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Equality For Thai Wives

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Yes, the rules are getting tougher as time goes by, but shouldn't we ask: WHY?

When Immigration allowed families to declare a combined income it was very welcome news for many mixed families. Now, that this option is no longer available I guess that many families will have problems.

Immigration has been trying to make life easier for legitimate families with reasonable income but......as many posts on TV have shown that this combined income option has been abused (Thai wives have been used as a front to declare non-existant income). Immigration got wise to it and cancelled this option which may well hurt a number of families with legitimate sufficient income.

I have no solution to this problem, but I don't think that filing law suits is one of them.

The way I see it the new rules 777/2551 give more freedom to the immigration officers to judge the applicant, which I think is a good point, but since this being Thailand it could also open doors to ...special requests.

As for the frequently mentioned statement that farangs living in Thailand contribute to the Thai economy: Think again!

Yes, a foreigner receiving pension or salary from abroad does contribute in a (very small !) way, but it is my guess that most foreigners living in Thailand derive their income from within Thailand (legal or otherwise).


That is still no reason to treat males married to a Thai different then woman married to a Thai. This is against Thai law. Why should Thai law not be uphold?

We don't know why Thai immigration changed the rules and can only speculate at it. But because there was some abuse isn't a good reason. A lot of people in Thailand don't wear helmets when driving a motorcycle. That is no reason to forbid driving a motorcycle, rather to put stricter controls in place.

Certainly in the case were family live is at stake, the measures must be apropriate and porportional. Abolishing the possibility of a family income is hardly proportional.

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1st:I hope the comment from the SUPERMODERATOR endure didn' refer to my post :D

2nd:I really believe the vast majority of farangs supporting CS don't do it for some shifty gains,but because they believe,as I do,that having committed themselves in Thailand,family,children,business,they want only stability.It is too much to ask?

The solution should come from the Thai Government,but sometimes you must push the cart,for the wheels to roll! :o

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1st:I hope the comment from the SUPERMODERATOR endure didn' refer to my post :D

2nd:I really believe the vast majority of farangs supporting CS don't do it for some shifty gains,but because they believe,as I do,that having committed themselves in Thailand,family,children,business,they want only stability.It is too much to ask?

The solution should come from the Thai Government,but sometimes you must push the cart,for the wheels to roll! :o

Easy no?

Why i will have to hope that someone(him or them they have family, children ecc. also if they dont care us) one day just wakeup and say to me: now if you want stay whit your family and your son you must give me all your money and i want you give to me also your blood?

This is the reality, people that dont care us ( have only one God, name is MONEY)decide about our life whit our family everyday.

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1st:I hope the comment from the SUPERMODERATOR endure didn' refer to my post :D

2nd:I really believe the vast majority of farangs supporting CS don't do it for some shifty gains,but because they believe,as I do,that having committed themselves in Thailand,family,children,business,they want only stability.It is too much to ask?

The solution should come from the Thai Government,but sometimes you must push the cart,for the wheels to roll! :o

1.It was not your post. That post is in the trash can.

.2.Agree with you.

But this cart has square wheels.

It will take a lot of force to move it that is why we need lots of help.

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Why someone, whit more good english than me. dont write the essential point this topic, CS your is 1st than put all the other than we can ask who is interested.

I want said again this is not politics and we can make a CLUB same they do here in pattaya, i know need long time but at the end we can talk whit someone that is in charge for the immigration rule when we are a good number.

I know some are afraid and think" no no then they send me away from thailand because i try to change the things and is not my country" and some other else think" i do for what? nothing can cange".

Dont be afraid is not for change the law or make a party for force to change the rules, is only for ASK and explain our difficult to live whit our family in thailand.

Is not illegal( moderator help me about this) make a CLUB of people that talk about our life in thailand and explain to the immigration our problems and

NOTHING change just because we are ALONE IN THE DARK but isf you see in other country that they make the same you can see that now they have the power for talk whit governament for live better.

So pls here there are hundreds of people whit problem every day for live in thailand, pls come out and say someting, do sometings whit all us EXPAT.


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from wikipedia:

A political faction is a grouping of individuals, especially within a political organization, such as a political party, a trade union, or other group with a political purpose. It may also be referred to as a power bloc, or a voting bloc. The individuals within a faction are united in a common goal or set of common goals for the organization they are a part of, not necessarily shared by all of that organization's members. They band together as a way of achieving these goals and advancing their agenda and position within the organization.

A political faction could thus be described as a “party within a party”. However, political factions are not limited to political parties; they can and frequently do form within any group that has some sort of political aim or purpose.

The Latin word factio denoted originally either of the chariot teams that were organized professionally by private companies in ancient Rome. These teams were not unlike gladiator schools, but the lethal nature of that entertainment meant few performers lasted long enough to build up similar crowd loyalty to the team, while the fighters rarely actually teamed up, but rather fought duels or beasts. In Byzantine Constantinople, two such chariot factions, blue and green, repeatedly made or broke the claims of candidates to the imperial throne.

Occasionally, the term faction is used as a synonym for political party, but "with opprobrious sense, conveying the imputation of selfish or mischievous ends or turbulent or unscrupulous methods", according to the Oxford English Dictionary. In his Dictionary, Samuel Johnson (a Tory) dismissively defined Whig as "the name of a faction". Similarly, in the tenth instalment of the Federalist Papers, James Madison defines a faction as "a number of citizens, whether amounting to a minority or majority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community." In plain English this is a group that pursues self interest at the expense of the common good.

WE ARE NOT CITIZENS, so we cannot be a political party

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about the type of organization of formal or informal membership. For other uses, see Club (disambiguation).

A club is an association of people united by a common interest or goal. A service club, for example, exists for voluntary or charitable activities; there are clubs devoted to hobbies and sports, social activities clubs, political and religious clubs, and so forth.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A voluntary association or union (also sometimes called a voluntary organization, unincorporated association, or just an association) is a group of individuals who voluntarily enter into an agreement to form a body (or organization) to accomplish a purpose.

Strictly speaking in many jurisdictions no formalities are necessary to start an association. In some jurisdictions, there is a minimum for the number of persons starting an association. Some jurisdictions require that the association register with the police or other official body to inform the public of the association's existence. This is not necessarily a tool of political control but much more a way of protecting the economy from fraud. In many such jurisdictions, only a registered association is a juristic person whose membership is not responsible for the financial acts of the association. Any group of persons may, of course, work as an association but in such case, the persons making a transaction in the name of the association are all responsible for it.

So we can be a club very easy like many expat club there are in thailand.

Also a club is an ASSOCIATION and then Strictly speaking in many jurisdictions no formalities are necessary to start an association.

But if is like that, is illegal....why the expat club in pattaya is more than 5 yrs is there and sometimes they have as guest POLICE MEMBER and IMMIGRATION MEMBER in they headquarters and they show them also in television?


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Today lets have a look at the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights


Article 10

The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize that:

1. The widest possible protection and assistance should be accorded to the family, which is the natural and fundamental group unit of society, particularly for its establishment and while it is responsible for the care and education of dependent children. Marriage must be entered into with the free consent of the intending spouses.

2. (...)

3. Special measures of protection and assistance should be taken on behalf of all children and young persons without any discrimination for reasons of parentage or other conditions. (...)

Article 11 General comment on its implementation

1. The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right of everyone to an adequate standard of living for himself and his family, including adequate food, clothing and housing, and to the continuous improvement of living conditions. The States Parties will take appropriate steps to ensure the realization of this right, recognizing to this effect the essential importance of international co-operation based on free consent. General comment on its implementation

2. The States Parties to the present Covenant, recognizing the fundamental right of everyone to be free from hunger, shall take, individually and through international co-operation, the measures, including specific programmes, which are needed:


Again the family live is protected and now people have a right to an adequate standerd of living. Difficult if their are all kinds of obstacles to work and it remains to be seen if these obstacles are realy needed. This treaty, to which Tailand is a party, also gives some ammunition.

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ubonjoe and oceano,

I agree with your points, but getting a Thai to treat their women equally under the law is going to be difficult. We have police orders that do not agree with Thai law. Immigration officers that we have to deal with cannot agree on how to interpet (sp) the police orders as written. Not to mention the problems we have with different offices around the country and how they apply the law or what they require as documentation from office to office.

I am married to a Thai and have been for over 40 years we are living in Thailand now. All of our income comes from my retirement income and I do not at the present time have any problem meeting the income requirement of 40K month or 400K in the bank. I have a home here and pay my utilities promptly every month. Yet I cannot apply for PR as I do not pay taxes in Thailand. I help support other family members with education monies and medical expenses to insure that they are getting the best education and treatment as possible. My wife has a maid that we pay well and consider her as a family member and for this she is vary loyal and appreciative.

You both should look at the Bangkok post for 12/29, Outlook section, and see how they treat their own people and apply their own citizenship laws. Its a disgrace and I believe they will fight us tooth and nail on any argument for change and will pick and choose any part of the law even out of context in their judgement against us. This is worth the effort to get it to the courts and see where it goes. Hopefully we will get permanent residence like that which is granted to wives and husbands of US citizens, the Green Card, and a chance to earn an income in Thailand if we so desire. I do not think we are talking about millions of Thai with foreign spouses, possibly tens of thousands.

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