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High Security Myths


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from that news report it looks like what got them interested initially was the gold on the mrs beardog neck,in these tough times its best to keep that stuff on show for special occasions rather than gardening etc

lucky you didnt try and disarm him ,as it was a copy and they knew it, as could have turned nasty as you was outnumbered.

has your friend really got a 12m fence(as mentioned in a former post) as that seems extremely high !!

i wonder how much time these felons will do and its amazing they caught them but as you said they did rob someone more connected which may have influenced them or they just got less of a workload than the pattaya bib

glad you took it all in your stride as many would freak out at something like this....an armed house robbery by yabba heads should be quite frightening.

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I think the news really overblew this story. They never even asked if I was Professional race car driver & it was a scale down cart car worth $125,000 U.S. not a Formula #1 at all. the ages are slightly off & these guys were real quick. Why my dog missed it is a mystery, but I suspect Alisa might have seen these people & talked with them or they maybe know our dog. who knows he

is usually a great bark alert for everything. We get a new dog today. The amount of cash was a bazillion miles off.

it was $550-600 U.S. at the time The Ipod 40 gig 4years old a Fuji camera 5 years old It would have been 120 baht was all I had in my wallet. I try not to keep to much cash on hand & was going to wait till the next day to come into Pattaya & go shopping & go to the bank. They lost the wallet when the took apart the mattress. mobile phones 7500 baht a ornamental scimitar from Spain probably worth no more than 12000-15000 baht.

& a mobile phone free i got in the U.S. that does not work on Thailands frequency.

I was told under a Thai custom I would be allowed to do what he did to me our punch him as what happens by most Thai people that are victims in a crime. I am not Thai so I was not going to get that perk so when the paper was done with the procession I ask one of the officers to let me work him without the cuffs him & me. And let the darker monkey we were gonna have a go & see how bad he is and then I was denied , I quicky after they ushered the press out to have some more time to talk to us is when I telegraphed a punch to his jaw & did a sweep kick & the #1 cop & he was a true good cop.Till this event I would have never given Thailand a thought of any cop not being corrupt, but it would be nice to see a guy like this in top government.Really! The good cop got in my line of fire & almost nailed one of the cops with my foot. The punch was easy to stop as I was after making him a gimp in jail.it was then the main cop explained to me they are doing a good job of getting info & were headed back to Sattahib for some more fun & delightful quality time with the cops. probably has to do with thee 290 baht worth of phone calls made on the phone. They are most likely going to work the numbers & see what they come out with.I had sirens & the light came on backup generator worked. i made some mistakes. I had the door shut but the wood back door open. they slit the screen & opened the bolt as I don't usually lock up till I go to bed. Till now I would have never taken into the desperation fact. we live in a 70 sq.meter house which the next house will be a lot bigger.

Lucky went off when the lites & alarm barked.

These guys could have been navy seals if they were in the U.S. & had brains.

While they were idiots they were very very quick.

I made some serious mistakes but even with the alarm & lites they were comin in if they had to bust the door off the hinge.

My neighbor got hit & was sleeping . by the time he got downstairs they had his laptop his phones & a couple other things & were gone. most likely the same group. They slit his screen & undid the bolt like mine.

The man that got hit 4 months ago near the Silverlake winery grabbed all his stuff in the daytime with alarms a blairin & the lights worthless in the daytime. A silent report would have been his only answer as mine along with well hidden cameras as the snagged most of his security equip. along with anything not bolted down. All this with the neighbors at home. he was away in England & neglected to hire some kind of watch on his house.We cut out scraggily tree branches & gave 100% view as I realize now I made many mistakes not on the security(besides not bolting my house down like a prison 24-7 & will probably lock the outside door early. We get another dog & have 2 I think a Thai ma this time. & put cameras in as well. I can see from the internet room most of the house. my back was turned away from the door & yea I am Guilty as charged with the gaming spirit playing Diablo & really wasn't thinking anyone is going to bum rush a door after seeing someone. Hay

the school of hard knocks is a wonderful thing. I made a lot of good cop friends out of this have 6 nightly random times police coming by & signing a work report with time on it. (who cares) along with the county's police that goes by Gai's dads house . All for 1000 baht a month & they are real cops not renta cops 2 off duty from Sattahib & 2 off duties in Bang Sare.

Neighborhood watch is better even if you bolt down electric fence cameras & sirens & the works in my book, unfortunately pros & cons I have no immediate neighbors.

I appreciate the ideas & will be incorporating them soon for sure on the new house we start on next month along with fixing the human error problems & rewiring the electrics to the fence. it worked to good but they were insulated with the rubber mat they used the gunman had a nice char on his leg where he grounded himself. He was in tatters the night he got booked & I could see a nice criss 1 & 1/2 prints. Unfortunately he still kept on coming. I don't believe if some one is that desperate to pull a job while your home anything short of a Glock or reasonably large diameter gun is going to do jackshit.

The cameras will at least take pictures . These bozos left enough evidence that even a moron could find them including using the same sim card after they went to jail.

George Bush would absolutely love how the cops interrogate. after seeing the darker guy the night they worked him, lets put it this way The Hanoi Hilton for the Vietnam vets could not be much worse.

I feel like I was a part in a mini series & hope there is no repeat.

The press was their idea The top gun deserves a promotion. I live out in the country(within the city) & care less about media attn. for anything! Although it was kind of cool they gave me kudos for racing Even though they made me something of a race god which I always hoped to be but not in this lifetime. This house would be a Spanish style scarface house in another country if I had those kind of bucks as a Pro formula racer!

I learned a lot & I love to learn(maybe not quite this way.Oh well glad this is over & hope you guys & gals never have to deal with an event.

We made a lot of good acquaintances over this & that is a bonus. the people that live here are pretty cool. But I will conclude this story with a famous quote from Robert Frost "And I took the other way & that made all the difference. :o

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