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Pad Announcement 29/2008: Conditions For New Government

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  MaiChai said:
I like to think of it as the criminals versus the educated, moral high ground middle class ...

Sorry but I belong to the moral high ground upper class and I hereby order you to join the re-education camp that I have just set up where you will learn :

1/ I'm always right

2/ You're always wrong

3/ Repeat ad nauseum.


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Ahhhh. Here we go.

As others have said - if we do not get our way, etc.

Looks like the PAD will spit their dummy [dummies] out and make life difficult again and again and again until they get their own way. Makes them seem like spoilt brats :o

I feel there is a need to have some changes but for the PAD to make these demands seems OTT and someone, somewhere ought to start getting their act together and make laws and have a system where pople like the PAD cannot hold the country to ransom as they did with the airport.

I am a believer in freedom of speech and of peaceful protests but not for one group to hold the rest of the country to ransom. Let the PAD protest, but to do so sensibly, or is that beyond them, especially as they know they are a minority and cannot win by peaceful protests that do not inhibit the movement and lives of the majority ???

Now we wait and see what gives and where. A divided Thailand? I see that as a possibility, sadly.


The Nation said PAD is thinking to form a political party. This way is better. If they want to fight, fight in politics, not to do their nonsense again.

But first, PAD leaders must go to jail.

What is the name of the guy who is a Democrat Party House Rep member (Sor Sor) and joined the PAD protest? And the handsome leader didn't ask him to stop.

Jeep hai if this handsome leader can become PM. Nah mei ai!


Anyone see the program on TV just now about the Cultural Revolution in China. A case of deja vu when you see PAD. I think the only difference was that the peasants were reeducating the urban elite and not the other way around.

  Pierrot said:
If the people who supported the PAD at the beginning now understand what a monster they help to create, at least something good can come out of this.

They are a bunch of thugs and moron. They even make Bush look like a genius.

  Pierrot said:
  The Vulcan said:
I thought I'd seen these "rules" elsewhere!

Where did you get that ?

The Khmer Rouge interrogation centre Phenom Phen - and to compare PAD with this is a pretty sick joke.


After reading most your comments, I wonder who's fascists and whose not.

These demands, made by a group of protesters!!!, all point in the same direction: NO MORE CORRUPTION!

Well, tell me.. what's so fascist about that?

This country has been, and still is, controled by a goverment-mafia; an organisation that is structurally stealing from its people.

Thailand is not unique though, as Haliburton comes to mind! But the Thais, the PAD have the balls to close an international airport!

Corruption is a disease and needs to be fought, no matter what the price! If not, than democracy is just a nine-letter word without meaning!

Wake up!


all you guys are just still upset about that little airport closing

if you read the list of demands they are reasonable. they simply want a transparent and non-corrupt government. is it too much to ask?

  KireB said:
After reading most your comments, I wonder who's fascists and whose not.

These demands, made by a group of protesters!!!, all point in the same direction: NO MORE CORRUPTION!

Well, tell me.. what's so fascist about that?

This country has been, and still is, controled by a goverment-mafia; an organisation that is structurally stealing from its people.

Thailand is not unique though, as Haliburton comes to mind! But the Thais, the PAD have the balls to close an international airport!

Corruption is a disease and needs to be fought, no matter what the price! If not, than democracy is just a nine-letter word without meaning!

Wake up!

You are incorrect.

The PAD were allowed ,and assisted , to close the international airport, very big difference.

I take it you mean the price to the poor people of the Issan, and that nine letter word.

  Gravelrash said:
With the Royal Decree on Thursday December 11, 2008 for the launch of an extraordinary Parliamentary session to allow the House of Representatives to select the new prime minister on Monday December 15, 2008, the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) has the following statement to make.

1. Speed up the lese majeste cases against Jakrapob Penkair, Weera Musikapong, websites, publications, community radio stations, and crack down on the movement that endangers the Monarchy as a priority.


Sondhi Limthongkul forgot to put his own name under # 1.... :D

"In September 2005, Sondhi allegedly made repeated disrespectful on-air references to King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Among these references was a claim that the government's 2004 appointment of Somdet Phra Buddhacharya as acting Supreme Patriarch of Thailand in place of the critically ill Somdet Phra Yanasangworn contravened the prerogative of the King. After discussions with King's principal private secretary, Arsa Sarasin, MCOT executives cancelled the program.[152][153]"

The numbers 152 (The Nation - 16 September 2005) and 153 (Bangkok Post, 2 March 2005) are link-numbers to Thai newspaper articles, to be found in the Wiki link, below:


And, to Koo82 who wrote: "The Nation said PAD is thinking to form a political party."

The PAD founded their own political party already, back in 2006....sleeping in a drawer, ready for action. I've said it many times before...Sondhi wants it all.

He feels himself invincible after the success of his airports blockades and exactly that makes him so dangerous

The man (together with his mysterious high-so fund-raisers who pay the PAD bills) is VERY DANGEROUS for the future of Thailand and I can't express my worries enough to see that there are still Farang supporters of Sondhi and his PAD.

Thailand is back on track with it's old style, elite- and military backed politics to have the power shared where it belongs: with the elite and military.

If there's still anyone here who believes in democracy in Thailand...forget it and bye bye democracy... :o

The kind of language Sondhi/PAD uses, is very frightening and intimidating and doesn't promise many good things for Thailand for the very near future...on the contrary: it will become a disastrous 2009 with the financial/economic crisis rolling full speed, on top of the dividing of power.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if Thailand would reach an unemployment rate of between 8-10% by the end of 2009 or between 3 and 4 million..if not more.

Than...the real <deleted> starts !

Poor Thailand :D


  Shah Jahan said:
all you guys are just still upset about that little airport closing

if you read the list of demands they are reasonable. they simply want a transparent and non-corrupt government. is it too much to ask?

Clearly you are not footing the bill for the closure.

Now who is going to decide when that transparent and non-corrupt government has arrived ?

  Shah Jahan said:
all you guys are just still upset about that little airport closing

if you read the list of demands they are reasonable. they simply want a transparent and non-corrupt government. is it too much to ask?

lets rob the bank. i want one million baht is that too much to ask ?

  LaoPo said:
  Gravelrash said:
With the Royal Decree on Thursday December 11, 2008 for the launch of an extraordinary Parliamentary session to allow the House of Representatives to select the new prime minister on Monday December 15, 2008, the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) has the following statement to make.

1. Speed up the lese majeste cases against Jakrapob Penkair, Weera Musikapong, websites, publications, community radio stations, and crack down on the movement that endangers the Monarchy as a priority.


Sondhi Limthongkul forgot to put his own name under # 1.... :D

"In September 2005, Sondhi allegedly made repeated disrespectful on-air references to King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Among these references was a claim that the government's 2004 appointment of Somdet Phra Buddhacharya as acting Supreme Patriarch of Thailand in place of the critically ill Somdet Phra Yanasangworn contravened the prerogative of the King. After discussions with King's principal private secretary, Arsa Sarasin, MCOT executives cancelled the program.[152][153]"

The numbers 152 (The Nation - 16 September 2005) and 153 (Bangkok Post, 2 March 2005) are link-numbers to Thai newspaper articles, to be found in the Wiki link, below:


And, to Koo82 who wrote: "The Nation said PAD is thinking to form a political party."

The PAD founded their own political party already, back in 2006....sleeping in a drawer, ready for action. I've said it many times before...Sondhi wants it all.

He feels himself invincible after the success of his airports blockades and exactly that makes him so dangerous

The man (together with his mysterious high-so fund-raisers who pay the PAD bills) is VERY DANGEROUS for the future of Thailand and I can't express my worries enough to see that there are still Farang supporters of Sondhi and his PAD.

Thailand is back on track with it's old style, elite- and military backed politics to have the power shared where it belongs: with the elite and military.

If there's still anyone here who believes in democracy in Thailand...forget it and bye bye democracy... :o

The kind of language Sondhi/PAD uses, is very frightening and intimidating and doesn't promise many good things for Thailand for the very near future...on the contrary: it will become a disastrous 2009 with the financial/economic crisis rolling full speed, on top of the dividing of power.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if Thailand would reach an unemployment rate of between 8-10% by the end of 2009 or between 3 and 4 million..if not more.

Than...the real <deleted> starts !

Poor Thailand :D


Yes, indeed, poor Thailand when there is a criminal in Dubai hellbent on dividing and destroying Thailand to try and restore his ill-gotten riches and power, and some people still chose to support and follow such a character. As much as shame as the Chinese who still think the sun shines outta Mao's backside or those Russian's who believe Lenin was some kinda national saviour. :D


I sense that PAD are now running scared.

It's only a matter of time before the world wide financial crisis hits Thailand. When it does, the core PAD supporters are going to have alot more in common with those impoverished rural people they ridicule. Desperate demands from people beginning to feel the heat of a meltdown.


I hate to be melodramatic but if the army does not get involved soon there could be a real problem country wide. There are reports filtering through that the red shirts have been to Udon Airport threatening unrest.

A coup is looking better every day.


Abhisit has a short time to either survive or fail politically, in a democratic sense - that is to win or lose the favor of the voters. And don't say it - I understand that the party is elected, not the PM. What is at stake now is whether or not he stands up to the PAD. If he does, he might even be able to win votes in the NE and N. However, if it appears that he is submitting to the PAD, he is finished. He will never be able to lead the Democrats to an electoral victory. Many are saying to give him a chance. That is his chance.


PAD have broken the law on so many occasions with total impunity of course their megalomaniac hierarchy think they can now DICTATE what ever they wish.

Choose any word from the above comment that illustrates PAD intentions - no clues.

  Gravelrash said:
The PAD, as representative of the public, issues 13 conditions for the new government.

So now they represent THE public, not just a part of it. I wonder if they realize how truly despised they are in many quarters.

Let's hope the law will deal with their leaders appropriately and they end up sharing a cell with Mr. Thaksin for many years.

  plachon said:
Yes, indeed, poor Thailand when there is a criminal in Dubai hellbent on dividing and destroying Thailand to try and restore his ill-gotten riches and power, and some people still chose to support and follow such a character. As much as shame as the Chinese who still think the sun shines outta Mao's backside or those Russian's who believe Lenin was some kinda national saviour. :D

Typical not to the point answer and therefore not of any interest nor importance to the OP's announcements by the PAD, "dictating" the country what it should and should NOT do..... :o

What a hero, Mr. PAD: Sondhi Limthongkul.... :D he's a man with many tongues...post-13995-1229130987_thumb.jpg if he is the future of Thailand...better hide ! :D



There are about 3 demands there that I have little knowledge of to comment on - items 10, 11 and 12.

There are about another 3 or 4 that I have no problem with.

There are a few more that are incredible double standards - items 1, 4, 8 and 9. And these are the ones that the PAD falang sheep can't seem to understand. They seem to think if one disagrees then they are in support of Thaksin. There are several on this site who have the intelligence to understand that neither Thaksin or PAD are what this country needs, and comment accordingly. Again Thaksin needs to be held to account but likewise so do the PAD leaders.

The kicker for me is item 13. How any intelligent westerner from any democratic country can agree with this statement is beyond any rational believe. The westerners who can still champion this "God mob" really need to take a reality check after reading that. Truely unbelievable.

  Gravelrash said:
With the Royal Decree on Thursday December 11, 2008 for the launch of an extraordinary Parliamentary session to allow the House of Representatives to select the new prime minister on Monday December 15, 2008, the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) has the following statement to make.

The PAD wants all politicians to realize that its 193-day rally is a great sacrifice of a large group of people, some with their lives. It has been successful in blocking an amendment to the Constitution, thus allowing the corruption cases against politicians and electoral fraud cases to be deliberated by the court, resulting in the current political change.

The sacrifice of the people must not be for a proxy government of the Thaksin regime to be set up, and the PAD does not want to see a mere change in the political alliance to seek benefits for a particularly political group.

The PAD wants to see a resolution to the problems of politics in the past, restoration of justice for the people, and a move ahead with the people to reform politics and install new politics that will not see a recurrence of past political crisis.

The PAD would like to announce its stance for the selection of the new prime minister in the extraordinary Parliamentary session as follows:

Firstly, the PAD opposes any proxy prime minister from the Pheu Thai Party and any prime minister from a political party that is part of a coalition involving the Pheu Thai Party, which is a newly-established proxy political party of the Thaksin regime.

Secondly, the PAD condemns threats, intimidation, negotiations, and payment to politicians for them to join the Pheu Thai in being able to form government without care to the damages to the country and the public.

Finally, the PAD will monitor the change in political alliance of the old-style politics and whether it will be able to break through the political crisis, deal with the Thaksin regime, and enter the era of new politics. The PAD, as representative of the public, issues 13 conditions for the new government.

1. Speed up the lese majeste cases against Jakrapob Penkair, Weera Musikapong, websites, publications, community radio stations, and crack down on the movement that endangers the Monarchy as a priority.

2. Announce its stance of not amending the 2007 Constitution or any other law that will whitewash the crimes of politicians, that will benefit politicians' own interests, that will lessen the authority of the Monarchy or disturb the foundation of the country's Constitutional Monarchy.

3. Support good and talented people into power; prevent evil people from taking power; managing the country with transparency; and stop unacceptable politicians or state officials, those with conflicts of interest, or those with corrupt tendency to take power.

4. Speed up corruption cases to enter the judicial process and prevent direct and indirect interference into the cases. Transfer state officials who have been serving the Thaksin regime out of power, such as the director-general of the Department of Special Investigation, the director-general of the Public Relations Department, the director of the Budget Bureau, the secretary-general of the Food and Drugs Administration, etc. Seize corrupt assets to become state assets once again.

For the benefit of the country, the new government should announce its stance in speeding up the Kao Kradong State Railway Authority of Thailand land violation case and the violation of public land in Satuk district of Buri Ram province. It should also cancel the rental contract for illegitimate shops at the Suvarnabhumi Airport and cancel the shows and prosecute state officials and private companies involved in the non-transparent rental of buying of airtime on the Public Relation Department's Channel 11.

5. Cancel the passport of Pol. Lt. Col. Thaksin Shinawatra, a runaway convict of the country.

6. Speed up the extradition process of Pol. Lt. Col. Thaksin Shinawatra, a runaway convict, to return to serve his jail term in Thailand immediately.

7. Announce the cancellation of the Thai-Cambodian joint communiqué that gave away Preah Vihear Temple and its surrounding areas to Cambodia and protect Thai sovereignty over its land and natural gas and oil resources in the Gulf of Thailand.

8. Speed up the eradication of a police state and transfer police officers who accuse, trick, and intimidate PAD supporters to an inactive post. Prosecute police officers involved in the killing of the people on October 7, 2008 and those who accuse the public of being traitors and terrorists, particularly Pol. Gen. Chongrak Chutanont, Pol. Lt. Gen. Suchart Muenkaew, Pol. Maj. Gen. Amnuay Nimmano, Pol. Lt. Gen. Somyos Poompanmuang, Pol. Col. Luechai Sudyod, etc. Restore justice for the police officers who have been honest and brave in protecting the people's interest through promotions in their job.

9. Speed up the cases and prosecute those implicated by the National Human Rights Commission and the Senate committees for being involved in the killing of the people, such as Somchai Wongsawat, Gen. Chavalit Yongjaiyudh, and state officials. Prosecute thugs who side with the government in hurting and killing protesters to the fullest extent.

10. Stop using state media to issue propaganda and lie to the public for the Thaksin regime, particularly the 'Truth Today' program on NBT station and its hosts. Launch a media reform to allow the public access to complete information to benefit the country and the people.

11. Cancel large-scale and non-transparent projects that will lead to the demise of the country, such as the 4,000 NGV bus rental, the construction of the new Parliament, etc.

12. Cancel the 1999 State Enterprise Bill and replace it with a state enterprise development and restructuring plan for the utmost benefit of the people. Restore privatized state enterprises as state property, especially PTT.

13. Show the stance of supporting the public in building new politics with greater public participation in politics to ensure true democracy for politics, the economy, and the society accordingly to the way of the PAD and to prevent a future political crisis.

The PAD calls on politicians who are forming the new government to consider the ideologies of the people and heroes who have sacrificed for the country more than negotiations to compete for benefits by different political groups. The new government should announce its stance and follow the above conditions so as not to disappoint the people and prevent them from losing faith in the current political system.

If the conditions and ideologies of the PAD are denied or ignored, it is ready to stage activities according to the situation.

With deepest respect,

People's Alliance for Democracy

December 12, 2008


Ok i have just read the above and starting at number 8 (i just picked a number from 1 to 13 and high lighted it) it would be interesting to hear from people who agree or dissagree about this statement, or any other 1 - 13 statements come to that


"For the benefit of the country......."

They just finished polarizing the country and ruining the tourist industry so it is way beyond my comprehension how this bunch of thugs can utter these words, in any form. Even harder to understand how anyone could believe them.

  tigerbalm said:
Ok i have just read the above and starting at number 8 (i just picked a number from 1 to 13 and high lighted it) it would be interesting to hear from people who agree or dissagree about this statement, or any other 1 - 13 statements come to that

13. Show the stance of supporting the public in building new politics with greater public participation in politics to ensure true democracy for politics, the economy, and the society accordingly to the way of the PAD and to prevent a future political crisis.

No problem for you then?

  LaoPo said:
  plachon said:
Yes, indeed, poor Thailand when there is a criminal in Dubai hellbent on dividing and destroying Thailand to try and restore his ill-gotten riches and power, and some people still chose to support and follow such a character. As much as shame as the Chinese who still think the sun shines outta Mao's backside or those Russian's who believe Lenin was some kinda national saviour. :D

Typical not to the point answer and therefore not of any interest nor importance to the OP's announcements by the PAD, "dictating" the country what it should and should NOT do..... :o

What a hero, Mr. PAD: Sondhi Limthongkul.... :D he's a man with many tongues...post-13995-1229130987_thumb.jpg if he is the future of Thailand...better hide ! :D


Why don't you complain about your hero, little emperor Taksin? If this dictator would be the future of Thailand.... better hide!!!!

Thaksin is not such a hero for sure and about his many tongues!!!!!!!!!!!

  tigerbalm said:
  Gravelrash said:
................. the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) has the following statement to make.

If the conditions and ideologies of the PAD are denied or ignored, it is ready to stage activities according to the situation.

With deepest respect,

People's Alliance for Democracy

December 12, 2008


Ok i have just read the above and starting at number 8 (i just picked a number from 1 to 13 and high lighted it) it would be interesting to hear from people who agree or dissagree about this statement, or any other 1 - 13 statements come to that

Read the last sentence by the PAD 2 or 3 times.....slowly...and think; just think...

Is that enough ?.... or do you wish me to explain the frightening and threatening language, followed by: WITH THE DEEPEST RESPECT ?

It's :D


I would love to see the comments by the so called PAD supporters if the last sentence by the PAD was NOT written by them but by someone else..... :D

Oh, and, Mr. fellow country man koosdeboer; please refrain from comments like you just made as this thread is not about Mr. Thaksin but PAD's announcements of THEIR conditions how to rule the country :o .

Be a little bit more polite if you please. Mr. Thaksin is not my hero as you claim.


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