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Has Your Opinion Of The Pad Changed Recently


Has your opinion of the PAD changed recently  

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To speak honestly:

Foreigners here have no say and cannot be supporters of any political parties in Thailand.

We can only have views and not class ourselves as supporters. Any Farang who attempts to join the protests or publishes anti party or pro party propaganda in their own right (name) into the public domain would be arrested, imprisoned, than deported.

It’s all about what no one is admitting, who gives a toss which party gets in providing they leave us ex-pats alone to continue on with our lives as normal in Thailand.

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What started as a protest has evolved (or has been guided) into an insurgency .. and really should be dealt with as such.

Yep! That'll fix everything, won't it. Military steps in...large scale violence occurs. There are only 2 possible outcomes with this scenario:

1] Complete subservience of the protesters...a "setup" for anyone who is considering another dictatorship.

2] The onset of a major battle...the total demise of Thailand in the eyes of the rest of the world.

Black & white aren't colours.

Edited by elkangorito
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How many of the leaders of PAD have large investments in the tourism trade?

I'd likely guess 0. They are a buch of spoilt brats who aren't getting what they want and don't care how much damage they cause to the country's economy while they throw their tamtrum.

Edited by HenryLongfellow
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I could have sworn this forum was full of PAD faithful. I wonder where they went?

Could it be that it was only a very noisy few who suddenly have the good sense to lay low, now that the PAD's brilliant plan is in the full light of day.

Whoops that didn't go so well eh?

I imagine a group of guys with their hands in their pockets whistling and trying not to make eye contact, maybe kicking a stone or two.

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I could have sworn this forum was full of PAD faithful. I wonder where they went?

Could it be that it was only a very noisy few who suddenly have the good sense to lay low, now that the PAD's brilliant plan is in the full light of day.

Whoops that didn't go so well eh?

I imagine a group of guys with their hands in their pockets whistling and trying not to make eye contact, maybe kicking a stone or two.

PAD is a protest movement, not an alternative government. PAD is only kept alive as long as the government is inept, immoral, self-serving and subservient to corrupt and criminal forces. If we had a responsible government, one that had not betrayed its trust, one that really wanted to govern in at least a minimally responsible way we would have no PAD.

This coalition government was elected, but the democratic process has failed for the moment in Thailand, as it failed in Germany in the 30s. It was hijacked by ideological fanatics there; it's been hijacked by cynical self-serving interests here. PAD represents people who believe that's no longer acceptable.

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I could have sworn this forum was full of PAD faithful. I wonder where they went?

Could it be that it was only a very noisy few who suddenly have the good sense to lay low, now that the PAD's brilliant plan is in the full light of day.

Whoops that didn't go so well eh?

I imagine a group of guys with their hands in their pockets whistling and trying not to make eye contact, maybe kicking a stone or two.

PAD is a protest movement, not an alternative government. PAD is only kept alive as long as the government is inept, immoral, self-serving and subservient to corrupt and criminal forces. If we had a responsible government, one that had not betrayed its trust, one that really wanted to govern in at least a minimally responsible way we would have no PAD.

This coalition government was elected, but the democratic process has failed for the moment in Thailand, as it failed in Germany in the 30s. It was hijacked by ideological fanatics there; it's been hijacked by cynical self-serving interests here. PAD represents people who believe that's no longer acceptable.

BS. PAD has been occupying Government House and impeding the elected government. Even if they are supported by royalists, a handful of very rich businessmen, Chinese-Thai upper middle class in Bangkok and separatists in the South, that doesn't give them any right to keep screwing the country indefinitely. The rural masses and indeed most Thais and Farang are sick of the tyranny of the PAD. Their terrorism will be stopped.

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I could have sworn this forum was full of PAD faithful. I wonder where they went?

Could it be that it was only a very noisy few who suddenly have the good sense to lay low, now that the PAD's brilliant plan is in the full light of day.

Whoops that didn't go so well eh?

I imagine a group of guys with their hands in their pockets whistling and trying not to make eye contact, maybe kicking a stone or two.

While not supportive of all efforts by PAD, but speaking for myself as generally a PAD supporter, I've just found that the number of flaming trolls that have over-run the forum and taxed the limits of moderators to be detrimental to forum. Since I seem to be a target of these multi-ID'ers and trolls with their flaming posts (including in this thread), I'll help ease the burden they place on the mods by laying off a smidgen so as to not wear out the mod's delete button.

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I could have sworn this forum was full of PAD faithful. I wonder where they went?

Could it be that it was only a very noisy few who suddenly have the good sense to lay low, now that the PAD's brilliant plan is in the full light of day.

Whoops that didn't go so well eh?

I imagine a group of guys with their hands in their pockets whistling and trying not to make eye contact, maybe kicking a stone or two.

PAD is a protest movement, not an alternative government. PAD is only kept alive as long as the government is inept, immoral, self-serving and subservient to corrupt and criminal forces. If we had a responsible government, one that had not betrayed its trust, one that really wanted to govern in at least a minimally responsible way we would have no PAD.

This coalition government was elected, but the democratic process has failed for the moment in Thailand, as it failed in Germany in the 30s. It was hijacked by ideological fanatics there; it's been hijacked by cynical self-serving interests here. PAD represents people who believe that's no longer acceptable.

This coalition government was elected by the democratic process. it's being hijacked by cynical self-serving interests here called PAD. PAD represents people who believe that governments should not be elected by the people---- but self-appointed.

The worst democratic government is better than the best dictatorship ----- as one CAN be removed by the will of the people--- the other cannot.

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I could have sworn this forum was full of PAD faithful. I wonder where they went?

Could it be that it was only a very noisy few who suddenly have the good sense to lay low, now that the PAD's brilliant plan is in the full light of day.

Whoops that didn't go so well eh?

I imagine a group of guys with their hands in their pockets whistling and trying not to make eye contact, maybe kicking a stone or two.

While not supportive of all efforts by PAD, but speaking for myself as generally a PAD supporter, I've just found that the number of flaming trolls that have over-run the forum and taxed the limits of moderators to be detrimental to forum. Since I seem to be a target of these multi-ID'ers and trolls with their flaming posts (including in this thread), I'll help ease the burden they place on the mods by laying off a smidgen so as to not wear out the mod's delete button.

Honestly SJ, PAD issues aside, you are one of my favorite posters. But this crisis is a farce and it is doing massive damage. There has got to be a better way than than what they have chosen to do.

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Reminds me of Zimbabwe. If you don't like the results of the election change the rules.

I would far rather see PAD engage in winning the trust of the rest of the country and gain a legitimate place in government than to employ the tactics they are now engaged in to change the rules because they could not win an election as things now stand in the country.

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1] Complete subservience of the protesters...a "setup" for anyone who is considering another dictatorship.

2] The onset of a major battle...the total demise of Thailand in the eyes of the rest of the world.

This total demise has already been happened. A banana republic full of happy monkeys.

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Must admit that I was "on the fence" about my thoughts concerning their campaign.

Recent actions have swayed me.

For a protest movement that is supposed to represent the intelligent elite of Thailand, they have hardly showered themselves with glory.

They have also, it would seem, lost the support of the english language Thai Newspapers.

Not very clever.

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Reminds me of Zimbabwe. If you don't like the results of the election change the rules.

I would far rather see PAD engage in winning the trust of the rest of the country and gain a legitimate place in government than to employ the tactics they are now engaged in to change the rules because they could not win an election as things now stand in the country.

Now Wash --- you cut that out !!! Reason has no place in PAD philosophy ____ their God given mandate is to criticize, tear down and destroy. You can hardly expect anything more from a group founded and funded by a grub like Sondhi Limthongkul --- the born again Thaksin supporter and supplicant!!!

In 2007 his PAD helped to instigate the military coup ---- supported the Juntas subsequent constitutional changes ------ supported the stacking of courts and tribunals. Supported the stacking of the Electoral Commission, public service etc etc ....... the list is endless! All to ensure the TRT/PPP could not be reelected.

Finally after much effort from the Military Junta and PAD to ensure this defeat of the TRT/PPP --- Sondhi Limthongkul supported the calling of elections , believing all was set ----- all their fixes were in ---- Imagine their shock when "the chosen ones" did not win. Shock & anger !!

Wash --- despite the common sence behind your call for PAD to "engage in winning the trust of the rest of the country and gain a legitimate place in government" -- I'm sorry --- it cannot happen---- PAD base their appeal on the negative, on tearing down and destroying !!

Not building and contributing.

Sadly PAD is able to intertwine just enough accurate condemnation into their web of lies and deceit to present a cause with some appeal. Equally sadly people are deceived to imagine (due to past government failures) that adopting the PAD path to dictatorship is a step forward . If ever Thailand is controlled by a government that is majority self appointed and cannot be removed by the will of the people at the ballot box then the gate to real conflict and suffering is opened. Dictatorships worldwide offer nothing to the people under their control but oppression !!

When the military removed Thaksin in '07 I believed it was for the best (despite concerns I had about a coup only briefly before scheduled national elections.) I was WRONG --- one bad leader was replaced by a worse group --- and even more dangerously it provided encouragement for PAD ---- and Sondhi Limthongkul ..............

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