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Beagle - Still Not Toilet Trained

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I take it the pup tends to want to go in the same place all the time. If so cover the area with newspaper, if he tries to go elswhere, a small reprimand then put him back on the paper. After a few days gradually start moving the paper towards a door, then out of the house. Takes about two to three weeks.

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I take it the pup tends to want to go in the same place all the time. If so cover the area with newspaper, if he tries to go elswhere, a small reprimand then put him back on the paper. After a few days gradually start moving the paper towards a door, then out of the house. Takes about two to three weeks.


No, he just loves new spots, like little boys leaving their marks everywhere.

Tried the paper trick - still dont work. Cant even get him to pee on the paper, let alone move it to the door. ( trust me, he has had his fare share of whacks ). Runs and hides after pissing, he knows its wrong, but still does it everywhere.

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I take it the pup tends to want to go in the same place all the time. If so cover the area with newspaper, if he tries to go elswhere, a small reprimand then put him back on the paper. After a few days gradually start moving the paper towards a door, then out of the house. Takes about two to three weeks.


No, he just loves new spots, like little boys leaving their marks everywhere.

Tried the paper trick - still dont work. Cant even get him to pee on the paper, let alone move it to the door. ( trust me, he has had his fare share of whacks ). Runs and hides after pissing, he knows its wrong, but still does it everywhere.

If he would know that the actual act, that is HIM urinating and defecating in unappropriate places is wrong, he wouldn't do it anymore.

What he most probably has learned is that pee or poo in his neighborhood, no matter whose pee or poo it is, is bad news and thus better run and hide before he gets another wack. What he hasn't learned is what is the APPROPRIATE place to releave himself.

For this you have to train him. You can keep him in a bench at times you can't carefully watch every move he makes. Every two hours you let him out, and lead him to a place where he can releave himself. Then it is a matter of waiting till he does so. AT THE MOMENT he does so you give the cue, such as doo-dee, then praise him into heaven and give him a delicious treat. This you do EVERY TIME he urinates or defecates.

Once you see that he is getting the point you can start bringing him to the doggy toilet, give the cue and wait till he releaves himself. Again praise him into heaven and reward with a delicious treat. Slowly build this out till he start going by himself to his toilet.

All the time you need to carefully watch him at those times he is loose in your house. If you can't keep him in his bench.

In the beginning this training is very time consuming, but once your dog gets the point you will have for the coming 10 or so years great joy of this intense training period.

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I was going to add the exact same plan as Nienke...

It's really hard at the beginning, but it pays off in the end. I have two dogs that are "paper trained" and it's heaven to be able to take them anywhere, put down a few sheets of newspaper and KNOW that they aren't going to have an accident on your friend's brand new wood floors.

My only addition, to clarify really, is that the dog MUST be kept in the bench/crate AT ALL TIMES while you're training for this (much easier when they're a little puppy as they sleep most of the time anyway). Take him/her out of the crate every couple of hours, put them in a confined area (preferably a sectioned off pen - that you can purchase at any pet retailer) with newspaper on the bottom, or grass, or whatever you want them to learn to pee/poo on. Say to them ONCE as you place them in there, "Go pee/poo/potty" (your choice) and wait for 2 minutes. If they don't go, they go straight back into the crate. If they do go, praise praise praise with "GOOD pee/poo/potty", treat them and make a big fuss. They can now stay out of the crate for an hour or so. After that hour, back into the crate they go and two hours later, repeat the taking them outside. It's hard at first to have them in the crate so much of the time, but honestly, this is the only way that I know of that really works - especially with difficult-to-train dogs and those that come out of shelters where they learn to do their business herethereandeverywhere.

Good luck!

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"paper trained" and it's heaven to be able to take them anywhere, put down a few sheets of (news)paper

And such a trained dog is heaven for kids who don't like to do their homework .... :D:o

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As you seem to have sorted the beagle out can someone please sort out my duck problem.

We live way out in the sticks on 10 rai of land. We have a fish pond but for some reason our 2 ducks take great delight in crapping on the concrete slab outside the kitchen, both front and back doors. :D :D :o:D

It means we wash down several times a day.

The bad news is that we now have homegrown 14 more fluffy ducklets and if they do the same thing it will be the cooking pot for them. Some of the last lot got eaten by a snake.

On the same note where do they hide their eggs?

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