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Crackdowns We'd Really Like To See


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In no particular order:

Crackdown on UK and US prudes who have a problem with speedos.

Crackdown on soi dogs.

Crackdown on anything noisy: Parking attendants with whistles, Airhorn on busses, Karaoke bars, Mobikes and lorries free-to-air mufflers

Crackdown on stupidity

Crackdown on bahtbusses (Pattaya)

Crackdown on TOT/TTT incompetance

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On those bar biatches who pick-up your beer to see if it's finished then whine 'one more?'. I've got eyes & a mouth you fukwits.

Yeah, it's like that!...you can grab my <deleted> but don't touch my effin beer :o

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Crackdown on motorcyclists who can't read the sign (written in English): "Please drive on the left". :o

How about a crackdown on bikes riding along pavements, also:

falangs wearing shorts-don't they realise what <deleted> they look

shop assistants following you around pointing out the bleeding obvious

hotels charging outrageous joiner fees


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Fat farangs, (about 90% of them) not wearing a shirt.

Fine them bastards for every kilo over weight they are. Payable immediately or forced to forego Burger KIng for a week.

Fat (or thin or medium) female farangs wearing a bra and shorts in Thai markets in Phuket. Where the h3ll did she think she was? At the beach? Stupid woman :o

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Instead of all these silly grandstanding crackdowns on impossibly large or amorphous targets like "poverty," "prositution," "traffic," and so forth, how about some specific crackdowns we'd like to see?  Let's stick with one-liners to keep the momentum up- for a start:

A crackdown on the "sexy dvd" boys plague on foreigners in almost every big tourist shopping area.


Vehicles that pass on the left when driving on a two lane road.

If he can go past on the left, why aren't you there? If you were he could pass on the right!!

A crackdown on drivers who hog the outside lanes for absolutly no reason.

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Definitely alll the vehicles spewing out black smoke, buses and trucks first.

Crazy bus drivers doing 90 kmh, blaring the horn and ending up at every red traffic light next to you.

Drivers who will cutt you off coming from a side road and who won't speed up... only to turn left again 50 meters down the road.

Anyone passing on the left, or coasting in the right lane, aaaaarghhh!

People jumping out of buses when the bus has stopped in the middle lane.

Plastic bags, plastic bottles, plastic wrappers, people burning plastic stinking up the house, plastic bra straps are cool though.

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A crackdown on drivers who hog the outside lanes for absolutly no reason.

Now this something in British English which makes NO sense to me...


Looks like the INSIDE Lane to me..

Maybe this backward thinking while driving is why Brits have problems driving here? :o:D

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A crackdown on drivers who hog the outside lanes for absolutly no reason.

Now this something in British English which makes NO sense to me...


Looks like the INSIDE Lane to me..

Maybe this backward thinking while driving is why Brits have problems driving here? :D:D

I equally worry about your driving habits sometimes with posts like these :D

The outside lane is always the lane closest to the central reservation in the direction you are going, with the inside lane being the furthest. It's why we say "overtake on the outside".

Doesn't this apply to all countries, regardless of what side you drive on? Hang on, just pictured it in my head - it doesn't. When on the driving on the opposite side in the same direction, the outside lane would be furthest from the hard shoulder, overtaking slower vehicles on the inside... I think :o

Apologies for the off-topic post.

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