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Angelwitch A No No

Lost in LOS

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Another trick used in some parts of Europe, and, perhaps isn't used in Thailand is: the waiter has a bowl of rum under the counter. When a customer asks for a rum and coke, the waiter dips the glass edge into the bowl and simple pours coke into the glass. The customer tastes the rum, from the rim, and assumes he's drinking rum and coke.

They do that for drunks in economy class on KLM.

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Another trick used in some parts of Europe, and, perhaps isn't used in Thailand is: the waiter has a bowl of rum under the counter. When a customer asks for a rum and coke, the waiter dips the glass edge into the bowl and simple pours coke into the glass. The customer tastes the rum, from the rim, and assumes he's drinking rum and coke.

They do that for drunks in economy class on KLM.

how do you know :o

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I used to like AW a lot, but in the recent past I had there two incidents with highly unfriendly staff (one of them involving a moderator of this distinguished board :o ) I will never ever return to that place again.

Moreover, there are much nicer pet zoos down the same soi....

I had the same a few months ago when in Angle Witch, never been back since.

Some places think they can get away with everything when they're busy, slower times will show them they were wrong :D

I have been a frequent guest to Angelwitch in Bangkok as well as in Pattaya for the last 6-7 years, but i had a couple of bad incidents at Angelwitch in Pattaya in January-March that made me decide that I will never spend one more bath there ever again! To start with I was there 3 times with a group of friends and time and time again the bill did not add up. At each time there were 200-500 bath extra on a bill for 12000-15000 bath, but since I just had a mental notice about that the bills were not right, I let it slip!

Then I came in alone one night and recognized a girl I knew, so I asked her to come and sit with me. At the same time the mamasan came over, (I also know her quite well) and she introduced another mamasan, (a lady boy, and apparently the co-owner of the place). I asked them if they wanted a drink and they said yes thank you, so I ordered 3 drinks to the girl/mamasans and a bottle of Corona and a shot of Jack Daniels to my self. After 5 minutes the waitress comes back with 7 drinks a Corona and a Shot of Jack Daniels. At once before anyone have even touched the drinks, I point out to the waitress as well as to the mamasans that this is not my order, and I ask the waitress to take it back and come back with the right one 3 drinks, a bottle of Corona and a shot of Jack Daniels! This is when it gets interesting.

All of a sudden the co-owner/mamasan flips and trow a fit and start yelling "you have to pay bill"! I very politely tell her that I will pay my bill after I get what I ordered. She turned very aggressive and start to shout "you pay, you pay". I told her since I did not get what I ordered I wont pay, stood up and left.

Out on the street I was hassled time and time again and finally the tourist police came. After a lot of discussions the Tourist police came up with the great idea that I had to pay my bill. I then told them that since I never drank any of the drinks that were faulty placed at my table and since I was never presented with a bill I thought that Angelwitch were at fault here and not me! The Tourist police then asked the manager for the bill and one of the employees ran away to get it.

He comes back with a bill for 3 drinks, a bottle of Corona and a shot of Jack Daniels that is time stamped about half an hour ago!!! When the manager see the bill he says that it is the wrong one and the guy runs away again and comes back with another bill for 7 drinks a Corona and a Shot of Jack Daniels that is time stamped 3 minutes earlier??? When I point this out for the manager as well as for the Tourist Police, the manager gets very nervous and say that Angelwitch will take "the 4 extra drinks on the house" and I only have to pay for 3 drinks a Corona and a shot of Jack Daniels!

I protest and say that since neither me nor any one else have touched the drinks I should not have to pay anything. Then the Tourist police say that since I am Farrang and I have money I have to pay.

Since it was not worth carrying on the debate at that point I paid and walked away.

After this incident I have listened around and heard from many different people ex employees as well as guests that this behaviour is common at Angelwitch in Pattaya and apparently they have let the bouncers beat up more than one person because of incidents like this.

I will never go there again!

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that soi 15 is a little creepy late at night. their have been a few gang-beatings up there. yeah the tourist police

are useless. the one time i went to their office they wouldn't get off their as_ses and just directed me to the

regular police station. And where are the TPV'S? local tourist police are only interested in prosecuting farangs.

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that soi 15 is a little creepy late at night. their have been a few gang-beatings up there. yeah the tourist police

are useless. the one time i went to their office they wouldn't get off their as_ses and just directed me to the

regular police station. And where are the TPV'S? local tourist police are only interested in prosecuting farangs.

My tailors brother is tourist police but I can not say I have ever had to use his services. I would like to say though that I have found the "falang" volunteers ( who always seem to get a bad press ) pretty clued up, and as helpful as they can be, in the past.


Edited by richardb
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Well, you know when you step back and look at the big picture. I can honestly understand why they take

a "set" against farangs. So many tourists just drunk, obnoxious, demanding it's easy to fall into that

generalization trap that all foreigners are like this. But at the same time I don't do that with Thais. Some

are polite and genuinely really decent, hardworking people and others just seem to be "haters" and I

don't know why they come/stay here? The TPV's may be great but my personal experience with the local

tourist police is that they are much more interested in seeking out bad farangs than assisting sincere tourists

with problems that may arise. Oh, they may go through the motions, a report, a superficial investigation but

at the end of the day, unless the solution falls into their lap. They're not going to push very hard. imho

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owning bars and restaurants in the states here is one of my favorite quotes to add to your grandfathers good advice

" its hard to get a customer and easy to loose one"

Very well stated. I see so many "lazy" owners or managers that it is getting tiresome. I don't ask for much. Many times I am just killing time and go to a place to relax for a while, look at some things bobbing up and down following the rules of simple harmonic motion that are attached to very pretty faces. I buy my beer, drink it up and don't linger around for ever.

When I get hassled or pressured by overly agressive people, I remember it and leave.

So many of the girls really do mean well. In general, it takes a lot of courage on their part to walk over and sit next to somebody un invited. Yes, the seasoned ones do it, but in general, it is not the way they normally act or were brought up. I liken it to when we were walking across that junior high school gym dance floor to ask that girl to dance! Ugh!

Anyway, I doubt things will get better over there. Pattaya is putting pressure on clubs. New money is coming in to "clean" up the place. They will knock down stuff and put in new stuff and push the night life further out on the edge. Just look at soi 8. That new Eastiny hotel is there. A row of bars is gone across the street from it. The end of soi 7 is dark and quiet. We may end up with a dingy soi 13-soi 15 area only within a few years.

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Went in to this place with my mate and 2 companions and ordered 3 drinks as my other half did not want one and was told NO DRINK NO SEAT so we checked binned and walked.

in no way am I sticking up for AW, but if you went to a movie theatre to watch a show, would you not need a ticket? :o

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Went in to this place with my mate and 2 companions and ordered 3 drinks as my other half did not want one and was told NO DRINK NO SEAT so we checked binned and walked.

I wonder if they would have let her stand and not have a drink? :o

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