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The End Of The Crisis

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I'm thinking about posting a classified on TV selling tin foil hats, I could make a fortune on this thread alone!

You have a point there......But if you wear one of your hats none will notice. :o

You know folks can talk/suppose on a forum it does not make it law.

Sometimes something that makes sense for someone makes no sense for someone else. So usually the someone else calls it nonsense just to be sure it is not them that has no clue.

Edited by flying
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*They* Say Iran is closer to building a bomb.

Is that like the WMD's the US never found AFTER invading Iraq?

I mean Saddam got to sell oil in Euros for about 1 month before

he was suddenly the target right?

I think it is all BS & probably just another grab for oil or land.

I think you take the problem in the wrong way : don't try to think as the US or Israel... Try to think as Iran.

To have the nuclear bomb is the only way for the mollahs to protect themselves and sanctuarize their country, their regime and their oil fields.

It's the ultimate deterrence.

Without the nuke, the US will come after them because of the oil of course.

Saddam Hussein would be still in power... if he had nukes...

With this in mind, everything becomes clear : Iran must get nuclear bombs as fast as possible and US must stop them doing so. Each camp just can't back off.

This is why a conflict is inevitable (in a way or another, could be a war, or an economic war, think about the vertigineous fall of oil prices....).

I don't know who is further out of touch with reality, you or flying? :D Quicksilva is right this time around, someone with the tin foil hat concession would make a killing on this thread or for that matter on almost any of the gold threads on thaivisa :o

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*They* Say Iran is closer to building a bomb.

Is that like the WMD's the US never found AFTER invading Iraq?

I mean Saddam got to sell oil in Euros for about 1 month before

he was suddenly the target right?

I think it is all BS & probably just another grab for oil or land.

I think you take the problem in the wrong way : don't try to think as the US or Israel... Try to think as Iran.

To have the nuclear bomb is the only way for the mollahs to protect themselves and sanctuarize their country, their regime and their oil fields.

It's the ultimate deterrence.

Without the nuke, the US will come after them because of the oil of course.

Saddam Hussein would be still in power... if he had nukes...

With this in mind, everything becomes clear : Iran must get nuclear bombs as fast as possible and US must stop them doing so. Each camp just can't back off.

This is why a conflict is inevitable (in a way or another, could be a war, or an economic war, think about the vertigineous fall of oil prices....).

I don't know who is further out of touch with reality, you or flying? :DQuicksilva is right this time around, someone with the tin foil hat concession would make a killing on this thread or for that matter on almost any of the gold threads on thaivisa :D

A typical response from someone who supported George W. Bush - cant see the wood for the trees :o

Edited by midas
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A typical response from someone who supported George W. Bush - cant see the wood for the trees :o

Not to go too far off topic but I had to laugh .......recently they have been listing some of Mr Bush's best sayings

1) "There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."

2) "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

3) "Rarely is the questioned asked: Is our children learning?"

4) "They misunderestimated me."

And My personal favorite.............

5) "Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB-GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country."

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A typical response from someone who supported George W. Bush - cant see the wood for the trees :o

Not to go too far off topic but I had to laugh .......recently they have been listing some of Mr Bush's best sayings

1) "There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."

2) "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

3) "Rarely is the questioned asked: Is our children learning?"

4) "They misunderestimated me."

And My personal favorite.............

5) "Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB-GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country."

Number five has always been my favorite also :D You have to admit that good old george gave the media(and the comedians) plenty of material :D It will be quite boring now that we have(or will soon have) a president that choses his words so carefully and of course I will forever miss W's mispronouciation of nuclear, that always tickled my funny bone!

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When you look the current movements in Arab countries, Russia and China, all are talking about new international currencies. And there is already a euro. The euro is backed by a lot of manufacturing capacity, the same for the chinese yuan. The Arab countries and Russia are backed by large oil and gas reserves.

The question is then, the US$ is backed by what? Teenage single mothers on wellfare?

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When you look the current movements in Arab countries, Russia and China, all are talking about new international currencies. And there is already a euro. The euro is backed by a lot of manufacturing capacity, the same for the chinese yuan. The Arab countries and Russia are backed by large oil and gas reserves.

The question is then, the US$ is backed by what? Teenage single mothers on wellfare?

Considering most European countries in the Euro zone don't have anywhere near

the same sub prime problems as the USA, the Euro would have to offer more stability

as a currency than the U.S. dollar? As you say, what is so attractive about the U.S. dollar these days?

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When you look the current movements in Arab countries, Russia and China, all are talking about new international currencies. And there is already a euro. The euro is backed by a lot of manufacturing capacity, the same for the chinese yuan. The Arab countries and Russia are backed by large oil and gas reserves.

The question is then, the US$ is backed by what? Teenage single mothers on wellfare?

Considering most European countries in the Euro zone don't have anywhere near

the same sub prime problems as the USA, the Euro would have to offer more stability

as a currency than the U.S. dollar? As you say, what is so attractive about the U.S. dollar these days?

Oh that’s easy - you can spend it today (or was that yesterday?) at a high value. Can I buy my planned new bridge/airport/harbour today in USD please? I have plenty of this stuff I can pay! Says the country. And they can…..

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To try and steer the topic back on the track...

Looking over the headlines today

- BOE Cuts Rate to Lowest Since Bank’s Creation in 1694

- Obama Warns of Irreversible Economic Decline Without Action

- States of emergency declared across Europe over gas

Until the media start issuing something positive we are in for a very long haul into and then out of this current crisis. The whole crisis IMO is being blown up out of proportion by sensationalist statements convincing the blinkered masses that something bad is going to happen. And so it will and it will be far worse than if the media and politicians could constrain themselves to less severe language and overindulgent reporting. Everyday new redundancies are hitting the headlines.


Dell, the American computer giant, today delivered a further blow to Ireland's faltering economy when it announced plans to axe 1,900 jobs and shut down production in Limerick, its largest manufacturing plant outside the US.

The US multi-national confirmed it will end production at its Limerick factory in favour of a new facility and cheaper workforce in Poland. Dell said the move was part of a $3 billion global cost-cutting drive announced last year.

Well, that is not going to help matters is it? 1,900 jobs moved to Poland and 3,000,000,000 Dollars cut at a time when all the governments are reducing interest rates to zilch in order to get companies to invest, presumably thinking that they would invest in the countries where the cheap money is being made available.

How much of the housing price euphoria was created and magnified by the media insisting that house prices must always increase and buy any property, anything at all, just to get on the stupid "housing ladder" NOW before it is too late?

To repeat my view that this crisis is the birthing pain of a permanent shift of wealth and quality of life from the west to the "real" sources of today's wealth in the world, where agriculture, manufacturing and natural resources still exist. This crisis, in spite of arguments to the contrary, IMO will impact the West much much more than in Asia. The West has much further to fall and Asia an immense potential to improve by manufacturing and buying goods "made in Asia".

With the attitude of companies such as Dell above, who prefer borrowing USDs cheaply and invest outside of the higher wage/tax penalised Western countries I can only see this trend strengthening.

Maybe we have reached the "critical point" where the Asians are now capable of developing the technology themselves (Japan has been in this situation for a long time) and manufacturing the goods cheaply enough to supply and grow the internal markets in Asia WITHOUT needing the bullshit self-serving and economy destroying western financial industry and debt saturated consumer markets in the West?

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To repeat my view that this crisis is the birthing pain of a permanent shift of wealth and quality of life from the west to the "real" sources of today's wealth in the world, where agriculture, manufacturing and natural resources still exist. This crisis, in spite of arguments to the contrary, IMO will impact the West much much more than in Asia. The West has much further to fall and Asia an immense potential to improve by manufacturing and buying goods "made in Asia".

With the attitude of companies such as Dell above, who prefer borrowing USDs cheaply and invest outside of the higher wage/tax penalised Western countries I can only see this trend strengthening.

Maybe we have reached the "critical point" where the Asians are now capable of developing the technology themselves (Japan has been in this situation for a long time) and manufacturing the goods cheaply enough to supply and grow the internal markets in Asia WITHOUT needing the bullshit self-serving and economy destroying western financial industry and debt saturated consumer markets in the West?

yes but if things keep getting worse in China and the rural Chinese start getting restless

the wheel could fall off the Chinese economic model which would be disastrous. Maybe things will not be

so bad in some countries because they already knew how to survive poverty

from before-but it still could be uncomfortable for many for a long time :o

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yes but if things keep getting worse in China and the rural Chinese start getting restless

the wheel could fall off the Chinese economic model which would be disastrous. Maybe things will not be

so bad in some countries because they already knew how to survive poverty

from before-but it still could be uncomfortable for many for a long time

The Chinese have already announced "stimulus plans" which, IMO will actually go towards creating jobs and improving the economy.

The west have mouthed off about "stimulus plans", but which seem to be aimed solely at propping up the crippled western banking industry, which, at the end of a decade of hubris and billion Pound bonuses, seems not to have created anything at all, in fact, far worse, has created the mother of all financial crisis and is STILL allowed to carry on short selling and dealing in "creative" financial instruments. None of which has, in fact, at least as far as I can see, has any lasting beneficial value to anybody except a fortunate few at the top of the banking chain.

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Add to that new international currencies. When those are up and running the crisis will be i think over.

The Chinese already start a pilot:


Oddly I have invested my future in Thailand - I am UK based :o

With you there, I'm a Brit based in Thailand but am moving my money slowly but surely out of the West and into countries where I can see a future for both me AND my money....

With "we are doing something!" Brown's "lowest interest rates since 1694!" is surely setting a new record of fiscal mismanagement.

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For those of you that can not speak Farsi ore understand.

The claim very often has been made that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for wiping off the map of Israel.

This is not true.

His statement was made years before by the Ayatollah Khomenei.

What did he actually say?

"Imam ghoft een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad."

"rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods"

What does this mean?

OK, for the non Farsi speakers.

"this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time."

The word by word translation:

Imam (Khomeini) ghoft (said) een (this) rezhim-e (regime) ishghalgar-e (occupying) qods (Jerusalem) bayad (must) az safheh-ye ruzgar (from page of time) mahv shavad (vanish from).

Please do not believe your mainstream media!

And again , everything I say here can be verified, I do not talk BS.

I am so tired of all of this Joe and I am hungry, I am going to try to catch some fish Vic said.

It's OK mate, I understand you have to think of something different than this mess we are in say's Joe.

But be carefull, it is cold outside.

Vic grab's the axe and heads out after removing his clothes.

Need to open a piece of ice he thinks, then try and catch some fish.


Meanwhile Robert is closely watching the tent camp, he was ordered to do so.

He was very well instructed to closely watch any kind of aggresive behaviour and if so to shoot down anyone.

He now sees a guy coming out with an axe, a weapon prohibited to carry by law.

The moment the guy raises his axe he pulls the trigger of his M24 aimed at the head.

Vic was about ready to make some openings in the ice when he felt like a brick hit his head, it all went dark after that.

Good shot Robert, just like in the game, you will be soon having an upgrade.

Robert felt great, he was always busy playing this game on the PC, America's army and greatfull to his father that took him to this Army playground in some mall.

He was good as the recruiters could see on his online gameplay and score from the mall simulation . So they offered him a contract.

Defending his country from militia and subversive elememts and serving the mighty Obama.

Obama was the only person on his mind, nothing else mattered.


Pong whent to the Western Union office to collect her money send to her by her American BF.

50 USD, just about 1000 Baht........

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For those of you that can not speak Farsi ore understand. The claim very often has been made that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for wiping off the map of Israel. This is not true. His statement was made years before by the Ayatollah Khomenei.

What did he actually say?

"Imam ghoft een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad."

"rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods"

What does this mean? OK, for the non Farsi speakers. "this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time."

The word by word translation:

Imam (Khomeini) ghoft (said) een (this) rezhim-e (regime) ishghalgar-e (occupying) qods (Jerusalem) bayad (must) az safheh-ye ruzgar (from page of time) mahv shavad (vanish from).

you know that Alex and i know that. but our knowledge is politically incorrect and we are facing years in Guantanamo (or something similar) if we publish that fact too often. :o

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Khun Naam, I guess they are without a clue.

I wonder why.....

Alex I dont believe anyone can be that dumb as not to be able

to " join the dots " and so IMO those that deny it have

a vested interest as their reason to do so- there cannot be

any other logical explanation :o

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post-21826-1231608416_thumb.jpgYou would be surprised Midas, how many people still have no idea what is going on.


I hope that after their lunch they throw themselves in front of a running train.


I need my chair he was saying.

As I said:post-21826-1231607940_thumb.jpg

Obama is suggesting another 60 Billion in healthare aid.


Can you see the difference?

Joe sipping the last bit of tea he made wonders what the heck takes Vic so long.

It was already getting dark but luckily it was full moon so he did't need to use his flashlight, batteries are scarce these day's.

Once outside he sees a body floating in the water, no no no no no, Joe thinks and runs to the lake and plunges into the water.

The body is floating motionless, face down.

Please Vic, please don't tell me you have drowned yourself, Joe thinks as he turns around the body.

Joe screams from the top of his lungs when confronted with the view of a head without a face.

Army captain Head say's: "Robert, I am so proud of you my son, I am going to show you something secret"

Robert felt great after the compliment from Dick, his Captain that learned him how to make hollow point bullet's.

Tell me Robert, how you feel about those tent camp people?

They are despicable lowlife scumbag's that are like parasites, they just only profit from the welfare system and do nothing to help

this great country, they deserve to die, Robert answered.

Good answer Captain Head replied, now let us go inside this hangar.

3-2-1 and fire a voice on a speaker said.

Robert was amazed seeing a device floating in air and targeting multiple target's.

It is called the MKV, Captain Head said, our newest weapon.


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I think they were saying to him 'Remember Richard Lawrence'.

YOu know what was funny when I saw that on TV?

Clinton said something like....

Boy I really liked this rug :o

Given the stories of him & Monica I thought it was an odd thing for him to say.

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your disciples are watching and listening oh great one.



good morning "flying" i accept your post as a piss take of me for my comments re alex lah..........but as they say in OZ "fair crack of the whip" mate.Actually do see merit in alex's view of the future,but on the other hand i see "the end coming"before the events that alex foresees.keep the debate going its interesting.

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good morning "flying" i accept your post as a piss take of me for my comments re alex lah..........but as they say in OZ "fair crack of the whip" mate.

Good Morning

No that is not what I meant at all. I just know that he ( Alex ) always calls us all sheeple...Also think he is just joking too.

So you from Oz then?

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good morning "flying" i accept your post as a piss take of me for my comments re alex lah..........but as they say in OZ "fair crack of the whip" mate.

Good Morning

No that is not what I meant at all. I just know that he ( Alex ) always calls us all sheeple...Also think he is just joking too.

So you from Oz then?

yes mate,from brisbane.i actually think a lot of alex's points are in reality a foretaste of the future,but non of us really know how and how soon it will pan out but i do enjoy his posts.If to alex he is joking,"never a truer word spoken in jest".cant think of 2 better places to be,thailand and australia,what we see happening in the USA and UK is scary indeed.all the best.

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good morning "flying" i accept your post as a piss take of me for my comments re alex lah..........but as they say in OZ "fair crack of the whip" mate.

Good Morning

No that is not what I meant at all. I just know that he ( Alex ) always calls us all sheeple...Also think he is just joking too.

So you from Oz then?

yes mate,from brisbane.i actually think a lot of alex's points are in reality a foretaste of the future,but non of us really know how and how soon it will pan out but i do enjoy his posts.If to alex he is joking,"never a truer word spoken in jest".cant think of 2 better places to be,thailand and australia,what we see happening in the USA and UK is scary indeed.all the best.

Cool I am still in the US for now but will move back to TL soon I think.

No reason to stay here it seems.

Yes I like Alex's posts too. I joke with him but agree on a lot of it too.

Take Care

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