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Beer Up


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whent to my local bottle shop sat for my useual beer supply

tiger beer big up 4 baht and all beers up in price

so i bought a regency ben up 5 baht to 210 baht

tiss the time of good will could'nt they wait till after the new year

Crazy huh.....less than 10 cents of Euro price increase , and someone has to moan about it....4 baht !!!!! Wow, what a hole in your budget....

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It is not neccessarily the amount of the increase that is being contested , it is more than likely the increase has been felt as immoral , in times such as Thailand now finds itself embroiled . When many expats and tourist are experiencing a LOWERING of income due to global conditions , regardless of whether or not that income should be large or small , for Thai to increase charges , even when they tell you they are giving a deal you cannot refuse "i.e. hotel room rates ' , it can be thought of as ludricous , as it is . When oh when will Thai learn and appreciate , to improve volume , you REDUCE prices , volume increases money turn over and thus profits increase at a time when customers are suffering (even if only mentally) a reduction of income .

Tourists are now by-passing Thailand , partially due to there paramount greed for the almighty dollar , as is evidenced by tourist numbers up in neighboring countries , think the whole picture being presented , not just the cost of a mere bottle of beer .

I did note that in the UK , the cost of a beer has been REDUCED , wonder why that is ?

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I am curious to know in which country prices are going down !

Now, for most of the foreigners here, the cost of living is much lower than it would be in their country of origin.... I can not see any reason why Thailand should not increase prices , in order to keep tourists here. If a tourist can not afford 4 baht more on a bottle of beer, I don't want to imagine on which budget they are here...on vacation .....

All diary products have increased by 20% or more...Vegetables and fruits are more expensive, meat is more expensive.....so what ???? It is everywhere the same... I keep saying that moaning for 4 baht increase on a bottle of beer is mean....

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I can tell you where prices(some) are going down , look to the next door neighbour Cambodia , Hun Sen has been on television telling everyone prices HAVE to be lowered , in the villages , local produce such as rice and pork have already been lowered , petrol is to follow and he expects ALL buisiness to follow his directive ASAP for the sake of the nation . The cost of building materials are down to keep people working in that industry .

Oh , my wife has just informed me some items were lower when she shopped yesterday in the local Phnom Penh markets she uses .

That is where an attempt is being made to contain run away inflation , next question :o .

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I am curious to know in which country prices are going down !

Now, for most of the foreigners here, the cost of living is much lower than it would be in their country of origin.... I can not see any reason why Thailand should not increase prices , in order to keep tourists here. If a tourist can not afford 4 baht more on a bottle of beer, I don't want to imagine on which budget they are here...on vacation .....

All diary products have increased by 20% or more...Vegetables and fruits are more expensive, meat is more expensive.....so what ???? It is everywhere the same... I keep saying that moaning for 4 baht increase on a bottle of beer is mean....

Prices are certainly going down in the UK. In fact if you convert prices, Beer in a lot of bars in Bangkok are nearly at three quid a pint. :o

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I am curious to know in which country prices are going down !

Now, for most of the foreigners here, the cost of living is much lower than it would be in their country of origin.... I can not see any reason why Thailand should not increase prices , in order to keep tourists here. If a tourist can not afford 4 baht more on a bottle of beer, I don't want to imagine on which budget they are here...on vacation .....

All diary products have increased by 20% or more...Vegetables and fruits are more expensive, meat is more expensive.....so what ???? It is everywhere the same... I keep saying that moaning for 4 baht increase on a bottle of beer is mean....

Prices are certainly going down in the UK. In fact if you convert prices, Beer in a lot of bars in Bangkok are nearly at three quid a pint. :D

Same price as a good pint in the UK ( £3 ) and that is in a provincial town.

My fave tipple went up 30 Baht a bottle over 6 months ago and I've been crying ever since :o

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I do not think a 4 baht increase is the point. The point is the percentage increase. How can that be justified ?

My favourite Thai restaurant recently raised its prices by 15 % ( about 15 baht ) a dish - I asked the Thai boss why. He stated that ' customers not come now, I need money the same before'. I tried to explain that even less customers would come now but he couldn't understand, or didn't want to.

I was spending at least 1000 baht a week with him, now I go to the restaurant 50 metres away.

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I am curious to know in which country prices are going down !

Now, for most of the foreigners here, the cost of living is much lower than it would be in their country of origin.... I can not see any reason why Thailand should not increase prices , in order to keep tourists here. If a tourist can not afford 4 baht more on a bottle of beer, I don't want to imagine on which budget they are here...on vacation .....

All diary products have increased by 20% or more...Vegetables and fruits are more expensive, meat is more expensive.....so what ???? It is everywhere the same... I keep saying that moaning for 4 baht increase on a bottle of beer is mean....

Prices are certainly going down in the UK. In fact if you convert prices, Beer in a lot of bars in Bangkok are nearly at three quid a pint. :o

Yesterday a pint of Tetleys in my local pub North Yorks 2.25 pounds. That is the same as last Christmas, so prices holding.

Cheers, Rick

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If a tourist can not afford 4 baht more on a bottle of beer, I don't want to imagine on which budget they are here.

What have those points got to do with the argument? In the current economical climate of everything going tits up, why should something as simple as beer be lifted by that much and at that time? Quite simple to work out really. GREED! Doh :o

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I do not think a 4 baht increase is the point. The point is the percentage increase. How can that be justified ?

My favourite Thai restaurant recently raised its prices by 15 % ( about 15 baht ) a dish - I asked the Thai boss why. He stated that ' customers not come now, I need money the same before'. I tried to explain that even less customers would come now but he couldn't understand, or didn't want to.

Agree :D Why it is so hard for the restaurants owners to understand this, or maybe I'm the one with the problem :o

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The simple fact is that it is a high percentage increase of approximately 8%. Compound a few of these which we have had over recent years and you see the effect. I've swallowed some price increases and even lowered some as the economy has faltered.

But for sake of argument let's look at the UK versus Thailand beer prices. I only know London so I will compare that to Bangkok.

Bottle of beer in central London = £3.00

Pint of beer in central London = £3.00 to £3.50

Heineken in bar near Nana = Bt105 to 140 = £2.10 to £2.80

Heineken in Soi Cowboy = Bt130 to Bt150 = £2.60 to £3.00

Heineken in Boss, Pratunam = Bt200 = £4.00

So at the current rate of about Bt50 to the pound, prices are just marginally cheaper in Bangkok than London. There is something very wrong if that is the case as London is a first world city and Bangkok is a third world craphole. Sex does play a part I agree but bars on the fringe are also charging those prices. By contrast, London bars normally have inside air conditioning, functional toilets etc.

I seem to remember when at about Bt60, beer was so much cheaper in the same bar areas. Thailand is certainly not cheap to go out boozing in such places anymore. 5* hotels are outrageous at near Bt300 or so.

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I do not think a 4 baht increase is the point. The point is the percentage increase. How can that be justified ?

My favourite Thai restaurant recently raised its prices by 15 % ( about 15 baht ) a dish - I asked the Thai boss why. He stated that ' customers not come now, I need money the same before'. I tried to explain that even less customers would come now but he couldn't understand, or didn't want to.

Agree :D Why it is so hard for the restaurants owners to understand this, or maybe I'm the one with the problem :o

I do not think Thai will ever see the logic of sales in hard times , when custom is slow , decrease the price to increase the flow , money turn-over is what makes profit , the sale of an individual item is almost stagnant sales . As Maverell says above , increasing item prices because you need more money to cover low sales , simply drives the customer away to a more competitive location .I have enough of my own problems to cope with , why do you expect me to cure your problems with my money ?

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I am curious to know in which country prices are going down !

Now, for most of the foreigners here, the cost of living is much lower than it would be in their country of origin.... I can not see any reason why Thailand should not increase prices , in order to keep tourists here. If a tourist can not afford 4 baht more on a bottle of beer, I don't want to imagine on which budget they are here...on vacation .....

All diary products have increased by 20% or more...Vegetables and fruits are more expensive, meat is more expensive.....so what ???? It is everywhere the same... I keep saying that moaning for 4 baht increase on a bottle of beer is mean....

Prices are certainly going down in the UK. In fact if you convert prices, Beer in a lot of bars in Bangkok are nearly at three quid a pint. :o

Yesterday a pint of Tetleys in my local pub North Yorks 2.25 pounds. That is the same as last Christmas, so prices holding.

Cheers, Rick

I am curious to know in which country prices are going down [/i]

Our local in deepest North London has just DROPPED the price of a pint of Fosters (and all their beers) by 26 pence and I can still get a noggin of ale in those wonderfull Sam S pubs (from Taddy in Yorkshire )...for £1-99 a pint and thats in the West End of the Smoke.......2 minutes from Oxford Circus. :D

cutting the cloth to suit the .......

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The simple fact is that it is a high percentage increase of approximately 8%. Compound a few of these which we have had over recent years and you see the effect. I've swallowed some price increases and even lowered some as the economy has faltered.

But for sake of argument let's look at the UK versus Thailand beer prices. I only know London so I will compare that to Bangkok.

Bottle of beer in central London = £3.00

Pint of beer in central London = £3.00 to £3.50

Heineken in bar near Nana = Bt105 to 140 = £2.10 to £2.80

Heineken in Soi Cowboy = Bt130 to Bt150 = £2.60 to £3.00

Heineken in Boss, Pratunam = Bt200 = £4.00

So at the current rate of about Bt50 to the pound, prices are just marginally cheaper in Bangkok than London. There is something very wrong if that is the case as London is a first world city and Bangkok is a third world craphole. Sex does play a part I agree but bars on the fringe are also charging those prices. By contrast, London bars normally have inside air conditioning, functional toilets etc.

I seem to remember when at about Bt60, beer was so much cheaper in the same bar areas. Thailand is certainly not cheap to go out boozing in such places anymore. 5* hotels are outrageous at near Bt300 or so.

Actually, I'm not concerned with the prices in 5* hotels, not least because I'll never stay there. They can charge what they like as far as I'm concerned - the people that can afford to stay there will be able to afford a few slightly pricey drinks.

What gets me is the cost of a local beer in a ordinary boozer. A singha in a bar in Pattaya or CM or even Phuket is about half of that you'd pay in Bangkok. London prices are a little higher than the rest of the UK, but not much and certainly less than twice as expensive. Three quid for a small bottle of singha? Sod that.

The prices in the UK have really dropped recently. The supermarkets do fantastic deals for booze - just picked up some Dutch lager for 90p - 45 baht for 4x440ml lager. Not great stuff, but dirt cheap.

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3 GBP per pint, you poor little darlings. :o

A pint of Guinness here in the Hard Rock Cafe in Seoul costs 17,000 Won plus 10%.

That works out a little over 9 GBP. :D Kilkenny isn't far behind.

But to be fair the HRC chain is a total rip off and cr@p watering holes fit for tourists, posers and other weaklings. Two minutes walk will get you the same pint (Guinness) in a better atmosphere for 7,500 Won, no plus, or around 3.75 GBP.

But to focus on Thailand and to take bar prices where I buy my beer. Back in '92 when the Baht was around 38 to the GBP beer in Pattaya beer bars was around 40-60 Baht a bottle (Singha - no Heineken them days). So that works out around 1.00 to 1.50 for a half pint bottle. Now the Baht is around 50 to the pound and when I was in Pattaya last (November) I could still get a bottle of Singha for around 60 to 80 Baht. That works out today at 1.20 to 1.60 per bottle.

I tried Googling for the price of a pint in the UK back in 1992, as my memory fails me, but failed to find any credible data but based on an annual increase of 5% it would have been around 1.50.

So applying the same rate of increase to the local beer you shoud be paying around 100 Baht per bottle. So basically, going on bar prices, the cost of a beer in Thailand hasn't changed by very much at all.

The problem is you guys are basing your figures on 70 Baht to the pound. It has to be kept in mind that it wasn't always that rate and it wont always stay at that rate.

Just be thankful the Thai government hasn't woken up to the money making scheme of increasing tax on alcohol annually.................YET! :D

and yes I know prices in those pseudo Irish pubs are higher but they are not over 100 Baht a bottle (or wasn't back in November).

and for those of you who drink Heineken, I know you are getting ripped off but you deserve it :D . Drink local beer, better for Thailand and better for your wallet. :D

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I love these 'Beer price' threads and there has certainly been a few on TV!.

I am working on 50 Baht to 1 x GBP now and of course my monthly beer bill has increased. Locally I can still bulk buy cans of Leo for 20 Baht a can and a box of big bottles Leo was 422 Baht at the local Tesco.

No bars in this town but our friendly shop keeper sells it to we ex-pats who sit there at 25 Baht (cans) & 45 Baht for a big bottle of Leo. She has not adjusted her prices in 2 years.

When fuel was some 45 Baht for a litre of diesel I recall the golf club house at the local Army base increasing the price of beer 5 Baht and blaming transportation costs, now fuel is less than 20 Baht a litre, no drop in prices so far!.

Recently I have had the annual family holiday in Samui & also just been and done my 90 day report in Bangkok.

I like to have a farang food fix and a cool pint of Guinness every so often. Price's for everything in both those locations now a lot higher it seems , but I blame the dumping of our beloved pound!!! - for now.

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45 Baht for a big bottle of Leo. She has not adjusted her prices in 2 years

I came to issarn 2 years ago @ 35 Baht for Leo Big, for the last 10 months or so its been 40 Baht so 45 Baht 2 years ago was steep from a local shop.

Even with the pound in a mess its still cheap at 40 Baht when you concider you get nearly 2 UK sized bottles in 1.

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Now, for most of the foreigners here, the cost of living is much lower than it would be in their country of origin.... I can not see any reason why Thailand should not increase prices , in order to keep tourists here. If a tourist can not afford 4 baht more on a bottle of beer, I don't want to imagine on which budget they are here...on vacation .....

It's not only tourists who by beer from the shop :o

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45 Baht for a big bottle of Leo. She has not adjusted her prices in 2 years

I came to issarn 2 years ago @ 35 Baht for Leo Big, for the last 10 months or so its been 40 Baht so 45 Baht 2 years ago was steep from a local shop.

Even with the pound in a mess its still cheap at 40 Baht when you concider you get nearly 2 UK sized bottles in 1.

Yes, but that's for Leo, which can never be officially described as 'beer'.

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45 Baht for a big bottle of Leo. She has not adjusted her prices in 2 years

I came to issarn 2 years ago @ 35 Baht for Leo Big, for the last 10 months or so its been 40 Baht so 45 Baht 2 years ago was steep from a local shop.

Even with the pound in a mess its still cheap at 40 Baht when you concider you get nearly 2 UK sized bottles in 1.

Yes, but that's for Leo, which can never be officially described as 'beer'.

Heineken fan i take it, or should i say nat's piss fan. :o

Edited by Mali1964
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Heineken in bar near Nana = Bt105 to 140 = £2.10 to £2.80

Heineken in Soi Cowboy = Bt130 to Bt150 = £2.60 to £3.00

Bangkok is a third world craphole.

Says a lot about you mate. Maybe you should see other places in Bangkok :o

If taken in isolation it would indeed :D

However, these are the places which most tourists know for drinking and other places tend to price themselves against the top prices just as bars outside of Walking Street in Pattaya price themselves according to their proximity and "standing" in the tourist strata.

I do know quite a few other places outside of these areas but they do represent a fair comparison to the areas in London (west end, Pimlico and Angel) which I know very well and which I have been to in the last six months.

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What nobody has commented on is profit margin.

I think that before the shop would maybe be only making 4 Baht profit on a bottle. If the cost to them hasn't risen that'll mean 8 Baht profit.

So a 10% increase but 100%increase in profit

Last Songkran the price of ice doubled, probably a trebling of profit.

Although these may seem small amounts it's still profiteering.

Not all customers have money to throw away, many are not "rich farang"

I've noticed in the last year a typical thai meal in many places has increased from 25 Bt to 35 Bt

A plate of steamed rice has doubled from 5 to 10 Bt. Agrreed cost of rice has doubled

However, sticky rice has also doubled, yet there has been a 30% drop in the cost of sticky rice.

I don't understand why every increase has to be rounded to 5Bt as it's often quite a large %

Obviously, most of the customers at these places are Thai

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45 Baht for a big bottle of Leo. She has not adjusted her prices in 2 years

I came to issarn 2 years ago @ 35 Baht for Leo Big, for the last 10 months or so its been 40 Baht so 45 Baht 2 years ago was steep from a local shop.

Even with the pound in a mess its still cheap at 40 Baht when you concider you get nearly 2 UK sized bottles in 1.

Yes, but that's for Leo, which can never be officially described as 'beer'.

Heineken fan i take it, or should i say nat's piss fan. :o

No chance. Singha or Beer Lao for me, although Archa's passable if tramp juice is required.

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