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Huge Drug Haul In Chonburi.


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On Monday afternoon a press conference was held in Chonburi and hosted by Police Lieutenant-General Tirayudh, the commander of Region 2.

He and his officers announced a major illegal drugs bust in which 118,000 ya bah tablets and 351 kilos of heroin had been seized in an undercover operation.

Two Thai women, one aged 24, the other 25, both from Chiang Mai province, have allegedly been operating as sales agents for the producers of the ya bah and heroin.

They were caught when undercover officers from Chonburi, acting on information, organized to purchase 2,000 ya bah tablets from the pair in a transaction at Big C in Lard Phrao in Bangkok.

After obtaining the drugs the officers arrested the two women and were taken back to their room where they uncovered the huge stash, worth an estimated 40 million baht.




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No way of knowing if the weights are accurate. If they are, that stuff will be 'recycled' back on the market fairly quickly.

By the way, I didn't know they sold ya bah at Big C. :o

351 kgs of Heroin all in one location.... not very smart dealers are they....would the same as having +/-7 X 50kg bags of cement sitting in the house, think that number is missing a decimal point...3.51kg maybe ??

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No way of knowing if the weights are accurate. If they are, that stuff will be 'recycled' back on the market fairly quickly.

By the way, I didn't know they sold ya bah at Big C. :o

351 kgs of Heroin all in one location.... not very smart dealers are they....would the same as having +/-7 X 50kg bags of cement sitting in the house, think that number is missing a decimal point...3.51kg maybe ??

Or maybe the unit was wrong. Maybe 351 grams.

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Well thats no small stash.....some middle man somewhere will be hurting....anyway, hopefully they make more arrests & hang em high :D

now all the bleeding hearts can come in here and tell us how we should just legalise these drugs :o

Something tells me you'd like to inject the potassium chloride yourself.

Murderers and advocates of murder like you are the real sickness in this world.

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Well thats no small stash.....some middle man somewhere will be hurting....anyway, hopefully they make more arrests & hang em high :D

now all the bleeding hearts can come in here and tell us how we should just legalise these drugs :o

Something tells me you'd like to inject the potassium chloride yourself.

Murderers and advocates of murder like you are the real sickness in this world.

Woohooo neverdie! Looks like we found one already.

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On Monday afternoon a press conference was held in Chonburi and hosted by Police Lieutenant-General Tirayudh, the commander of Region 2.

He and his officers announced a major illegal drugs bust in which 118,000 ya bah tablets and 351 kilos of heroin had been seized in an undercover operation.

Two Thai women, one aged 24, the other 25, both from Chiang Mai province, have allegedly been operating as sales agents for the producers of the ya bah and heroin.

They were caught when undercover officers from Chonburi, acting on information, organized to purchase 2,000 ya bah tablets from the pair in a transaction at Big C in Lard Phrao in Bangkok.

After obtaining the drugs the officers arrested the two women and were taken back to their room where they uncovered the huge stash, worth an estimated 40 million baht.

At 100B/tab of yah bah that would be about 3510g of smack to add up to the (usually inflated) street price of 40 mil, possibly 351g smack and a large amount of yah bah.

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This story is too hard to believe. I don't even want to venture a guess as to what was really going on there.

Aww, go on and guess. We know your gagging to tell us.

I'm really not gagging, but I bet it involves "hang 'em high" types. You know, the kind that place little value on human life.

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Well thats no small stash.....some middle man somewhere will be hurting....anyway, hopefully they make more arrests & hang em high :D

now all the bleeding hearts can come in here and tell us how we should just legalise these drugs :o

Something tells me you'd like to inject the potassium chloride yourself.

Murderers and advocates of murder like you are the real sickness in this world.

you are right... they are sad, illinformed and so much more, but they exist, probabaly due to some error and have a voice, one which hinder progress

do not let people like this upset you-they are the sheep of this world with no compasion and can never back their words- lets see if this man back his

he called me a druggy, I chalenged him to go with and me checked- he never will, those sorts cannot

he will ignore, insult, exuse, what he will not do is go with me when I get checked

typical of the herd- no balls, no conviction, just words, mostly wrong

pity them if anything

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despite all the pomp and circumstance surrounding the drug busts, they seem more readily available

then ever? it's like a cancer, but they really need to start working on some kind of a solution.

yes, they do- and the input from the sheep here amounts to zero- they cannot even back there words when they make a statement.. the sign of the herd

we need a new policys...and fast

I am not pro drugs, I am pro choice

I am pro truth( all drugs are not nearly as bad as people think,like it or not heroin for example has no adverse effect, go ask any medical expert

I am not talking about dirty needles, or abuse... I am talking about good qulaity herion and a regular supply without bad mix

all you sheep, care to make a bet with me about this....lets start at 100,000 BAHT, who will take me up on my offer, easy money for you all

any takers???

and I suppose people from UK thought poor leah betts died of XTC- see, even the brits have to lie to their own kind because.....XTC is pretty dam safe...shhhhhh, do not tell the sheep

if you are so sure what i stopping you?.I will take you to one expert, completely qualified.. will that do?, or someone who is apx 65 has been taking since vietnam and is in great health- how can this be according t you?

how will answer this when the doc's tell you he is in great shape?

its because they do correctly use not abuse

correct policys= less death less money to the mob, more money to thse who will abuse, less waste putting people in jail.....

or shall we just follow the sheep and continue on this totally failed road...?

putting drug addicts in jail???

how backward is that.. pathetic

why not use the money and resorecs to go after the top boy's

lets see which one of you wishes to enlighten yourself...or please remian quiet- take the bet or.... shhhhhhh!

I know many who take all there lives, hold jobs and familys- how do they answer this... they cannot... so better just know what you are talking about and stop buying this crap government propaganda)

many take so called hard drugs with zero negitve effects, there is huge differnce between drug use and drug abuse- if good policys and education people may do things in a proper way and have a great time, and live to a ripe old age...

pro policys that work- this does not- never has and never will- period

the mules may go to jail which the sheep love ( add's meaning to their dull lives) but changes zero

exept making the mafia richers

the mafia loves the sheep

I like a little lamb myself sometimes

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Well thats no small stash.....some middle man somewhere will be hurting....anyway, hopefully they make more arrests & hang em high :D

now all the bleeding hearts can come in here and tell us how we should just legalise these drugs :D

Something tells me you'd like to inject the potassium chloride yourself.

Murderers and advocates of murder like you are the real sickness in this world.

Woohooo neverdie! Looks like we found one already.

Great Nanlaew,

And to think I wasnt even fishing & two jumped straight out of the lake into my bucket. :o

OURMANINBANGERS.....Who called you a druggie, it certainly wasnt me......can you show us the full post (not an edited version) of where someone actually comes out and states such a thing....or is this something else where you are reading between the lines? :D

Ohhh & before I go Mr FINGERS, you are right. I did have a couple of dirty drug dealers in my sights once....but I didnt pull the triggor....the reason for that was I was following the rule of the law, not just doing whatever I wanted like some other people. In hindsight, I should of pulled the triggor, twice & come up with some story - would of saved the tax payer a fortune. If its alright for the drug dealers & drug lords to put life before $$$$, then why wouldnt it be alright for the law to put $$$$ before life? :D

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Seams odd that dealer with that much wieght would be dealing to people they don't know at a shopping center.... Usually the people with that kind of wieght only deal to a select few, and those select few break it up and deal to their select few, who inturn deal to the streets....

The timing of this is close to the guy getting caught with herion at the airport, I wonder if he ratted his suplier? :o

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Seams odd that dealer with that much wieght would be dealing to people they don't know at a shopping center.... Usually the people with that kind of wieght only deal to a select few, and those select few break it up and deal to their select few, who inturn deal to the streets....

The timing of this is close to the guy getting caught with herion at the airport, I wonder if he ratted his suplier? :o

I've given up trying to read between the lines with these reports.....for all we know they were wheeling the stash down the main street in a tuk tuk? 351kg is a lot to have in ur top pocket, that is for sure. Its most certain that the real information is missing, remember the media operates on the theory of 'Never let the truth get in the way of a good story'.

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Well thats no small stash.....some middle man somewhere will be hurting....anyway, hopefully they make more arrests & hang em high :D

now all the bleeding hearts can come in here and tell us how we should just legalise these drugs :o

Something tells me you'd like to inject the potassium chloride yourself.

Murderers and advocates of murder like you are the real sickness in this world.

you are right... they are sad, illinformed and so much more, but they exist, probabaly due to some error and have a voice, one which hinder progress

do not let people like this upset you-they are the sheep of this world with no compasion and can never back their words- lets see if this man back his

he called me a druggy, I chalenged him to go with and me checked- he never will, those sorts cannot

he will ignore, insult, exuse, what he will not do is go with me when I get checked

typical of the herd- no balls, no conviction, just words, mostly wrong

pity them if anything


It would be good if you went back to the other post & re-read what was actually said back there. I suggest you learn to read the posts & actually understand who is saying what before you accuse someone of saying something they didnt. I have most certainly not called you what you are suggesting here. Having said this, have you ever thought about reading what the posts are about & discussing the issues around them.....this one is about a Huge Drug Haul in Chonburi....theres a nice little story at the beginning of the post, perhaps you could start there. GOODLUCK, I know you need it!

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The numbers are so very strange....

Looking at this recent posting Australian-Drug-Smuggler Arrested He had 3kg with a street value of 12M Baht.

Working on the numbers quoted 40M Baht divided by the 118,000 ya bah comes in at 338 baht a go which I am informed is about the current street price.

What happened to the 1.4 BILLION Baht from the smack (351kg @ 4M/kg ref: linked post)

Another bust backed up by months of investigation and good old fashion detective work I suppose.........

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