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Gen. Anupong suggests House dissolution

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Believe me, PAD have no intention of a fair election taking place. None whatsoever.

Of course not, but it's easy for peoples in charge like Sondhi to manipulate so uneducated and clueless peoples like the ones you can see at PAD rallies with their clappers.

The intelligent and educated ones know exactly what they are doing: taking back power once and for all while giving an impression of "fair election" and "democracy"

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I agree that the military are being very clever here BUT what concerns me is that if the PAD are not broken now then who ever gets elected in the future can bring these fanatics back out onto the streets and back to square one. Its a never ending scenario

And lets not lose the point that PAD actions have nothing to do with democracy its for personal self interest by their leaders and thats it.

In what way? Please elucidate. Hope you're not suggesting a very large gathering of persons wishing to rid Thailand of it's nepotistic, money politics, have been camping out for the past six months or so (this time), merely to supplant the thugs and bandits that make up the current proxy government controlled by the megalomaniac that is Taksin. Or are you? :o

It was widely expected that Somchai was returning to announce an SoE and oredeer the army to clear the airport. What Anupong has done is blindside Somchai on this. He can still go for an SoE but he will look unreasonable in the face of a solution that will avoid bloodshed. If Somchai does go for SoE it remains easy for Anupong to not move the troops as the government will look unreasonable in going for confrontation. The reaction of the PAD will also have an effect on how this plays out but if they accept the Anupong plan in principle the government will find it hard not to call an election.

This has been a very clever and careful play by the bureaucracy and business sectors.

This is Samak SoE redux.

And we KNOW the result because it has just been announced.

Somchai lands to find his is the decisions, bgut had no support.

It's Thaksin's money and power vs reconciliation and ending the quagmire.

If you were Somchai try to take down one of the most reasonable sounding men in Thailand Gen. Anupong,

and then go for bloodbath, or resign and call elections with the existing laws.

We no Thaksin's response, but has he been out-manuevered here?

Can Somchai go up against ALL the generals for Thachy's benefit?

Sec Def is a title, but without the generals moving to his whim, what.

If they say; 'It is a bad tactical decsion to move', not in the countries interest,

what just scream at them till they agree? Try to remove him because he

doesn't want a bloodbath. Send in the police factions and assorted red grednadiers?

The puppet is losing strings, but can he see that yet?

The puppeteer will just keep pulling even if the cords are snapped.

Believe me, PAD have no intention of a fair election taking place. None whatsoever.

Of course not, but it's easy for peoples in charge like Sondhi to manipulate so uneducated and clueless peoples like the ones you can see at PAD rallies with their clappers.

The intelligent and educated ones know exactly what they are doing: taking back power once and for all while giving an impression of "fair election" and "democracy"

This ultimately is new power vs old power,

but NEITHER has been as good for Thailand as any true believe realizes.

But the older ones are getting an upper hand with new realizations about how they will have to run things.

The new power is just meshugana.

Believe me, PAD have no intention of a fair election taking place. None whatsoever.

Of course not, but it's easy for peoples in charge like Sondhi to manipulate so uneducated and clueless peoples like the ones you can see at PAD rallies with their clappers.

The intelligent and educated ones know exactly what they are doing: taking back power once and for all while giving an impression of "fair election" and "democracy"

Um. Let me get this straight. You believe that the people making up the Pantamit are uneducated and clueless?

And the intelligent and educated ones are, who, exactly?

This ultimately is new power vs old power,

but NEITHER has been as good for Thailand as any true believe realizes.

But the older ones are getting an upper hand with new realizations about how they will have to run things.

The new power is just meshugana.

Can you clarify what you mean exactly by new power and old power?



Though new elections under the same rules is not the best scenario, at least it would diffuse the situation for at least half a year, even if PPP wins.

And here's another interesting thing - even if PPP wins it will be too late to save Thaksin's money, the civil case can and will procede in his absense.

And the next government will always look over their shoulders not to piss off people the way PPP pissed off PAD - a government afraid of the people - what could be better?

I suspect Somchai won't budge for now - it's his last chance to ram through much needed legislation to exonerate Thaksin of all wrongdoings, though even he realises by now that even with PAD leaving the airport it's simply impossible.

Ultimately it's Thaksin's call, not Somchai's.


Cougar I am sure that when the government resigns that the PAD will vacate the airport.

Just so everyone understands my previous post. The General and the community suggested dissolution of Parliament, PM to resign, and new elections, PART 2 WAS THAT PAD TO STOP THE PROTESTS IMMEDIATELY.

And in less than 5 minutes, PAD announced from Government House that they disagree with the suggestion and do not intend to stop.




I think they should stand, It would be good to see them try and do something constructive, I believed in them to start with, but when all that 70/30 rubbish started coming out.... well, say no more. If that sort of dribble is akin to any of thier would be policies, I think they should all take a long run down a very short pier.

In princible they had the right idea, but they took a wrong turn months ago, and never corrected it.


Anupong is like a beam of bright light in a forest of terrible darkness. He's consistently the only one with anything that makes any sense.

If this happens I hope the political parties are forced to become Political Parties with manifestoes that are broadcast to the people every hour so that the country can chnage the political landscape into one where parties are voted in for their policies - not for some character out for himself.

Terrorists wins then...

If this is confirmed, I will never invest one more baht in this country...

They just confirmed officially their status of 3rd world, banana republic country.

Sad day indeed.

No problem many others will invest some more Baht when the corruption is reduced and the land gets a democratic elected government.

I never posted on this forum before but have been reading it for a few month already.

You are by far the most biased and extremist pro pad poster around.

While there can be a relatively normal debate with some other pro pad posters; there is absolutely no chance of having a discussion that makes any sense with you, I consider you as a lost cause, and that's why I won't even lose my time trying to answer your post.

No hard feelings though and goodbye.

I think jdinasia gives him a good run for the most biased. Both of them need deprogramming. (Deprogramming refers to a process that reverses brainwashing)

Anupong is like a beam of bright light in a forest of terrible darkness. He's consistently the only one with anything that makes any sense.

If this happens I hope the political parties are forced to become Political Parties with manifestoes that are broadcast to the people every hour so that the country can chnage the political landscape into one where parties are voted in for their policies - not for some character out for himself.

Yes well he has a lot to 'beam' about - having been paid off 50 , to date, by his boss.


"a government afraid of the people - what could be better?"

This is definitely not the precedent that has been set in this situation. The continual indulgence of the PAD has set a precedent that may well make the country ungovernable for years to come.

I believe there is every chance that everyone will ignore Anupong and the stalemate will continue. He isn't the right man to request political acts. He is the army and as such should either hold a coup or run the risk that no one pays him any attention at all.

Believe me, PAD have no intention of a fair election taking place. None whatsoever.

Of course not, but it's easy for peoples in charge like Sondhi to manipulate so uneducated and clueless peoples like the ones you can see at PAD rallies with their clappers.

The intelligent and educated ones know exactly what they are doing: taking back power once and for all while giving an impression of "fair election" and "democracy"

Um. Let me get this straight. You believe that the people making up the Pantamit are uneducated and clueless?

And the intelligent and educated ones are, who, exactly?

The intelligent and educated ones are the PAD leaders, the rich thai families and individuals who have been financing and raising funds for PAD all these last months. All the ones who had access to high education ( I'm talking top Thai unis and european/american unis, as most Thais I know who went to normal thai unis, with their incredibly low level of teachings, are clueless about the world they live in) They are the ones who will truly benefit from PAD's "new politics" concept. Most of the masses who are at Suwarnabhumi right now for example, are just manipulated, disinformed peoples with not enough brain to do any critical thinking.

They really like to hear that they are much better than people from up north tho and their leaders did a good job by flattering their egos.

Cougar I am sure that when the government resigns that the PAD will vacate the airport.

Just so everyone understands my previous post. The General and the community suggested dissolution of Parliament, PM to resign, and new elections, PART 2 WAS THAT PAD TO STOP THE PROTESTS IMMEDIATELY.

And in less than 5 minutes, PAD announced from Government House that they disagree with the suggestion and do not intend to stop.



The PAD leaders are on a power trip. No matter what happens they will disagree so they can continue with ASTV and be in the news and such. If they agree and go home they are no longer important and have power.

No problem many others will invest some more Baht when the corruption is reduced and the land gets a democratic elected government.

Thailand has a democratic elected government, only some MOBS do not respect democratic elections

This ultimately is new power vs old power,

but NEITHER has been as good for Thailand as any true believe realizes.

But the older ones are getting an upper hand with new realizations about how they will have to run things.

The new power is just meshugana.

they called it "New Politics" and not "new power" and it`s meschugge.

and it's not between old and new power, that comment is meschugge as well. much more between decentralisation and liberalisation vs. totalitarism and central power state. or forward vs. backward.


This is a total victory for Somchai and the govt. PAD's goal was to block Somchai at the airport. They failed to block him from entering Thailand.

Now, Somchai is setting up a secure govt meeting place in Chiang Mai. No yellow shirts to confront him in Chiang Mai and will enjoy strong support from crazed red shirts. Now, PAD sits in the airport and continues to destroy tourism, the economy, travel and export/import functions and they failed to stop Somchai from moving forward with govt. operations in Chiang Mai.

Who is winning? What influence will the Gen Anupong's suggestive words have on a strong hold in the North? They won't resign and they won't give up power anytime soon. Then, the PAD will just sit at the airport and destroy the economy and lose face big time for not being able to force the govt. to resign.

The government on Wednesday rejected a 'suggestion' by army chief Anupong Paojinda to resign and the protesters who seized and closed Suvarnabhumi airport on Wednesday declined the general's demand to get out of the airport.

Guess we are in for the long haul. The government won't budge and remains hel_l-bent on clinging to its power and neither will PAD according to reports. Disgraceful

source: http://www.bangkokpost.com/topstories/tops...s.php?id=132314


PAD only addresses the deep political problems that are affecting Thailand, but still I don't hear the solutions! Can someone who supports the PAD please post a step by step plan of what the PAD wants in the end game? Please elaborate, I'm frustrated! Do you want. . .

1) Coup D'etat, peaceful ousting by demonstrations, or early dissolution of the current government?

2) New elections or not?

3) A new democratic government, and if yes, under which party's majority rule, or military junta, dictatorship?

5) Who do you envision as new PM, military dictator?

5) etc., etc. Thank you.

Post early for christmas!

"a government afraid of the people - what could be better?"

This is definitely not the precedent that has been set in this situation. The continual indulgence of the PAD has set a precedent that may well make the country ungovernable for years to come.

You assume, as usual, that PAD has no valid reasons to protests.

I come from a different angle, as you well know.

PAD is public's reaction to the government, not the other way around, and it's unreasonable to think that people would engage in such a prolonged campaign for frivolous reasons and disrupt's next governement for nothing.

Surely UDD can try to demonstrate against Democrats, hypothetically speaking, but since they don't have any real issues or platform, they will have really hard time making themselves heard, and Democrats would be shit scared to provide them with any ammunition, too.

How's that bad for the country?


Again the army involved in politics. Its just wrong and this is the main reason why the government should stay on and not submit to a few thousand brainwashed mob. It is clear now that PAD use violence to hold the country to ransom. Clear them out of the airport and arrest the leadership. Simple. No coup, No military pressure on government.

No problem many others will invest some more Baht when the corruption is reduced and the land gets a democratic elected government.

Thailand has a democratic elected government, only some MOBS do not respect democratic elections

So if thats the case why was this allowed to happen ? Any 'normal' government has the backing of its police and armed forces.....the MOB would have been put down a long time ago. It is not a normal government here.

I must say that I have respect for the general. He doesn't want a coup and unlike both the government, PAD, UDD, and whatever else is out there, he is at least trying to find a solution to the problem.

I would hope is parliament is dissolved and Somchai steps down, that PAD will follow the lead and disperse as well. It's hard to tell with either side though. PPP's only goal so far has not been in the public's interest, but rather their own by continually wanting to save Thaksin's ass as well the 111 banned politicans. Never once have they had the country's best interest in mind.


This offers a possible peaceful way forward, although that would appear not to appeal to some posters, who seem to prefer to see even more violence.

And there is currently so much vitriol on TV, if I could only bottle it, I would make a fortune selling sulphuric-acid ! :o

"a government afraid of the people - what could be better?"

This is definitely not the precedent that has been set in this situation. The continual indulgence of the PAD has set a precedent that may well make the country ungovernable for years to come.

I believe there is every chance that everyone will ignore Anupong and the stalemate will continue. He isn't the right man to request political acts. He is the army and as such should either hold a coup or run the risk that no one pays him any attention at all.

People Shouldn't Be Afraid of Their Government, Governments' Should Be Afraid of Their People.


Anybody who has seen the movie will know the relevance to this thread.

No problem many others will invest some more Baht when the corruption is reduced and the land gets a democratic elected government.

Thailand has a democratic elected government, only some MOBS do not respect democratic elections

A democratically elected government is one where the electorate are FREE to vote for the candidate of their choice. In much of rural Thailand, they were paid for their votes for particular candidates, often being told that if they did not vote for the designated candidate they would not be eligible for the village fund loans. That is not democracy.

Now Gen A is suggesting a new election. He can't be serious! 3-6 months down the line after yet more vote buying the same crowd will be "democratically" elected, with the same PM, and once again it will be unacceptable to the elite of Bangkok and others.

The solution as I see it is for a government of national Unity, with a mix of the best of all the parties and a well respected person to be PM. After 1 year, perhaps free and fair elections could be called.

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