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New Foreign Minister Hailed Airport Closures


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...Mr Kasit appeared as a regular guest speaker at PAD rallies which demanded the removal of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

More worrying for some Democrats was his recent speech about the PAD's takeover of Suvarnabhumi airport.

Mr Kasit hailed the shutdown of the capital's city's international airport, which left over 200,000 passengers stranded, as a "new innovation for public protests". :D

He must have been on the Benny Hill show...... :o

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Waiting for the pro-PAD supporters on this forum to start posting their defense for this guy. :o

They probably can't get a word in for all the Thaksin lovers and anti PAD supporters mouthing-off and anyway why should they (PAD) be bothered - the democrates are in the chair and if they overstep the line I'm sure PAD will certainly let them know.

? How can the DemoPAD puppet overstep the puppeteer? It's not physically possible.

There are very few Thaksin lovers on Thaivisa, or especially on this thread, what there are is people who believe in democratic process.

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Waiting for the pro-PAD supporters on this forum to start posting their defense for this guy. :o

They probably can't get a word in for all the Thaksin lovers and anti PAD supporters mouthing-off and anyway why should they (PAD) be bothered - the democrates are in the chair and if they overstep the line I'm sure PAD will certainly let them know.

? How can the DemoPAD puppet overstep the puppeteer? It's not physically possible.

There are very few Thaksin lovers on Thaivisa, or especially on this thread, what there are is people who believe in democratic process.

Thaksin, like him or loathe him (I thought he was dreadful), was comfortably elected by a big majority of Thai voters, and probably would be if they held an election tomorrow. He was overthrown by an illegal military coup. That's hardly a ringing endorsement of a democratic process.

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sabaijai also claims that taking over the airport was like, "The Boston Teaparty".

I never claimed the airport takeover was like the Boston Tea Party. You were moaning about how the Pad protests weren't 'legal protests' and I replied 'Like the Boston Tea Party?' The point wasn't that anything the protesters did was akin to the Boston Tea Party. Just that the action the American colonists took in Boston (deliberately destroying private property) was no more legal at the time than what the Pad did. Knowing how patriotic you were, I thought you might appreciate the analogy. But then that would require learning to reason :o

Civil disobedience isn't legal either. That is not a comparison or a claim, that's a fact. Pointing out that fact isn't the same as supporting any yellow-shirt protest tactic. The airport siege was a terrible blow to the Thai economy and a grave tactical error on the part of the Pad. What it will ultimately mean for Thailand is one for the historians to decide. :D

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The rest of the Bangkok Post article that the OP quoted is also worth mentioning here. Nipat, a democrat MP has stated to the press that 80 million baht is the going price for a seat in the democrat cabinet.

Of course no one should be unduly surprised as all parties are corrupt, but it just makes the PAD claims of fighting against corruption to be arid nonsense.

The democrats couldn't get through a week in power and the first corruption scandal surrounds them.

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There is an article in the London 'Observer' today that will be revealing to many in the West who have previously lumped all of Thailand together in their image of it.

They wiill purse their lips at the downright racism revealed in:

"....almost all observers agree that, if Abhisit is to gain any traction and win the popular mandate he so badly needs, he must take action to connect with ordinary Thais.

Judging by his appointments since becoming prime minister, the chances of that are slim, particularly in the north. Last week, emerging from parliament minutes after Abhisit won his vote, Democrat MP Charoen Kanthawongs, a lawyer with the prominent firm Tilleke and Gibbins International, told a Malaysian newspaper, the New Straits Times, that he was not concerned by the opinions of the north-easterners who make up much of Veera's support.

"People in the north-east are employees of people in Bangkok," said Charoen Kanthawongs. "My servants are from the northeast. Gas station attendants in Bangkok are from the north-east.".... "

Of course, the boot may be on the other foot when the international capitalist crisis, plus energy depletion, crashes the economy of the city dwellers and they have no need of Tilleke and Gibbens' services.

If Charoen Kanthawongs then wants to eat from my granary, he will bloody well have to work long and hard in the fields to earn that rice for his bowl.

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Thaksin, like him or loathe him (I thought he was dreadful), was comfortably elected by a big majority of Thai voters, and probably would be if they held an election tomorrow. He was overthrown by an illegal military coup. That's hardly a ringing endorsement of a democratic process.

Neither was Thaksin a ringing endorsement for democracy. He had successfully meddled and interfered with all of the checks and balances that enable democracy to operate. Nobody was able to speak out against him or his administration - if they did they faced a libel suit. He instilled fear that gave him the carte blanche to do exactly as he pleased. Whether or not he would have won elections then without all of that, or whether or not he would win an election now, is of no importance. The fact is he corrupted democracy and anyone who does this loses the right to claim power no matter how popular.

The coup was an unfortunate but necessary intermin measure to try and restore the democratic process. At the time there were many who said that the generals would cling on to power and abuse their position. Although i know there are some on this forum who would claim this did happen, as i see it they did stand by their word to step back after a short given time, and i have seen no evidence to suggest that any of the generals became unusually rich or gained personally from the coup.

Thaksin was a cancer that had to be removed. He was corrupt and self-serving, and is now a criminal on the run, who refuses to accept the court's decision, despite having always accepted it when it went in his favour. The courts certainly didn't appear to be neutral when they let him off the assets concealment case, and if they don't appear to be neutral to him now, what right does have to complain, especially as it was his team who tried to bribe the courts?

The funny thing is he could still so easily turn all this around. All he'd have to do is come back and accept the court's decision. If he showed some remorse that combined with no doubt considerable pressure from his many fans, i've no doubt that for the sake of national unity he would serve very little time and be back out as a hero, ready and able to rebuild his empire. I just hope and pray that as usual his pig-headedness and self-righteous attitude prevents him from doing so because getting off easy isn't something he deserves.

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Did any court decide to disqualify the current PM Abhisit? He didn't join the Army, didn't have both sor dor 9 and 43. A male PM who nee thahan (escaped being in Army) is still there giving light weighted talks!

But they disqualified Khun Samak for cooking on tv, saying Khun Samak was an employee! He was not. He received payment job by job. They based on the dictionary to judge. Dic said if you receive payment for doing something, you're an employee. This is very wrong. Is the one who washes my hair my employee?

A judge who sat in that group to decide also worked to receive payment in universities. As per his dictionary, he should be disqualified too. All were written very clearly in the Constitution Law. But he just keeps quiet, stops teaching, and still judges people.

What the PAD did wrong was since Aug until Dec but no order to arrest is seen. But they already arrested some reds who damaged snakes' cars on 15 Dec.

When they just kill one side and free one side, who the hel l wants to obey?

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Seems the new Commerce minister used to run a massage parlour (actually rather an enormous one if you follow the link).

Another little ministerial gem, wonder what Chamlong would make of this.

Fodder for Fleet Street

The tabloids will have a field day with this given whenever there is a "sex" element to a story it will be given prominence. As mentioned in a comment the other day, the new Commerce Minister's main claim to fame is that she used to run the very large Poseidon "massage parlour" - some safe-for-work pictures and briefy description of the costs see here.

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Seems the new Commerce minister used to run a massage parlour (actually rather an enormous one if you follow the link).

Another little ministerial gem, wonder what Chamlong would make of this.

Fodder for Fleet Street

The tabloids will have a field day with this given whenever there is a "sex" element to a story it will be given prominence. As mentioned in a comment the other day, the new Commerce Minister's main claim to fame is that she used to run the very large Poseidon "massage parlour" - some safe-for-work pictures and briefy description of the costs see here.

Good on the new CM, this shows she is acquainted with everyday economic and social realities. Licensed aap op nuat/massage parlour are one of the six sathaan borikaan that are legally sanctioned, along with restaurants, bars and restaurants.

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Thailand's new foreign minister has described last month's hijacking of Bangkok's main international airport as "a lot of fun.

Kasit Piromya, 64, will be sworn in on Monday as Thailand's new foreign minister. His job of rebuilding Thailand's battered international image will not be helped by the fact that he was a prominent supporter of the protests, and still is.

More than 350, 000 travellers were stranded three weeks ago when a few thousand demonstrators from the ultraroyalist People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) stormed the airport. Investor confidence has been badly shaken and analysts say that lost tourism business could cost 1 million jobs.

But Mr Kasit told an audience of astonished diplomats and foreign journalists on Friday that the protests were "a lot of fun".

"The food was excellent, the music was excellent," he explained.

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Thailand's new foreign minister has described last month's hijacking of Bangkok's main international airport as "a lot of fun.

Kasit Piromya, 64, will be sworn in on Monday as Thailand's new foreign minister. His job of rebuilding Thailand's battered international image will not be helped by the fact that he was a prominent supporter of the protests, and still is.

More than 350, 000 travellers were stranded three weeks ago when a few thousand demonstrators from the ultraroyalist People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) stormed the airport. Investor confidence has been badly shaken and analysts say that lost tourism business could cost 1 million jobs.

But Mr Kasit told an audience of astonished diplomats and foreign journalists on Friday that the protests were "a lot of fun".

"The food was excellent, the music was excellent," he explained.

Thai culture at its best

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Investor confidence has been badly shaken and analysts say that lost tourism business could cost 1 million jobs.

But Mr Kasit told an audience of astonished diplomats and foreign journalists on Friday that the protests were "a lot of fun".

"The food was excellent, the music was excellent," he explained.

What a complete thoughtless prat.

Thailand proves once again that it is the Hub of Idiocy.

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I am sure for him, it was fun. He was on the 'winning' team, so to speak. His help landed him a plush job in the Foreign Ministry. Now let's see if the 'winning' team can keep ahead until the end of the game.

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isnt 90 considered legally retarded in western countries?

btw canada is only that low because we have many spots where 99% of the population is retarded+sick from inbreeding notably Lac-St-Jean, many other areas in all province, but we dont count those people in :o

Edited by canadianmonkey
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isnt 90 considered legally retarded in western countries?

btw canada is only that low because we have many spots where 99% of the population is retarded+sick from inbreeding notably Lac-St-Jean, many other areas in all province, but we dont count those people in :o

No, it is 70 and below.

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Waiting for the pro-PAD supporters on this forum to start posting their defense for this guy. :o

They probably can't get a word in for all the Thaksin lovers and anti PAD supporters mouthing-off and anyway why should they (PAD) be bothered - the democrates are in the chair and if they overstep the line I'm sure PAD will certainly let them know.

? How can the DemoPAD puppet overstep the puppeteer? It's not physically possible.

There are very few Thaksin lovers on Thaivisa, or especially on this thread, what there are is people who believe in democratic process.

Thaksin, like him or loathe him (I thought he was dreadful), was comfortably elected by a big majority of Thai voters, and probably would be if they held an election tomorrow. He was overthrown by an illegal military coup. That's hardly a ringing endorsement of a democratic process.

I agree. That's why I cannot understand the PADites pretence at a pro-democracy stance.

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I.Q. isn't generally considered to be a legal concept. It is a diagnostic tool, so I highly doubt that someone is 'legally' retarded.

last time i took a IQ test (by accident, I thought it was a game) I scored 131. It's no wonder I can't see my picture on that chart.

or was it my blood pressure that i got 131 on?

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Thailand's new foreign minister has described last month's hijacking of Bangkok's main international airport as "a lot of fun.

But Mr Kasit told an audience of astonished diplomats and foreign journalists on Friday that the protests were "a lot of fun".

"The food was excellent, the music was excellent," he explained.

What kind of idiot the Democrat put in charge of the foreign affairs... :D:o

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Thailand's new foreign minister has described last month's hijacking of Bangkok's main international airport as "a lot of fun.

But Mr Kasit told an audience of astonished diplomats and foreign journalists on Friday that the protests were "a lot of fun".

"The food was excellent, the music was excellent," he explained.

What kind of idiot the Democrat put in charge of the foreign affairs... :D:o

He's not the worst minister either... :D

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I had high hopes that this government would be more competent, looks like I was sadly wrong. One can only ask why would they put a moron in that office? Apparently someone owes him big time.

Edited by Gary A
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isnt 90 considered legally retarded in western countries?

btw canada is only that low because we have many spots where 99% of the population is retarded+sick from inbreeding notably Lac-St-Jean, many other areas in all province, but we dont count those people in :o

No, it is 70 and below.

i doubt that, at my highschool the most retarded idiot there was(kind of guy who eats poop for 2$) who only passed because someone paid the school (he never scored above 30% in an exam and studied all night every day + at lunch) scored 92 @ the university iq test

He also raped a passed out friend of his a 19.. doesnt get more retarded than that..

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isnt 90 considered legally retarded in western countries?

btw canada is only that low because we have many spots where 99% of the population is retarded+sick from inbreeding notably Lac-St-Jean, many other areas in all province, but we dont count those people in :o

No, it is 70 and below.

i doubt that, at my highschool the most retarded idiot there was(kind of guy who eats poop for 2$) who only passed because someone paid the school (he never scored above 30% in an exam and studied all night every day + at lunch) scored 92 @ the university iq test

He also raped a passed out friend of his a 19.. doesnt get more retarded than that..

Using a student at University as an example of a retard is hardly accurate, although his behaviour is clearly bizarre and anti-social, it doesn't make him a retard.

I suggest you look at this


A developmental condition that is characterized by significantly lower then average level of general intellectual functioning. Failure to develop cognitive abilities and achieve an intelligence level that would be appropriate for their age group.

Mild Mental Retardation

About 85% of persons that are Mental Retarded fall into this group.

IQ level 50-55 up to about 70

Moderate Mental Retardation

About 10% of persons that are Mental Retarded fall into this group.

IQ level 35-40 to 50-55

Sever Mental Retardation

About 3% to 4% of persons that are Mental Retarded fall into this group.

IQ level 20-25 to 35-40

Profound Mental Retardation

About 1% to 2% of persons that are Mental Retarded fall into this group.

IQ level below 20 or 25

Mental Retardation Severity Unspecified: When there is a "STRONG" presumption of Mental Retardation but standard test can not be used to determine level of impairment.


Diagnostic Criteria ( DSM-IV™ ) made easy.

1. Intellectual functioning significantly below average. IQs of about 70 or lower in person who can take an IQ test. Clinical judgment must be use on those who can not take an IQ test.

2. Impairments or deficits for that age group in functioning in at last two of the following areas:



Leisure time.





Taking care of a home.


3. The onset of impairment must be before the age of eighteen.

Source Psyweb.com

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I.Q. isn't generally considered to be a legal concept. It is a diagnostic tool, so I highly doubt that someone is 'legally' retarded.

Depend in which country you live in. Under the MHA (1983) in the UK it can be used to detain patients who are retarded, as the diagnostic tool used includes the IQ Quotient, it can also be used for Educational issuses (statement) and DLA, so yes, in essence it is legal' a a better understanding is on this link,


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