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Homophobic Idiots In Us Attack Brothers Arm-in-arm

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I don't know if it's more pathetic, brutal, and stupid that a gang of U.S. psychotic idiots attacked a couple they perceived as gay (and Hispanic), or that they did so in ignorance of the fact that Hispanic men can be physically affectionate without being gay. They were successful in their racism but incompetent even in their own homophobia.

Truly something is wrong with straight culture in the Anglo-Saxon world. Same-sex affection is the rule worldwide except in these pockets of madness; it could just as easily have happened to Thai family members newly arrived in the U.S. who behave in a way not perceived as 'macho.' Thank god I don't live there.


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This kind of hatred isn't very common in Thailand from Thais, but living in Pattaya, I have definitely registered the same kind of vibe from foreigners in Thailand against perceived gay affection, but I have yet to hear of a violent attack based on that. So happy to be in Thailand.

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When I taught Matayom 1 to 6 in the provinces, the 12 and 13 yhear old boys would still walk hand in hand, as they did in grade school. Some would still sit in each other's laps during the at-ease portions of the opening assembly outside, or elsewhere. I had seen the same among male adults and children in Mexico, especially among the indigenous "hill tribes" like Mayas. Such a shame that Westerners are taught to keep at arm's length unless playing football.

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Related to Thailand as Thailand is a good place to escape from that kind of thing.

And also, of course, Ecuador maintains a consulate in Bangkok:

Ecuadorian Consulate

Pakpanang Coldstorage Co., Ltda

103 Soi Ruammitr

Nonsse Road, Yanawa

Bangkok 10120


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Thank god I don't live there.

I thank god/Buddha daily that I don't live there... anymore.

Getting fired (while working in conservative Orange County) for having a hidden picture of my first Thai boyfriend in a swimsuit discovered in my workspace... and getting accused of "having a picture of a boy in underware" (even though he was a college student!!) was the final straw for me.

I left my "homeland" 3 weeks later, with two suitcases and less than $6,000, and haven't "looked back" once in the 2 and a half years it's been (thanks in part to a couple new farang friends who helped me navigate the deep waters).

Thailand, my new homeland, is for me... best boyfriend of my life, best job I've had in 2 decades, best condo of my life, growing savings account in the bank, don't sweat being openly gay... life is good. (as long as we have operating airports, anyway)

It's nice to see new and fresh ideas and topics coming into the "Gay People in Thailand" forum, now that the siege has ended for the time being...

Take care,


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Truly something is wrong with straight culture in the Anglo-Saxon world. Same-sex affection is the rule worldwide except in these pockets of madness;

Sorry, but that statement is just as clueless as homophobia itself.

Try holding hands in non-Anglo-Saxon Eastern Europe and you'll think the USA is gay heaven. Try publically displaying "same-sex affection" in many parts of the non-Anglo-Saxon muslim world and wear a helmet because they'll bury you up to your neck before stoning you to death. Anyone have any experiences in Africa? I'm in China and will have toask around before I leave. So quit blaming the Anglo-Saxon world when they are the most progressive part of the world with regards to gay rights.

One more thing, it's no surprise that the same cultures that think flopping in a football match is acceptable also have men who are more effeminate than the rest of the world (gee, blanket generalisations are fun!).

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Actually, I don't have to ask anyone here in China. My western friend has in import/export company and he told me a couple weeks ago that his Chinese partner fired one of the guys in the office when she found out he was gay. Now in all fairness, she is Christian so she probably had to overcome her Asian common sense towards same-sex affection sometime after being baptised otherwise she would be more enlightened and wouldn't have fired the guy.

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I think you are misinterpreting my use of "same-sex affection" as "public gay love." In Korea, for example, homophobia is rife- but it is perfectly acceptable for men to hold hands. Most Hispanic countries are "macho," and yet the men are permitted to be affectionate- I'm not talking about sexuality here. Even in Eastern Europe- think of the macho Russian kiss between men, for example- nothing to do with homosexuality. In fact, I think the prohibition against homosexuality (we don't do that here!) actually makes the men a bit more relaxed in their behaviour, because obviously 'it can't be that other thing.'

And for koheesti's information, men in Muslim countries can be quite affectionate towards each other publicly- once again, it has nothing to do with homosexuality (I once heard a story Michael Caine told about an all-male dance club in a Muslim town- all-male because the women were not allowed there, of course- where it was, bizarrely, all straight men dancing together- he said his partner was one of the more attractive ones but needed a dentist).

That doesn't mean there aren't gay muslims- oh boy, there are! :o

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I think you are misinterpreting my use of "same-sex affection" as "public gay love."

You said it brother.

I remember once in Buenos Aires I was taken aback by two gorgeous young men doing that kiss they do there, right on the streets, right in my face. They noticed my shocked reaction (probably arousal) and looked at me amused, knowing instantly I was a tourist, and I am sure they were NOT gay.

Most public male affection in the world is not homosexual, of course.

Edited by Jingthing
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Sad, but when in Rome.... Every society has it's rules. You can't control what people think and to some extend how they behave, but I would suggest following this case, because when the perpetrators are caught, they will likely be going down for a very, very long time.

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Christians have completely ruined the American culture with their homophobia and general hate towards anything not white and hanging on a cross. Homophobia is rampant in the States and the attack on the two guys is only the tip of the iceberg of hate crimes there. The Bush administration did absolutely nothing to curb hate crimes unless it was perpetrated against one of his industrial eunuchs that gave him wheelbarrows of cash. This incident, and hundreds of other such "events" is the principal reasons that I left that ignorant, hateful christian culture. Time after time, during my investigations of such crimes, I have found that the police reduce the "hate" element of the bashing to "simple assault" and the homophobes gets a wrist slap. We finally put one of San Francisco's "finest" behind bars for his systematic gay bashing. His defense? "They looked at me like they wanted to have sex". The "homosexual panic" and "Twinkies overdose" defense no longer works in court but the U.S. has a long way to go before it is truly a government under the Constitution (which Bush shredded). Violence against gay people in the States is still tolerated and I truly doubt that the bullies in this case will end up in jail (where they would truly experience homosexual rape).

Edited by Navalator
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  • 3 weeks later...

Nothing could prepare me for the laid-back attitue of Thai guys. I remember being the shy one when my first Thai bf held my hand in public. I haven't found anywhere else in the world (yet) to compare with Thailand. The attitude of Thai people to gay farangs is nice. So long as you don't have sex in public - you are welcome.

Thanks, Thailand.

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