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The End Of The Crisis

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No worries it will be highly entertaining.....

I will also show you those flesh burners.

I will promise you one thing.

I will give you, hope.......

To be continued in an hour or so.

In the meantime why don't you flip through some of the they say you should never pages.

I think the fun start's somewhere around page 30 or somming.


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No worries it will be highly entertaining.....

I will also show you those flesh burners.

I will promise you one thing.

I will give you, hope.......

To be continued in an hour or so.

In the meantime why don't you flip through some of the they say you should never pages.

I think the fun start's somewhere around page 30 or somming.


You could use it to cook a 700 tonne Cornish Pasty!!! :o

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Maybe in 18 months, when there will be shows on TV about how to make it on 5 hair cuts p.a. or how to re-use coffee.

Nothing governments do will reverse this trend in the short term. Maybe America gets new bridges and highways.

Is anyone short the SET future? Or some major indexes? No matter which way the market moves, one can profit. Remember this when you make your decisions.

There is more than "buy and hold" or "keep price averaging" or "one cannot time the market".

Say you like a stock. Sell the put option for a discount!

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Negativity breeds more negativity. Try having a positive outlook, all is not doom or gloom.

I remained positive when Northern Rock looked like taking my money. I still remained positive as the GBP dived 30%. I still remained positive as the Icelanders destroyed 70% of my deposits with them. I still remained positive when the interest rates were reduced by 60%

I have now lost my optimism because of


I simply do not have any faith in this guy. To start comparing the current crisis with the second world war surely indicates what he is thinking; it will get extremely bad. And to claim that he will be working with Obama is ludicrous. I doubt whether Obama will be very interested in anything that Brown has to say. Britain may have had a privileged position in the past, but I am pretty certain that Obama will be more concerned in building relations with countries that are likely to have a big influence and something to offer in the economic future of the world, China, India, Japan, middle east and Europe. I can't see any reason to include the UK in this list. Any other claim is just plain hubris.

And here's a question.

The GBP has lost 30% in value in just a few months, Brown has pretty much said that the UK now has a ZIRP and this could happen as soon as January. Will this provoke a run on the Quid? And if there is a run, how will it affect you? The heroes in the media have spent December talking the GBP down to parity with the EUR as though this is a major achievement and something to celebrate. What will they go for next?

There are quite a few Brits making an early retirement based on selling a house in the UK and living of the interest. Take a "typical" example;

Net profit say 150,000 Quid. In the heyday of just a few months ago this would have got you 10,500,000 Baht and an income of 600,000 Baht. Today you will get just 7,500,000 Baht and an income of maybe 300,000. And next year?

have just read the sky news thing you posted.made me laugh, brown talking about the great british spirit that saw the country through world war 11 getting britain through the current crisis.back then they did n't have the breakdown of the family unit,the breakdown in law and order,but one thing they did have that britain does n't have now is a great leader.that is sadly missing.
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Ok, back.

Where was I.

O yeah the meat fryer.

Well they call it: Active Denial System.

Some copy and paste.

ADS has recorded problems too - out of several thousand tests

on human subjects there were two cases of second-degree burns.

That is for this very portable toaster and where exactly has it been tested you might ask yourself.....


The bigger but not biggest one below.

The ADS provides the technical possibility

to produce burns of second and third degree. Because the beam of

diameter 2 m and above is wider than human size, such burns would occur

over considerable parts of the body, up to 50% of its surface. Second-

and third-degree burns covering more than 20% of the body surface are

potentially life-threatening – due to toxic tissue-decay products and

increased sensitivity to infection – and require intensive care in a

specialized unit. Without a technical device that reliably prevents

re-triggering on the same target subject, the ADS has a potential to

produce permanent injury or death.


I wonder if any of you read the news about that torture experiment that was repeated.

Basically what they did is ask participants to put higher and higher doses of electricity through someones body.

The victim was not actually electrocuted but acted as if.

When participants were asked to give a lethal dose, they did.

How about that litlle experiment they did in that place that was badly hit by that hurricane Katrina.

Put 10.000 people in a building and don't give them water and food.

Bet how much time it will take untill the situation get's out of control.

There is some very good clip's on YT to see what really happened there.

You know sometimes you just need some real life verification on the computer simulations you run.

Speaking about computers.

Have you ever heard of that game, America's Army?

Well you know it is developed/funded by...................The American Army or DOD (Department Of Defense)

It is free for download and offers very realistic combat play/urban warfare scenario's.

You log on to their server and choose a side, bad side or good side and then you can start playing against thousands of other "players" online.

Pretty neat isn't it?

And there you have it your computer simulation game of what strategies are being deployed by the citizens to fight the bad or the good guy's.

I told you, there is a way to end this crisis.........


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I hate to sound negative but the truth? I think we will not see it.

Recovery to a standard of living many have grown use to will not be possible.

Of course we will survive but it will be different.

I do not think it will be quick I think it will take years thankfully to degenerate completely

Depressingly close to what may be. For our children's sake, let's hope not.

Then of course there's the little matter of climate change which has been shoved off the rickety table it finally managed to land on, 50 years after it was first mentioned....

Definitely time for the tough to go drinking.....

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Ok I will thighten up space a bit but you have to understand I have a reason for doing this.

Hopefully you are now a bit better informed, I am going to tell you their "Code of Conduct" and give some example.

As you now know the whole focus has been on bailing out the bankers right?

Now why are these people so important?

Look who has been contributing to the presidential candidates, huh?

Yeah the bankers were some of the biggest donators.

Ask yourself, why do bankers donate money to presidential candidates?

Why the President of the US decides some of that TARP money needs to be given to a private investment firm that bought GM and Chrysler?

Ask yourself, who owns those banks.

As I asked before, who are those we?

The "We" will do everything to stop this crisis.

These "We" peeps are really scary peeps you know.

They are the kind of peeps that wear those nice suits and neckties and are in charge/control, they think.

I have worked with some of them and I can tell you, they they would not blink an eye when giving the order to kill a few million people.

Think of a famous quote from Madeline Albright when asked if the thousands of people died in Iraq (and US) was worth it.

She said: I think it is worth paying that price.

A lot of things they are planning they have to say.

That is their code of conduct.

Back in June or July some big oil guy told the media that they would bring oil back to about 50 USD a barrel.

It was about 140 that time and the whole world was screaming, remember?

Ok look what they told some media what is about to happen in the near future.

Intelligence officials also predict that in the next five years, terrorists will try to conduct a destructive biological attack. Officials are concerned about the possibility of infections to thousands of U.S. citizens, overwhelming regional health care systems.

The Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollah does not have a known history of fomenting attacks inside the U.S., but that could change if there is some kind of "triggering" event, the Homeland assessment cautions.

Officials also predict that domestic terrorists in the forms of radical animal rights and environmental extremists will become more adept with explosives and increase their use of arson attacks.


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Alex Lah,

Thankyou for all of that...I will most probably NEVER look at anything the same again.

Hopefully after the attack of the flesh burning rifle, I get locked away somewhere with you and we can organise a rebelion against the commander and chief himself....and all his little yellow slaves. I am presently developing ways in my Bangkok apartment to take over the minds of billions of cockroaches....together we can ride on their backs to victory. :D

Please keep us, up to date with you predictions...have you thought about creating your own post on it? :o

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Say you like a stock. Sell the put option for a discount!





Follow the above advice if you want to lose all of your money. Are you kidding?!??!?!!??!?! Please tell me yes.

Nobody caught this? Poster says "for a discount" which implies that you would own the stock. Selling puts could lead you to hel_l in a handbasket. Is this opposite day again and nobody told me???

Or else poster could be advocating selling puts naked. ahhahahahahahahhHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHHAHA

Are you the "trader" that recently befriended a friend of mine?

I have a bridge for sale. Interested?

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The End Of The Crisis - What will mark it?

the crisis did not start overnight but took quite some time to develop. the same applies to the end of it. my view is that it will take several years till markets have digested what was served and that for some asset classes (e.g. corporate bonds) the environment will never be that of 2006 and beginning of 2007.

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The End Of The Crisis - What will mark it?

the crisis did not start overnight but took quite some time to develop. the same applies to the end of it. my view is that it will take several years till markets have digested what was served and that for some asset classes (e.g. corporate bonds) the environment will never be that of 2006 and beginning of 2007.

My Uncle called tonight, from Los Angeles. Well, all is not good. Already lost 60% on the stock market and my cousin, who bought a house in Monrovia for $650,000 in 2006 just lost his job at the bank.

Everybody to lose their shirts in this one. Everybody.

Contrarily, the old boy back in the UK, who hasn't really made a dime in 20 years, sits back on a supplemented state pension.

The West has gone badly wrong.

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The End Of The Crisis - What will mark it?

the crisis did not start overnight but took quite some time to develop. the same applies to the end of it. my view is that it will take several years till markets have digested what was served and that for some asset classes (e.g. corporate bonds) the environment will never be that of 2006 and beginning of 2007.

My Uncle called tonight, from Los Angeles. Well, all is not good. Already lost 60% on the stock market and my cousin, who bought a house in Monrovia for $650,000 in 2006 just lost his job at the bank.

Everybody to lose their shirts in this one. Everybody.

Contrarily, the old boy back in the UK, who hasn't really made a dime in 20 years, sits back on a supplemented state pension.

The West has gone badly wrong.

you mean i should put my shirts in the safe? :o

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The End Of The Crisis - What will mark it?

the crisis did not start overnight but took quite some time to develop. the same applies to the end of it. my view is that it will take several years till markets have digested what was served and that for some asset classes (e.g. corporate bonds) the environment will never be that of 2006 and beginning of 2007.

My Uncle called tonight, from Los Angeles. Well, all is not good. Already lost 60% on the stock market and my cousin, who bought a house in Monrovia for $650,000 in 2006 just lost his job at the bank.

Everybody to lose their shirts in this one. Everybody.

Contrarily, the old boy back in the UK, who hasn't really made a dime in 20 years, sits back on a supplemented state pension.

The West has gone badly wrong.


Where will all the shirts go? If everbody was to loose a shirt....theres gotta be a massive pile of shirts somewhere? :o

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Was it Britain & Australia that disarmed the public?

Well at least the law abiding public?

Sure was!

Now the general public is more dependent and dumbed down than ever! :o

You know to me knowing only the bad guys have guns scares the &$^#% out of me.

Was it Britain & Australia that disarmed the public?

In the UK you get clapped in jail for carrying a miniature Swiss army penknife.

I wondered about that too because when I looked at that other link I saw this about knives........


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The End Of The Crisis - What will mark it?

the crisis did not start overnight but took quite some time to develop. the same applies to the end of it. my view is that it will take several years till markets have digested what was served and that for some asset classes (e.g. corporate bonds) the environment will never be that of 2006 and beginning of 2007.

My Uncle called tonight, from Los Angeles. Well, all is not good. Already lost 60% on the stock market and my cousin, who bought a house in Monrovia for $650,000 in 2006 just lost his job at the bank.

Everybody to lose their shirts in this one. Everybody.

Contrarily, the old boy back in the UK, who hasn't really made a dime in 20 years, sits back on a supplemented state pension.

The West has gone badly wrong.


Where will all the shirts go? If everbody was to loose a shirt....theres gotta be a massive pile of shirts somewhere? :o

Same applies to money. Where did it all go?

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Thats where the problem all started.....there was no money, it was all imaginary.

As for people that actually have money in savings (as opposed to having massive debt beyond ones means), whats going to happen with that money. Will we be burning it to keep warm & trading with sea shells and the like?

Without a doubt GREED is an aweful thing.

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Thats where the problem all started.....there was no money, it was all imaginary.

As for people that actually have money in savings (as opposed to having massive debt beyond ones means), whats going to happen with that money. Will we be burning it to keep warm & trading with sea shells and the like?

My money on deposit was certainly real and hard earned. And where has it gone? To somebody else, and the killer kick in the teeth is that the tax payers are going to pay twice!!!

Once in collapsing asset prices and then in increased taxation to pay to fix the first problem!!!!

On the bright side


maybe they are slowly learning their lessons? But Brown must be livid at the selfish population, paying off debts and not borrowing and spending even more, as he so dearly wishes:lol: :o:D

Edited by 12DrinkMore
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just as worrying is the fact that there is no credible opposition that has any more of an idea on how to fix the mess.from all the blogs i read it would appear that the public have got more clues than the politicians and am loving the way the clergy are putting the boot in to.dont think i've ever seen a western country in such a mess,financially,morally,and with such a lack of law and order.

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