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PAD/DAAD/Unrest/Airport Closure/Goodbye Thailand/Resolution/PAD sponsors


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A significant number of tourists visting Thailand do so in the naive believe that it's just a more exotic version of Spain. The current situation is now convincing most tourists (except the hard core mongers) that LOS is actually a lawless third world country with a very warped attitude towards their welfare. It's also a long way from home when something goes wrong. And it very clearly has gone badly wrong.

This, together with the problems in Bombay and shrinking disposable incomes in the US and Europe, means that long haul travel to Asia in general is going to decline, and to India and LOS in particular.

My parents are here at the moment. Travelling first class on TG and spending 10000b/day plus a day, plus accomodation. They won't be back; money is too hard to come by to waste it on jokers who care little about delivering value, only for short term profit. There are plenty of other places to visit on the planet when you're burning 15K sterling for a couple of weeks away.

I'm suspect Pattaya will revert to a pre 1997 play pen and the back backers in KSR and Samui will be amzed how far their 10$ us a day goes in the next few years. For those who apologise for and excuse whatever nonsense spews out of this country I'm sure they'll still feel right at home. Their money will go a bit further too.

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OK, Thailand now has two flavors of political poison


People's Alliance for Democracy (yet they are against modern democracy)



Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship (yet they are for bringing back the dictator)

Color: RED

So how about a new political movement, with a new name, a new color:


Siamese Association Against Destruction

Color: Baby Blue


Anybody But Other Uncle's of Thaksin

Color: Pink

Whats is your suggestion for a new movement and color? It would be hard to do worse than PAD and DAAD, so don't be shy.

Edited by Jingthing
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well , it's been a bit inconvenient....

we are stuck in Dubai...are being re-routed via Kula lampur...

and we'll make our way to Thailand somehow !

Life , according to friends in BKK , is carrying on as normal.

And our mates on the beach didn't have a clue about this till we mailed them yesterday !

could be worse...could have been holed up in the Taj in Mumbai...

wouldn't dream of canceling our well earned break to paradise....

Can't wait to get our toes in the sand....

sorry about your face mate..

not sure you actually lost face...sounds more like you are off your face.

chock dee anyhow !

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A significant number of tourists visting Thailand do so in the naive believe that it's just a more exotic version of Spain. The current situation is now convincing most tourists (except the hard core mongers) that LOS is actually a lawless third world country with a very warped attitude towards their welfare. It's also a long way from home when something goes wrong. And it very clearly has gone badly wrong.

This, together with the problems in Bombay and shrinking disposable incomes in the US and Europe, means that long haul travel to Asia in general is going to decline, and to India and LOS in particular.

My parents are here at the moment. Travelling first class on TG and spending 10000b/day plus a day, plus accomodation. They won't be back; money is too hard to come by to waste it on jokers who care little about delivering value, only for short term profit. There are plenty of other places to visit on the planet when you're burning 15K sterling for a couple of weeks away.

I'm suspect Pattaya will revert to a pre 1997 play pen and the back backers in KSR and Samui will be amzed how far their 10$ us a day goes in the next few years. For those who apologise for and excuse whatever nonsense spews out of this country I'm sure they'll still feel right at home. Their money will go a bit further too.

Ahhhh Barry --- how far you have come from your denigrating post saying Thais are ignorant .. from the --Do you think Thai people are happier than people from your own country and why-- thread

Yes they are.

Ignorance, as we all know, is bliss.

OK .. maybe you haven't come that far at all!

But does this latest post mean that you will be leaving? if you aren't leaving does that mean you are as you describe above a "hardcore monger"? or just that your parents will stop visiting you?

Edited by jdinasia
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A significant number of tourists visting Thailand do so in the naive believe that it's just a more exotic version of Spain. The current situation is now convincing most tourists (except the hard core mongers) that LOS is actually a lawless third world country with a very warped attitude towards their welfare. It's also a long way from home when something goes wrong. And it very clearly has gone badly wrong.

This, together with the problems in Bombay and shrinking disposable incomes in the US and Europe, means that long haul travel to Asia in general is going to decline, and to India and LOS in particular.

My parents are here at the moment. Travelling first class on TG and spending 10000b/day plus a day, plus accomodation. They won't be back; money is too hard to come by to waste it on jokers who care little about delivering value, only for short term profit. There are plenty of other places to visit on the planet when you're burning 15K sterling for a couple of weeks away.

I'm suspect Pattaya will revert to a pre 1997 play pen and the back backers in KSR and Samui will be amzed how far their 10$ us a day goes in the next few years. For those who apologise for and excuse whatever nonsense spews out of this country I'm sure they'll still feel right at home. Their money will go a bit further too.

If your parents travel 1st class and spend 10k+ accomodation a day, I doubt their money is hard to come by and they are really wasting money :o

If they wanna burn money, give it to some poor hotel maids who didn't ask for this and who don't have anything to do with this instead of complaining. Or wouldn't you be able to bragg enough about it then?

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A significant number of tourists visting Thailand do so in the naive believe that it's just a more exotic version of Spain. The current situation is now convincing most tourists (except the hard core mongers) that LOS is actually a lawless third world country with a very warped attitude towards their welfare. It's also a long way from home when something goes wrong. And it very clearly has gone badly wrong.

This, together with the problems in Bombay and shrinking disposable incomes in the US and Europe, means that long haul travel to Asia in general is going to decline, and to India and LOS in particular.

My parents are here at the moment. Travelling first class on TG and spending 10000b/day plus a day, plus accomodation. They won't be back; money is too hard to come by to waste it on jokers who care little about delivering value, only for short term profit. There are plenty of other places to visit on the planet when you're burning 15K sterling for a couple of weeks away.

I'm suspect Pattaya will revert to a pre 1997 play pen and the back backers in KSR and Samui will be amzed how far their 10$ us a day goes in the next few years. For those who apologise for and excuse whatever nonsense spews out of this country I'm sure they'll still feel right at home. Their money will go a bit further too.

If your parents travel 1st class and spend 10k+ accomodation a day, I doubt their money is hard to come by and they are really wasting money :o

If they wanna burn money, give it to some poor hotel maids who didn't ask for this and who don't have anything to do with this instead of complaining. Or wouldn't you be able to bragg enough about it then?

Ok BeauKarl, to put it in more down to earth terms.

If you save up for a pleasant evening at a good restaurant, and discover a big bogey floating in your beer, or a big yellow toenail in your Pad Thai, do you worry about the poor maid? No you go elsewhere next time.

Many people work hard all year to support their family, or progress their business interests. If their hard earned break is ruined by some selfish jokers blockading the airport, they will go elsewhere next time.

Or do you think they should enjoy being abused by their hosts???

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If you save up for a pleasant evening at a good restaurant, and discover a big bogey floating in your beer, or a big yellow toenail in your Pad Thai, do you worry about the poor maid? No you go elsewhere next time.

What's that got to do with the closure of the airport?

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If the airports were closed due to a flood or bad weather, would the OP still feel he had lost face, or would he just get on with his trip, as best he could ?

No, this is about the local people daring to struggle, in their own (perhaps misguided) way, towards democracy, which happens to effect the big bwana's holiday-plans this year.

American citizens used to be more supportive of other countries' efforts towards democracy.

Or perhaps the other voyagers, whose ships were scheduled to arrive in Boston during a certain tea-party, also felt they had lost face, and took their buckets-and-spades somewhere else ? :o

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OK - its a very bad situation, and we all feel sorry for the tourists caught in the middle of this domestic dispute. I am appalled by the damage these people are doing to the reputation and the economy of Thailand, but, to say this:

"It's very dangerous, the people and government are unstable and you risk your life going there"
is complete <deleted>. Edited by grtaylor
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Its a big world. Thailand remains an addictive kind of country for those who get the sickness. It would have to take a heil of a lot more than a temporary airport closure to shake us all out. Sadly, it looks like we are going to get a lot more ...

I always say that after your first trip to Thailand they attach a bungee cord to your belt. No matter where in the world you go you still get this almost irresistable gentle tugging back "home". Some people manage to cut the cord but the rest of just go with the flow.

who cares if op lost his face.............lol.

am i wrong but nothing is happeneing to thai girls. the rest will fall into place. thai girls are the foundation los is built upon.

i went to vietnam 4 a visa run, i couldnt wait to leave the darn place.

Amazing the amount of people who just can't adjust even short term to a different environment. Where is the sense of adventure? I assume as it was a visa run you went to HCMC or Ha Noi. Would you base your opinions of Thailand only on Bangkok and/or Pattaya? Judging by the second sentence of your post I'd say yes.

I've just come off 16 months in Viet Nam central) and loved the place, just like I imagine Thailand was 30-40 years ago. But then I travel and live for the differences and do not hanker for the home comforts like MacD's, Pizza Hut, Starbucks etc.

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American citizens used to be more supportive of other countries' efforts towards democracy.

We still are...but PAD is nothing to do with "democracy". It is only about Sondhi losing money (and face) to Thaksin.

Or perhaps the other voyagers, whose ships were scheduled to arrive in Boston during a certain tea-party, also felt they had lost face, and took their buckets-and-spades somewhere else ? :o

What is that incoherent piece of 'prose' supposed to mean? Are you suggesting that, had those erstwhile tourists heading towards "the New World" in the mid 1700s cancelled their trips upon hearing of the Boston Tea Party, the American Revolution would not have been successful?

I suspect that history was not your favorite subject in school...nor was composition.

Edited by mgjackson69
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First of all, I am staying. I love this place, and I have put down roots here. As I look out my window right now, I see a beautiful day with the leaves shifting in the breeze. Yesterday, I went to the gym, saw a movie, and had a nice dinner. Basically, things are normal.

And yes, I know that the current unrest will affect me just as it will affect all of Thailand. How much and in what way, I don't know. But I am not leaving and in fact am buying a new house at the moment. So you can put me in the "Love Thailand" camp.

But why is everyone jumping on the OP so much? I think what the OP opined is not surprising, and I think many, many other tourists (and even business travellers) will have second thoughts about coming here for the near future. Eventually, things will recover, but not for awhile. This is not a tsunami where nature came in and would not be excpected to do so again. THis is a crisis caused by people, and it could linger for a long time.

I have no problem with the OP's post. I think it is a reflection of what many people think now. To call him/her a troll is out of line, I think.

And now, I can smell the pancakes cooking, so I am off to breakfast, then a trip to Klong Toei to get fresh veggies for dinner tonight. My little version of Thailand is still doing fine.

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agree with you bonobo,i dont know why a lot of people took such offense with the OP'S VIEWS,a lot of people will be put off coming to thailand by recent events,there are a lot of sensitive people replying here defending thailand and living here when there does n't need to be any defence at all.LIfe goes on as usual and its pretty good,there again its fun to have these verbal stouches too.

Everywhere there are problems no matter where you live,but when living in someone else's country we do not have the same control or rights over our lives that we would have "back home",and thats just the risk we take living here.

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First of all, I am staying. I love this place, and I have put down roots here. As I look out my window right now, I see a beautiful day with the leaves shifting in the breeze. Yesterday, I went to the gym, saw a movie, and had a nice dinner. Basically, things are normal.

And yes, I know that the current unrest will affect me just as it will affect all of Thailand. How much and in what way, I don't know. But I am not leaving and in fact am buying a new house at the moment. So you can put me in the "Love Thailand" camp.

But why is everyone jumping on the OP so much? I think what the OP opined is not surprising, and I think many, many other tourists (and even business travellers) will have second thoughts about coming here for the near future. Eventually, things will recover, but not for awhile. This is not a tsunami where nature came in and would not be excpected to do so again. THis is a crisis caused by people, and it could linger for a long time.

I have no problem with the OP's post. I think it is a reflection of what many people think now. To call him/her a troll is out of line, I think.

And now, I can smell the pancakes cooking, so I am off to breakfast, then a trip to Klong Toei to get fresh veggies for dinner tonight. My little version of Thailand is still doing fine.

Incredible you should mention your world being unaffected. A bomb just went off at Klong Toei.....hope you got you veggies and got out safely.

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who cares if op lost his face.............lol.

am i wrong but nothing is happeneing to thai girls. the rest will fall into place. thai girls are the foundation los is built upon.

i went to vietnam 4 a visa run, i couldnt wait to leave the darn place.

Yes , thank you finally an honest post , only I would call them women, the females to whom you refer are over are over 18 , (presumably.)

This entire tourist industry is based on a sexual component , its die hard fans will swim through sewage to keep coming here ( puns intended ) .

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If you save up for a pleasant evening at a good restaurant, and discover a big bogey floating in your beer, or a big yellow toenail in your Pad Thai, do you worry about the poor maid? No you go elsewhere next time.

What's that got to do with the closure of the airport?

I dunno but the Fella sounds like David Brent... :o

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As much as I am pissed off about this airport closure I do still love Thailand and will return here though in a different capacity than I am presently residing here. I also don't think I will retire here. However if I had some extra money I think in about 6 months when the effects of the economy from this stunt are felt and real estate declines further it may be the buying opportunity of a lifetime in Thai real estate or other investment here. Yes I know Farang's can only semi own condos. So in spite of my disappoint I never let my emotions cloud investment logic and thus I may recommend to a few relatives with money to take a stake in Thailand as I'm sure in time Thai food, Thai girls and some truly splendid coastline in the south will draw people back including myself at least for a holiday. Peter Lynch used to say "Buy when there are protesters in Suvarnabhumi. Well sure enough right now there are protesters in Suvarnabhumi so it will soon be time to buy.

Mmmm.. Lets see Thaksin was pro foreign investment , when the coup took place the installed govt was going to implement more draconiam, xenophobic FBA rules , so why would investment get any better for " whitey " under another coup ( or other duress) installed govt.?

Unless you are in large industry and can afford major manufacturing priveleges, I would rent, cheap- and keep your money elsewhere.

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Face is a wonderful thing. Just re-routed my trip to Vietnam.

I have been planning my annual trip to Thailand for quite some time and due to the airport situation I lost face (i.e. money, time and aggravation).

That being said, I warned all my friends and co-workers to avoid Thailand at all costs.

"It's very dangerous, the people and government are unstable and you risk your life going there"

As a matter of fact, two friends of mine just canceled their plans.....one was a honeymoon in Phuket in January.

PS - I do not wish anything bad for Thailand or its many wonderful people. I pray and sincerely hope the situation does get better and everything works out. My comments above are due to the sheer frustration I have encountered about the entire ordeal and need to due my part to ensure it does not happen again......and that is in the form of making people responsible for and deeply think about their actions. Without repercussions people's actions will not change. Ahhhhh, I feel better now getting this off my chest !!

Hope your face gets better. We don't need you or your friends here. We're doing just fine without you. Take your frustration elsewhere. Raise your frustration with the Thai government. TV members have nothing to do with the current situation. Enjoy Cambodia or Vietnam.

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who cares if op lost his face.............lol.

am i wrong but nothing is happeneing to thai girls. the rest will fall into place. thai girls are the foundation los is built upon.

i went to vietnam 4 a visa run, i couldnt wait to leave the darn place.

Yes , thank you finally an honest post , only I would call them women, the females to whom you refer are over are over 18 , (presumably.)

This entire tourist industry is based on a sexual component , its die hard fans will swim through sewage to keep coming here ( puns intended ) .

Horse's ass doctor, you are repeating yourself :o

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Apparently some Thais don’t want us farangs here in Thailand and consider themselves wealthy enough to do without our money. It would be nice to have a list of the people and companies that support PAD so that I can avoid their products.

So far I have heard of a bank, a brewery and a phone company, only rumours so far, but do we have a hard fact list?


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News Flash, they don't need YOUR money, if your looking for someone to grovel at your feet for your little pennies then go to Cambodia or Burma where I'm sure they will have you feeling like a proper colonialist in no time.

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If you read my post that is just what I said! I just want to know who they are in order to avoid giving them my “little pennies”. Not that it matters much to them, rich as the already are, but it will make me feel a whole lot better not to support fascism and anti democratic movements.

If you don’t have anything substantial to contribute to this thread do you think you could troll elsewhere or just <deleted>?


Edit: Conversations with you obviously domed to fail so don’t look for answers.

Edited by EnSvenskTiger
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