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PAD/DAAD/Unrest/Airport Closure/Goodbye Thailand/Resolution/PAD sponsors


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I don't know where you come from there Tigger, but the right to gather and protest unjust laws or a unjust govt is one of the cornerstones of a true democracy...even when it's inconvenient to wanna be colonialists like yourself.

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kasicorn bank

Bangkok Bank


Most of my wife`s family are from poor working class backgrounds.

A few of the cousin`s have been successful career wise and now consider themselves as part of the elite joining the yellow mob.

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Apparently some Thais don't want us farangs here in Thailand and consider themselves wealthy enough to do without our money. It would be nice to have a list of the people and companies that support PAD so that I can avoid their products.

So far I have heard of a bank, a brewery and a phone company, only rumours so far, but do we have a hard fact list?


No there is no list, but I suggest you start working on it, that would also mean you are too busy posting drivel like this.

The superior way of thinking and sheer generalisation of some westerners never ceases to amaze me.

And no, they do not need your money, especially yours that is.

Keep working on that list !!

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Dtac? The g/f will want to change to AIS then as she is not happy with those yellow bellies (oops! I mean yellow shirts ) as she has been worried about my return being delayed, if they are indeed supporting the PAD.

Same goes for true mobile.

Toxin will be overjoyed to get my g/f account :o

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I would also like to see an official list of who is backing the PAD, so i can also avoid their services/products.

And to those who think the PAD are justified, and their financial backers don't want our "little pennies"; then why are their financial backers keeping so hush hush, and not openly saying "We are giving money/support to the PAD"?

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Here's an event I was working on that got cancelled on sat...

More than 4,000 health professionals are expected to attend the upcoming World Congress on XXX (deleted the name of the congress on purpose) to be held from December 3 – 7, 2008 in Bangkok, Thailand.

These aren't backpackers (no offense to them) staying in 500 baht a night rooms.

Anyway you add it up, this whole situation is mega costly to the country.

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News Flash, they don't need YOUR money, if your looking for someone to grovel at your feet for your little pennies then go to Cambodia or Burma where I'm sure they will have you feeling like a proper colonialist in no time.

do you honestly believe that thailand does not need western money? I can just see it everyone will buy baht, invest in this stable, reliable place

which is so advanced even its own people cannot question certain things

it time the kiddys grew up ( they actually are- thanks to the west in part)

western input? that thailand could exist on its own? oh, well, look at what is happening now..western powers control it, and in one move could bring this place to it knees- and have done

don,t beleive this

thailand was naughty once

it did not do as the USA/UK told them to- its punishment- the brits bombed the crap out of a certain popular area and made it clear what would happen if they misbehaved again

then they " grovelled" obeyed the overload and have ever since ( thiis NOT good or right- just facts)

this is kept all hush hush, too much face lost

without the west thailand would not be on the map, the west, like it or no, controls thailand

I suppose you also do not think thailand was coloniised also...

The british drew the thai map by the way, told them what they can have, not have

sent a message to the King to behave himself and redined the boarders in their favour

lets live in reality, i do not like this, but have to be honest to fix the wrongs

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I don't know where you come from there Tigger, but the right to gather and protest unjust laws or a unjust govt is one of the cornerstones of a true democracy...even when it's inconvenient to wanna be colonialists like yourself.

..and so is allowing all books to be read in ones proud land and the right to question everything....and that ain't here

so is this cornerstone of democracy? what a joke

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i just can't believe how extreme human can think , no wonder there is PAD ,

to think one is so rich one self that there forget alot that are in thailand is for the very reaosn there can't make it in comfort in their own country .


or had choose to come here at his or her own will .

. the kinda excuse we see to make reason for one reason to stay on .

Human .

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Here's an event I was working on that got cancelled on sat...

More than 4,000 health professionals are expected to attend the upcoming World Congress on XXX (deleted the name of the congress on purpose) to be held from December 3 – 7, 2008 in Bangkok, Thailand.

These aren't backpackers (no offense to them) staying in 500 baht a night rooms.

Anyway you add it up, this whole situation is mega costly to the country.

When it comes to planning future events like these, Bangkok is not going to be very high up on the list. I noticed that it is cancelled and will not be rescheduled. Next stop Florence.

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Apparently some Thais don't want us farangs here in Thailand and consider themselves wealthy enough to do without our money. It would be nice to have a list of the people and companies that support PAD so that I can avoid their products.


So far I have heard of a bank, a brewery and a phone company, only rumours so far, but do we have a hard fact list?


No there is no list, but I suggest you start working on it, that would also mean you are too busy posting drivel like this.

The superior way of thinking and sheer generalisation of some westerners never ceases to amaze me.

And no, they do not need your money, especially yours that is.

Keep working on that list !!

of coures they do not need western money,thailand would do so well without it... let them stop following the west in everything it does and try and do without it

they have tried and have been punished for doing so

and that superior way of thinking may just be because many westerners are actually allowed to think, to question.. to debate everything

can one do that here? No, why....?

now I make a generalisation-generaly laws that stop it own people doing certain things ( such as reading certain books, questioning certain people) area sign of a backward

nation .

it is 2008, I am amazed this can still be allowed to happen

and until thailand allows its own people the basic rights allowed in the west when it come to questioning things, heathcare, law,education, and stop beig the worlds biggest, corrupt whorehouse( real pride there) westerners will always mock it- and unfortunatly they do have point

I loved the sign up at the thai emabssy in london" it said it all, why they cannot do without the west( or at least a good translater), how faar behind on some things still are

"In order to work in thailand you must have a criminal record"

that one sentace summed it all up.... and was a good laugh

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I don't know where you come from there Tigger, but the right to gather and protest unjust laws or a unjust govt is one of the cornerstones of a true democracy...even when it's inconvenient to wanna be colonialists like yourself.

Yeah, happens all the time in mature democracies. :o

Whilst, people should have a right to gather and protest, closing off international airports by seizing them is hardly something that is acceptable. There were plenty of other options that they could have looked at, but in the end they have decided to hold the country to ransom, and with little concen for the long term damage that they are doing to the reputation and economy of the country, which will affect a lot of their citizens.

I'll admit that I was in support of the PAD's earlier demonstrations, but I think on this, they have way overstepped the mark and it's not helped by Thaksin continuing to agitate disruption from afar.

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Proud to say both the wife and I use AIS

NOW, I have to see about changing banks. As for Thailand not needing my money.... Oh that may be the case, I doubt it is. But even if it is, it makes me feel better to know I am not in any form or fashion supporting thugs.

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Apparently some Thais don't want us farangs here in Thailand and consider themselves wealthy enough to do without our money.

In German we have a proverb saying Wer nicht hören will, muss fühlen (One who doesn't want to listen must feel).

And now Thailand is going to feel how much it has lost by allowing the airports to be closed and all the unrest.

If people feel pain, maybe they will start to use their brains.

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kasicorn bank

Bangkok Bank


Don't forget the CP Group. They really hate ole' Tasky!


basically EVERY business in the south

Owner of PanThip

But I got told Nescafe is supporting Thaksin

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I just read that the Canadian Govt is trying to get medications to older tourist stranded at the airports.

I wonder how long before a govt goes in to retrieve its citizens? Then all h_ll will break loose.

Thailand please wake up...PAD please wake up.....Who wants to live in a country that gets its way through throwing a tantrum.

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News Flash, they don't need YOUR money, if your looking for someone to grovel at your feet for your little pennies then go to Cambodia or Burma where I'm sure they will have you feeling like a proper colonialist in no time.

Uh, News Flash back to you. Yes, Thais want the OP's money and anyone else's money. It is called commerce. And that has nothing to do with colonialism or anything else. Hawaii sure loves all the Asian tourists who come to its sunny beaches, and Germany loves those yen and now yuan which are spent during Octoberfest. Texas outlet malls send free busses to the border to welcome Mexican shoppers to make it that much easier for them to spend their pesos. Is that colonialism? Is that some sort of racisit elitism?

Whether you are a yellow shirt or a red shirt or any-other-color-but-yellow-or-red shirt, it is ludicrous to think that this is not costing Thailand money, not just in the tourism and convention industry (bkkjames' post points that out rather well) but also in business as a whole. My company exports a fair dinkum, and we have already lost two contracts due to the situation.

Whether the financial cost is a reasonable cost to pay for a political end or a travesty to the nation is for others to decide. But there is a cost, and it is fair to say that those how are losing earnings do want the OP's and anyone else's spendings.

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Here's an event I was working on that got cancelled on sat...

More than 4,000 health professionals are expected to attend the upcoming World Congress on XXX (deleted the name of the congress on purpose) to be held from December 3 – 7, 2008 in Bangkok, Thailand.

These aren't backpackers (no offense to them) staying in 500 baht a night rooms.

Anyway you add it up, this whole situation is mega costly to the country.

Oh you mean "Osteoporosis"?? :o

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Here's an event I was working on that got cancelled on sat...

More than 4,000 health professionals are expected to attend the upcoming World Congress on XXX (deleted the name of the congress on purpose) to be held from December 3 – 7, 2008 in Bangkok, Thailand.

These aren't backpackers (no offense to them) staying in 500 baht a night rooms.

Anyway you add it up, this whole situation is mega costly to the country.

Oh you mean "Osteoporosis"?? :D

Good one mate, perhaps it was a freudian slip on my part, mind in the gutter so to speak :o

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kasicorn bank

Bangkok Bank


Don't forget the CP Group. They really hate ole' Tasky!

My mia buys always frozen chicken meat from them.Excellent quality.And yes she hates TOXIN too,which is not unusual for a girl from the south.
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Yes yes, the entire economy is based on nana plaza, haha. If a bar girl doesn't get her 1000B for boom boom, then she cannot buy noodles from pichai at the corner, then pichai has no money to buy noodles from the shop owner,then the shop owner cannot buy noodles from the supplier....oh my buddha.

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