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I'm looking for a bit of guidance here.

I have a Hasselblad 500CM and a 500 EL/M. I'm considering a digital back to fit on either/both of them. Finances dictate something around 12-16 megapixels and probably Phase One.

What I don't understand is as follows:-

Are these earlier backs tethered only or can they be used in the field?

Is it simply a case of bolting them on the camera, coupled with the appropriate sync cables, and off you go?

Where are the images stored?

How are the images retrieved?

What about synch cables for various lenses viz old style compur/CF etc - is a dedicated cable needed for each?

In other words - how the hel_l does it all work?

Has anyone out there done this successfully?

Would appreciate feedback



Yep, I met the guys at the BITEC Photo Fair in Bangkok. They were asking 1.5 m for the latest 60 MP dB with that Phamia camera. Not a bad price!

Try NIKS, they are the Mamiya dealer. Or call Jaruwan at Hasselblad. [email protected] www.procamera.in.th 081 643 3398

The folks at the medium formato forum at Luminous Landscape will answer your questions within hours.

After X-Mas there should be many deals to be had.

In BKK, there is also www.studiosota.com the owner knows Hasselblads and the Thai market pretty well.


P.S.: I just found a card with Leaf on it. Pro accessories, they had some view camera gear on their stand as well. Seems to be a used camera dealer & repair business.

942/37 1st floor chanissra tower 1, Rama IV Road, Tel. 02 632 8433-4

Eddie Siu [email protected] cell 081 340 0034. vulcan, this guy should know what works with the 500 body or know someone in BKK who sells this gear.


Just in case anyone is interested this is the response I received posting my query on the LL site (as kf6vci suggested)

It may prove beneficial if you too are tempted with MFDB.

Digital backs come in two variations - tethered and untethered. In the tethered variation, there are two further variations - computer tethering, and ImageBank/Digital Magazine tethering.

Then, what computer platform are you using? Some backs will work only on Macs; others will work on PC and Mac.

Is wide-angle photography important to you? Will you make large prints? That will decide whether you can do with a smaller back - in terms of physical chip dimensions and resolution.

Here's a small roundup of older backs:

I: Tethered only:

A. Computer/Laptop tethered only:

Phase One H series - PC and Mac

Sinar 44 and 54 series, Eyelike M11/M16/M22 - Mac only

These backs need to be attached to a computer/laptop for them to function. Files are stored on the computer. The older Sinar 44 and 54 backs have FibreOptic connections to a computer and cannot be used easily with laptops. Newer versions have Firewire connections and can be used on Mac laptops. Both Sinar and Eyelike also come in single-shot and multi-shot versions.

These backs do not have an LCD, and everything needs to be done from the computer.

B. Computer and Image Bank tethered:

Leaf Valeo series - Mac only, though the files are readable by Photoshop on the PC

The Valeo series needs a separate battery pack, and an Image Bank where images are stored. No LCD, but the wireless versions of the Valeos can be used with an HP iPAQ where the image comes up on the iPAQ screen. Images are stored on the ImageBank.

Hasselblad Imacon 96C/384C/132C/528C - PC and Mac. The same as the Valeo, except that they have a small LCD to display the image.

II. Untethered

Phase One P series, Leaf Aptus, Sinar eMotion, eSprit, Hasselblad CF series. The Hasselblad H series and Mamiya ZD backs cannot be used on V mount cameras. In these backs, images are recorded and stored on CompactFlash cards. The Aptus and Hasselblad backs can be used with ImageBanks as well. All of them can be tethered. All except the Sinar will work with Mac or PC. Sinar has a PC version of its software due "soon". But some models may not be supported initially, so choose carefully.

Some Kodak backs will also work on Hasselblad V mount cameras. Check www.kodak.com and www.kapturegroup.com to confirm which cables and adapters are required. The Kodak backs are not supported any longer, and repair/support may be unavailable/extremely expensive in Thailand. Some older Imacon backs have a problem with fungus growth in tropical climates.

The Hasselblad, Sinar and Eyelike backs have user-interchangeable adapters for different cameras. So theoretically you could change from Hasselblad V to Hasselblad H to Mamiya mount. But these adapters are not necessarily cheap, nor easily available. With Leaf and PhaseOne, you are locked into the system.

With the older Hasselblad cameras, there's no escaping the sync cables. The good thing is you need only one from the back to the lens. There's no need to have one for each lens, though you should have spares. These are the simple flash synchro cords. You also need separate cables from the back to the computer/laptop or ImageBank.

The LCD screens on the backs are pretty much of a joke - not nearly as good as the one on your point and shoot. Most are unusable for critical focusing. Depending on what you want to do with your back, you may find the tethered backs extremely good value for money. On some Mac laptops the Firewire connections are not as good as those on desktops, and you may need battery powered repeater hubs. PC laptops will always need these hubs. A 12V universal laptop battery, a powered Firewire hub and a Firewire cable are all that you need.


Just extending this topic.

I've just received a PM from an LL user alerting me to the cropped (36mm x 36mm) sensor on 16mp backs and the (apparent) difficulty a lot of users have getting accurate focus with manual systems.

Looks like a 5DMK11 for me! My eyes ain't what they were. :o



I'm shopping for the 500 series Hasselblad and came across this. there are people who have been using it with a DB.

The focusing issue is a surprise - this is one of the main pro cameras after al with countless digital backs available which fit.

I often screw up when focusing, getting the eyes blurred and the necklace perfect on a 2.8/180 mm Sonnar. The lens I miss the most is the 2.0/110 mm, but I had to replace several titanium shutters, so the 2000 series bodies are not for me.

Vulcan, have you ever considered the Mamiya 645 if you want AF? They have a nice 2.8/200 mm APO and lenses & gear is affordable on eBay.

I could ask some 500 series owners about their experience. If this was a major issue, the manufacturers would have addressed that!!


I wish I could read German!

Anyway, switching to Mamiya seems pointless as I have a nice array of Hassy lenses and peripherals.

The second "big" issue I need to consider is that the 1.5 crop factor eliminates wide angle use and this is my main usage. Can't win really eh?

Maybe I'll stay with MF film!

I wish I could get an Imacon Flex 11 - that'd be the issue over and done with :o


I'm shopping for the 500 series Hasselblad and came across this. there are people who have been using it with a DB.

The focusing issue is a surprise - this is one of the main pro cameras after al with countless digital backs available which fit.

I often screw up when focusing, getting the eyes blurred and the necklace perfect on a 2.8/180 mm Sonnar. The lens I miss the most is the 2.0/110 mm, but I had to replace several titanium shutters, so the 2000 series bodies are not for me.

Vulcan, have you ever considered the Mamiya 645 if you want AF? They have a nice 2.8/200 mm APO and lenses & gear is affordable on eBay.

I could ask some 500 series owners about their experience. If this was a major issue, the manufacturers would have addressed that!!

I've just upgraded to a 555 ELD and as such my beloved 500 EL/M is up for grabs. If you're interested that is? :o


500 EL/M chrome Excellent condition, Hassy CLA'd

Chrome wlf

A12 back (light tight) matching inserts

80mm Compur, flawless, no scratches fungus etc. All shutter speeds spot on

Acutte Matt D bright screen

Hassy remote release

Hassy Proshade 6093 with adaptor

Hassy haze filter

Charger and fully functioning Ni-cads

External AA back-up pack

Short hand strap

I'm looking for offers around 45,000 baht

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