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Scammers At Pantip


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I went to Pantip today to stock up on DVDs. I always go to the same stall, most of the guys there remember me.... I know from past experience you buy 10 DVDs you get 2 free, so I picked out 12. The guy asked for 1200b instead of the 1000 it should have been. I said, hmmm I remember I should get 2 for free, and he said no, now Thai people we have big problem, you know Suvarnabhumi, we can not give free anymore. I shrugged and took my receipt. Came back early to pick them up and heard one of the other guys tell a customer he got 2 free... and I looked at my receipt and the guy had written down that I paid him only 1000b. So I called him on it... he tried to lead me somewhere quieter to sit so no one would hear me. I refused. In the end I just let it go because he just kept lying to my face about it... it was only 200 baht, but still, a day's wages he stole from me. It's really not surprising at Pantip but I can't believe they are using the protests as an excuse to steal now too. Scumbags.

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yeah yeah i see your point, but still, it is a business, and the guy pocketed 200 baht and lied to my face, and used the protests as an excuse for it.

Edited by girlx
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yeah yeah i see your point, but still, it is a business, and the guy pocketed 200 baht and lied to my face, and used the protests as an excuse for it.

And you have been living in Thailand how long ? and you are suprised that you where ripped off and lied to.. :o

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yeah yeah i see your point, but still, it is a business, and the guy pocketed 200 baht and lied to my face, and used the protests as an excuse for it.

And you have been living in Thailand how long ? and you are suprised that you where ripped off and lied to.. :D

And by a black market at that :o
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yeah yeah i see your point, but still, it is a business, and the guy pocketed 200 baht and lied to my face, and used the protests as an excuse for it.

And you have been living in Thailand how long ? and you are suprised that you where ripped off and lied to.. :D

And by a black market at that :o

There is just no honour among theives these days... :D

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no, not surprised, but it still pisses me off... i was more surprised that he used the protests as justification for taking the money... sign of things to come???

So why not just walk away from the deal? If you're not happy with a transaction, it's kinda weird to complete the transaction (an implicit act of acceptance of terms you knew about in advance and accepted), and then come to complain on an internet forum.

Surely the more effective strategy would have been to go to the stall next to his and buy from his competition?

I dunno - with a mind like mine, everyone would be bloody geniuses too.

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honestly, because when i am really pissed off i cry- so i had to get out of there before i made a fool of myself! :o i just let it slide, but the other guys there know me and will see me buy from another stall next time.

to be honest, i never really get ripped off so much in thailand! never had the gem scam pulled on me, no attractions closed today, my bills are usually on target...

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Crying might have helped.

It works for me all the time.

I was in a taxi once and the guy wouldnt put the meter on. I blubbed like a baby. He was so sorry for me he not only turned the meter on but insisted on giving me the fare at the end, rather than the other way round.

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The problems at the airports are going to be an excuse for months to come to try and get a few hundred more baht from farang. No matter where you are. The number of farang coming here is decreasing all the time.... the Thai want the same money in their pocket as before, so prices will go up for farang !! Normal Thai bisiness mentality.

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That 200 baht is not alot of money to take from a Thai perspective.

it is for the guys at Pantip...

anyway, it is a bit funny to buy pirated goods, and then to come and complain for 200 baht !!!

yeah, it's been said already... and i said:

it wasn't so much the ripoff as the excuse he used... but i guess no one else is disturbed by that so never mind...
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The problems at the airports are going to be an excuse for months to come to try and get a few hundred more baht from farang. No matter where you are. The number of farang coming here is decreasing all the time.... the Thai want the same money in their pocket as before, so prices will go up for farang !! Normal Thai bisiness mentality.


I keep having visions of a large sign with big bold letters at the arrivals at Swampy... Welcome! We are open!

And then in small print.... Due the previous crisis - all fees, charges and tariffs have been increased by 20%... Surely you did not expect us to eat the losses associated with the closing... did you? :o

And yeah, some type of smiley face at the end.


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That 200 baht is not alot of money to take from a Thai perspective.

it is for the guys at Pantip...

anyway, it is a bit funny to buy pirated goods, and then to come and complain for 200 baht !!!

yeah, it's been said already... and i said:

it wasn't so much the ripoff as the excuse he used... but i guess no one else is disturbed by that so never mind...

so....? If I am ripped off after I buy fake or pirated goods, I just shut up..... because buying fake or pirated goods is ripping off , and surely much more than 200 baht for 10 pieces.....

Now, up to you not to fall for this "scam" , especially such a lame one.....

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well in that case most of the stalls in thailand (with knock off goods) should be able to rip you off without your making any comment, is this what you are saying?

and again, point taken about the pirated goods thing, but what actually pissed me off about it was his justifying it by the current political situation.

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well in that case most of the stalls in thailand (with knock off goods) should be able to rip you off without your making any comment, is this what you are saying?

and again, point taken about the pirated goods thing, but what actually pissed me off about it was his justifying it by the current political situation.

yes....because if I buy a pirated item, I commit an offense.....

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