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Why No British Restaurants Anywhere?


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yep, its good old Homer, doh!

H.S. the most unracist man on the face of the earth. :o

There's a good fish'n chips place on soi 23 just before the opening of Soi Cowboy.

Gosh I love Soi Cowboy! The day the feds crane and ball that place will be a sad, sad day in the LOS.

Edited by mbkudu
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<deleted>= wily oriental gentleman

or something like that

the word paki is only offensive to middle class white ppl in the uk, i have paki friends here in thailand and they refer to their nationals as pakies, pretty much the sames as uk ppl refer to themselves as brits, i think you will find that white political correctness has gone way to far, would a thai be upset by being called a thai???

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First of all I am working class, I am not offendd by the term at all, just think the people who use it are ignorant.

I have Pakistani friends in the U.K. and they are certainly offended when they hear the word paki to describe them.

So its all apples and pears. :o

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I thought that you said that you had desisted posting on this thread.

Yes Dr P, I did say that I therefore I shall desist from posting on this thread, promise. I apologise for posting 'off topic' and will try not to do it again.

All the best for the New Year :o

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thats true, same here, Crazy Dave made me chuckle when he said Paki is only offensive to middle class white people in the U.K. ! What about the upper class, do you reckon they find it offensive??? lol :D

Just shows the mentality of this guy.

Anyway I wouldn't want to upset Dr Patpong any further so this is definetely my last post on this thread about this subject.

Cheers :o

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thats true, same here, Crazy Dave made me chuckle when he said Paki is only offensive to middle class white people in the U.K. ! What about the upper class, do you reckon they find it offensive??? lol :D

Just shows the mentality of this guy.

Anyway I wouldn't want to upset Dr Patpong any further so this is definetely my last post on this thread about this subject.

Cheers :o

If I were you I'd do that.

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I once heard a radio programme, in which it said that the easiest way to lose money on the continent. Was to open an English restaurant. Apart from Apple Crumble, I can't think of any decent English food.

where are you from?

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I once heard a radio programme, in which it said that the easiest way to lose money on the continent. Was to open an English restaurant. Apart from Apple Crumble, I can't think of any decent English food.

I'll agree with one exception: Fish'n chips.

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Since when has an abbreviation taken on the same meaning as wop, gook, geek, coon, nigger, spade, chink, nip, spic etc??

Paki, Aussie, Brit, Yank, oops sorry Septic, Jap, Kiwi, etc etc, are not the same in my eyes as your list of derogatives!

Many ppl crap on about Jap as being racist, might as well call them Nips then and be done with it! PC is a joke, just another nail in the coffin of freedom, I for one am carrying a hammer, pulling the nails out needs to become a group effort before we all become lemmings!!

back to the topic, that fish n chip shop in soi 23 sucks assss these days, the fish is revolting, chips are ok, but fark I can get chips anywhere, the fish used to be great, but the last 3 times I went there early this year it was like rubber!

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back to the topic, that fish n chip shop in soi 23 sucks assss these days, the fish is revolting, chips are ok, but fark I can get chips anywhere, the fish used to be great, but the last 3 times I went there early this year it was like rubber!

Yah, alright, they have their off days, but you must admit that down a little ways and to the left are some fabulously fun moisties raring to go! :o

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brits , aussies , japs , pakis are all abbreviated terms and not automatically racist.

it all depends on the context in which they are used as to whether they are racist or not.

some people have been so conditioned to racial awareness that they (want to) see racism in every nook and cranny.

your avatar could be seen to be grossly offensive to people suffering from certain well documented cranial birth defects that lead to facial deformities

Ok then point taken, so if someone wishes to say wop, gook, geek, coon, nigger, spade, chink, spic, its allright in the right context. Sorry, I disagree.

Anyway, Patpong said what he said as a joke, I dont find it funny, but I guess some people do so each to their own, I am not one to start preaching and this being an open forum everyone has the right to say what they like.

About the avatar, your dead right, I dont want to cause offense to anyone with cranial birth defects so I will change it, maybe to a golly <deleted> or something. :D

bet Pablo H is working for a NGO saving girls from men.. Twirp. :o

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Is that a threat Dr? Showing your true colours now aren't you. Thats all from me as am shaking in my boots (not) :o

A cultured Scouse ... gimmee a break. There is only regional agri-CULTURE thereabouts.

I think you mean aggro-culture doncha Doc? :D

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Is that a threat Dr? Showing your true colours now aren't you. Thats all from me as am shaking in my boots (not) :o

A cultured Scouse ... gimmee a break. There is only regional agri-CULTURE thereabouts.

I think you mean aggro-culture doncha Doc? :D

I'm an Aussie and I know that our lot are somewhat short in that area ... perhaps not quite as a Scouse....but I love Aggro ... can I borrow it ?

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...Yah, alright, they have their off days, but you must admit that down a little ways and to the left are some fabulously fun moisties raring to go....

in the interests of good taste lets keep mushy peas out of this discussion.

Jeez mate...Oz has ( or used to have, pie floaters ... and real mushy peas were there in bulk )

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I know a number of Pakistani English guys and they all told me that Paki is a derogatory term.

SO WHAT ? Other countries cope well with their assigned nicks based on nationality. Kiwi's cope with sheep shaggers. A truncation of the national name is nothing. REST IT

The fact that people find it offensive it good enough reason not to use it.

Truncation has got nothing to do with it...

Would you call someone a nigger?

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