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How To Make The Hard Mattress Soft?


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There are proper mattress tops for single and double beds, a double size one is about 1500 baht. Big C Lotus and most furniture stores that sell beds, they all got them, find the best quality you can and you will be amazed at the difference it makes.

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Many hotels and apartments in Thailand seem to have rock hard matresses.

In Pattaya there is a particular matress that sends shivers up my spine....it is a striped dark blue and white matress that many place seem to have and it absolutely stuffs my back.

Many Thais are happy to sleep on the floor so they probably wouldn't think that the matresses were too hard.

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I'd like to suggest getting an air mattress. I've been able to find them typically for around US$30 (so, should be around Bt1000) wherever I end up on the planet, and they're absolutely wonderful for my back. Only downside is that the plastic starts tearing itself up after about 8 months of use.

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  • 5 months later...

I had a look at their site the last time you earned a comission :D

No names, no physical address, mobile number only, generic (mac.com) email, no (formal) details of warranty or returns procedure... scary :)

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I had a look at their site the last time you earned a comission :D

No names, no physical address, mobile number only, generic (mac.com) email, no (formal) details of warranty or returns procedure... scary :)

You want to pay extra (e.g. 50-100% extra) as a contribution to the costs of running an office/showroom/staff etc rather than for the product? Plenty of places happy to take your money.

The outfit is real (I've met them) - do you think ThaiVisa would accept them as sponsors otherwise?. You'll pay factory prices rather than regular retail. I'm another very satisfied customer (since last year) - and no commission comes my way..........

Up to you.

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Stuff it with 1,000 notes.

Alternatively, have your wife speak slowly and clearly about chopping your parts off and feeding them to the ducks.

Softens me up every time.

Edited by Texpat
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  • 1 month later...
I'd like to suggest getting an air mattress. I've been able to find them typically for around US$30 (so, should be around Bt1000) wherever I end up on the planet, and they're absolutely wonderful for my back. Only downside is that the plastic starts tearing itself up after about 8 months of use.

Thanks. Does anyone know where an air mattress can be purchased in Bangkok?

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I had a look at their site the last time you earned a comission :D

No names, no physical address, mobile number only, generic (mac.com) email, no (formal) details of warranty or returns procedure... scary :)


Our name is Latex Innovations. There is no physical address as we distribute solely online. Low overhead costs enable us to offer a high quality product for a fraction of the cost if you were to purchase in a retail store. Mobile number, yes, why is this a bad thing? We do not use fax, no need for it in this day and age. Mac.com email, yes, and this is bad because??? The website is also hosted on a mac server, does that some how make it less good??? Warranty or returns, just send an email to the (mac) address and someone will answer your question, promptly I might add.

Once again, buy utilizing this business model, the one with the scary mac email address, and a scary mobile phone number, we are able to offer a great product for a great price. We have had many many happy customers, two of which have gave you their opinion about us and our product. We have also had many return customers that have ended up buying 2nd and 3rd mattress. The product speaks for itself, it really does.

By the way, the owners details are outlined in the quote once one is requested. And after payment an invoice is issued stating the items and cost. We try to operate as professionals.

Sleep well!!

Edited by LatexInnovations
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Contact VIBE and ask him about natural latex toppers. He is a Thai Visa sponsor and I was VERY satisfied with my foam mattress topper that I got from his tiloc.

Thanks for the recommendation! Happy to hear that you are satisfied with your topper, hope its been giving you sounder sleeps.

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The best solution would be to invest in a real good quality mattress. Don't forget that you spend 1/3 of your life on it.

This is the answer however they are very expensive and most condos here come furnished. One of those mattress toppers that molds to your body shape is good but expensive if you buy the real deal, also they heat up a lot. Or as others have suggested find a fat chick with big tits but that means going back home :)

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The best solution would be to invest in a real good quality mattress. Don't forget that you spend 1/3 of your life on it.

This is the answer however they are very expensive and most condos here come furnished. One of those mattress toppers that molds to your body shape is good but expensive if you buy the real deal, also they heat up a lot. Or as others have suggested find a fat chick with big tits but that means going back home :)

It is the real deal, and very reasonable prices. As for if they sleep hot, please see the link.


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Do you actually have a problem with your back or is it the hard bed giving you backache?

I find that a soft bed plays havoc with my back and would rather sleep on the floor than a really soft mattress.

If I was renting a room long term, I would buy a new Sealey (spelling?) mattress, firm and good support with just the right amount of give. As one poster stated, you spend a third of your life on your bed and how good your mattress is affects the quality of your waking hours.

My Sealey mattress cost about 7,500 Baht from Tesco Lotus and possibly the best 7,500 I have ever spent. My girlfriend suffered from back pains constantly and since we bought the mattress has commented on how much better she feels.

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Do you actually have a problem with your back or is it the hard bed giving you backache?

I find that a soft bed plays havoc with my back and would rather sleep on the floor than a really soft mattress.

If I was renting a room long term, I would buy a new Sealey (spelling?) mattress, firm and good support with just the right amount of give. As one poster stated, you spend a third of your life on your bed and how good your mattress is affects the quality of your waking hours.

My Sealey mattress cost about 7,500 Baht from Tesco Lotus and possibly the best 7,500 I have ever spent. My girlfriend suffered from back pains constantly and since we bought the mattress has commented on how much better she feels.

Soft "regular" spring mattresses are not good for the back, as they lack support. Thats the beauty about natural latex, its very soft and cushy, yet it is VERY supportive and keeps everything aligned the way it is meant to be. This translates into a very comfortable sleep, and a feeling of well restedness in the morning. How you feel when you wake up is just as important as how well you sleep. Natural latex = feeling GREAT. Its like "hovering" when you are lying on it.

And the great thing about our toppers are that you can always roll them up and take them with you if you move around a lot. There really is no need to sacrifice comfort just because you are renting a room.


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