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I need some advice on finding a home for George - a 6 month old baby Macaque monkey.

Now before anyone gets all bent out of shape on having a monkey as a pet, George was rescued from becoming monkey stew 2 weeks ago in my wifes Sukhothai farming village. A hunter had caught him and given that they will eat rats, frogs, snails, ants, bugs...George was probably looking pretty tasty about then.

Anyway, I have been trying various supposed agencies to find him a suitable home with zero response so far. He is too young to just release back into the jungle without a troop to join.

I would prefer George find a better home that the obvious Zoo, NIght Safari or Monkey tourist places and find him a place where they have similar monkeys and the housing conditions are as natural as possible.

Now before anyone says "I'll take him", I will not let George go to an individual person no matter how good a home you THINK you can give him, so please don't ask.

I will visit any potential home to see first hand the conditions, feeding, sleeping conditions and find out how they will integrate George so he does not get hurt. He has become a special monkey to me and I will do what I can to help him find a good home.

Whilst he is super cute, very friendly (although that has taken 2 weeks of trust building), eats well, sleeps well, does not bite and is a very healthy and confident monkey, he requires full-time attention and he is very demanding. I can't bear to see him in a small cage or making noises, all alone. He needs monkey mates to hang out with...literally.

Maybe someone has some ideas or knows an organisation that helps rescue monkeys. I would just hate to think of George used as a tourist photo prop or in a monkey show - he deserves so much better than that.

Here's a few pictures.




I need some advice on finding a home for George - a 6 month old baby Macaque monkey.

Now before anyone gets all bent out of shape on having a monkey as a pet, George was rescued from becoming monkey stew 2 weeks ago in my wifes Sukhothai farming village. A hunter had caught him and given that they will eat rats, frogs, snails, ants, bugs...George was probably looking pretty tasty about then.

Anyway, I have been trying various supposed agencies to find him a suitable home with zero response so far. He is too young to just release back into the jungle without a troop to join.

I would prefer George find a better home that the obvious Zoo, NIght Safari or Monkey tourist places and find him a place where they have similar monkeys and the housing conditions are as natural as possible.

Now before anyone says "I'll take him", I will not let George go to an individual person no matter how good a home you THINK you can give him, so please don't ask.

I will visit any potential home to see first hand the conditions, feeding, sleeping conditions and find out how they will integrate George so he does not get hurt. He has become a special monkey to me and I will do what I can to help him find a good home.

Whilst he is super cute, very friendly (although that has taken 2 weeks of trust building), eats well, sleeps well, does not bite and is a very healthy and confident monkey, he requires full-time attention and he is very demanding. I can't bear to see him in a small cage or making noises, all alone. He needs monkey mates to hang out with...literally.

Maybe someone has some ideas or knows an organisation that helps rescue monkeys. I would just hate to think of George used as a tourist photo prop or in a monkey show - he deserves so much better than that.

Here's a few pictures.

Call Marianne at Love Animal House. She knows monkeys. If she takes him or can place him for you, how about throwing a little support her way?

089 8555923


Thanks Lannarebirth, thats the sort of help I was hoping for and appreciate.

I will call Marianne tomorrow. It goes without saying that I would like to sponsor George to make sure he has a permanent, happy and safe home.



Yup, Marianne works with rescued animals already for at least 15 years. If she can't take George herself, she may be able to direct you in the right direction.

Another option is The Wild Animal Rescue Foundation of Thailand:





Thanks for the response.

I tried WARF. They have closed down their Chiang Mai office. Emails bounced back from their Project Manager and their President has not responded.

I called them in Bangkok today and they asked if I can bring him to Bangkok, which I don't feel is a good option at this stage. They promised to call me back tomorrow with some advice...and it wouldn't surprise me if it was Marianne.

I even contacted Monkey World in the UK as they have affiliations in Thailand...with zero response as well.

I sure hope Marianne can take him or find him a good home.

It really saddens me to see this happy little monkey all alone and without other monkeys.



Clasbyclan, yes he is too young to release. He needs the support of other monkeys and would either end up starving, or easy prey for other animals or humans.

He's quite helpless, still drinks milk for breakfast and looks to me for security and comfort.

He sleeps in a little nesting box inside his cage, full of old T-shirts and it keep him warm. Hate to think of him stuck in a tree in the cold and rain alone.

I did contact Marianne in Chiang Mai, who was very helpful and she has suggested I contact Highland Farm in Tak (http://www.highland-farm.org/) who have a great website and really inspiring conviction for what they do. I am awaiting contact from them to see how I can financially help if they can take George.

Marianne actually has 3 Macaques already, but 3 different species, and just like in our world, they dont get along.

Any other advice is greatly appreciated.


Ah thanks for the link! :o

Highland Farm in Tak (http://www.highland-farm.org/). Long time ago I heard and read about this organisation, but lost the details (my maid is an excellent cleaner .... ) and didn't remember exactly the name, hence I didn't mention it.

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