

Good question Jing..... From my personal experience, I say yes, as this has happened to me... Back in 2001, before I married my wife I was in BKK for business (ahhh during my first Loy Krathong in LOS) and I remember it like yesterday because I was pick-pocketed... Long story but to cut to the chase I had my wallet lifted with my USA drivers license, 2 credit cards, and more or less all the cash I had at that time on me (apprrox... $300 USD in $$$ and baht). Until I could get money wired to me (Western Union) my in-laws (before they were my in-laws) loaned me 20k baht to tidy me over. Needless to say I didn't ask, my wife (gf at the time) asked them in my behalf without me knowing. My in-laws are not well off by any means, maybe a little above average by Thai Issan standards as they are successful rice farmers and own about 50 rai which they farm.

Now would all Thais do this, probably not, as I know all Americans would not... So your point being?

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Unfortunately, coming from a background in Thailand where I have employed literally thousands of girls over the years in bars, restaurants and the like, I have a fairly unique insight into the utter bullshit that 99% of them dish out to the western guys. Now guys here will disagree with me and that is their prerogative but not many have seen what I have seen.

The first lie is how much they send home. This is directly related to the lies they tell as to how much they would need to keep their panties on if the guy takes them out of the game. Few send more than a couple of thousand home regularly, irrespective of how much they earn. The rest is wasted on ......... (you fill in whatever you want, they will waste money on it).

If they do send a reasonable amount home, you know what happens ? People stop work or goods are purchased on finance which means that poor old Lek has to keep paying more and more just to keep the lazy family in beer, whisky and of course the ubiquitous LCD tv. Holes in the roof and broken toilets can wait.

Now these are extreme examples and many families are not as bad as this but one thing is absolutely certain, 99% of girls do not need to work in the bars or on the game. They do so either because they want easy money for themselves because they are bone idle and lazy or because mama and papa want a cushy life on the cash sent home from her nocturnal activities. I have not met more than a handful of girls who could not have survived working locally for local wages. Greed and laziness are the number one reason why working girls do what they do.

Now I somewhat agree that if you meet Lek and she is already sending 2-3k home a month from her job, be it any type of job and you want her to stop work and live with you then you should step in and meet her prior obligations. Over a longer period when she can perhaps manage a household food budget, she should be able to save and take care of this herself.

Now if you think that poor little Lek working in an office was sending home 20k a month then you should be locked up. You should not be let out for your own safety. People paying these amounts are just daft, plain and simple.

Westerners have to know where their cash is going. Fictitious bills for this or that are something I will never put up with. I had an ex ask for 20k once to keep her brother out of jail. Later she admitted it was a scam to get gold back from the shop as the guy who bought it was coming back.

I would help a family to help themselves. I will not just keep doling out cash to people for no good reason. Girls thinking mama and papa should retire when 40 or so are taking the piss. Especially on a pension from you !

In my Thai family there is a no good brother of my missus. The western husband of my missus' sister is shelling out for a new truck for the guy. He is not a kid anymore but 2 jobs I got him paying over 15k a month were just abandoned as he cannot be bothered to work and his mother still gives him money. One life's wasters he will turn out to be.

So to summarise, I understand helping with a small stipend if necessary but not at levels which are crazy and not to allow people to stop work. To do otherwise is plain stupid IMHO.

It's nice that you can share you thoughts and knowledge of the bar girls but what about the legit Thai girls and even guys, what do you know about them?

I can tell you personally one of my best Thai friends (male) who I met about 8 years or more ago works as an engineer in the high tech mfg industry. He is young 30s and until this year was single. He was making about 60k baht a month and I personally know that his money was used for 2 things:

1) Sent 20k baht home to his parents every month.

2) Saved for a car which he just bought and paid cash for last year.

His lifestyle was not fancy tangible items or out drinking as he lived a modest life in BKK living in a 5k month apartment up until getting married earlier this year. Now being married does he still send 20k baht to his parents each month, I do not know. He has sent moved from BKK to the southern part of LOS where he is from and his parents live. But, knowing him as close as I do I am sure he helps his parents one way or another. He has a 'jai dee'.... Sounds like you need to get out of the bar and away from the rats that hang around them in order to grasp a different aspect on Thai living.

Edited by dingdongrb
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Why Do U Guys Do It?, support her family that is.

Perhaps they know the consequences to themselves of not handing over the cash.

Any business will fall apart when the cash flow stops.

spot on,....in most cases the white knight in shining armour ( aka the farang ) will whisk the maiden from a fate worse than death ( a life on the game ) and pay the monthly installments, usually WAY over what said maiden was earning,. and those that dont see it as a "rent a wife " scheme are the ones wearing the horses blinkers,. :D

These guys speak from bitter experience chaps, take note of what they say and don't do it !!! :o

Forgive me Maigo I had no intention of hitting a nerve?

My 300,000 Baht a week plus christmas bonus ensures my relationship stays steady. :D

You can rent me for that !...... ill polish up well in a red frock and high heels ! lol :D

I tend to think that Maigo6 is still having that 'wet dream' and I am contemplating whether he has seen 300k baht all year..... :D

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After reading countless threads on here about guys who marry thai girls then start supporting her family? why do you guys do it? its culture(not) right? to support the family but do they give you support back?

I am married to a thai girl and i would never send money to anyone in her family, if they want some money then come and cut my garden or something, earn it.

I guess some guys get blackmailed into it, if they dont give then the wife tells him he is no good!!

Im just curious to know why many guys do it?

Oh Dear God this is just another so easy to understand ever recurring to point of somnambulism question.

Sad bastard comes to Third World Country (funny how they all say 'my 22, 25, 29, year old girlfriend, but never mention their own ages by the way), Thailand in particular, because it not only has an endless supply of cheap whores, BUT, they get to eat food which will not tax their imagination, comfort zone, and get to mix with many kinds of their ilk everywhere.

Scenario. Meet girl, easily enough, they're everybloodywhere, young enough to be dauther/grandaughter who will 'take care', where noone else gives a stuff, in particular farang women, for incredibly obvious reasons I suspect. Marriage means bugger all here, except for visa being easier.

Aforesaid Farang, for the first time since his missus back 'ome gave him the bum's rush, and having realised, even given all the porno showing unattractive men getting it on with pretty women - hey! That's how it works chaps - Can't go showing equally attractive men and women, or will definitely not appeal to Sad Bastard With Box Of Cleanex, no empathy) and realsing not having a cat's chance in hel_l of ever being able to find some other woman to put up with his lack of hygiene/charm/social skills and boring conversation, finds 'True Love' (or lub) with acquiesent asian female - she thinks you have more money than you actually do, you dare not admit it/she would not understand anyway, you're White, godammit, becomes terrified at prospect of new tee ruk taking a hike, and so will give her and her er, brother, family, extended family, buffalo, everything she asks for, just to keep her there, with him. Until the money runs out.

Having said the aforegoing, I do understand why so many men do it. After all, long time dead and all that, and what the hel_l else does a socially incompetent, dull, boor of a man do until he dies?

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