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Democrats To Form New Coalition Government

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[i agree that Thaksin was indeed removed illegally by a military coup, I even can understand the arguments that the courts are influenced to rule a verdict against him.

But this don't take the fact away that hes a pest for the country. And its better don't have such man as PM.

In fact we are witnessing a human tragedy of a man who was so promising but ruin himself because hes a lousy poker player and don't understand the game, and also lost all sense of reality.

In history there have been much greater men than him who make the same mistakes. Napoleon was one of them.

If I were him, I would ignore most of your reasoning and do my best to get back in power. :o

When an German blue blood officer ( von Stauffenberg) who sworn loyalty to his commander, leader of the country (Hitler) tried to assassinate him was in fact an act of high treason and by law totally illegal, but could you blame him for doing so. Because he was doing this to protecting the nation for further misery.

I would emphazise that I don't compare Hitler with Thakisn, I only made an comparisation.

Adolf Hitler was a racist madman who had slaughtered millions of people for no reason that made any sense and was about to destroy his own country by ordering them to fight to the death with forces that he had no chance of defeating.

Thaksin has been accused of killing a bunch of drug dealers which most Thai people and many foreigners agree with and other than that, he is pretty much like every other local politician, only a lot more successful.

I really can't understand why he is so hated by some people and so loved by others.

They tell about 50 % of the dead hadn't anything to do with drugs. So an estimate 1500 inocent people.

Thaksin did not sepperate between drug dealer and drug user. Someone with one marriuhana joint or that southern leafs some people eat was guilty.

Think someone shoot your wife or your child...mai pen rai....war against drugs.....did not had drugs....mai pen rai

In a democracy everyone is innocent until proven guilty. HRW especially and Amnesty have a lot of stuf fon the drug war if anyone wants to read up on Thailand's worst human rights abuse in recent history.

Ther is also a lot of stuff on how the drug war as the extra-judicial rampage was labelled also had a massive negative effect on efforts to deal with HIV and AIDs which was another hidden tragedy of this to say the least flawed policy.

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sriracha john' date='2008-12-09 13:29:19' post='2393814']


Yinglak Shinawatra (center) attends a Puea Thai party meeting


Thai parties seek support as nation awaits new PM

JFK's father said "You need three things to win an election; money, money, money."

That bag looks kind of heavy Yingluck.....

digitele then offers to carry it for her.........



4 smaller parties reaffirm allegiance to Democrats

Four former partners of the People Power Party-led coalition Tuesday reaffirmed their support for the Democrat Party lead the next coalition government.

Leaders of Ruamjai Thai Chart Pattana, Puea Pandin, Matchima Tipataya and Chart Thai Pattana (the former Chart Tha) held a press conference at the Four Seasons Hotel at 1 pm to reaffirm their allegiance to the Democrat.

The announcement was made after leaders of the four parties held a meeting at the hotel.

- The Nation / 2008-12-09

You place far too much credit on Thaksin alone being able to manipulate every mind in Issan and North. Wake up and realise people are making up their own minds, they DON'T all think like you...........! Get it!

Do you realize how naive and misinformed you look like typing something like that? Have you been to some of the so-called talk shows/gatherings in Isaan or North? It's like mass hypnosis and the uneducated Isaans are really buying what is said. People are getting brainwashed there (besides getting the mandatory 100THB lunch money). Seeing your other posts in this forum, it is obvious your "information" comes from your Isaan friend. You definitely behave like one.

You said people are making up their own minds...joke of the day. Who do you think is instigating the violence and defamation of the Friends of Newin now? The Isaans loved them soooo much 1 month ago. Didn't they?

The only person who needs to wake up is you.

Termsak, go to sleep and don't wake up, I'll ignore this post as it's as uninformed and as full of BS as your very first post!

4 smaller parties reaffirm allegiance to Democrats

Four former partners of the People Power Party-led coalition Tuesday reaffirmed their support for the Democrat Party lead the next coalition government.

Leaders of Ruamjai Thai Chart Pattana, Puea Pandin, Matchima Tipataya and Chart Thai Pattana (the former Chart Tha) held a press conference at the Four Seasons Hotel at 1 pm to reaffirm their allegiance to the Democrat.

The announcement was made after leaders of the four parties held a meeting at the hotel.

- The Nation / 2008-12-09

Bangkok post also mentions that they will all be behind Abhisit as the ne PM...

Termsak, go to sleep and don't wake up, I'll ignore this post as it's as uninformed and as full of BS as your very first post!

Sorry, my insult was aimed at someone else, please accept my apologies. I have tried to edit my post with no luck.

My point stays though...what the Red shirts are being told is ten times worse than what PAD was telling the yellow's, and that you should wake up. Please don't wish someone to sleep and not wake up. That's real bad kharma.

4 smaller parties reaffirm allegiance to Democrats

Four former partners of the People Power Party-led coalition Tuesday reaffirmed their support for the Democrat Party lead the next coalition government.

Leaders of Ruamjai Thai Chart Pattana, Puea Pandin, Matchima Tipataya and Chart Thai Pattana (the former Chart Tha) held a press conference at the Four Seasons Hotel at 1 pm to reaffirm their allegiance to the Democrat.

The announcement was made after leaders of the four parties held a meeting at the hotel.

- The Nation / 2008-12-09

Bangkok post also mentions that they will all be behind Abhisit as the ne PM...

I doubt the parites would make this announcemnt without being fairly sure. Also with bombs thrown at friends of newin's houses and our old friend Khwanchai marching around Udon with a mob to initmidate a friend of newin MP it looks like that divorce is becoming final. Interestingly Khwanchai - he of police stood aside while his mob attacked opponents in Udon fame - stated he had spoken to th egreat leader and that he had said anyone who leaves the aprty would be considered as having betrayed him. The vitriol is rising and I fear Old Wanderer may be right in what he wrote a while back.


There won't be a vote until Friday, if if it doesn't happen by then, on Sunday Thaksin will not only rally his troops, but also send a message to the defectors. After that no one knows how the MPs will cast their votes.

If Dems want to squeeze through, they should really hurry.

On the other hand PTP look like they are going to really burn the bridges instead of trying to get Newin back.


Now that the reds have abandoned all pretence of fighting for "democracy" or against "dictatorship" - what will the leftists say about that? There were plenty of idiots who joined the red brigade for the "right" cause, without realising that they only goal of this movement was to save Thaksin. Will they donate their own piss and shit now? They are so full of it. I mean back in 2005-2006 those clowns couldn't join PAD because it had some unsavoury characters and was too royalist for their taste. How about their present company?

Truly lost souls.



Paetongtarn (left) serving burgers to Dad

Thaksin's daughter buys luxurious home in HK

The youngest daughter of fugitive ex-Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra bought a luxurous home in Ho Man Tin for 207 Million Baht last month, South China Morning Post reported in the weekend.

The paper quoted transaction information at the Land Registry as showing that Paetongtarn bought house No 19 at King's Park Hill in Ho Man Tin for HK$13,583 per square foot.

- The Nation / 2008-12-09

There won't be a vote until Friday, if if it doesn't happen by then, on Sunday Thaksin will not only rally his troops, but also send a message to the defectors. After that no one knows how the MPs will cast their votes.

If Dems want to squeeze through, they should really hurry.

On the other hand PTP look like they are going to really burn the bridges instead of trying to get Newin back.


Now that the reds have abandoned all pretence of fighting for "democracy" or against "dictatorship" - what will the leftists say about that? There were plenty of idiots who joined the red brigade for the "right" cause, without realising that they only goal of this movement was to save Thaksin. Will they donate their own piss and shit now? They are so full of it. I mean back in 2005-2006 those clowns couldn't join PAD because it had some unsavoury characters and was too royalist for their taste. How about their present company?

Truly lost souls.

MCOT ticker reporting PM vote will be "next week". This weekend will be interesting.

I doubt the parites would make this announcemnt without being fairly sure. Also with bombs thrown at friends of newin's houses and our old friend Khwanchai marching around Udon with a mob to initmidate a friend of newin MP it looks like that divorce is becoming final. Interestingly Khwanchai - he of police stood aside while his mob attacked opponents in Udon fame - stated he had spoken to th egreat leader and that he had said anyone who leaves the aprty would be considered as having betrayed him. The vitriol is rising and I fear Old Wanderer may be right in what he wrote a while back.

You are right. I myself wonder what the other PTP members are thinking now. Even Newin, his right hand man (and the most influential person in NorthEast), get's the hammer treatment of this tyrrant, what about the no-name PTP MP's? They should start thinking that the criminal tyrrant has no respect to anybody at all. They should start realizing that they are only used as pawns in a psychotic game of this tyrrant's neverending lust for power. He never thought of anyone as friends. "It's either my way or the highway" has been his motto all along.

Termsak, go to sleep and don't wake up, I'll ignore this post as it's as uninformed and as full of BS as your very first post!

Sorry, my insult was aimed at someone else, please accept my apologies. I have tried to edit my post with no luck.

My point stays though...what the Red shirts are being told is ten times worse than what PAD was telling the yellow's, and that you should wake up. Please don't wish someone to sleep and not wake up. That's real bad kharma.

I recall: "10.000 Baht for someone who kill one of the PAD leader" on one drunken red mob.

Even for Thailands low salarys that offer was greedy :o:D :D

I doubt the parties would make this announcement without being fairly sure. Also with bombs thrown at friends of newin's houses and our old friend Khwanchai marching around Udon with a mob to intimidate a friend of newin MP it looks like that divorce is becoming final. Interestingly Khwanchai - he of police stood aside while his mob attacked opponents in Udon fame - stated he had spoken to the great leader and that he had said anyone who leaves the party would be considered as having betrayed him. The vitriol is rising and I fear Old Wanderer may be right in what he wrote a while back.


Suspect in PAD Attack in Chiang Mai Arrested

Police have arrested a man suspected of attacking supporters of the anti-government People's Alliance for Democracy, during clashes in Chiang Mai Province.

37-year-old Dang Puanmoon has been arrested in Chiang Mai Municipality after the court issued an arrest warrant against him for attempted murder.

Dang is suspected as one of the pro-government supporters calling themselves the 'Chiang Mai Red Shirt Group' that blocked the Chiang Mai PAD's headquarters, which led to clashes between the two groups.

Dang is accused of shooting 43-year-old Ajjima Srikalayaniwat in her right shoulder during the clashes; however, he denied the charges.

Clashes between PAD supporters and its opposing group have occurred many times in Chiang Mai province, but this is the first time a suspect has been arrested. However, police plan to prosecute more red-shirt supporters for attacking court officials at the Chiang Mai International Airport and for another attack in which a member of the Chiang Mai PAD was killed.

- TOC / 2008-12-09

I doubt the parites would make this announcemnt without being fairly sure. Also with bombs thrown at friends of newin's houses and our old friend Khwanchai marching around Udon with a mob to initmidate a friend of newin MP it looks like that divorce is becoming final. Interestingly Khwanchai - he of police stood aside while his mob attacked opponents in Udon fame - stated he had spoken to th egreat leader and that he had said anyone who leaves the aprty would be considered as having betrayed him. The vitriol is rising and I fear Old Wanderer may be right in what he wrote a while back.

You are right. I myself wonder what the other PTP members are thinking now. Even Newin, his right hand man (and the most influential person in NorthEast), get's the hammer treatment of this tyrrant, what about the no-name PTP MP's? They should start thinking that the criminal tyrrant has no respect to anybody at all. They should start realizing that they are only used as pawns in a psychotic game of this tyrrant's neverending lust for power. He never thought of anyone as friends. "It's either my way or the highway" has been his motto all along.

Think SJ will have the exact quote by Thaksin to hand. "They're all my helpers", or something to that effect...


So if we do get a Demo government what then? Do the red shirts pull a PAD and block parliament? Or will they maybe keep it to tossing bombs into friends of Newin MPs houses as has already started. Will Khwanchai and his fellow acolytes of dear leader accept the new status quo or fight it.

The irony if the red side pull a PAD is that they become exactly what they were so critical of and then place themselves as a street mob against a democratically chosen government - Parliament is the highest elected body of Thailand. The reds are about to lose their claimed moral high ground if they move to the streets in a provocative way to stop a new government from functioning. They will be the same as the PAD then. However, things have changed now and the public mood is against more demos. That means it may be the reds that reap what the yellows sowed, and if crackdowns dont work it could still lead to a coup which with more street demos by anyone will become more acceptable to more people.

This is going to come to a rapid head.


Latest I heard, it's really game over now. Friends of Newin has decided to stay together in a Bangkok hotel until this is done. No phones are to be carried and they all move and eat together. The 7 Friends of Newin who moved to PTP is now in discussion to come back again.

My friends told me that the tyrant really went ballistic when his phone call was turned down. Promises of death to them and their families flew left to right.

I am meeting someone tonight so lets see if I can get something out. Will share if details not too sensitive.

Posts have been deleted. Let me make this clear: NO discussion of the Royal Family is allowed. Further such posts will result in the immediate suspension of the poster.

With respect

Is it possible for a dedicated bulletin board so posts of a sensitive nature that are not up for debate or comment, can be posted by Administration giving important information and where necessary updates on points of interest and concern relating to the Royal Family.

There are many members IMHO including myself who would appreciate such a facility.

Thai Visa can then be shown once again, it is respectfully observing our support on this sensitive issue, without being undermined by un intentional adverse comments relating to Thai culture and comment or discussion on the subject.

All the deleting that is ongoing and repeatedly done on many occasions will then become minimum while preventing obvious unintenional offence being posted / and maybe going unnoticed, especially when the threads are as busy as they are at present.

Respectfully observed

marshbags :o


The majority? The fact is that the vast majority of Thai voters voted for anti-Thaksin parties. The Thaksin PPP proxy party got a bit over 1/3rd the vote. Thaksin can keep on claiming he had some kind of electoral majority but it simply isn't true, the vast majority of people are now against him.

Your logic is askew here. Obama was soundly defeated by a landslide by McCain in the US election amongst white people.

Yet, to say that white people are against him is not quite so. Most have high hopes for the Obama administration. So it is in Thailand.

If I'm not mistaken a majority of whites have voted for the Republican party in several elections.It's not specifically an Obama issue.But as you say I think the vast majority of Americans are supportive of Obama, regardless of the way votes were cast.In addition Obama will of course be Head of State so there is an issue of patriotism for most Americans.Finally Americans broadly have a strong belief in their constitution, and that means playing by the rules.I think the hanging chads/Supreme Court aspects of Bush's first "victory" were extremely damaging, but the strength of the American system prevailed.

In Thailand not much of this applies.Nevertheless it's not helpful to say that the vast majority voted "against" Thaksin or hypothetically (in the next election) the vast majority voted "against" the PM's party (say Abhisit).It's in the nature of coalition government everywhere...... Fact is Thaksin did have an electoral mandate and he was illegally removed.

One can argue his removal was necessary but it's intellectually dishonest to say he didn't have a mandate.The original poster claims that "the vast majority of people are against him now":obviously it's highly subjective but I would disagree.I do think he's too divisive a figure to make a come back but the game is far from over.

Obama had the 2nd largest vote count ever only surpassed by Reagan by 1/2 %,

and by far the largest for a non-incumbent. Going by percentage of population:

Obama 2008 22.62%

Eisenhower 1952 21.63

Bush 1 1988 19.99

Reagan 1980 19.32

Kennedy 1960 18.94

Carter 1976 18.73

Roosevelt 1932 18.28

Bush 2 2000 17.88

Hoover 1928 17.78

Clinton 1992 17.61

Nixon 1968 15.84

Harding 1920 15.16

But population is not all eleigible to vote and not all voted that could.

But it is significant that there was a MUCH higher population to pull from. He got nearly 69 million votes.

Obama got more voters than the population of Thailand....

This year's Thailand election:

Total Turnout 38,981,412 or 85.38 an astoundingly high percentage

Valid votes 35,535,767 vs. Constituancy votes =71,772,667*

Which shows it to be jerrymandering BS. How can a country of 63 million at most

have 71 million of constituencey votes, the number used for the PPP win???

Thai population 62.83 million in 2007.

Proportional results

PPP 14,071,799

Dems 14,084,265

Of valid voters

PPP 39.60% (Proportional) Dems 39.63% (Proportional)

% Of population

PPP 22.39662 vs Dem 22.39577

AS for the MANDATE of the Thai population it is a statistical dead heat.

ONLY reason PPP won is the TYPE of constituancey voting used.

Which is a pro 'political machine' biased method.

if it was truly one man one vote the Dems did win....just.

But since PPP no longer exists and Puea Thai Party did NOT contest ANY elections,

the the Dems have an EQUAL POPULAR MANDATE to create a party.

And The Dems won a LARGER percentage of the population than Obama...

And much greater than McCain

Go figure.

Animatic, your point above is one of the main reasons why there is so much discussion about new politics. Despite being a statistical dead heat, the PPP still garnered an almost insurmountable amount of seats in the lower house. While ostensibly the "other side" wishes the system to be reversed, just evening things out would require a radical change from the system we now have in Thailand. Hence, the continuing discussions.

The corrupt Thai courts are demanding assurances from the militant, armed Paramilitary, terrorist ,fascist PAD ; and their Democrat Party instrument, that the reported 40m baht per head for the MP's to switch, will not be sourced from the their slush fund.

And again, do you have any evidence for your repeated claim, on this and other threads, that the PAD are the militant arm of the Democrats, or that the Democratic Party is an instrument of the PAD, as above. I think not ... or you would surely have posted it ? You damage the IMO-justifiable claim, that the two have some similar aims, and also your own credibility, by extending it further than justified by the facts available.

Any evidence of 40m Baht bribes, should perhaps better be sent to the E.C. or media, as it would be evidence of corruption, but where is the TRT-equivalent of the PAD, to blow the whistle when needed, on this and on corruption during the military-appointed government ?

. If you are so eductaed have you read the latest edition of the Economist, or better still read bangkok Pundit or Thai crisis or even better Absolutely bangkok and many others good websites

Has the Economist been canned in Thailand this week due to its cover story?

If so, you're not missing much, there's little new information in that story.

I thought the news, announced in the Economist article, that "police were suspected of hundreds of extra-judicial killings" in the war on drugs, was unusually sloppy reporting of what are generally accepted to have been 3,000 deaths ! But then it was in a paragraph which claimed that this was "his gravest abuse", talking about Thaksin, and "not entirely his fault". How many deaths would have been necessary, before the Economist condemned it outright, one wonders ?

The article also failed entirely to mention Thaksin's having dissolved parliament himself, then rigged the 2006-election & had it annulled by the E.C., prior to the 2006-coup, so it was hardly a full analysis of recent political-events.

But it was good, in that it said much which can't be said here, and called for increased freedom-of-information as a necessary part of any solution to the current situation.

Well done on responding.

You may not realise it but in doing so you have served democracy and free speech.Well done.

Sadly it seems I have a cross thread stalker, but as a seeker of truth and justice so be it.

Is it not true that for years now PAD/Dems have decried the thai courts as corrupt.

As you will know from my previous posts, I agree, the thai courts are corrupt.

Now I am intrigued, as a seeker of truth and justice, how , following the replacement of elected judges with appointed judges, thePAD/Dems now consider the judiciary lilly white, after they have been saying for years the courts are corrupt..

All I have seen is a barrage of one-eyed,unilateral,judgements against the democratically elected government.

So will the PAD/Dems please tell us after years of saying the courts are corrupt, why they are not corrupt.

Credibility on the line.

faschist PAD,militant PAD, armed PAD paramilitaries, anti-government terrorists!...all reported here on tv, and by the international media.

Are you denying the PAD are not armed, or hijackers, or terrorist!!

The dems know what they have got into.

No the PAD are NO terrorists. better you look to the violence by anarchists and left wing on the streets of Greece , than you can see real terror. And the international press not even call them terrorsist. I think you need some reality check before you call middle age women terrorists.

Not my words, words of the international media.

If you dont like it ...lump it!

The trouble in Greece is because the Police shot and killed a young lad.

The people remember how the Police terrorised the people under the last faschist regime there.


Back to the debating of the thread............ and a new important Breaking News Article

The Nation,December 9, 2008 : Last updated 05:14 pm

Newin assures Abhisit of support

Newin Chidchob, leader of a group of northeastern MPs, Tuesday assured Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva of support from his group for the Democrat's bid to lead the next government.

Newin gave the assurance after Abhisit led some Democrat MPs to visit him at the Siam City Hotel at 1:45 pm.

"I would like to assure the Democrat that nothing will change from now on until the day the House elects the new prime minister. This is my gentleman's promise," Newin said.

He gave the promise after Abhisit gave him red roses and the two held hands and Newin held Abhisit in his right arm.

Newin also asked Abhisit to ensure that the next government would continue the policies to help the grassroots and would fairly enforce the laws and push for national unity.

The Nation

marshbags :o of the unpredictable, but hopefully reassuring


shocking, unbelievable, but then this "Movement" and the people behind this showing off their real faces... if we can't get it ourway, we may destroy, kill it!

So much about "Thai rak Thai" slogans...

How much further are these people to demask and expose themselves?


Latest I heard, it's really game over now. Friends of Newin has decided to stay together in a Bangkok hotel until this is done. No phones are to be carried and they all move and eat together. The 7 Friends of Newin who moved to PTP is now in discussion to come back again.

My friends told me that the tyrant really went ballistic when his phone call was turned down. Promises of death to them and their families flew left to right.

I am meeting someone tonight so lets see if I can get something out. Will share if details not too sensitive.

I dont know where you got this info but if correct it indicates some torrid times are coming down the line

So if we do get a Demo government what then? Do the red shirts pull a PAD and block parliament?

No. The red shirts will close Swampy & Don Muang down. Now they know there is no jail for doing that.


Andrew Walker at New Mandala summarises the Democrats path to power rather well.

"Dishonourable but parliamentary

December 9th, 2008 by Andrew Walker

With the assistance of a military coup, two party dissolutions, a new constitution, an activist judiciary, royal backing, an ultra-nationalist crisis, six months of escalating street provocation, military insubordination, and an economically disastrous airport shutdown, the Democrat Party now seems to be within striking distance of forming Thailand’s next government.

Good luck to them.

Their path to government has been anything but honourable, but the ultimate decision will be made by parliament. If the Democrat Party can muster the numbers in parliament, they have a right to form government. Those who have defected from the government side will have to face their respective electorates eventually and the voters will be able to make a judgement about their motives and their actions (and any incentives they may have received).

Up until then the Pheua Thai/UDD forces would do well to play the part of a suitably outraged, vigorous and constructive opposition. Some well attended rallies of red shirts would provide a suitable forum for the expression of anger at the Democrat Party’s opportunistic path to government. If the rallies are orderly then the Pheua Thai backers can maintain the hold they have on the high moral ground that has been so comprehensively abandoned by the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD).

The strategists in Pheua Thai probably fancy their chances against the Democrats in a general election. Given the likely fragility of a Democrat majority, and the fluidity of party allegiances, an electoral contest may well come sooner rather than later.

But all bets will be off if the Democrats move down the “new politics” path laid down by the PAD. Any attempt to move towards an appointed, rather than elected, parliament, will surely be vigorously resisted by parliamentary and non-parliamentary means. Let’s see if the Democrats can live up to their name.

So if we do get a Demo government what then? Do the red shirts pull a PAD and block parliament?

No. The red shirts will close Swampy & Don Muang down. Now they know there is no jail for doing that.

I fear not. At least in the main, PAD believed in nonviolent protest. I see no evidence that the red shirts have spent any time reading Gandhi or King.
Latest I heard, it's really game over now. Friends of Newin has decided to stay together in a Bangkok hotel until this is done. No phones are to be carried and they all move and eat together. The 7 Friends of Newin who moved to PTP is now in discussion to come back again.

My friends told me that the tyrant really went ballistic when his phone call was turned down. Promises of death to them and their families flew left to right.

I am meeting someone tonight so lets see if I can get something out. Will share if details not too sensitive.

I dont know where you got this info but if correct it indicates some torrid times are coming down the line

Can imagine, his ego got badly bruised... this guy is a maniac, there is much, much more to come - he is cementing his never - return right now!

So if we do get a Demo government what then? Do the red shirts pull a PAD and block parliament?

No. The red shirts will close Swampy & Don Muang down. Now they know there is no jail for doing that.

I fear not. At least in the main, PAD believed in nonviolent protest. I see no evidence that the red shirts have spent any time reading Gandhi or King.

I agree that the reds are a more violent group (on a basic superificial level). Also, they won't have the permission that the yellows got, so the army would quickly slaughter them - the first day the reds tried it the army would go in blazing.

I don't think the PAD / army / other are bothered to keep up the pretence any longer. Thaksin will be kicked out and the Dems will be put in. End of story. This will end with the Dems in power; debts to be paid.

The irony if the red side pull a PAD is that they become exactly what they were so critical of and then place themselves as a street mob against a democratically chosen government - Parliament is the highest elected body of Thailand. The reds are about to lose their claimed moral high ground if they move to the streets in a provocative way ...

for red shirts demonstration, just look what happen during the Junta days.

and it's not 'irony' it is the mendacity, hypocrisy, double standards of the PAD and their apologists.

let the moralists now celebrate their new friend Newin (TRT Banned #6). he was never really liked and welcomed in the TRT, his time in TRT was controversial from the beginning. there is the irony. i miss a little bit the family and gossip reports that introduce us the Dem's & New Friends with kith and kin.

could such "democratically chosen government" approve themself at the ballot box? without a junta, yellow mob and flip flop support?

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