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Notary Public Or Embassy Or Barry Kenyon?

syd barrett

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I am needing a photocopy of my passport signed by an official person to read "This is a true copy of the original" signed, dated, rubber stamped.

Does anyone have any advice who I might use and how much it will cost. I want to avoid the British Embassy if possible, does anyone know of a Thai notary who can do this for a few hundred baht IN Pattaya region?

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But now that he's an official branch of the UK government he charges the same fees as the Embassy in Bangkok.

Nothing personal PP

At least it is cheaper and far more convenient than a dreaded trip to the Big Mango and a far more friendly enviroment for those who live on the Pattaya side of the country.

Reckon it,s a far better place to have a mini break as well, as i tend to do.


If only there was somewhere nearer for the N. East communities

marshbags :o

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But now that he's an official branch of the UK government he charges the same fees as the Embassy in Bangkok.

What does he charge sign and stamp a bit of paper in 20 seconds?

Cost nothing to stamp my marriage papers.

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Go to Kevin Harper (British Lawyer) at British Law Company, 395/3 3rd Road, he charges (as a favour) 350 baht. (best in Town)

Tel 038 375036

(Unfortunately as already mentioned Barry Kenyon now charges Consular rates at I believe over a 1000 baht) (nothings free nowadays)


Paul Davies :o

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Barry Kenyon is a very nice man, but he is not a public notary, which he pointed out to me when I needed some things witnessed. If the stuff is needed for the Brittish Embassy he is fine, but for other countries he is not the person you need.

Many law offices have public notaries on staff, I paid B500 for a witness signature in December last year.

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  • 1 year later...

I am trying to get a 'certified copy' of my passport as well - to open a bank account in the UK . I was going to take the advice of PattayaParent and use Barry Kenyon. Then I saw this thread - BK is not a 'public notary'. I dont really know if that matters - I am waiting for a reply from the bank to say if BK is OK to use.

In the meantime I will check out some other places I can get this done in case BK is not OK.

Syd where did you go in the end???

PDavies99 - I will try Kevin Harper tomorrow as well - thanks for listing his details.

Edited by dsfbrit
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Barry Kenyon is a very nice man, but he is not a public notary, which he pointed out to me when I needed some things witnessed. If the stuff is needed for the Brittish Embassy he is fine, but for other countries he is not the person you need.

Many law offices have public notaries on staff, I paid B500 for a witness signature in December last year.

Chang-parrp - Where did you go. The last time I did this a few years ago my lawyer charged me 2000 baht - hmmm.... I reckon 500 -1000 baht is a 'fair' price...

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If you can produce your old passport, is it still necessary to have the photograph for the new one authenticated?

That letter was used to open a new bank account with a different bank - 3 years ago now. I need another certification thats all.

I dont mind getting a new certification letter - I just thought 2000 baht was a bit over the top.

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I am trying to get a 'certified copy' of my passport as well - to open a bank account in the UK . I was going to take the advice of PattayaParent and use Barry Kenyon. Then I saw this thread - BK is not a 'public notary'. I dont really know if that matters - I am waiting for a reply from the bank to say if BK is OK to use.

In the meantime I will check out some other places I can get this done in case BK is not OK.

Syd where did you go in the end???

PDavies99 - I will try Kevin Harper tomorrow as well - thanks for listing his details.

BK is OK to use for certifying a copy of your passport for the bank.

Last I heard the charge was 1,000 Baht but that was when he first moved to the new office last year.

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Barry Kenyon is a very nice man, but he is not a public notary, which he pointed out to me when I needed some things witnessed. If the stuff is needed for the Brittish Embassy he is fine, but for other countries he is not the person you need.

Many law offices have public notaries on staff, I paid B500 for a witness signature in December last year.

Chang-parrp - Where did you go. The last time I did this a few years ago my lawyer charged me 2000 baht - hmmm.... I reckon 500 -1000 baht is a 'fair' price...

Bearing in mind that any Bank (that you hold and account with) will provide this service free of charge in the UK, 500-1000 Baht doesn't sound all that fair to me. I have, in the past, had a copy of my passport confirmed at Bangkok Bank in Pattaya but they weren't that keen to do it......no charge though!

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Barry Kenyon is a very nice man, but he is not a public notary, which he pointed out to me when I needed some things witnessed. If the stuff is needed for the Brittish Embassy he is fine, but for other countries he is not the person you need.

Many law offices have public notaries on staff, I paid B500 for a witness signature in December last year.

Chang-parrp - Where did you go. The last time I did this a few years ago my lawyer charged me 2000 baht - hmmm.... I reckon 500 -1000 baht is a 'fair' price...

Bearing in mind that any Bank (that you hold and account with) will provide this service free of charge in the UK, 500-1000 Baht doesn't sound all that fair to me. I have, in the past, had a copy of my passport confirmed at Bangkok Bank in Pattaya but they weren't that keen to do it......no charge though!


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I am trying to get a 'certified copy' of my passport as well - to open a bank account in the UK . I was going to take the advice of PattayaParent and use Barry Kenyon. Then I saw this thread - BK is not a 'public notary'. I dont really know if that matters - I am waiting for a reply from the bank to say if BK is OK to use.

In the meantime I will check out some other places I can get this done in case BK is not OK.

Syd where did you go in the end???

PDavies99 - I will try Kevin Harper tomorrow as well - thanks for listing his details.

BK is OK to use for certifying a copy of your passport for the bank.

Last I heard the charge was 1,000 Baht but that was when he first moved to the new office last year.

I went to see BK and through no fault of his own - the charge is now 1450 Baht. So I went to see Kevin Harper. Good quick service and 500 Baht. I received an email to say the Coop offshore bank account is now open, so Kevin's certification seems fine for at least some (well one for sure - Coop Offshore) banks and building societies in the UK.

By the way I noticed the title of this topic is 'NOTARY...' when I used this term at Kevins office, I called him before I went there, I was told it was 1000 Baht per page. When I told him that I just wanted my passport copy certified - he said that is not a 'Notary function' - thats just a certification - 500 Baht. So I would be careful what you ask for when you compare prices.

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I went to see BK and through no fault of his own - the charge is now 1450 Baht.

Barry Kenyon, 1450 Baht? No fault of his own?

If you need a copy of your passport signed for a bank account then anyone of social standing can countersign it. Banker, lawyer, engineer, schoolteacher, JP etc. etc. as long as they provide their full name and contact details (phone #) etc.

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I went to see BK and through no fault of his own - the charge is now 1450 Baht.

Barry Kenyon, 1450 Baht? No fault of his own?

If you need a copy of your passport signed for a bank account then anyone of social standing can countersign it. Banker, lawyer, engineer, schoolteacher, JP etc. etc. as long as they provide their full name and contact details (phone #) etc.

The price list was on the wall of the Consul. It is the 'standard' charge made by the UK Government. I guess as he is the Honorary Consul he is required to make this charge. That's why I say its not his fault. I agree there are lots of people that can sign this document, trouble is I personally don't know anyone who works in any profession on that list that would do it for me for less than 500 baht. I found 500 baht not too painful. The Fedex charge was nearly 1000 baht anyway!

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