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Taking Your Partner To Your Homeland!


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Ok, So to all of you out there who have brought your wife/husband/gf/bf to your homeland from thailand to visit or live.

We all know the opinions of the general farang/thai relationship in the west, no matter how narrow minded it is.

What has been the worst comment or insult you have recieved to your face?

Mine has to be

A "friend" in my local in the uk asking how much my gf cost me? I answered more than your worth!


Walking up and street late on a sunday night holding hands with my gf and someone shouting "been shopping in thailand?" lucky for him he sobered up when i confronted him and aplogised. :o

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Took my misses back to the UK for a holiday and she cooked up a meal for me and some mates. @ the end of the meal one of my friends wanted to express his gratitude - thinking my wife had the English skills of a 1 year old - he proceeded to speak very slowly and used his hands like a game of charades.

She turned to him and in perfect English said " Dave, if you liked it all you had to do was to say - I don't understand sign language"

We all cracked up and Dave felt very stupid.


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I had my mother do a similar thing when she first met my wife, she thought talking louder would help on the communication front for some reason until my Mrs turned around and said in all innocence, You can talk normally I am not deaf...!!!

I was rolling on the floor laughing

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Before we met...his parent and friends were very worries and adviced about Thai woman..Kidney stolen !!!! , or I made up all story about me that seems too good to be true.

Since im here...none of insult from them but they are so proud of me that I can change my bf's behavior but from stranger i posted about guy in the pub.

Seem we are going great now.

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To be honest I wouldn't take my partner home.

My British ex-husband always referred to anyone south of Dover as a <deleted> and even as a baby, my daughter was introduced to coloured people as monkeys. She now has a phobia about it even though she knows it's ridiculous and is still absolutely terrified of foreigners.

My only thought is if my ex-husband is like this then so many others are too and I wouldn't put my partner through that sort of treatment for anything.

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To be honest I wouldn't take my partner home.

My British ex-husband always referred to anyone south of Dover as a <deleted> and even as a baby, my daughter was introduced to coloured people as monkeys. She now has a phobia about it even though she knows it's ridiculous and is still absolutely terrified of foreigners.

My only thought is if my ex-husband is like this then so many others are too and I wouldn't put my partner through that sort of treatment for anything.

As has been said on TV before "So you take one bigoted idiot for a husband and tar a whole nation with the same brush " Pity realy .

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I believe the majority of Thai women who are interested in dating farangs are too indebted to their family and too heavily influenced by get rich quick Thai girls to foster a successful relationship outside of Thailand. I have married a Thai woman and would never do it again. That's why I'm getting married to a Laos woman this time :o

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Two guys in my home town took their wives back to the UK to live. Life did not run smoothly. Too many men thought the Thai women were so 'easy' they often chatted the women up in front of their husbands - in the pub - and expected to be able to whip them off to bed for a quick shag. The two couples stopped going out and both were planning to return to Thailand. Though I have no idea what the final outcome was as I have been away so long myself and lost touch.

Very demeaning to the men and to the women to have that sort of attitude in their faces :o

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The UK seems to be a hotbed of racial discrimination, from a quick glance at some the posts on this thread, and those I have seen elsewhere

Not in my experience. I took my ex to the UK quite a few times with absolutely no issues whatsoever.

How you are treated as a couple will depend on where you go, what crowd you associate with and clearly how you and our partner presents her/himself.

p.s. We also traveled to Dubai, Bali, Europe, Malaysia and Singapore together. In Dubai, Bali and Malaysia I detected more negative sentiment towards us as a couple and her specifically as a Thai national than in the UK.

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No problems in Australia. My wife has been well treated by family, friends, and strangers.

Could not agree more - after 20+ years of my wife being in Australia we have yet to experience any negative comments etc.

On the other hand I have had plenty of positive comments. If couples experience negativity it might have something to do with the way they present themselves.

thesunset75 - my wife's mother & eldest brother (the family patriarch) put up a lot of resistence to her coming to Australia. It took a lot of convincing that I was not going to use & abuse her once I had got her out of Thailand. :o

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No problems in Australia. My wife has been well treated by family, friends, and strangers.

Could not agree more - after 20+ years of my wife being in Australia we have yet to experience any negative comments etc.

On the other hand I have had plenty of positive comments. If couples experience negativity it might have something to do with the way they present themselves.

thesunset75 - my wife's mother & eldest brother (the family patriarch) put up a lot of resistence to her coming to Australia. It took a lot of convincing that I was not going to use & abuse her once I had got her out of Thailand. :o

Similar experience after 3 years in the US with my wife. We have received nothing but a great many positive comments from both friends and strangers about our obvious happiness and being a such a wonderfully matched couple. If you are truly happy and in love, it appears that people most perceive it immediately and respond very positively even when there are obvious differences of nationality or age.

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A "friend" in my local in the uk asking how much my gf cost me? I answered more than your worth!

I had this one too, from a "friend" I've known since grade school. It was the one and only that has ever happened.

I answered... "I don't remember exactly, but if appearance and personality are any indication, I paid at least three times more than you did for yours!"

Ms. Bino wasn't in the room, but the guy's wife and a few other people were close enough for an "overheard". It was great fun watching both of their faces go bright red... his with anger and hers with embarrassment. They left the party moments later.

Everyone else in my small community was wonderful - friendly and accommodating. Just goes to prove that there is an a$$hole in every crowd.

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i used to have a thai gf in uk before i even visited thailand.she was a business woman and 10 years younger than me.never had outright comments but some of the boys were stunned by her ebauty and thought i was too old for her lol.i could pull her but they couldnt,made me feel 10ft tall.i even walked past them and gestured to stick their tongues back in.

jealousy is bad heheheheheh

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My thai GF spent approximately 18 months in Australia with me, we actually travelled right around the country with no adverse comments, mostly I would say she went unnoticed (Australia is very Multicultural though).

It's here in Thailand that I constantly hear stupid comments & the constant calls of 'farang' 'falang' or 'hey you'. (I don't live in a tourist area, but surely I'm not the first caucasian to walk these streets). If only I had 1 baht for every time I've heard that word! :o

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No problems in Australia. My wife has been well treated by family, friends, and strangers.

Could not agree more - after 20+ years of my wife being in Australia we have yet to experience any negative comments etc.

On the other hand I have had plenty of positive comments. If couples experience negativity it might have something to do with the way they present themselves.

thesunset75 - my wife's mother & eldest brother (the family patriarch) put up a lot of resistence to her coming to Australia. It took a lot of convincing that I was not going to use & abuse her once I had got her out of Thailand. :o

In the other hand when my bf went to Thailand and met my family and friends down south (he was the only one foriegner in the village ). It was really amazed how people looks at him and all the children were surprised (same thing children did to me here first time i came).

My family also very worry if he really love me or after my money or just want to take me and my son away from them, and i gave up the houses i build and land I own.

Now they seem to understand why we moved out of Thailand and how happy we are, how my son enjoy school and friends and learning third language here.

Most important thing is my son and I are well accepted from his family and friends.

I agreed about one post said..jelousy is bad...many people says bad thing to us because they are jelous how happy we are.

Make me feel like we are special family :D

Regards and cheers to you all.

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I don't remember exactly, but if appearance and personality are any indication, I paid at least three times more than you did for yours!"

So you lowered yourself to his level & insulted his wife in the same way he insulted your gf & in fact imo worse as his wife heard your insult to her whilst he said his only to you. I don't see from your post that his wife had made a bad comment to you either. Nice manners!!!

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I don't remember exactly, but if appearance and personality are any indication, I paid at least three times more than you did for yours!"

So you lowered yourself to his level & insulted his wife in the same way he insulted your gf & in fact imo worse as his wife heard your insult to her whilst he said his only to you. I don't see from your post that his wife had made a bad comment to you either. Nice manners!!!

Right said Boo. Some people never grow up. :o

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I don't remember exactly, but if appearance and personality are any indication, I paid at least three times more than you did for yours!"

So you lowered yourself to his level & insulted his wife in the same way he insulted your gf & in fact imo worse as his wife heard your insult to her whilst he said his only to you. I don't see from your post that his wife had made a bad comment to you either. Nice manners!!!

Wow my whole post got lost, awesome... basically, I disagree with you, someone calls your wife a hooker they deserve a broken jaw, that guy got off lightly.

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In the UK I have to agree their are a lot of racists and bigots. I think it is to do with the way the political parties continue to use immigration as a populist tool. The number of people I have spoken to who have opinions solely based on the latest "SUN" headline is disheartening.

You also get quite a few tv programmes about assylum seekers and sex traffic so in the UK you can be labelled both as a dirty old man for yourself and a benefits scrounger for your wife. Not Good.

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No problems in New Zealand after 4 + years. Sometimes people (sincerely) comment about how lovely my tgf is...

Must be the UK it seems. A lot of people here do complain about men with bgf's (british girl friends) whinging too much though :o So we do have some stereotyping down here apparently...

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Only once was my wife insulted, to my knowledge, when we lived in the UK.

When she first arrived she wanted to set up a bank account so we did a tour of the local branches.

On our trip to the local Lloyds my wife was filling in the application form and had trouble with one of the questions.

The customer service adviser looked at me and said 'why, can't she read?'

We didn't proceed with the application and after a complaint received an apology.

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I was lucky enough to meet my Thai Lady in Australia,10 years ago,she has now been in Sydney for 15 years,and managers a very succesful Thai Restaurant.She is 10 years younger than me,however we have a great relationship.

We travel back to Thailand every year to holiday and see her family,and we are both used to the looks and comments we receive here in Aus and in Thailand by others,which we totally ignore.

Roll on 2010 as i plan to retire in Jomtien,hopefully the real estate will have settled by then?

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(Boo @ 2008-12-15 15:39:36)
I don't remember exactly, but if appearance and personality are any indication, I paid at least three times more than you did for yours!"

So you lowered yourself to his level & insulted his wife in the same way he insulted your gf & in fact imo worse as his wife heard your insult to her whilst he said his only to you. I don't see from your post that his wife had made a bad comment to you either. Nice manners!!!

Wow my whole post got lost, awesome... basically, I disagree with you, someone calls your wife a hooker they deserve a broken jaw, that guy got off lightly.

read my post again, I never said the guy didn't deserve a slap but why bring his wife into it. Just shows a lack of manners imo & makes him as bad as the "mate" who insulted his gf. Achieves nothing.

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I was working at Erickson Aircrane in Oregon about 15 years ago and a bunch of us overhaul mechanics were standing around on break. One of them says to me "You've lived in Southeast Asia, do you know anything about gooks"? I didn't bat an eye just looked at him and said "I'm married to one" Didn't even slow him down he just went on and asked his inane question which I answered to the best of my ability while the rest of the guys tried to close their mouthes which had dropped open. This person's ignorance and stupidity were so over the top that we usually just gave him a free pass as it was more fun to see what idiocy he would come up with next. He seldom disappointed!

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I never said the guy didn't deserve a slap but why bring his wife into it. Just shows a lack of manners imo & makes him as bad as the "mate" who insulted his gf. Achieves nothing.

So- your position is that I should have resorted to violence?

Maybe that is what would happen in your hometown pub in the UK, but in Canada such an act would be classified as the criminal act of assault, and he would have been within his rights to call the police and press charges against me.

Did I reduce myself to his level? Absolutely. It was the best way to get across to someone like that quickly and decisively without lowering myself further to assaulting him as you advocate.

He brought his wife into the situation when he insulted Ms. Bino in front of her and a room full of people. I replied in exact context and kind, albeit with enough "force" to have an impact without it being a physical one.

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In the UK I have to agree their are a lot of racists and bigots. I think it is to do with the way the political parties continue to use immigration as a populist tool. The number of people I have spoken to who have opinions solely based on the latest "SUN" headline is disheartening.

You also get quite a few tv programmes about assylum seekers and sex traffic so in the UK you can be labelled both as a dirty old man for yourself and a benefits scrounger for your wife. Not Good.

Generally speaking it's only the under educated who are racist in the UK. Be honest, the UK is far less racist than the rest of Europe.

However, if your spouse is a lot younger than you are, then the Brits will laugh at you, but mostly behind your back rather than to your face. Not necessarily because they're 2 faced (although it could be!), but more likely because they don't want to be rude. (NOBODY believes that a young woman marries an old man for anything other than money)

If your wife is Thai then yes, the sex traffic and dirty old man lines will come to the fore.

Those who think they're jealous are kidding themselves. :o

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