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Cost Of Living


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Actually it's a VERY simple thing. If you can't afford to live here you should go back home where it is more affordable. Why have a debate about it? Why people would live in an expensive place when they would be happier living within their means back home is beyond me.

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Are you now suggesting that you are crying about the price of towels and cable TV (and exaggerating said prices) because you see yourself as rich?

I concur with the simple fact that if this is not a place you love then you should move to a place that you love!

I think that you lost everyone with your president/teachers/gay pride parade attempts at analogy.

Why anyone would live in a place that they can't adjust to and do not love is beyond me!

I agree with JD entirely. You actually lost any empathy when you tried to bring it down to a 'bigger dick' argument about money.

I suspect that most of the posters you refer to could buy you out several times over - many just choose a lifestyle that happens to cost less.

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Actually it's a VERY simple thing. If you can't afford to live here you should go back home where it is more affordable. Why have a debate about it?

I don't think the question is about being able to afford to live in Thailand or not...obviously by definition, those that can't afford to live here will soon return home. I think the discussion is more about the perception that often surrounds moving to or living in Thailand that it is much cheaper than and equivalent lifestyle in the West.

I think most of us enjoy living in LOS and likely mix elements of "going Thai" with some western comforts to reach a happy medium (very Buddhist right). Those that want or need to live a more simple and cheaper lifestyle can certainly find it in Thailand but for the mixed lifestyle many live like I say it probably comes out about the same or a slight savings.

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I find day-to-day living costs to be reasonable here--depending on what you want to spend. I tend to eat Western food when I go out, but that's my choice and I can afford it. My biggest gripe is that so many products, such as electrical and furniture and of such poor quality and they don't last. I now usually buy items imported from Western countries, just because they will last. I still stick with brand names so that repair and parts are available, but it's been well worth the investment. I went through 3 toasters before I bought an imported one from Central--it's been going for years. I also find a lot of Japanese goods are pretty good as well.

I stay as far away from Chinese made products, no matter how cheap they are!

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nothing i do in los cost me more than amerika!

except maybe eating peenut butter and jelly sandwich!

maybe monkey is a scare monger, want los all to himself!

A lot of things I DID, in the states would cost me tons more in Lack of Smiles. My daily driver was a BMW M3, now I am lucky just to see one. I ran the AC all day, and never thought that life would be any other way. I used a microwave and did not feel I am "rich."

Yes, living in Thailand is cheap, that is if you are willing to live on par with Thai standards. If one was to think he or she is going to live the same standards they had in the states off of a lot less money, be prepared to be disapointed.

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Yes, living in Thailand is cheap, that is if you are willing to live on par with Thai standards. If one was to think he or she is going to live the same standards they had in the states off of a lot less money, be prepared to be disapointed.

It all depends on one's point of view. If I tried to live with my current Thai standards in the west, it would cost me much more.


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Let me guess, he'll be able to recognise you by your shaved head, tattoos and Singha T-shirt?

Not everybody who talks crap has a shaved head and tattoos just as not everybody who has a shaved head and tattoos talks crap, you should watch what you say :D

I think a lot of the expences depend on the exchange rate, to many people convert the prices into their own currency.

I have my business in Europe and most of our clients are British, at the moment all the Brits complain that everything is expensive, but the prices are still the same as before.

My income is mainly in Euros and at the moment everything seems to be very expensive especially if you're building :o A few months ago the exchange rate was in my favour.

The one thing thnat I do notice that everytime I go out of the house in Thailand, I seem to come back with a shopping bag, while back home I don't have that cos I'm always working, that's why staying in Thailand is more expensive for me.

Edited by BeauKarl
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hey, brother, that is your budget. In Thailand some Farangs can do with 20.000 others with 200.000......................

Yep, and I'm quite proud of being *ahem* frugal. We lack for nothing and always have money IF something does come up. Not bragging, but earlier in the thread someone asked for a breakdown of expenses so I just decided to interject with what I expect to live on.

BTW, that's about (at current exchange rate) the same as I lived on back in the States, but I was single and renting.

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