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British-born Abhisit Vejjajiva May Be Named New Thai Prime Minister


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Abhisit Vejjajiva, known to British friends as "Mark Vejj", is part of the Thai elite that opposed Thaksin Shinawatra, the ousted prime minister

Richard Lloyd Parry, Asia Editor

With his Eton and Oxford education, his dark good looks, and his quiet upper-class enunciation, he might be a thrusting young London barrister, or a member of David Cameron's Shadow Cabinet.


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Oh christ, an Etonian argghhh. Truly a man of the people!

Still, he will have some good international mates to pull off some quality embezzlement, and install an African style dictatorship! hoorah!

Talking of Central African jails; if he ever ended up in one , I believe he would be in good company as Mark Thatcher's mate (old Etonian) is still there. At least I think he is still there, the one that was accused of trying to organise a coup somewhere.

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Mmmmm British born Prime Minister.........wasnt His Majesty born in the US?

Yes he was, in Cambridge Mass.

Educated in Zurich.

A bit off-topic...but does anyone know if King Bhumiphol ever claimed his USA citizenship?

No he didn't - its a questions that has been asked many times (in various media) - but I don't think Uncle Sam would complicate procedures or object in the extremly unlikely event HM wanted to become one now.

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Oh christ, an Etonian argghhh. Truly a man of the people!

Still, he will have some good international mates to pull off some quality embezzlement, and install an African style dictatorship! hoorah!

Talking of Central African jails; if he ever ended up in one , I believe he would be in good company as Mark Thatcher's mate (old Etonian) is still there. At least I think he is still there, the one that was accused of trying to organise a coup somewhere.

Simon Mann - Old Etonian and Ex-SAS, organising a coup in Equatorial Guinea, if there was justice in the world...Mark Thatcher should be sitting in jail next to him...but could mummys influence come into play ??

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Oh christ, an Etonian argghhh.

Oh come on. Eton is full of the cream of society, rich and thick.

It could be said that the repugnance shown towards Old Etonians is rather reductionist.

Old Etonians are just as diverse a group as alumni of any school. To list the notables here is beyond my capacity in time and motivation. However, at a whim if I may just cite:

John Maynard Keynes, George Orwell, Harold Macmillan, Ian Fleming, Aldous Huxley, Tam Dalyell, William Shawcross, Humphry Lyttelton, Hugh Laurie and Peter Benenson (Founder of Amnesty International).

And of course, most pertinent to Thailand; His Majesty King Prajadhipok (Rama VII) attended Eton College.

As a school which encourages development of the whole child Eton College can point to the significant successes of many of it's alumni as a very positive indicator.

I'm sure that Abhisit Vejjajiva's time at Eton will have been most significant in his personal development. As such, we should point to the positives. I wish him the best for the challenges he faces in the future.

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Abhisit Vejjajiva, known to British friends as "Mark Vejj", is part of the Thai elite that opposed Thaksin Shinawatra, the ousted prime minister

"Mark Vejj" is it, why others prefer to call him Mark Fruit,

You ever heard him talk? He sounds like he was brought up in North London!

Best guy for the job.

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Abhisit Vejjajiva, known to British friends as "Mark Vejj", is part of the Thai elite that opposed Thaksin Shinawatra, the ousted prime minister

"Mark Vejj" is it, why others prefer to call him Mark Fruit,

You ever heard him talk? He sounds like he was brought up in North London!

Best guy for the job.

Oh Sh*t, another cockney git...

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Here he is talking before the 'people' voted last time .. sorry if repost.

http://www.abhisit.org/EuromoneyHK5july2007.wma from http://www.abhisit.org/Home_RHS_EnglishURL.php

sounds just like a classic cityboy, he can pronounce 'R' which is a good sign, his T's are a bit shakey though. innit.

he also understands 'undemocratic military installed government'

'microfrustrations' of Thais

- restoration of democracy - choice/welcome competition (haha)/level playing field (haha)

- economic revival - back to basics, (re-)education, (re-)education, (re-)education

- peace in the south

wants free and fair elections... monitored (haha)

actually sounds quite a nice guy! - blair-like, not sure he is tough enough for the job, needs a few tattoos. Shame about Eton the most decadent and arrogant school in the world, wonder who he was a Fag for?

Maybe he will follow the tried and tested British model of north/south divide! Rape the north to pay the costs of keeping bangkok above water. hurrah!

Edited by SomNamNah
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Abhisit Vejjajiva, known to British friends as "Mark Vejj", is part of the Thai elite that opposed Thaksin Shinawatra, the ousted prime minister

"Mark Vejj" is it, why others prefer to call him Mark Fruit,

You ever heard him talk? He sounds like he was brought up in North London!

Best guy for the job.

Oh Sh*t, another cockney git...

Erm to be a Cockney you have to be born in the sound of Bow bells - that's East London, not North - ever heard the term Eastender.

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Abhisit Vejjajiva, known to British friends as "Mark Vejj", is part of the Thai elite that opposed Thaksin Shinawatra, the ousted prime minister

"Mark Vejj" is it, why others prefer to call him Mark Fruit,

You ever heard him talk? He sounds like he was brought up in North London!

Best guy for the job.

Oh Sh*t, another cockney git...

Erm to be a Cockney you have to be born in the sound of Bow bells - that's East London, not North - ever heard the term Eastender.

East London, North London, West London, South London, may not be technically correct... but all cockney g*ts to me...... :o:D ....dont they have a sense of humour in East London..!!

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Abhisit Vejjajiva, known to British friends as "Mark Vejj", is part of the Thai elite that opposed Thaksin Shinawatra, the ousted prime minister

"Mark Vejj" is it, why others prefer to call him Mark Fruit,

You ever heard him talk? He sounds like he was brought up in North London!

Best guy for the job.

Oh Sh*t, another cockney git...

Erm to be a Cockney you have to be born in the sound of Bow bells - that's East London, not North - ever heard the term Eastender.

East London, North London, West London, South London, may not be technically correct... but all cockney g*ts to me...... :o:D ....dont they have a sense of humour in East London..!!

Only if you say your jokes in Urdu, otherwise they won't understand the joke! :D For some stupid reason, us Cockneys are proud of being so and don't like to share the 'honourific'. Like calling a Mancunian a Scouser or vice-versa.

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