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Does someone have the same problem?

Have 3 different American bank accounts .......since the new year none of them work,

have tried several different Thai banks, get the same massage on everyone........ .TRANSMISSION ERROR

Does someone have the same problem?

Have 3 different American bank accounts .......since the new year none of them work,

have tried several different Thai banks, get the same massage on everyone........ .TRANSMISSION ERROR

RU sure their expiry date is still valid? Seems strange that it's happened to all the cards.

Does someone have the same problem?

Have 3 different American bank accounts .......since the new year none of them work,

have tried several different Thai banks, get the same massage on everyone........ .TRANSMISSION ERROR

Got the answer:- Take them out of your pocket before you enter the parlour!

Sounds strange to me. Have you tried making an "over the counter" cash withdrawal?

Talked to Siam Com. by the Big C. they told me to try Bangkok Bank.did not work either

dates are fine all expire in 2010

Sounds strange to me. Have you tried making an "over the counter" cash withdrawal?

Talked to Siam Com. by the Big C. they told me to try Bangkok Bank.did not work either

dates are fine all expire in 2010

2 of them just tried last week , still in 2008, worked great,

1 bank card shows my name as soon as I insert it in ATM........now nothing


try quick cast withdrawal......enter pin and click the amount directly, if it work, maybe computer error or something.

None of them are "Visa" or "Cirrus" cards I take it?

Maestro (Mastercard clearinghouse)

Plus (Visa clearinghouse)

on back of cards should also allow transaction. Most important though is Cirrus.

Have you contacted US bank as they may have been frozen for security reasons, if there were alot of transactions. My bank did that last month. Turned out I had set my limits too low. They fixed it with a short email. I've been withdrawing money like nam. Now if only the ATM could replensih my current account :o


It's most likely end of year system maintenance/changes that require interbanks comm links to be suspended. Overnight, when US comes to work, or even evening US time, it should all be OK.

My Citibank card issued in Japan did not work for 3 days (Jan 1-3) with other banks ATMs where it usualy does work, yesterday back to normal.

It's most likely end of year system maintenance/changes that require interbanks comm links to be suspended. Overnight, when US comes to work, or even evening US time, it should all be OK.

My Citibank card issued in Japan did not work for 3 days (Jan 1-3) with other banks ATMs where it usualy does work, yesterday back to normal.

Thanks, that is what I tought also. Had it down for several hours before,

Have plenty of money in my Thai banks, see US$ is up today anyway,

Used my US issued ATM card at a Bangkok Bank ATM on Jan3, no problems...

It goes even finer than that, down to an individual ATM.

That you had no problems means nothing to the very next person trying to take money from the very same ATM.

Simply, the ATMs have software inside (it's a Windows PC) that can be (and is) set to monitor the money dispenser and if the withdrawals are plenty or large, it can block non-customer ATM cards. Let their own ATM card holders have no problems. Fences off other Thai banks too, not only international.

Almost routinely used by all banks during holidays when replenishing is less frequent.


Thanks for that t_t_m, I never realised that. (High finance was never my strong point).

It certainly explains why the ATMs I use regularly occasionally don't want to know me.

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