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Suspicions Confirmed


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It seems like Thailand's 27th Prime Minister spent his first week in office perusing the past projects of the TRT, PPP, and PPT prior PMs. He then dusted them off, put them in a new box with pretty wrapping paper and cute little bow ribbon. After disregarding his earlier statements of the many faults of these projects, he presented them to the populace as 'Not The Same'. It has been said that "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery", and "If you can't beat them, join them". ???

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It seems like Thailand's 27th Prime Minister spent his first week in office perusing the past projects of the TRT, PPP, and PPT prior PMs. He then dusted them off, put them in a new box with pretty wrapping paper and cute little bow ribbon. After disregarding his earlier statements of the many faults of these projects, he presented them to the populace as 'Not The Same'. It has been said that "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery", and "If you can't beat them, join them". ???

What? A politician changed his campaign-trail tune after winning an election? Shocking! So, which projects are we talking about? Are they good projects?

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Thinking back several years, did not the incoming TRT/Thaksin government borrow a few ideas, things like the OTOP-scheme or the 30-Baht hospital-treatment scheme, from previous administrations ?

As long as it does good for the poorer people, and isn't too-corruptly or cack-handedly implemented, who cares where the idea originally came from ? :o

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....here's a couple of my ideas for you lot,.......1.competition charge,....which is charged when entering big supermarkets,30 baht more to be put towards the creation of small cottage industries where they follow eco rules,....2 time limit for all motor manufacturer,to phase out polluting vehicles,....3pollution tax, every big org who make product and sell it in non eco wrapping to pay this then past on to households for rubbish collections ,...4anyone who uses Tax loopholes and earns over certain amount to be SHOT,....

Edited by dee123
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hey Obahma sounds fantastic,.....i heared him yesterday say he is going to put million of dollars to train unemployed ect to make eco products solar wind ect,.....i have been saying this for years,.......do u think he reads thaivisa.com?......P.S. While that wanke_r Damien Hurst is earning millions the UK Arts Council is pleading with the UK Gov not to reduce its funding,.....what a JOKE......just ask Damian,....for fxxk's sake

Edited by dee123
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Otherwise known as "trickle up poverty." (with credit of original phrase coining to Michael Savage)

But please, spare us the eco-wacko, communist manifesto rants and stick to the OP.

I wish people would just cut the new PM some slack and give him a chance. Maybe it will be just business as usual. Maybe he will turn into an evolutionary leader who will benefit the majority of the Thai population.

In any case, we as expats are hardly empowered to affect much in the central or local governments. If anything, I would hope for the new leadership to bring their expat policies into line with modern criteria, and make it easier to do business, obtain permanent residency, etc.

When it comes down to it, I think many Thai people want what many people want all over the world. That is an opportunity for a decent education and after that, the opportunity for a decent job which will provide an income for them to pursue their chosen lifestyle.

Far left policies like government handouts have never and will never work, because they don't produce new wealth. All they do is take (by legalized theft) money from one group of people and give it away to another group of people. It may not be a political dead end, but it's certainly a societal and economic dead end.

I would much rather see progressive capitalist policies which provide opportunity for new investment, new business, new jobs and creation of wealth for the benefit of the majority.

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:o ....yea cut the eco -wacko,....things are just fine Obahma!......but if you think there is anything wrong with stopping the mega rich from using loopholes to avoid paying tax,whilst polluting the countryside and seas with their waste....and goverment subsidies to get the unemployed create a "green enviroment,".....are wacko ,....well then I must have undrestimated the shortsightedness of some people.....in regard tothe new Thai prime minister,.....well I thinkits too early to comment as I don't take any notice of Thai gov TV and press I make my assumptions on facts which are not available until they are reported by unbias media,.....so j I just suggest what should be done and reserve my judgement until then Edited by dee123
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:D ....yea cut the eco -wacko,....things are just fine Obahma!......but if you think there is anything wrong with stopping the mega rich from using loopholes to avoid paying tax,whilst polluting the countryside and seas with their waste....and goverment subsidies to get the unemployed create a "green enviroment,".....are wacko ,....well then I must have undrestimated the shortsightedness of some people.....in regard tothe new Thai prime minister,.....well I thinkits too early to comment as I don't take any notice of Thai gov TV and press I make my assumptions on facts which are not available until they are reported by unbias media,.....so j I just suggest what should be done and reserve my judgement until then

let us know Spee,....in your own time!!..... :o

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Otherwise known as "trickle up poverty." (with credit of original phrase coining to Michael Savage)

But please, spare us the eco-wacko, communist manifesto rants and stick to the OP.

I wish people would just cut the new PM some slack and give him a chance. Maybe it will be just business as usual. Maybe he will turn into an evolutionary leader who will benefit the majority of the Thai population.

In any case, we as expats are hardly empowered to affect much in the central or local governments. If anything, I would hope for the new leadership to bring their expat policies into line with modern criteria, and make it easier to do business, obtain permanent residency, etc.

When it comes down to it, I think many Thai people want what many people want all over the world. That is an opportunity for a decent education and after that, the opportunity for a decent job which will provide an income for them to pursue their chosen lifestyle.

Far left policies like government handouts have never and will never work, because they don't produce new wealth. All they do is take (by legalized theft) money from one group of people and give it away to another group of people. It may not be a political dead end, but it's certainly a societal and economic dead end.

I would much rather see progressive capitalist policies which provide opportunity for new investment, new business, new jobs and creation of wealth for the benefit of the majority.

"a decent education" "decent job" ,...mmmmm I think there's much more than that,... people the world over (including Thailand)also want a pension ,a clean green envoiroment the chance to be self sufficient(not just leave school then work for multi national)comfortable housing,equality(paying tax ect)fair wealth distribution,....but there again you are looking from a capitalist's point of view :o....THE BIG BANG

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Thank you all for your posts. I agree with most of them. I agree with give him a chance and see what develops. I was just trying out a little 'tongue in cheek' comment about his down-with-populist projects being the first things that he resurected/ :o:D

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Otherwise known as "trickle up poverty." (with credit of original phrase coining to Michael Savage)

But please, spare us the eco-wacko, communist manifesto rants and stick to the OP.

I wish people would just cut the new PM some slack and give him a chance. Maybe it will be just business as usual. Maybe he will turn into an evolutionary leader who will benefit the majority of the Thai population.

In any case, we as expats are hardly empowered to affect much in the central or local governments. If anything, I would hope for the new leadership to bring their expat policies into line with modern criteria, and make it easier to do business, obtain permanent residency, etc.

When it comes down to it, I think many Thai people want what many people want all over the world. That is an opportunity for a decent education and after that, the opportunity for a decent job which will provide an income for them to pursue their chosen lifestyle.

Far left policies like government handouts have never and will never work, because they don't produce new wealth. All they do is take (by legalized theft) money from one group of people and give it away to another group of people. It may not be a political dead end, but it's certainly a societal and economic dead end.

I would much rather see progressive capitalist policies which provide opportunity for new investment, new business, new jobs and creation of wealth for the benefit of the majority.

Trickle down was a lie pepetrated by the "Masters of Universe" to absolve themselves from their rapacious gambling with other peoples' money.

Where have the billions in the bailout disappeared to ??

Give to the other end of the economic spectrum who will spend and create real demand for real goods - not financial instruments which you can't eat, drink or drive!

Now that is progressive - the dominant paradigm is showing its flaws and needs to be subverted!

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