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A Documentary. What Motivates The Ladies..........

Gary A

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well that was a depressing documentary.

surely there must be other ways to move up in the world than marrying an old farang.

if they put their brains into action and made a real plan for their life instead of dreaming about the golden farang (a widespread and silly fantasy) then they might actually get somewhere.

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not human nature. if it was youd see more clamoring to get into the village. most of us want nothing to villages. it doesnt take a genius to realize what village life is like.

You are correct of course, it doesn't take a genius to make judgments about things we know little about. Village life is wonderful if it is something we choose for ourselves. Wanting to live in a peaceful place does not mean is somebody is stupid nor does wanting to leave a village mean that somebody is particularly clever. We all just want different things.

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no one says u r stoopid for wanting village life. it is good for a few.

but its not want the majority wants.

THERS ALWAYS EXCEPTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111

you r an exception sir!

for some unexplained resaon things like rent get cheaper as you move away from the city core. im guessing the deman d gets reduced the farther awy one gets.

Edited by abdulla
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After watching the 5th installment...finally figured out where the term ting tong farang came from...3 stupid expats on stage with their newly aquired wives, demonstrating their "cultural" intregration...Bl**dy idiots

The "cat fight" in the bar looks like it was staged, included, I guess for dramatic effect to a rather crappy story line

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Pretty sure if i made a documentary about the real farang-scamming artists that thai whores are, it would sell better than the last star wars movie.

Joe normal loves to see dumb people get owned of their $ by ridiculously ugly rice farmers wearing a bikini as a work uniform. (not saying they all ugly, but in that video, those girls are horrendous) Yes daling no customel then u take a snap shot of her 10mins later giving a blowjob in the skytrain to a 70yo dude... who wouldnt love that kind of documentary with the picture of all the dudes sending her $ from home?

That wouldn't be politically correct Sir. You might get arrested.

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pretty shitty documentary imo, the fact that theres blatant lies just makes it completely fake.

The part where they state that girls with 'boyfrfiends' stop seeing other customers and that the mamasan enforces it, LOL are you serious?

Yeah, the 'documentary' is just ridiculous. Of course, one based at all in reality wouldn't sell.

How is it so ridiculous? Apart from a few porkies from the mamasan I found it quite credible.

I particularly liked it when the country girl packed up and went home .."<deleted> this for a game of soldiers!" :D

I don't know but I think the scoffers may have spent little or no time in the Thai country areas.

I can see how the other girl attracted a 3 day a bottle man as well :o

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After watching the 5th installment...finally figured out where the term ting tong farang came from...3 stupid expats on stage with their newly aquired wives, demonstrating their "cultural" intregration...Bl**dy idiots

Oh yeah, forgot about that cringe worthy moment :o

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I don't know but I think the scoffers may have spent little or no time in the Thai country areas.

Which is just fine by me :D

Well if spending a lot time in Thai country areas, means I have to stand up on stage and make a complete ar*e of myself to further the spirit of cultural integration, think I will give that one a miss... :o ...personally think the only thing I saw in wives eyes was the dancing of dollars, euro's or pounds, not that the latter two are worth that much these days...

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This doc was made by a woman for channel four UK broadcasting comp.

The director was quite clear in implying that men who go to Thailand and purchase wifes through the Internet and such are conning themselves.

And the women who prostitute themselves for rich white men are also conning themselves.

Someone has made a very small version of this prog with there own interpretation


Thai woman's fantasy of rich foreign husband (for they believe that no money means no love) meets western mans fantasy of eastern promise and the perfect wife.

What does this make?

A complete disaster, a marriage and a quick divorce and you lose loads of money.

Do not marry these pathetic creatures

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Thanks Gary! It's interesting and sad to say the least.

I watched all 5 and felt sadden for these women. It's not a matter of choice for them, but a matter of survival.

What utter rubbish, it's always a matter of choice, governed by self respect. :o

Yes, I absolutely agree.

Like me, I’m sure most of the posters on here have worked hard to secure their future and provide for their families.

I am 56 now. Came from a broken home, left school at 14. After that more or less educated myself, worked and saved right up until I was 50 years old and retired in Thailand.

Now, this is not a bleeding heart story, but something I’m sure many of us have in common, just maybe with a few variations.

All my Thai neighbours are convinced that I am rich. I say, not rich only comfortable, but I don’t care because I worked for what I have now.

Most of us know that the only way to achieve anything in this world is to work for it, unless one is extremely lucky and wins a lottery or something.

Many of these Thai girls see the older Farang as a short cut to achieving their goals for the future. Why pay for education or work hard for the rest of your life when you can tap into the resources of someone that has already done that?

So look at it in this respect, the older Farang who has already achieved his ambitions wants a bit of hot totty before he gets completely passed it and someone to care for him when he does become passed it.

The girl wants security for her and her family without having to work doing no hoper low paid crap jobs for the rest of her life, plus some status also.

I will create a new saying here: your money for your wife.

And the reality is that, the Farang becomes a financial institution and the Thai wife becomes the comforter & carer. So it concludes with, that the married couple both become products for each other, love rarely enters the contract.

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I find the double standards amusing sometimes. The idea that the poor uneducated Thai woman is trying to cheat the system by marrying a financially secure westerner is somehow different from the poor uneducated western woman marrying somebody with a job. You don't hear western women being called opportunists for becoming housewives and giving up work.

As far as I'm aware there is no educational qualification requirement to become a wife in the west so why try and apply this standard here. If becoming more financially secure through marriage is something to be embarrassed about than perhaps many of us should look at our own mothers with different eyes.

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Thanks for sharing.

I'd love to see an in depth study of what motivates the men in this equation. So much of what is said here, and elsewhere just doesn't add up.

Well , personal slave is probably a factor. It Cooks It Cleans It Services. The all in one Thai Woman. Buy one now at your nearest bar or local village.

While Supplies Last

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[quote name='HorseDoctor' date='2008-12-14 12:23:22' post='2403999

Well , personal slave is probably a factor. It Cooks It Cleans It Services. The all in one Thai Woman. Buy one now at your nearest bar or local village.

While Supplies Last


A couple of months ago I indirectly defended you by calling Bendix on a sarcastic reply he made to one of your posts.

Subsequently, I see you have a one-track agenda..well maybe a 1.5 track if you include the horses....

You state we look for female slaves etc., while displaying contempt for Thai women (at least the ones not born to some wealth) in many of your posts.

Perhaps it's time to make arrangements for sex-reassignment, then you could join the fun. Just think...you could get your own slave.

Really though, your obsession with this is ......(fill in blank with own psych. assesment)

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Sensationalism......... Of course plenty of it going on. I guess a Harvard / Chula graduated girl marrying a farang would be not good material for a "documentary".

This is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

It would be a great story unfortunately this scenario doesnt happen.

My tgf recently came in 2nd in miss thailand pagaent. Apparerntly first place got to know the judges intimately(if you know what i mean). It came out a judge acknowledged he and other judges had close relations with winner but all agreed it did not influence their vote.

Anyone there could see the winner had some kind of pull as she was not a good contestant, 7 or 8 girls were better looking and more talented.

Im a high powered lawyer in usa with lots of money, is there anything i can do to right this travesty.

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No, I"m sure I"ve displayed contempt equally for Thai women AND men. Both of whom I find are dishonest, etc etc etc . However I find even more contemptable western men who come here to engage as virtual slave labour, Thai women who really have little choice.

And since the topic of the thread , started by another is " what motivates the ladies.." I thought I'd add my opinion that it's financial and that men enable it all with their appetites for personal household servants/sex partner .

But you're right, whatever I post on this public forum is directed at the person determining if they really want to move to this country, who may be researching opinions from those that live here as when I was researching it all I read was sunny smiles from Sex Pats and such and with good cause , with so many attractive desparate personal servants to choose from .

However, Since I've moved here I have developed a 180 view on Thai hospitality and I find the smile is more often that not disingenuous.

ANd what on earth are you going on about changing my gender. It seems to be a recurring thread on insulting me with this..ridiculous slander. Really shows a sopho-or would it be Testo- moronic mindset that has to attack sexuality in lieu of a coherant argument.

So Bbbin , why is it you think Thai "ladies " want foreign ...boys ?

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garro put it well'

recently had a converstation with someone as we discussed who is divorcing whom, and why and if they re marry (gossip is a kibbutz pastime just like in any small village)...

why doesnt so and so divorce her husband the maniac? finances.

why doesnt so and so divorce her two timeing husband ? she has two special needs children and worries about the future.

why doesnt so and so on moshav x (village) divorce her horrendous husband? she is over 40 + 3 and ugly and not very bright, what will she do to support herself until now she worked a part time low paying job and really cant do more then that.

the list goes on. we, women , will marry for money(financial security) as well as love(romantic illusions that change as the couple gets older and get to know each other well)...and will put up with absolute sh... for financial fears... it is not so easy to work raise kids and be divorced when u are in the lower economic brackets. and not all of us are horatio algers in the work world. believe me, my initial fear of divorcing my former husbnd was definately based on 'what will happen even if i am on kibbutz? how will i survive financially etcetc?... i am a hard worker and intelligent but the work force doesnt want to give more then minimum wage to over 40 with kids.

would u want your daughter to marry a guy that has a steady job and possibly a house/land/or car at least, or some guy that is hanging out all day doing nothing and changing jobs like changing underwear? most parents that i know (middle east, oriental types, or european /east european types) will say they want their daughter to be happy but approve of the first type of husband and would want their daughter to think again about marrying the second.type...

i married a poor thai worker. trust me, it was for love and support and comfort... it wasnt teenage star struck puppy love. and many of my friends and my married sister were skeptical because 'what would i do w/o the financial support etcetc. my sister definately preferred someone afluent to marry, although love also was a criteria.

my best friend, while searching on a good quality jewish dating internet site, put in that she wouldnt settle for a man (wanted over 40 like her) that wasnt financially with assets. she's american. and she found what she wanted.

so i really dont think its a thai thing. its just more blatant in thailand. any studies in the states on women from economic brackets and what they look for in a partner? diamonds are a girl's best friend/ he gives me gold every birthday/we go on cruises all the time.... take a good hard look at peoples' motivations for marriage.

and as for horsedoc: of course not all thai smiles are friendly. u have to learn when the smile means they are pissed off, or unhappy, or being shy, its just a matter of learning body language, its not lies... its miscommunication. any thai can tell what an other thai is thinking by the smile... just we cant.

just like thais think that we are always angry here (israel) since everyone is always talking with raised voices. u just have to learn the words and intonations of the yelling to know when its anger, irritation or daily intercourse. my husbnd just thinks we are always angry.



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