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Ok, I drink too much, on average lets say 8 bottles a day (conservative), I also smoke 2 packs of marlboro a day.

Sometime when i drink I get red blotches all over my body, especially at the joints and extremities. These go away by morning.

Any idea what causes these red blotches?

I am 29 years old...have never had any health problems...

I am 29 years old...have never had any health problems...

... forget worrying about the red patches. I think they are just a side issue here. If you don't change your drinking and smoking habits then you could have more serious health problems in a few years. Time for a change I think.


its either an allergy to alcohol or a lack or shortage of an enzyme that breaks down alcohol in the body. if you are on 12 (realistic) bottles a day then probably your body can't produce enough of the enzyme to break down the alcohol.

you are slowly pickling yourself !

with a wife and kid at home you really should be thinking long term.

bottoms up and merry christmas.

....I am 29 years old...have never had any health problems...

Well you apparently do now.

It could be a number of things from simple eczema to the beginning of gout. (I personally would lean towards the gout diagnosis.) Alcohol is a prime contributor to gout and the reduced circulation from smoking only adds to the problem. Renal (Kidney) mal-function may also be a factor.

Strongly recommend you consult a medical professional.

....I am 29 years old...have never had any health problems...

Well you apparently do now.

It could be a number of things from simple eczema to the beginning of gout. (I personally would lean towards the gout diagnosis.) Alcohol is a prime contributor to gout and the reduced circulation from smoking only adds to the problem. Renal (Kidney) mal-function may also be a factor.

Strongly recommend you consult a medical professional.

It's not gout, trust me! I first suffered from this affliction when I was 18...!! If it was gout you will know about it big time.

Probably the best thing to do is to pop off to the doc for a check up. :o

Ok, I drink too much, on average lets say 8 bottles a day (conservative), I also smoke 2 packs of marlboro a day.

Sometime when i drink I get red blotches all over my body, especially at the joints and extremities. These go away by morning.

Any idea what causes these red blotches?

I am 29 years old...have never had any health problems...

Some questions: Do you live near an oil refinery? Do you eat fish such as Barraccuda? Or shell fish from that area? Or, have you come in contact with 'mercury'? You could get this 'red blotch' problem from fish poisoning or slight mercury poisoning when you drink alcohol. This could last up to one year without treatment.

Best see your doctor for a proper diagnosis, but it could be either of the above.

Ravisher, I work in the oil and gas industry and live near the Thai oil plant in Laem Chabang, I love seafood especially shell fish.

I did get a nasty dose of food poisoning in 2001 whilst working in Korea that required a 7 day hospital stay.

These blotches appear if I have been hitting it heavily for a few days without a break, but if I drink plenty of water I find they go away just as quick as they start.

I know when they start because I can feel my head heat up, and I feel a lot of pressure inside my head. I have so far put it down to high blood pressure due to drinking too much.

Last night, when I posted this I really felt like I was going to explode. I went through a series of hot and cold flashes and I guess it scared me.

Thanks for your replies guys.


See a Doc mate. It could be bugger all? Maybe the worst thing will be that the doc tells you to cut down on the turps.. :o

The people on this forum can give great advise at times, but when it comes to the medical side of things ...see the quack. It might not be too bad. :D

See a Doc mate. It could be bugger all? Maybe the worst thing will be that the doc tells you to cut down on the turps.. :o

The people on this forum can give great advise at times, but when it comes to the medical side of things ...see the quack. It might not be too bad. :D

I told him, see a specialist. The reason I've told him what I have, is because I had the same, or very similar thing in the Bahamas.

4-5 pints of 'turps' a day is not heavy dirinking... Many poeple drink double that without getting 'blotchy'.

I would be very interested to hear the doctors diagnosis.

Right on Rav. I also think that a few bottles a day is bugger all. In my heavy drinking days (Last year!!) I would have that for an appetizer . :D

See a Doc mate. It could be bugger all? Maybe the worst thing will be that the doc tells you to cut down on the turps.. :o

The people on this forum can give great advise at times, but when it comes to the medical side of things ...see the quack. It might not be too bad. :D

I told him, see a specialist. The reason I've told him what I have, is because I had the same, or very similar thing in the Bahamas.

4-5 pints of 'turps' a day is not heavy dirinking... Many poeple drink double that without getting 'blotchy'.

I would be very interested to hear the doctors diagnosis.

Right on Rav. I also think that a few bottles a day is bugger all. In my heavy drinking days (Last year!!) I would have that for an appetizer . :D

Did I mention a bottle is 750ml?


I do think it is time for a change of lifestyle, but it is so hard to do when there is nothing else to do than sit at the pub with the blokes from work.

Perhaps time to return to civilization? :o

I wish madsere, this is all i know (work wise). Although i believe there is a project coming up soon in LoS that I may get a look in. that will be good for me.

Some questions: Do you live near an oil refinery? Do you eat fish such as Barraccuda? Or shell fish from that area? Or, have you come in contact with 'mercury'?  You could get this 'red blotch' problem from fish poisoning or slight mercury poisoning when you drink alcohol. This could last up to one year without treatment.

Not so much were you live, but where you work!!!

Although i believe there is a project coming up soon in LoS that I may get a look in. that will be good for me.

All that lovely Thai Tax to pay as well. :o

However it will put you in a good position to apply for a residence permit in a few years!!!


I'm a registered nurse. Alcohol is a vasodilator, and many people (especially those fair skinned) develop blotches or flush when they drink. It is the result of vasomotor changes. If accompanied by headache or dizziness, could reflect a sudden and potentially dangerous rise or drop in blood pressure. If you haven't already, have your blood pressure checked several times in a row to see if you have hypertension to begin with (i.e. when not drinking). If you do, you must immediately stop smoking, reduce alcohol and get appropriate medical treatment (e.g. medication) or else plan for a stroke -- and yes, it can happen at your young age.

if you find (or already know) that you don't have high blood pressure, have your BP checked next time you get the blotches to see what's going on. If it's shooting up, you're at risk of stroke despite usually normal BP and same applies with respect to cutting back on alcohol.

Blotches totally aside, your tobacco + alcohol consumption would be a risk to anyone, and if you care about your health you need to change bigtime. If you need help with motivation, visit a hospital and meet a few patients with cirrhosis of the liver and lung cancer or emphysema. These are particualrly awful ways to die.

If you have the inclination, a 10 day vipassana meditation course (during which you'll be forced not to smoke or drink and will learn other approaches to stress) can be a good way to start the process of quitting or reducing bad habits. Good luck

Ok, I drink too much, on average lets say 8 bottles a day (conservative), I also smoke 2 packs of marlboro a day.

Sometime when i drink I get red blotches all over my body, especially at the joints and extremities. These go away by morning.

Any idea what causes these red blotches?

I am 29 years old...have never had any health problems...


Great advice from the nurse.

To anyone that claims that 4 or 5 pints of beer a day is not heavy drinking - this is called 'denial'. 35 pints a week - 70 units of alchohol as opposed to the recommended 21 - it's far too many. Problem is - Thailand has more than its fair share of heavy drinkers, so it's easy to find someone that drinks more.

I too found it tough to cut down on drinking despite having a great wife & kid. My liver tests were off the scales & I had fatty liver too. I too experienced joint pain with my drinking - due to high uric acid or - not the classic gout symptoms but the same thing nonetheless.

I tried alchoholics anonymous - but I'm not alchoholic - I'd recommend taking a visit there - it'll scare the sh*t out of you. Also - try taking a visit up-country & counting the number of old women vs old men - that's sobering.

For me - I took a 7 day fasting & de-tox in Samui - at the end of 7 days, I felt so good that I finally had the incentive to not return to the booze.

Go get a liver & kidney test - this'll show you how bad you are affected. Then take a break (this'll mean not seeing your mates down the pub). After a few weeks, get tested again - you'll be amazed at how quickly your liver starts reparing itself.

I can only share my own success on the battle with booze - if anyone wants to PM me & chat - feel free. It's not easy. For one - you'll almost certainly need to re-asses the 'friendships' you have here in Thailand.





Besides all these lifestyle changes, you might also consider drinking some fresh veggie juice, specifically including beets. Beets are a natural detoxifier for the liver and the body in general. Great for boozers and also great for getting rid of toxin chemicals in the body. It sounds like the mercury idea from the oil exposure might have some merit.

Beets are a little hard to find in LOS but they're out there. Foodland always has them. And you'll need to get a juicer as well -- not expensive. The basic thai brands are 1500 bt or so and the western made ones are 2500 and up.

Check it out. Usually beet juice tastes pretty good by itself, but mix it with carrot juice and perhaps some apples as well.


I get exactly the same thing after some heavy boozing, I take a litre of water before I start which usually works, if I'm really hitting it, then an extra glass of water during the session. Something to do with dehydration.

Would like to hear about these de-tox places in samui, been meaning to go there for a few years now.


Khun Tuky,

Listen to Nurse Sheryl... good advice.

Nearly been there myself... don't ever want to be there again.

Ching ching.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

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