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Australian Drug Smuggler Arrested At Suvarnabhumi

Jai Dee

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..........and George W Bush gets to go to Texas and write his memoirs.......go figure.


And so does this Australian murderer, that you anti US mob conspired to free -


All the ranting and raving in the world wont change a thing about this drug runner, he is well and truly f####d for the rest of his life.

Anyway all smackheads in Sydney will still be able to get a fix tonight if they caught 100 of these people a week.

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Listen at all you witch hunting little bigots screaming for the death penalty. Why don't all of you stop giving money to the drug trade? Stop going to bars because the money that is extorted from them in Thailand is used for the drug trade. Stop engaging in prostitution because half the money you are giving them is going to the people who traffic drugs. A article published in the 90's, by The Nation, out of New York, I think. Showed statistics where, "The average age of a heroin addict in the Netherlands where there is tolerance and minimal punishment, was 45 years old." "The average age of a heroin addict in the US where they were giving life for 3 drug related crimes was 14 years old." So spare us the save the children crap. You sound as pathetic as the guy in prison clutching his daughter's picture for sympathy. The majority of you are only in Thailand because you engage in prostitution which is illegal just like drugs! In our countries you would all be in prison right next him. You promote white slavery, kidnapping, DRUGS, and organized crime by pumping money into the sex trade. A lot of the people in the world think all of you should get the death penalty. I would rather live next door to someone who sold drugs than sold children. We caught a guy yesterday that came back from Thailand and had recorded himself having sex with children between the ages of 9 and 14. He will get less time than our idiotic friend awaiting your death penalties for heroin. Would it be fair to homosexuals with HIV if we just say, "SOM NAM NA!" and don't try to aleve their suffering? So to all of you who say som nam na, well right back at ya. I say your intolerance of adult drug use creates the situations where children get involved with drugs. If alcohol were illegal the average age of an alcoholic would be below 18. Would it be any different for me to think if we started rounding up homosexuals and killing them that the rest would stop playing grab ass with each other and those children on that tape we confiscated would have been spared? Next time you all go pay for sex or find your romance in a mans hairy bum just remember, A lot of people in the world want to see all of you rot in a prison and hanged from the castle walls for what your doing too.

Showed statistics where, "The average age of a heroin addict in the Netherlands where there is tolerance and minimal punishment, was 45 years old.

This prove nothing, In 1994; 39% of heroine users where youngsters in 2006 only 6%. The main reason for this is because using heroine is not regarded to be cool anymore because only losers use it.

Now they take other drugs like Amphetamines (cheap substitute for cocaine) ,marijuana, poppers, and bench drinking who is a major problem amongst youngsters between 12 and 17 years old.

Overall drug use is a big problem, you seems to deny it, but all statistics prove it. That's why the present government is considering to make more stringent laws concerning drugs, because their tolerance politic towards drugs failed.Even the left wing parties admit it and this is braking a long year taboo in leftists circles.

In the statistics of cocaine users the majority of users is between 25 to 45, so not 45 years old as you claim. But statistics also show that 5,3% of males in this age group is using cocaine. Do you think this is an healthy society where 5,3 % of the males in this group are cocaine users, nor yet to mention the use of marijuana and other drugs. Wow in Holland on each 20 males in this group there is one cocaine user.

So I urge you to stop spreading disinformation. And as i wrote above, the youngsters use substitutes for cocaine.

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Some people don't seem to think too deeply before blurting out some hateful uninformed bile.

This man was a "mule", they are used by the bosses so they don't get caught themselves, THEY are the ones that deserve your hatred.

The mule is usually paid a pittance in relation to the value of the stuff they carry and the profit their boss will make.

I mean if you had the intent and sufficient cash to fund the round trip ticket and the purchase of the merchandise, would you take the risk yourself?

Mules are often coerced into performing their task, for all we know his daughter was threatened.

Personally I'll reserve my judgement, good or bad, until I have full knowledge of the situation, which will never happen.

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Some people don't seem to think too deeply before blurting out some hateful uninformed bile.

This man was a "mule", they are used by the bosses so they don't get caught themselves, THEY are the ones that deserve your hatred.

The mule is usually paid a pittance in relation to the value of the stuff they carry and the profit their boss will make.

I mean if you had the intent and sufficient cash to fund the round trip ticket and the purchase of the merchandise, would you take the risk yourself?

Mules are often coerced into performing their task, for all we know his daughter was threatened.

Personally I'll reserve my judgement, good or bad, until I have full knowledge of the situation, which will never happen.

I wonder how much 'gear' is coming thru ur warf in melbourne?

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Some people don't seem to think too deeply before blurting out some hateful uninformed bile.

This man was a "mule", they are used by the bosses so they don't get caught themselves, THEY are the ones that deserve your hatred.

The mule is usually paid a pittance in relation to the value of the stuff they carry and the profit their boss will make.

I mean if you had the intent and sufficient cash to fund the round trip ticket and the purchase of the merchandise, would you take the risk yourself?

Mules are often coerced into performing their task, for all we know his daughter was threatened.

Personally I'll reserve my judgement, good or bad, until I have full knowledge of the situation, which will never happen.

I wonder how much 'gear' is coming thru ur warf in melbourne?

No idea mate, lost all interest in gear and Melbourne many years ago... (hint; under Melbourne it clearly states that I am now in Chiang Mai)

and "Warfie" is a nickname which has nothing to do with past or present occupation... (and yes, I know it's not spelled correctly)

Edited by warfie
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This is typical TV fashion ust put the guy down to hel_l and call him all the names under the sun.


I for one dont like to see the drug dealers get life it just aint right, life should be saved for the pedos, rapist and murderers not some poor mule who was probably gonna get a few g for his cut..

good luck mate, and i mean that

i am with you here. and would go even further.

legalise it. a win-win situation.

it's not only the individual right of a person to do what ever he want with his body, also economic wise for the society drug legalisation would be smarter.

let the people who want buy drugs buy it to free market prices. they buy it anyway and it's available anyway, despite harsh laws and prohibition. look at the alcohol prohibition years in the states.

the drug-related crime, stealing to get money to buy drugs, violence against rival drug dealers would disappear.

anti drug laws help only the big drug cartels to have a monopol market and keep the prices up.

legal drugs can be produced under pharmaceutical conditions, controlled by the FDA. the consumer can buy "clean" drugs and not some dirty dangerous cocktails mixtures. the "dirty" drugs, not pure drugs are actually responsible for the most medical damage that comes with drugs.

law enforcement agencies can focus on real crimes and don't have to waste money and man power on the war on drugs (or can not extract corruption money from the busisness anymore)

you don't have to jail the user anymore. pusher, trader, dealer will have to do some other work.

i am here with milton friedman. i don't like youtube videos as argument so much, but for a couple of people are texts maybe to long to read. so listen to this man to hear the point.

there are also field studies around that prove that legalising do good. but okay, there are also people with the same professional background who say the opposite.

before you flame me take your time, google: *legalize/legalise drugs* to get some idea of the pro and counter arguments.

i don't like drugs and i saw some personal tragedies, victims of drug abuse. prohibition didn't help them. educational advertising instead of demonising maybe had done it. i think the pro legalisation arguments are convincing.

above my position, thats why i can not jump on that australian man like the TVforum justice fighter.

he is dumb that is for sure, he should know the laws in thailand and should respect them, and he have to face his punishment according to the thai law.

but i can't not wish him death or can follow the most arguments here against him. mostly stupid arguments of redneck wannabe sheriffs.

people causing accidents and harm innocents because the driving drunk a car can get a away with much softer punishments as this drug mule who only deliver what other people want to buy out of free will.

OK you can label me as an red neck, Nazi, fascist and maybe even some more nice labels after my next comment.

In my opinion its very easy to stop drug trafficking.

Instead of hunting down traffickers and drug cartels its more sensible to dry out the market. Because the market is so lucrative that when you catch one, dozens of others will jump in to replace him.

So you must attack the costumers, because if there are no more customers the market lost his value, the same as a company who have no clients will go bankrupt.

How to achieve this?

Make a law that give every person who is in possession of any illegal drug the death penalty with a a lethal injection you can make this very humain way, doing it in a nice surrounding with good music, comfortable chair with a glass of wine.

Announce this law to the public 24 months before it will be implemented and give all drug addicts all the possible help and care to overcome their addiction. But state clearly that when the law is implemented there will be no more excuses excepted.

So its up to their own free will to get help, so if they refuse to be helped, you can say they choose voluntary to commit suicide. In Fact they are committing suicide now also, its only takes a litle bit longer

This law will make an end to a lot of suffering of drug addicts and society. because lets be frankly an drug addict have a life without any future.

I know such kind of law is almost impossible to implement in an democracy, but they can try to have an referendum about it. Because I honestly believe its the only solution, all the rest will fail.

And please don't make comments about Aids patients, handicapped people and so on, because they can be helped to have an productive life, while an drug addict is lost for society.

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Draconian Henry, but with a workable logic. Still...

But unless you are Singapore or some such environment

it's political suicide to implement it.

I subscribe to the welded shut box just a LITTLE too small for the person.

You will never stand or lie straight again.

15 years in there; lights 24/7 and no company no conversations,

Maybe a really bad repeating soundtrack you learn to LOATH.

I don't want these people dead for selling poison,

I want then to suffer a long stretch as punishment on the cheap.

Only let them have company every 2 years to record a warning to others

and then weld them back in. No human contact, just food through the slot.

Dracoinian too, but would be as effective.

Edited by animatic
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Some people don't seem to think too deeply before blurting out some hateful uninformed bile.

This man was a "mule", they are used by the bosses so they don't get caught themselves, THEY are the ones that deserve your hatred.

The mule is usually paid a pittance in relation to the value of the stuff they carry and the profit their boss will make.

I mean if you had the intent and sufficient cash to fund the round trip ticket and the purchase of the merchandise, would you take the risk yourself?

Mules are often coerced into performing their task, for all we know his daughter was threatened.

Personally I'll reserve my judgement, good or bad, until I have full knowledge of the situation, which will never happen.

I wonder how much 'gear' is coming thru ur warf in melbourne?

No idea mate, lost all interest in gear and Melbourne many years ago... (hint; under Melbourne it clearly states that I am now in Chiang Mai)

and "Warfie" is a nickname which has nothing to do with past or present occupation... (and yes, I know it's not spelled correctly)

Yes, I saw you were in Chiang Mai & all of that before & I know Wharf is spelt Wharf, i just put 1 & 1 together and got 25 as the answer. cheers to you warfie. :o

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Give the moron some rudimentary nursing training and make him work every day for the next 40 years in the medical ward of the prison. At least then he would do something useful. His daughter might even be proud of him when she hears that he is washing up vomit and wiping shit from the HIV sufferes in prison with him.

Then give him the injection when he gets too old to be useful any more.

Me, extreme, never.

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If there is a positive to come from news of the stupid Mr Hood's capture, it is the opportunity for members of the TV "hang 'em high" brigade to dust off their barbaric attitudes. :o

And of course for Champaigne Socialists to display their PC credentials to the forum.

Apologists for scum like this are never far away, so come on, lets here all the good things about this man and what you would do with him.

In the west, we give them a nice social worker, protection from the evil courts who may punish them, taxpayers money for alternative therapies, needles to carry on their idiot practices.

What is alway missing from these liberals is that people who do drugs start because they think it is cool! They are too brain dead even before drugs take effect.

Nice to see a county shoot a few thousand of these cretins.

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I'm not sure why you would think what I have said would require me to be careful, irregardless of whether it was an open or closed forum OR perhaps at a social function. You're going to need to be a lot sharper than that, to catch me out. :D

Another wannabe hardnut hey... :o:D

:D you won't get a bite from me on that one 2008 but perhaps you and that weirdo bernie66 (is that you Wadoff?) should get together sometime....he thinks like you and apparently we are all here in thailand just to buy sex, sorry i think his point was that pedo thing you were talking about earlier. We're you boy's tampered with when you were younger or is it just a fashion thing?

Is what a fashion thing??

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is it a fashion thing to go on about pedos? :D

... in a thread about drug smugglers... :D

warfie, the pedos get dragged into this back on page 2 somewhere, when one of these mindless numbsculls couldnt help himself. :o

ya... I noticed... I generally try to read all previous posts before posting in a thread myself... probably the reason I don't post so much... :D

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warfie, the pedos get dragged into this back on page 2 somewhere, when one of these mindless numbsculls couldnt help himself. :o

and even stranger is the fact its you who keeps mentioning them

ok last comment..

if you re read my post i said 'they should save the life sentence for pedo's rapist and muderers, not some drug mule who is probably gettin a few g chucked his way..is that clear or should i write it in wingdings for you??

Edited by 2008bangkok
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Just wondering why there seem to be so many Australians being caught at it? Is it just because of the vicinity of Bangkok to Australia--do the Brits smuggle there's in from Latin America?

This guy obviously lacks it up there....He must have just thought that 99.5% of people appear to walk through customers without ever being checked so he can do the same....but these custom guys are trained to sniff out as well as having their dogs..and there's always someone willing to snitch on you to get pally with the police...especially if the Thai side dealer thinks you're an ass and won't be back again...

I've been to Laos a few times and can't help but notice so many Africans hanging out there....I wonder when authorities will catch on to Laos being the next big drug dealership..

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warfie, the pedos get dragged into this back on page 2 somewhere, when one of these mindless numbsculls couldnt help himself. :o

and even stranger is the fact its you who keeps mentioning them

ok last comment..

if you re read my post i said 'they should save the life sentence for pedo's rapist and muderers, not some drug mule who is probably gettin a few g chucked his way..is that clear or should i write it in wingdings for you??

whoa.... I think you should be renamed "edit lightening" but at least we appear to agree on the mule issue...

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This is typical TV fashion ust put the guy down to hel_l and call him all the names under the sun.


I for one dont like to see the drug dealers get life it just aint right, life should be saved for the pedos, rapist and murderers not some poor mule who was probably gonna get a few g for his cut..

good luck mate, and i mean that

i am with you here. and would go even further.

legalise it. a win-win situation.

it's not only the individual right of a person to do what ever he want with his body, also economic wise for the society drug legalisation would be smarter.

let the people who want buy drugs buy it to free market prices. they buy it anyway and it's available anyway, despite harsh laws and prohibition. look at the alcohol prohibition years in the states.

the drug-related crime, stealing to get money to buy drugs, violence against rival drug dealers would disappear.

anti drug laws help only the big drug cartels to have a monopol market and keep the prices up.

legal drugs can be produced under pharmaceutical conditions, controlled by the FDA. the consumer can buy "clean" drugs and not some dirty dangerous cocktails mixtures. the "dirty" drugs, not pure drugs are actually responsible for the most medical damage that comes with drugs.

law enforcement agencies can focus on real crimes and don't have to waste money and man power on the war on drugs (or can not extract corruption money from the busisness anymore)

you don't have to jail the user anymore. pusher, trader, dealer will have to do some other work.

i am here with milton friedman. i don't like youtube videos as argument so much, but for a couple of people are texts maybe to long to read. so listen to this man to hear the point.

there are also field studies around that prove that legalising do good. but okay, there are also people with the same professional background who say the opposite.

before you flame me take your time, google: *legalize/legalise drugs* to get some idea of the pro and counter arguments.

i don't like drugs and i saw some personal tragedies, victims of drug abuse. prohibition didn't help them. educational advertising instead of demonising maybe had done it. i think the pro legalisation arguments are convincing.

above my position, thats why i can not jump on that australian man like the TVforum justice fighter.

he is dumb that is for sure, he should know the laws in thailand and should respect them, and he have to face his punishment according to the thai law.

but i can't not wish him death or can follow the most arguments here against him. mostly stupid arguments of redneck wannabe sheriffs.

people causing accidents and harm innocents because the driving drunk a car can get a away with much softer punishments as this drug mule who only deliver what other people want to buy out of free will.

OK you can label me as an red neck, Nazi, fascist and maybe even some more nice labels after my next comment.

In my opinion its very easy to stop drug trafficking.

Instead of hunting down traffickers and drug cartels its more sensible to dry out the market. Because the market is so lucrative that when you catch one, dozens of others will jump in to replace him.

So you must attack the costumers, because if there are no more customers the market lost his value, the same as a company who have no clients will go bankrupt.

How to achieve this?

Make a law that give every person who is in possession of any illegal drug the death penalty with a a lethal injection you can make this very humain way, doing it in a nice surrounding with good music, comfortable chair with a glass of wine.

Announce this law to the public 24 months before it will be implemented and give all drug addicts all the possible help and care to overcome their addiction. But state clearly that when the law is implemented there will be no more excuses excepted.

So its up to their own free will to get help, so if they refuse to be helped, you can say they choose voluntary to commit suicide. In Fact they are committing suicide now also, its only takes a litle bit longer

This law will make an end to a lot of suffering of drug addicts and society. because lets be frankly an drug addict have a life without any future.

I know such kind of law is almost impossible to implement in an democracy, but they can try to have an referendum about it. Because I honestly believe its the only solution, all the rest will fail.

And please don't make comments about Aids patients, handicapped people and so on, because they can be helped to have an productive life, while an drug addict is lost for society.

you want have a referendum about that every person in possession of any illegal drug get the death penalty, because a drug addict is lost for the society?

i call you uneducated and imbecile, okay? but keep coming with your BLAH, at least it's entertaining.

milton friedman, the nobel prize-winning economist (Wow!), the one i talked above who had some good reason to legalise drugs had also an answer for this

"I Don’t Believe In Democracy

Let’s be clear, I don’t believe in democracy in one sense. You don’t believe in democracy. Nobody believes in democracy. You will find it hard to find anybody who will say that if, that is democracy interpreted as majority rule. You will find it hard to find anybody who will say that at 55% of the people believe the other 45% of the people should be shot. That’s an appropriate exercise of democracy.

What I believe is not a democracy but an individual freedom in a society in which individuals cooperate with one another. And in which there is an absence of coercion and violence. "

side note: notthenation picked up the 55% vs 45% idea last year and let Samak came up with a similar concept.

and i repeat again, take your time google: *legalize/legalise drugs* to get some idea of the pro and counter arguments.

and here a few more ideas for you, that you can bring up in future debates:


The lazy are slaughtered

the world grows industrious

The ugly are slaughtered

the world grows beautiful

The foolish are slaughtered

the world grows wise

The sick are slaughtered

the world grows healthy

The sad are slaughtered

the world grows merry

The old are slaughtered

the world grows young

The enemies are slaughtered

the world grows friendly

The wicked are slaughtered

the world grows good

Erich Fried "Die Maßnahmen"

(sorry, i know it's Erich Fried, YAWN, but i couldn't resist)

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Listen at all you witch hunting little bigots screaming for the death penalty. Why don’t all of you stop giving money to the drug trade? Stop going to bars because the money that is extorted from them in Thailand is used for the drug trade. Stop engaging in prostitution because half the money you are giving them is going to the people who traffic drugs. A article published in the 90’s, by The Nation, out of New York, I think. Showed statistics where, “The average age of a heroin addict in the Netherlands where there is tolerance and minimal punishment, was 45 years old.” “The average age of a heroin addict in the US where they were giving life for 3 drug related crimes was 14 years old.” So spare us the save the children crap. You sound as pathetic as the guy in prison clutching his daughter’s picture for sympathy. The majority of you are only in Thailand because you engage in prostitution which is illegal just like drugs! In our countries you would all be in prison right next him. You promote white slavery, kidnapping, DRUGS, and organized crime by pumping money into the sex trade. A lot of the people in the world think all of you should get the death penalty. I would rather live next door to someone who sold drugs than sold children. We caught a guy yesterday that came back from Thailand and had recorded himself having sex with children between the ages of 9 and 14. He will get less time than our idiotic friend awaiting your death penalties for heroin. Would it be fair to homosexuals with HIV if we just say, “SOM NAM NA!” and don’t try to aleve their suffering? So to all of you who say som nam na, well right back at ya. I say your intolerance of adult drug use creates the situations where children get involved with drugs. If alcohol were illegal the average age of an alcoholic would be below 18. Would it be any different for me to think if we started rounding up homosexuals and killing them that the rest would stop playing grab ass with each other and those children on that tape we confiscated would have been spared? Next time you all go pay for sex or find your romance in a mans hairy bum just remember, A lot of people in the world want to see all of you rot in a prison and hanged from the castle walls for what your doing too.

What a load of old crap!!!

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Some people don't seem to think too deeply before blurting out some hateful uninformed bile.

This man was a "mule", they are used by the bosses so they don't get caught themselves, THEY are the ones that deserve your hatred.

The mule is usually paid a pittance in relation to the value of the stuff they carry and the profit their boss will make.

I mean if you had the intent and sufficient cash to fund the round trip ticket and the purchase of the merchandise, would you take the risk yourself?

Mules are often coerced into performing their task, for all we know his daughter was threatened.

Personally I'll reserve my judgement, good or bad, until I have full knowledge of the situation, which will never happen.

it helps to keep the street prices up, the cartels have more sophisticated ways to smuggle drugs. drug laws helping the big cartels to keep a monopol and shut down small competitors.

and the high street prices lead to the drug related crimes like robberiers to get the money.

and all the draconian laws never helped or stopped the use and demands for drugs from costumers.

a black market is ruled by criminals without mercy, and there is the possebility that this mule was coerced and his daughter threatened. legalisation would stop it.

friends of Authoritarianism could be happy, the government could legal rob money (tax) from that business. illicit drugs trade is one of the largest global businesses.

- Drug use does not appear to be related to drug policy, as countries with more stringent policies (e.g., the US) did not have lower levels of illegal drug use than countries with more liberal policies (e.g., The Netherlands).

WHO World Mental Health Surveys

"Many people may think that taking drugs is inherently wrong and so should be illegal. But there is a question of effectiveness—does making it illegal stop people doing it? The answer is clearly no. One could even argue that legalization would eliminate part of the attraction of taking drugs—the allure of doing something illegal.


In the UK we have cut off huge swathes of the population, branding them criminals and creating an underclass of people who no longer feel part of our society. A sensible policy of regulation and control would reduce burglary, cut gun crime, bring women off the streets, clear out our overflowing prisons, and raise billions in tax revenues. Drug users could buy from places where they could be sure the drugs had not been cut with dangerous, cost saving chemicals. There would be clear information about the risks involved and guidance on how to seek treatment. It is time to allow adults the freedom to make decisions about the harmful substances they consume."

from British Medical Journal: Why should Should drugs be decriminalised.

there are many pro and contra arguments and i want to seconds warfies comment: Some people don't seem to think too deeply before blurting out some hateful uninformed bile.

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good to see no 'bleeding heart do gooder civil liberty" types in here saying how asia is too tough on crime....dear me what a fool!!Australia would do well to get tough in real terms on drug dealers instad of just talking tough. he should pay the price like the Vietnamese Aussie did in Singapore some time back.

here is one for- asia is far too tough on crime,, backward, non progressive.....

the policy have not, do not, can not, will EVER WORK

do you know what differnce this will make= none, zero, nadar....

what is gained postively by this= zero

the addicts will still be there

the dealer's love it, they will up the price's

who will pay for all this=YOU! ( if you pay tax's and we all do don't we?)

who get rich by all these backward policys= the drug don's

happy with all this are you?

glad at least one person got it semi correct when he said "ABUSE"

and lets not forget that ABUSE of almost anything will get you just the same

use of heroin has zero negitive affects, in fact many say that it prolongs life ( but I may get told off for saying this)

do those people honestly think that the majorty of these type's do not make it through aussie custom's

do they really believe the propaganda put out by TV show's?

my goodness the TV brainwasher's have done well , orwell would be proud

he is less than 0.1 %

we will never solve one single thing if we carry on like this

the hang'em high bunch love to see someone 'suffer' like this

makes them feel good for being good little sheep, payingtheir taxes on time, following the rules,,, sit, run, lay...

they hate being told that the vast majority are never brought to the justice

but these sorts do not progress the real issue's problem one iota, in fact them regress any progress made

they are in fact part of the problem

and where is such a thing called compasion?

2009 dawns and we are still largely run by fools/mules

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This is typical TV fashion ust put the guy down to hel_l and call him all the names under the sun.


I for one dont like to see the drug dealers get life it just aint right, life should be saved for the pedos, rapist and murderers not some poor mule who was probably gonna get a few g for his cut..

good luck mate, and i mean that

i am with you here. and would go even further.

legalise it. a win-win situation.

it's not only the individual right of a person to do what ever he want with his body, also economic wise for the society drug legalisation would be smarter.

let the people who want buy drugs buy it to free market prices. they buy it anyway and it's available anyway, despite harsh laws and prohibition. look at the alcohol prohibition years in the states.

the drug-related crime, stealing to get money to buy drugs, violence against rival drug dealers would disappear.

anti drug laws help only the big drug cartels to have a monopol market and keep the prices up.

legal drugs can be produced under pharmaceutical conditions, controlled by the FDA. the consumer can buy "clean" drugs and not some dirty dangerous cocktails mixtures. the "dirty" drugs, not pure drugs are actually responsible for the most medical damage that comes with drugs.

law enforcement agencies can focus on real crimes and don't have to waste money and man power on the war on drugs (or can not extract corruption money from the busisness anymore)

you don't have to jail the user anymore. pusher, trader, dealer will have to do some other work.

i am here with milton friedman. i don't like youtube videos as argument so much, but for a couple of people are texts maybe to long to read. so listen to this man to hear the point.

there are also field studies around that prove that legalising do good. but okay, there are also people with the same professional background who say the opposite.

before you flame me take your time, google: *legalize/legalise drugs* to get some idea of the pro and counter arguments.

i don't like drugs and i saw some personal tragedies, victims of drug abuse. prohibition didn't help them. educational advertising instead of demonising maybe had done it. i think the pro legalisation arguments are convincing.

above my position, thats why i can not jump on that australian man like the TVforum justice fighter.

he is dumb that is for sure, he should know the laws in thailand and should respect them, and he have to face his punishment according to the thai law.

but i can't not wish him death or can follow the most arguments here against him. mostly stupid arguments of redneck wannabe sheriffs.

people causing accidents and harm innocents because the driving drunk a car can get a away with much softer punishments as this drug mule who only deliver what other people want to buy out of free will.

OK you can label me as an red neck, Nazi, fascist and maybe even some more nice labels after my next comment.

In my opinion its very easy to stop drug trafficking.

Instead of hunting down traffickers and drug cartels its more sensible to dry out the market. Because the market is so lucrative that when you catch one, dozens of others will jump in to replace him.

So you must attack the costumers, because if there are no more customers the market lost his value, the same as a company who have no clients will go bankrupt.

How to achieve this?

Make a law that give every person who is in possession of any illegal drug the death penalty with a a lethal injection you can make this very humain way, doing it in a nice surrounding with good music, comfortable chair with a glass of wine.

Announce this law to the public 24 months before it will be implemented and give all drug addicts all the possible help and care to overcome their addiction. But state clearly that when the law is implemented there will be no more excuses excepted.

So its up to their own free will to get help, so if they refuse to be helped, you can say they choose voluntary to commit suicide. In Fact they are committing suicide now also, its only takes a litle bit longer

This law will make an end to a lot of suffering of drug addicts and society. because lets be frankly an drug addict have a life without any future.

I know such kind of law is almost impossible to implement in an democracy, but they can try to have an referendum about it. Because I honestly believe its the only solution, all the rest will fail.

And please don't make comments about Aids patients, handicapped people and so on, because they can be helped to have an productive life, while an drug addict is lost for society.

A better way is to legalise it and for the government of each country to supply it on prescription. This gives you the oportunity to provide medical support to the user, guarantee the quality of the drug and provide education for harm minimisation. Remember panadol has killed and is killing more people than heroin ever has or will. The cost of Government supplied Morphine is 38 cents an ampule

Edited by waza
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Make a law that give every person who is in possession of any illegal drug the death penalty with a a lethal injection you can make this very humain way, doing it in a nice surrounding with good music, comfortable chair with a glass of wine
This law will make an end to a lot of suffering of drug addicts and society. because lets be frankly an drug addict have a life without any future.

hunter s thompson

the beatles

irvine welsh

william buroughs

and queen victoria

get the point you red neck nazi fascist?

and as you sit down at your computer, which of course you didnt invent perhaps you might like to read this wired

if you ruled the world i am sure we would all be very efficient worker drones but its creativity that created wealth for us westerners :o

Edited by nedflanders
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This is typical TV fashion ust put the guy down to hel_l and call him all the names under the sun.


I for one dont like to see the drug dealers get life it just aint right, life should be saved for the pedos, rapist and murderers not some poor mule who was probably gonna get a few g for his cut..

good luck mate, and i mean that

i am with you here. and would go even further.

legalise it. a win-win situation.

it's not only the individual right of a person to do what ever he want with his body, also economic wise for the society drug legalisation would be smarter.

let the people who want buy drugs buy it to free market prices. they buy it anyway and it's available anyway, despite harsh laws and prohibition. look at the alcohol prohibition years in the states.

the drug-related crime, stealing to get money to buy drugs, violence against rival drug dealers would disappear.

anti drug laws help only the big drug cartels to have a monopol market and keep the prices up.

legal drugs can be produced under pharmaceutical conditions, controlled by the FDA. the consumer can buy "clean" drugs and not some dirty dangerous cocktails mixtures. the "dirty" drugs, not pure drugs are actually responsible for the most medical damage that comes with drugs.

law enforcement agencies can focus on real crimes and don't have to waste money and man power on the war on drugs (or can not extract corruption money from the busisness anymore)

you don't have to jail the user anymore. pusher, trader, dealer will have to do some other work.

i am here with milton friedman. i don't like youtube videos as argument so much, but for a couple of people are texts maybe to long to read. so listen to this man to hear the point.

there are also field studies around that prove that legalising do good. but okay, there are also people with the same professional background who say the opposite.

before you flame me take your time, google: *legalize/legalise drugs* to get some idea of the pro and counter arguments.

i don't like drugs and i saw some personal tragedies, victims of drug abuse. prohibition didn't help them. educational advertising instead of demonising maybe had done it. i think the pro legalisation arguments are convincing.

above my position, thats why i can not jump on that australian man like the TVforum justice fighter.

he is dumb that is for sure, he should know the laws in thailand and should respect them, and he have to face his punishment according to the thai law.

but i can't not wish him death or can follow the most arguments here against him. mostly stupid arguments of redneck wannabe sheriffs.

people causing accidents and harm innocents because the driving drunk a car can get a away with much softer punishments as this drug mule who only deliver what other people want to buy out of free will.

OK you can label me as an red neck, Nazi, fascist and maybe even some more nice labels after my next comment.

In my opinion its very easy to stop drug trafficking.

Instead of hunting down traffickers and drug cartels its more sensible to dry out the market. Because the market is so lucrative that when you catch one, dozens of others will jump in to replace him.

So you must attack the costumers, because if there are no more customers the market lost his value, the same as a company who have no clients will go bankrupt.

How to achieve this?

Make a law that give every person who is in possession of any illegal drug the death penalty with a a lethal injection you can make this very humain way, doing it in a nice surrounding with good music, comfortable chair with a glass of wine.

Announce this law to the public 24 months before it will be implemented and give all drug addicts all the possible help and care to overcome their addiction. But state clearly that when the law is implemented there will be no more excuses excepted.

So its up to their own free will to get help, so if they refuse to be helped, you can say they choose voluntary to commit suicide. In Fact they are committing suicide now also, its only takes a litle bit longer

This law will make an end to a lot of suffering of drug addicts and society. because lets be frankly an drug addict have a life without any future.

I know such kind of law is almost impossible to implement in an democracy, but they can try to have an referendum about it. Because I honestly believe its the only solution, all the rest will fail.

And please don't make comments about Aids patients, handicapped people and so on, because they can be helped to have an productive life, while an drug addict is lost for society.

you want have a referendum about that every person in possession of any illegal drug get the death penalty, because a drug addict is lost for the society?

i call you uneducated and imbecile, okay? but keep coming with your BLAH, at least it's entertaining.

milton friedman, the nobel prize-winning economist (Wow!), the one i talked above who had some good reason to legalise drugs had also an answer for this

"I Don’t Believe In Democracy

Let’s be clear, I don’t believe in democracy in one sense. You don’t believe in democracy. Nobody believes in democracy. You will find it hard to find anybody who will say that if, that is democracy interpreted as majority rule. You will find it hard to find anybody who will say that at 55% of the people believe the other 45% of the people should be shot. That’s an appropriate exercise of democracy.

What I believe is not a democracy but an individual freedom in a society in which individuals cooperate with one another. And in which there is an absence of coercion and violence. "

side note: notthenation picked up the 55% vs 45% idea last year and let Samak came up with a similar concept.

and i repeat again, take your time google: *legalize/legalise drugs* to get some idea of the pro and counter arguments.

and here a few more ideas for you, that you can bring up in future debates:


The lazy are slaughtered

the world grows industrious

The ugly are slaughtered

the world grows beautiful

The foolish are slaughtered

the world grows wise

The sick are slaughtered

the world grows healthy

The sad are slaughtered

the world grows merry

The old are slaughtered

the world grows young

The enemies are slaughtered

the world grows friendly

The wicked are slaughtered

the world grows good

Erich Fried "Die Maßnahmen"

(sorry, i know it's Erich Fried, YAWN, but i couldn't resist)

At first I was not planning to react, but your Poem did change my mind, because its no related to my proposal.

1- In my proposal the drug addict get all possible help and care to overcome his addiction.

2- There is a 2 year period to overcome it

3- nobody is forced to take drugs

4- I believe when somebody know before hand that taking drugs will have the ultimate punishment he will not start doing so.

5- I clearly stated that this is in no way related to the handicapped, disabled, AIDS patients, mentally handicapped and so on.

6- its very human, or do you think drug addicts live is so wonderful.

7- in many countries they have Euthanasia laws to help people who suffer from incurable unbearable pains to have an peaceful end. What is the difference with an drug addict.

8- do you know any family's confronted with drug addicted children, brothers or parents? If so ask their opinion about my proposal first, before you call me an uneducated or imbecile.

I taught an educated person as yourself will explain with arguments why my proposal is wrong, maybe you could change my mind. I think such is much better than surrender yourself to name callings and personal attacks

kind regards


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At first I was not planning to react, but your Poem did change my mind, because its no related to my proposal.

1- In my proposal the drug addict get all possible help and care to overcome his addiction.

2- There is a 2 year period to overcome it

3- nobody is forced to take drugs

4- I believe when somebody know before hand that taking drugs will have the ultimate punishment he will not start doing so.

5- I clearly stated that this is in no way related to the handicapped, disabled, AIDS patients, mentally handicapped and so on.

6- its very human, or do you think drug addicts live is so wonderful.

7- in many countries they have Euthanasia laws to help people who suffer from incurable unbearable pains to have an peaceful end. What is the difference with an drug addict.

8- do you know any family's confronted with drug addicted children, brothers or parents? If so ask their opinion about my proposal first, before you call me an uneducated or imbecile.

I taught an educated person as yourself will explain with arguments why my proposal is wrong, maybe you could change my mind. I think such is much better than surrender yourself to name callings and personal attacks

kind regards


yep, i gave a couple of hints here in my entries, did you read it at all?

1. consumer buy and take drugs out of free will

2. so you want break the free will of this people, for what? a better society? there are cheaper and more economical ways to reach that goal, without killing people.

3. nobody is forced to take drugs, exactly. that is a point you got right.

4.- Drug use does not appear to be related to drug policy, as countries with more stringent policies (e.g., the US) did not have lower levels of illegal drug use than countries with more liberal policies (e.g., The Netherlands). WHO World Mental Health Surveys

5. but i would it aim at people like albert hofmann, alois huxley, hermann hesse, william s. burroughs, timothy leary, andy warhol, counterculture people, hippies, rave movement, lot's of celeb's in the show business, and much much more common people. wonderful people.

6. no i don't think it's very human to declare their wants to a sickness and the only cure would be death penalty, doesn't matter if you are play music for them or not. it is a mass slaughter and still is it even if in a referendum the mentally handicapped gave their yes vote for it and henry alleman and animalogic thought would be cool.

7. that is a complete other issue and there are not so much countries that have this kind of euthanasia, and than it would be the decision and the will of the patient and not same law henry alleman and animalogic thought would be cool.

8. yes, me i know such people. lot's of them can manage their habit, few of them not. tragic, but it's not only the drugs brought that persons down, drug abuse is/was in that cases just a symptom of other problems. i wrote about it in my entry you replied too. and i ask you to did a short google search on *legalise/legalize drugs* did you have done it. under the frist hits is a headline like this: Parents say heroin and ecstasy should be legal

and i said there are many pro and countr arguments for legalisation. i brought so far only a position from an economist view point, 'calculating the cost for the society' including some medical reasons for the addict as well.

again draconian laws will not help and will not stop it. your sugesstion just kill every drug consumer is very far out and i don't know where to begin to explain it to you why you are wrong with that.

but did you spot if there is something odd with THE MEASURES TAKEN in the poem? that would be your line, right?:

The addicts are slaughtered

the world grows clean

do you think "good music, comfortable chair with a glass of wine." makes the slaughter human?

whatever, if you think i surrender myself to name callings and personal attacks, i remind you on your own words:

A person who would have some intelligence would clearly understood it. So I did overrated your intelligence. But this again is not putting any blame on you. Because you can't blame a person for something he don't have.

i don't want to educate the mass of people or force and coerce them to do something. ervybody has the change to educate and make himself smart and don't have to stay dumb.

if drug user decided for themself to do dumb things it's up to them, it's their individual right, i don't have to kill them for that. but there are ways to help them out of the illegality and also ways to stop the drug related crime and a big reduce of the health risk if you just make drugs legal. i wrote about it already.

i value individual rights above all other rights, what you recommend is "mob rule" or "gang rule" as ayn rand would call it. "Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities and the smallest minority on earth is the individual"

and i guess there will be always somebody just call your opinion dumb if you start to talk about something you have no idea, knowledge or insight of.

i see nothing wrong in calling dumb and imbecile people just what they are 'uneducated and imbecile'.

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