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Hi people, the topic says it all really. I have two dogs that are unsuitable to be rehomed. I can not take them back to NZ with me as NZ will not accept them. My vet has previously assured me that he will come to the party when the time comes but has now changed his mind. I do not have a lot of time left so would appreciate any help with locating a vet that can help me out. Thanks in advance. Kiwi.


Dr Anucha at Ao Chalong Animal Clinic on Chao Fa West Rd once put down a stray cat for me that I tried to save, but discovered it had Aids & Leukemia. Not a happy situation, for sure. They also arranged proper disposal of the body, if I recall correctly. Tel: 076 280740.

You might want to call Soi Dog or PAWS for advice. PAWS Tel 076 264504. Soi Dog Tel 081 7884222.

Sorry about your poor sick pets.


those 2 dogs are "insuitable to be rehomed", but not sick.

Even if they are very aggressive ones, somebody might need them as a guarding dogs, on a lish/chain.

If non of the known you veterinarians don't want to put them down, than probably they do see a different solution.

Better write, what the dogs are and somebody might take them



I sorry to read what you wrote. You not even try to give them a chance, give some more information about the dogs, special when you think they are not suitable for relocation.

If you really considered, to bring them to New Zealand, they must be, not?

And the laws in New Zealand does really not allow a New Zealand Passport holder to bring his pets with him?

Anyway, give me and us some more Info. what kind of dog, size, weight, colour, why they would be

-Problem dogs- and of course, where are the dogs residing, living now?

I like dogs have a lot now and had always at least one and if you like your dogs you should not so easily put them down.

Give us a chance to think about another solution and give the dogs a chance to live.

Thanks, Alfred Austria


Hi Guys

Thanks for your reply's and concerns. I have shed more tears than I care to mention as these two are precious. They are however dangerous. They are both Rotti's. The female has a bit of something else in her and is fixed, she is 5yrs and about 30kg's. The male is all male, has papers and is also 5yrs and about 50kg's. They will and have killed cats and most likely children if given the chance. I have spoken with numerous people who agree that although it s a shame it is a case of being cruel to be kind. Gerd over the years I have read your posts and you seem to be a dedicated dog lover with the skills required for such animals. My boyfriend and I have in the past considered offers by a couple of people to take one or the other dog for the purpose of being chained up to some bar at night for security. This is no life for our dogs as they have been reared and cared for on three rai of land where they have a certain amount of freedom. If Gerd we could we could find sombody like yourself we would certainly consider an alternative. We have been here for a number of years now and have seen the aftermath of people leaving and abandoning their dogs. Imagine people if it was your child they deformed our killed. If anyone seriously thinks they are in a possition to take on these dogs please pm me as I have had no luck to date with finding anyone suitable. They must go as a pair. Thanks again guy's. Kiwi


Thank you for give us more information.

So, they are in Phuket, yes?

And, I think they are also not used to other dogs and will be aggressive to other dogs, not only cats?

I have a house on a greater part of land in Chayaphum, but a dog fitting fence is only on 2 Rai

and there I keep already a group of 5 male dogs.

Rottweiler, Bullmastiff, Bordeaux-Dogge, Boxer and a French Bulldog.

I have to keep the Boxer and the Bordeau, seperatly.

They are nice and not aggressive to people, (a little, when the people are outside the fence.)

So, I know what I am talking about.

When you have to leave? And is it really not allowed to bring dogs to NZ?

Or only your aggressive ones not? And why are your dogs, like they are?

My Rottweiler likes to kill, snakes, chicken and ducks, but he is uninterested in children.

When I bring people in the garden, than is that ok with the dogs, no problem.

I hope you have time to answer.

I have a German opposite the house, he had a Rottweiler girl before, maybe he is intersted,

but if your dogs are so aggressive, I do not know, he has a child to.


Dear Kiwi/Thai,

Now I am starting to understand your situation which is absolutely not an easy one.

I wish I could find a solution for you and your dogs...

Anucha is "our" vet as well for all our dogs, he's great and may be he knows some one for your dogs.

Wishing you to find a way out of this horrible situation!!!



Kiwi Thai,

you decided to go public with your problem.

I made now one Posting with some questions and I sent a PM with some more, including,

how it could come to that situation?

Why are the dogs same you describe them?

Is somebody to blame for that situation, that you have to leave now,

but decided to take dogs to you, which are now nearly impossible to handle for other people.

Thats not an everyday story.

I sorry you decided to stop posting now, also no PM.

I sorry for the dogs and wanted to try to help.


My 8 month old dog got run-over by a car last week and broke her leg just at the hip joint, the xrays shows that the part cannot be fixed and the vet said that he could maybe cut off the piece of bone that was sharp edged and leave her with the broken leg. I asked the vet if this would hurt and pain for the rest of her life, he said yes.

I asked him to put her out off it and he replied no, he as a buddist could not do so.

Now I'm caring for the dog here at home, she is in great pain and I feel so sad not to be able to help her.


a buddist could not do so.

surely the great majority of budhists are not vegetarian (kill animals, including dogs - like in isan or Laos). Budhists do kill other human beings, often fellow budhists, often sanctioned by the state, like during "war on drugs", unrest in the south, during political demonstrations or wars.

give your dog overdose of sleeping pills or painkillers

My 8 month old dog got run-over by a car last week and broke her leg just at the hip joint, the xrays shows that the part cannot be fixed and the vet said that he could maybe cut off the piece of bone that was sharp edged and leave her with the broken leg. I asked the vet if this would hurt and pain for the rest of her life, he said yes.

I asked him to put her out off it and he replied no, he as a buddist could not do so.

Now I'm caring for the dog here at home, she is in great pain and I feel so sad not to be able to help her.


There was a similar topic on the Samui forum a while ago.

Finally, the OP found a vet on Samui who let the dog sleep (Dr Joe, 08 62663020)

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