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What Would Civil War Mean?


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I have to say, there have been sirens outside my house pretty much nonstop all last night and today... would that be the emergency vehicles and police making their way to the protests or ?

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Why would the army move against PAD when they support PAD? The police, yes, but not the army.

So what does it mean that they just replaced the police chief? I am guessing the new one is more likely to strike against the PAD?

I don't know about that. My understanding of the way things are is this. The sorry police who really don't want to do anything but strut around and collect their tea money; will basically side against PAD. The military on the other hand is a different story. Without going into a long-winded history lesson there are many military leaders with broad support from the rank-and-file who HATE THAKSIN. Also, there are monied civilians who HATE THAKSIN and are working with the military. The police here are chicken-shit. I watched them stand by while the red shirts with clubs beat an un-armed PAD supporter. Even after he was helpless on the ground and not moving the police DID NOTHING when a guy walked up and hit him in the head full-force. :o

It's my humble opinion that eventually the PM will resign. PAD has too much money and the military sides with them; I don't see how this combination can be beat. But, I don't really spend that much time on this issue as I don't have a say in this country. I'm sure others will disagree and tell me how stupid I am. :D:D:D

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That really depends on Thaksin. He's behind everything. With his ego there's only one way he'll go away IMHO......use your imagination...........

man he really is destroying this country

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It's my humble opinion that eventually the PM will resign. PAD has too much money

Normally you might be right, but ever heard of a guy called Thaksin? :D

yea, he's evil but not stupid. He spent 100 million to buy the Issan vote; key to winning.

70% of 40 (Issan) = 28 votes

40% of 60(rest of Thailand) = 24 votes

28 + 24 = 52%.........congrats you're the PM :o

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It's my humble opinion that eventually the PM will resign. PAD has too much money

Normally you might be right, but ever heard of a guy called Thaksin? :D

yea, he's evil but not stupid. He spent 100 million to buy the Issan vote; key to winning.

70% of 40 (Issan) = 28 votes

40% of 60(rest of Thailand) = 24 votes

28 + 24 = 52%.........congrats you're the PM :o

OK, now I disagree and you are being stupid.

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I would strongly advise all visitors and ex-pats to ensure that you are registered with your embassy at this uncertain time, and to bare in mind that if civil unrest gets out of control, the internet and the mobile phone network may well close down for the duration. (Especially if groups of rioters are using the networks to coordinate their campaign of violence). This will mean that ATM's will not accept your card, and if the banks close, another likely ramification of widespread civil unrest, you won't be able to get cash to manouver with. Make a plan, even if you never need to use it. Far better to be prepared for the worst and afterwards heave a sigh of relief because it didn't happen than get cought with your pants down. Women should be especially careful of becoming isolated in unfamiliar surroundings... you may be at risk.

I registered myself and my family with the British embassy in Bangkok, 5 months ago.

Since this crisis, not a word from them, nor any advice or a hello there, are you still in Thailand.

I dont have any faith in them or whether they will be of any use, if the worst did happen.

:o Your lucky if you are British in that respect. I had a friend who was an American working in Iran when

the Shah of Iran was ousted. They contacted the American embessy asking for guidence on what to do. The embessy told them that the problem was not serious, that the Shah would never leave Iran, and that they shouldn't worry. At that time, my friend was working for an American company on a defense contract for the Iranian navy. He learned that it was serious only when the Iranian Navy revolted against their officers and hung their commandant from the flag pole outside the commandant's office. The U.S. embessy was still insisting that the revolt against the Shah was "not serious" even at that time. My friend had escape by taking their work tug out to sea, then scuttle it, and then swim to a British Naval ship (the U.S. Navy was not coming closer than 20 miles to Iranian territory at the time so as not to aggravate the Iranians.)

Anyway, point is, for my fellow Americans, don't expect much help from the U.S. embessy if the s--t hits the fan. You won't get it.


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It's my humble opinion that eventually the PM will resign. PAD has too much money

Normally you might be right, but ever heard of a guy called Thaksin? :D

yea, he's evil but not stupid. He spent 100 million to buy the Issan vote; key to winning.

70% of 40 (Issan) = 28 votes

40% of 60(rest of Thailand) = 24 votes

28 + 24 = 52%.........congrats you're the PM :o

OK, now I disagree and you are being stupid.

Well, I've been living in Issan for a while now. Long-timers here who are friends with some of the Thaksin connected people

tell me this is the absolute truth. Money was paid in my wife's village for votes; verified by her and the family. Doesn't it make sense to spend 100 million baht when you can then steal billions?

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It sounds to me that civil war is the very last thing that will happen here. First off the Thais are too polite and they are basically afraid of confrontation and eventually the King will step in and cool things down or the army will disperse the cowardly, childish yellows from their control.

And it's just 'paranoia' on the part of any falangs to think that they would be targeted....they [reds or yellows] have any beefs with us. We [used to] bring in billions of $$ into this country and the Thais are pragmatic enough to realize this.

A worse scenario [and more likely] would be for a Bali or Mumbai incident to happen here and I'm suprised that hasn't happened already with the porous borders, unrest in the south and the amount of westerners in congested areas.

my 2 bhat....

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BBC News 24 - PAD say if they are stormed they will fight to the death ??????????????????

Great just what the airport needs- I guess the cracks in the runway & the faulty wiring wasn't enough.

It will look nice decorated like Scarfaces casa. Pads last stand.

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It would be complete lawlessness.... Pattaya would be empty, bars would stay open and and the hookers would be cheaper. Let's pray it never happens. God forbid the powers that be would ever lose control. I am ordering the police to close in on that bar. Oh wait they won't respond to official demands.

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The worst anti-foreign actions in recent memory in this region were in Indonesia in 1997-98. Mobs burned down symbols of the West such as the Wal-mart at Lippo Karawachi and on one occasion stormed the Hard Rock Cafe in Jakarta armed with machetes looking for westerners to attack.

I don't see it happening in Thailand to the same degree as this is primarily an internal issue with foreigners not really involved, but chaos is by its very nature unpredictable and we should all hope that everything gets resolved as soon as possible.

I've spoken recently to some of the "Bangkok Elite" and they're now fed up with the PAD and don't care if Taksin comes back just as long as this stops.

The worry is that Sondhi may feel he now has nothing to lose and pushes this to the limit

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