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The Land Of Idiots


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BeauKart, I think one of the problems is that most of us are not immigrants in Thailand - we are but temporary visitors, according to the visa rules etc.

Had Thailand been more welcoming of those foreigners who wish to make the country their permanent home, then I suspect that many of us would not be so quick to consider relocation to another country as soon as the poo hits the fan in Thailand :o


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your business lost all money in a few days due to airport problems. others have made more money due to airport problems. the real problem lies in long term, which doesnt care about which businesses do well or not today or tomorrow, but next year.

I doubt someone making an extra 10 baht from a desperate falang for a bottle of water is going to impact the economy next year. Companies that employ many people and fold due to this will...

The folks here that seem amazed that companies can fold due to the closing of an airport, have no clue about the business world.

in TWO days at the time of posting this thread?

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At the end of the day, if your business is unsaveable, why don't you just get a teaching job? Plenty of vacant positions out there from what you say.

Ummm... excuse me: teaching is a job which requires a certain level of training and aptitude. I resent the implication by you and some other posters in this thread that it's a job you can just walk into when your buy stuff/sell stuff business fails. "If you can't do, teach"? What- you want to exacerbate Thailand's problems by delivering sub-standard education to her children? Shame on you. :o

Condolences etc for those who have lost out or are likely to suffer negative consequences as a result of the current situation.

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Trying to make sense of why the Thais (the yellow shirts) are seemingly shooting themselves in the foot by killing tourism and other businesses etc. They seem so bent on getting the government out that they don't care about Thailand. Well what if the opposite is true? What if they were aware that the election was bought and therefore was illegal?

What if the Americans had stormed their major airports when Bush rigged the election. The Americans were a bunch of sheep and went along with the wholesale slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis because of 1 madman president. I often wonder how they didn't insist that Bush resign and why they put up with him for 2 terms while his foreign policy alienated the entire world.

Well maybe these Thais should be congratulated for putting their money where their mouth is...for being willing to sacrifice a bit of profit because they insist on righting a wrong...maybe they are willing to pay the price.

I feel much sympathy for any ex-pats who lose their business over this. I'm just trying to see what possible good could be motivating the PAD.

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Trying to make sense of why the Thais (the yellow shirts) are seemingly shooting themselves in the foot by killing tourism and other businesses etc. They seem so bent on getting the government out that they don't care about Thailand. Well what if the opposite is true? What if they were aware that the election was bought and therefore was illegal?

What if the Americans had stormed their major airports when Bush rigged the election. The Americans were a bunch of sheep and went along with the wholesale slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis because of 1 madman president. I often wonder how they didn't insist that Bush resign and why they put up with him for 2 terms while his foreign policy alienated the entire world.

Well maybe these Thais should be congratulated for putting their money where their mouth is...for being willing to sacrifice a bit of profit because they insist on righting a wrong...maybe they are willing to pay the price.

I feel much sympathy for any ex-pats who lose their business over this. I'm just trying to see what possible good could be motivating the PAD.

This isn't the USA or Iraq or anywhere else.

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Thailand shouldn't be referred to as a "Land of Smiles" any more. The 'Land of Idiots' is far more appropriate. :o

When terrorists (of any description) take over a country's main airport, a government must react swiftly and decisively. However the PM's request for the police to remove the protesters by 'gentle means' typifies the absurdity of the Thai Psyche (i.e. trying to save face at all costs and don't offend the guy who's beating you over the head with a hammer as he may get angry) :D

The PAD have now officially put me out of business. I have lost millions of Baht because of this latest development but I may recover by moving my business, and jobs, elsewhere. So I'll get over it, but how many Thai businesses are on the verge of financial ruin or bankruptcy?

Personally I detest the PAD Idiots, but I have now lost any hope I had in the current government to restore law and order.

No matter what happens, I fear there will be bloodshed in Thailand on a scale never seen before in modern times. The seizure of Suvarnabhumi airport will be the tipping point for an economic cataclysm that Thailand will never recover from. :D

many millions lost, running quickly and 5 postings...TROLL

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