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Rip Off At The Gymkhana Golf Course


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Tonight I was with my Thai wife at the restaurant at the Gymkhana Golf Course, which is near the Kawalla barracks.

I had "Fried Beef With Oyster Sauce", which was according to the menu 120Bt. But when the bill came, it was 140 Bt. When I asked why and showed them the menu, they said "sorry but the price of beef has gone up recently, that's why we have to charge more".

If I had been there by myself, I certainly wouldn't have paid it, but my wife said, "Mai Pen Arai". So just for my peace of mind, I paid it.

Is this another case of "TIT" (This is Thailand) or another attempt to rip off farangs, who don't know any better?

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Tonight I was with my Thai wife at the restaurant at the Gymkhana Golf Course, which is near the Kawalla barracks.

I had "Fried Beef With Oyster Sauce", which was according to the menu 120Bt. But when the bill came, it was 140 Bt. When I asked why and showed them the menu, they said "sorry but the price of beef has gone up recently, that's why we have to charge more".

If I had been there by myself, I certainly wouldn't have paid it, but my wife said, "Mai Pen Arai". So just for my peace of mind, I paid it.

Is this another case of "TIT" (This is Thailand) or another attempt to rip off farangs, who don't know any better?

It could be either or neither, it's 20 baht, forget about it.

If petty little issues like this bother you then you should take them up with the management of the establishment and not just go home to post about it on an internet forum. If things don't go well with the management then perhaps you would be justified in starting a public discussion.


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Dont go there again, find somewhere it is honest. Any restaurant increase will be applied to menus, beef hasnt increased 15% in the past few days so no reason. 20 baht or 2,000 baht, it is principle, why pay more than advertised. Suggest no one go there or ask price first befor order.

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Dont go there again, find somewhere it is honest. Any restaurant increase will be applied to menus, beef hasnt increased 15% in the past few days so no reason. 20 baht or 2,000 baht, it is principle, why pay more than advertised. Suggest no one go there or ask price first befor order.

Agreed!!! The previous poster stated it's only a petty issue and forget about it cos' it's only 20 baht. That is a meal for a Thai - and me so I don't think it's petty - it's cheating.

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Tonight I was with my Thai wife at the restaurant at the Gymkhana Golf Course, which is near the Kawalla barracks.

I had "Fried Beef With Oyster Sauce", which was according to the menu 120Bt. But when the bill came, it was 140 Bt. When I asked why and showed them the menu, they said "sorry but the price of beef has gone up recently, that's why we have to charge more".

If I had been there by myself, I certainly wouldn't have paid it, but my wife said, "Mai Pen Arai". So just for my peace of mind, I paid it.

Is this another case of "TIT" (This is Thailand) or another attempt to rip off farangs, who don't know any better?

It was ''Mai pen rai'' because you paid. If your wife was out with her friends, and she had to pay, fro her hard earned wages, I wonder if she would have replied with a ''mai pen rai''?

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You have to be kidding! Who gives a toss about 20 Baht on the cost of food???

A large bottle of Heineken will vary from 70 to 200 Baht per bottle in Chiang Mai restaurants. Its only 100 at Gymkanna, cheap by most standards. Add four of those to a modest meal (assume the Mrs isnt dining) and 20 Baht is nowt.

You have to be bigger than these things. I was in a restaurant for breakfast this morning and wanted milk with my tea. They tried to offer me powdered and long life, but had no fresh. So I just went across the road and bought some. My cost but enjoyed my tea, no problem.


ps. Kevin can probably try and plug the cost of food and drink at his establishment on this thread......

Edited by iainiain101
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JxP--I for one appreciate the heads up...I occasionally play and dine at the Gymkhana and now I have just been warned of a rip-off scheme there...albeit a minor one this time around. The OP was conned out of a mere THB 20, but what about if that figure grew by an order of magnitude as with a larger meal or with more diners? I agree with you that we need to take up our gripes with the establishment's manager, but it I think the OP did us a service for spreading the word and should not be chastized for it. The whole idea of the CM Forum is to disseminate information and for posters to ask queries of their own on some aspect pertaining to the local area. I cast my vote of thanks that TV gives us this opportunity and to <cnxmike> for raising it to our attention.

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JxP--I for one appreciate the heads up...I occasionally play and dine at the Gymkhana and now I have just been warned of a rip-off scheme there...albeit a minor one this time around. The OP was conned out of a mere THB 20, but what about if that figure grew by an order of magnitude as with a larger meal or with more diners? I agree with you that we need to take up our gripes with the establishment's manager, but it I think the OP did us a service for spreading the word and should not be chastized for it. The whole idea of the CM Forum is to disseminate information and for posters to ask queries of their own on some aspect pertaining to the local area. I cast my vote of thanks that TV gives us this opportunity and to <cnxmike> for raising it to our attention.

Rip-off scheme!! Are you mad? It was a 20 baht cock up on a bill, possibly the reason given was just an excuse possibly not, we'll never know as the OP decided that it was "mai bpen rai" - which by the way means "it doesn't matter" in certain situations, if it doesn't matter then why go to the effort of posting about it?

If the problem grew by whatever "order of magnitude" then the person paying the bill would be even more at fault for not taking the issue to the management. Give people a chance to fix a problem before shooting them down in a public forum. Times are getting harder and criticising people's businesses and livelihoods in a public arena without due justification has consequences, think about it.

I disagree with you wholeheartedly - in case you hadn't noticed - about the OP doing us a service; reporting back on how the management dealt with the issue would be a better service both to us and to the establishment in question.

Mai bpen rai, nah?


Edited by JuniorExPat
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I think it was just a failure from the staff in explaining to the OP beforehand that the price has gone up by 20 Baht and not changed in the menu as yet. Probably not done deliberately as a scam.

Agree wholeheartedly with JxP that it is no reason for coming on to a public forum like this and degrading anybody's business like that, especially when everyone is trying hard to survive in this "not so good" business climate.

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I think it was just a failure from the staff in explaining to the OP beforehand that the price has gone up by 20 Baht and not changed in the menu as yet. Probably not done deliberately as a scam.

Agree wholeheartedly with JxP that it is no reason for coming on to a public forum like this and degrading anybody's business like that, especially when everyone is trying hard to survive in this "not so good" business climate.

Have to agree with the majority of posters here and tb. Not the staff's fault. Mgmt, yes. Staff, no

Been a member here for yrs. Not using the place much these days just because of mis-management.

Nothing being done to improve the place even though they have had chances. Approached by various area

restaurants to take over operations have gone nowhere. Approached by a local golf pro to take over the course and driving range were met with a ridiculous price to lease. Negotiations to partner/lease land to a hotel group has stalled.

A wonderful location and property. Could be a jewel of CM. But mgmt doing nothing

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I never pay more than the menu says. Overcharging happens frequently here of course. I have never been in a restaurant, here, or anywhere that will not fix the bill to match the menu IF you complain.

Also, any place that tries that won't see me again, well unless the food is really good!

Edited by Jingthing
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what's your Problem?

Do you really think it's ok to give a customer a menu, which says a certain item costs 100.00 and after the customer finished his meal, charge him with 120.00 ?

Come on, get real!!!

No, I don't think that is okay, this is not my real point. My real point is that there are better, more considerate and more well mannered ways of dealing with the problem than coming onto to ThaiVisa with it, you chose the "mai bpen rai" route, stick to it.

Maybe I have over reacted a little, but only a little judging by some of the other posts in this thread. Gymkhana has a pedigree, unfortunately a recent combination of bad luck and bad judgement has made it difficult for many of the people who rely on the club to make their living. It is still a beautiful place, a landmark and a piece of Chiang Mai history. Okay, I have a soft spot for Gymkhana for many reasons but I also get incredibly frustrated when people quite clearly do not understand the impact that disparaging remarks on an internet forum can have.

Yes, it's only 20 baht; yes, it's wrong to overcharge; however, it is also very inconsiderate to make a complaint about an establishment without having made the complaint to the establishment and giving them a chance to deal with the issue. Muttering your discontent to drinking buddies is one thing, publishing on the internet is a totally different scenario.

Although imitation is supposedly the sincerest form of flattery, I think I will take your written mimicry as a prompt to bow out of this discussion in the hope that my point may have hit home by now.


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what's your Problem?

Do you really think it's ok to give a customer a menu, which says a certain item costs 100.00 and after the customer finished his meal, charge him with 120.00 ?

Come on, get real!!!

Just a guess but...

Why did your wife say 'Mai pen Rai'?

1. She didn't want to spoil the mood during a pleasant night out with her husband.

2. She accepted the fact that maybe prices have gone up in the last few months but they haven't got around to changing the menu. A management problem but not the staff's fault.

3. She may be, or the staff would certainly consider her to be, of higher social status, so she would lose face.

Why did you get angry?

1. The principle.

2. You think that Thais are always trying to rip you off?

If the menu said 140 baht would you have still ordered it? If so, what's your point?

Under these circumstances, a westerner would be prepared to make the point and potentially spoil the mood, whereas a Thai would probably think that enjoying a night out is more important. I'm not saying that that is what happened here, I'm just using it as an example of the cultural differences. 

Who's right , who's wrong - it depends. 

I see that you didn't show any anger at the time, which is very considerate of you. Well done. :o

Personally, I wouldn't let such an experience spoil my evening out and I wouldn't be thinking that this is a farang rip-off scheme, lest people think that I'm getting paranoid. :D

Edited by KevinHUNT
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JxP--I for one appreciate the heads up...I occasionally play and dine at the Gymkhana and now I have just been warned of a rip-off scheme there...albeit a minor one this time around. The OP was conned out of a mere THB 20, but what about if that figure grew by an order of magnitude as with a larger meal or with more diners? I agree with you that we need to take up our gripes with the establishment's manager, but it I think the OP did us a service for spreading the word and should not be chastized for it. The whole idea of the CM Forum is to disseminate information and for posters to ask queries of their own on some aspect pertaining to the local area. I cast my vote of thanks that TV gives us this opportunity and to <cnxmike> for raising it to our attention.

Rip-off scheme!! Are you mad? It was a 20 baht cock up on a bill, possibly the reason given was just an excuse possibly not, we'll never know as the OP decided that it was "mai bpen rai" - which by the way means "it doesn't matter" in certain situations, if it doesn't matter then why go to the effort of posting about it?

If the problem grew by whatever "order of magnitude" then the person paying the bill would be even more at fault for not taking the issue to the management. Give people a chance to fix a problem before shooting them down in a public forum. Times are getting harder and criticising people's businesses and livelihoods in a public arena without due justification has consequences, think about it.

I disagree with you wholeheartedly - in case you hadn't noticed - about the OP doing us a service; reporting back on how the management dealt with the issue would be a better service both to us and to the establishment in question.

Mai bpen rai, nah?


I will be sure to contact you in the future to insure that I get you coomplete approval before I Post. I certainly don't want to post a personal opinion that does not agree with your view.


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Well, to a certain poster above whose outspokenness and rudeness frankly surprises me...I'll be kind and sugarcoat my thoughts: why don't you take a rather large pineapple, cut it in half around its center, place my studied reaction to your belligerent posting inside of it, reconnect those halves, and place it on your person where the sun doesn't shine. :o

I also wish upon you that you get severely scammed by a Thai business soon and then have the forebearance to keep the unfortunate experience all to yourself.

Are you to be the new clearinghouse for the appropriateness of posts on Thai Visa Forum? I really think that you may be one of those rare breeds we see in Thailand that hates all fellow farangs.

Horsepuckey as we say in West Texas...

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I woke up to a beautiful morning, clear sky, fresh air, and in perfect health. Life being life, I’m sure it won’t always be like that, but for today, everything is just fine and dandy! If losing 20 Baht to a cock-up or even a scam, was the BIGGEST problem in my life today (or yesterday), I would have to stop and tell myself that I’m in pretty good shape overall.

When folks say things like ‘It’s not the money, it’s the principle’, it usually means it’s the money! Still, if such events occupy too much head space, then maybe it’s not a bad idea to get them off your chest using whatever means work best for you.

This is Thailand (TIT), and often times we hear folks saying things like, “Huh, if this was back home they’d bla dee bla dee blah”. But it ain’t back home and it never will be, and all the complaining in the world will not change diddlysquat. If anything, the Thais find irate and disgruntled foreigners entertaining, not threatening or life changing!

If anyone has been living here for any number of years, and they still find themselves throwing their arms up in the air with painful frequency uttering that old adage. ‘I Don’t Believe it!’, then maybe it is time to move on to pastures new. Majoring in minor issues will only hurt you the complainer, and not those you are angry or upset with.

In the case of the above establishment, the best thing you can do is never patronise the place again, and find an alternative joint where you can enjoy Fried Beef with Oyster Sauce.


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Well, to a certain poster above whose outspokenness and rudeness frankly surprises me...I'll be kind and sugarcoat my thoughts: why don't you take a rather large pineapple, cut it in half around its center, place my studied reaction to your belligerent posting inside of it, reconnect those halves, and place it on your person where the sun doesn't shine. :o

I also wish upon you that you get severely scammed by a Thai business soon and then have the forebearance to keep the unfortunate experience all to yourself.

Are you to be the new clearinghouse for the appropriateness of posts on Thai Visa Forum? I really think that you may be one of those rare breeds we see in Thailand that hates all fellow farangs.

Horsepuckey as we say in West Texas...

Ahhhhhhhh what utter drivel - get a life as we say here

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the correct thing to do in these situations is smile and pay up. And make sure you get even. Disconnecting a mains hose in the bathroom, take a dump on the floor in their john, just need jai yen yen. I know it makes me feel better.


Remind me not to get on your bad side :D

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Tonight I was with my Thai wife at the restaurant at the Gymkhana Golf Course, which is near the Kawalla barracks.

I had "Fried Beef With Oyster Sauce", which was according to the menu 120Bt. But when the bill came, it was 140 Bt. When I asked why and showed them the menu, they said "sorry but the price of beef has gone up recently, that's why we have to charge more".

If I had been there by myself, I certainly wouldn't have paid it, but my wife said, "Mai Pen Arai". So just for my peace of mind, I paid it.

Is this another case of "TIT" (This is Thailand) or another attempt to rip off farangs, who don't know any better?

i think perhaps the most important question that needs be asked is 'did you leave a tip?'

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