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Non 0 Visa Run (hat Yai)

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hello to all

i would like to ask some questions & the procedures of a visa run to hat yai,

this is my first non 0 visa ,& my 1st 90 days expire 4th feb 2009

i booked a ticket for my wife & i from bkk to hat yai & intend on making the visa stamp in padang besar ? my wife has a

new thai passport & has never left thailand we have for the last year been trying to gain more proof of our relationship

for a previously refused spouse visa to oz .. reson for refusal not enough proof of genuine ongoing relationship.& short period of time together as married couple..... (bloody buggers) dont make it easy for a genuine loving couple.

so my question is, can my wife cross the boarder to malaysia with me for.. lets say 2-3 days & return with me to thailand after the 4th feb ? we are trying to gain as much proof of our relationship as possible & was thinking that a stamp in her passport, along with all the other piles of paper work & stuff we are accumulating may help us later on for her spouse visa to oz.

what does the wife have to do to get a stamp in her passport ?

thanks in advance to all that can advise me on this topic.


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Is your Non O Single or Multiple entry ?

If there is no other stamps in your wife passport better bring along your Marriage Certificate because the Malaysian Immigration will ask lots of Questions,

So prepare your Marriage Cert and if they ask to much Questions just show the cert to them that you are both Married .

Edited by tytus
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Is your Non O Single or Multiple entry ?

If there is no other stamps in your wife passport better bring along your Marriage Certificate because the Malaysian Immigration will ask lots of Questions,

So prepare your Marriage Cert and if they ask to much Questions just show the cert to them that you are both Married .

If the OP's wife has changed her family name to his her passport will show Mrs. XXXX.

You would think that would be enough proof of marriage but I guess it would not hurt to a have a copy of marriage certificate along with them just in case.

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Is your Non O Single or Multiple entry ?

If there is no other stamps in your wife passport better bring along your Marriage Certificate because the Malaysian Immigration will ask lots of Questions,

So prepare your Marriage Cert and if they ask to much Questions just show the cert to them that you are both Married .

thanks guys

yes the non 0 is multi

and we will be sure to take along the marriage certificate, does anyone know of the costs for visa to malaysia for thai wife ?

or any other info we may need on crossing over ?

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You and your wife do not need a visa for Malaysia it will be a stamp given on entry and there is no charge for it.

Nothing else is required.

For what it is worth you will get 60 days entry stamp and I am pretty sure that a Thai will get 30.

When I took my girlfriend (now Wife) to Penang they did ask her a few questions.

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