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Thailand Tsunami Relief Fund Donations

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HOW TO DONATE in Thailand Directly

Another way folks can donate long-distance is to log onto the Thai Red Cross website:


Donations to the Thai Red Cross will assist their disaster relief efforts in all the affected areas, including Khao Lak, Phi Phi, and the coasts of Phang-Nga and Krabi, the two hardest-hit provinces.

Thai Red Cross donations

/edit title to show more


will pay some money direct to hospital today and hope to collect more

please let me know if you hear of an aid truck leaving from uk (I am in essex) I will be willing to help (cant travel but can try to collect things this end)

thinking of you all XX


I tried to e-mail the hospital but was not delivered, probabably been inundated. was just asking if anytrucks leaving from here. If I find any info later I will post it


HOW TO DONATE in The UK. (not specific to thailand)

The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) is an umbrella group of UK charities including, among others, British Red Cross, Cafod, Oxfam, Save the Children, Tearfund

Call them on 0870 60 60 900 or visit www.dec.org.uk

Other bodies raising money include Muslim groups Muslim Aid (020 7377 4200) and Islamic Relief (0121 622 0622)

Sri Lankan organisations including Asia Quake Relief Appeal UK

([email protected]) are also raising money


Any chance of a PayPal account being set up - because of my location thats the only way i can transfer money, i just want to help as much as i can right now, and feel helpless here.




HOW TO DONATE in The USA. (not specific to thailand)

AmeriCares Mobilizes Aid to Asia In Wake of Earthquake and Tsunamis

AmeriCares - USA

Website: http://www.americares.org

Red Cross Responds to Tsunamis in South Asia

American Red Cross - USA

Website: http://www.redcross.org

UMCOR Issues Emergency Appeal In Wake of Earthquake and Tidal Waves in Southeast Asia

United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) - USA

Website: http://gbgm-umc.org/umcor/emergency/southasia.stm

ADRA International Commits Emergency Funds to Asia Quakes, Tsunamis

Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) International

Website: http://www.adra.org


Church World Service (CWS) - USA

Contributions to support CWS recovery efforts in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and India may be sent to: Church World Service P.O. Box 968 Elkhart, IN 46515

Credit card contributions may be made by calling (800) 297-1516.

CCF launches emergency assistance following the South Asia quake

Christian Children's Fund Inc (CCF) - USA

Website: http://www.ChristianChildrensFund.org

InterAction Members Respond to those Affected by the Earthquakes and Tsunamis in Asia InterAction - USA

Website: http://www.interaction.org

MAP Mounts Response To Tsunami Victims

Medical Assistance Programs (MAP) International - USA

Website: http://www.map.org


American Jewish World Service (AJWS) - USA

Website: http://www.ajws.org

Action Against Hunger Helps Victims of Disaster

Action Against Hunger (AAH) - USA

Website: http://www.actionagainsthunger.org

Save the Children Responding to Earthquake, Tidal Waves in Asia

Save the Children - USA

Website: http://www.savethechildren.org

Direct Relief International Prepares Response to Southeast Asian Earthquake, Tsunamis. Direct Relief International (DRI) - USA

Website: http://www.directrelief.org

Mercy Corps Mobilizes to Respond to Powerful Southeast Asia Earthquake

Website: http://www.mercycorps.org


HOW TO DONATE in German Countries. (aid not specific to thailand)

Flut in Südasien: Hilfe muss verstärkt werden

Diakonie Emergency Aid - Germany

Website: http://www.diakonie-katasstrophenhilfe.de

Earthquake in South and South-East Asia

Malteser Germany (Foreign Aid Department) - Germany

Website: http://www.malteser-ald.de

Medair is responding to the needs of tsunami victims in Sri Lanka

Medair - Switzerland

Website: http://www.medair.org

HELP sends emergency specialists to Sri Lanka

HELP (Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V.) - Germany

Website: http://http://www.help-ev.de

Seaquake in Southern Asia: humedica's first medical team on the way to Sri Lanka

humedica e.V. - Germany

Website: http://www.humedica.org

Dramatische Lage für die Betroffenen in den Katastrophengebieten Südostasiens

Caritas - Germany

Website: http://www.caritas-international.de

ACT members in south and south east Asia respond to disaster

Action by Churches Together (ACT) - Switzerland

Website: http://www.act-intl.org

Schweizer Hilfe für die Opfer der Seebeben in Asien

Caritas - Switzerland

Website: http://www.caritas.ch

Another way folks can donate long-distance is to log onto the Thai Red Cross website:


Donations to the Thai Red Cross will assist their disaster relief efforts in all the affected areas, including Khao Lak, Phi Phi, and the coasts of Phang-Nga and Krabi, the two hardest-hit provinces.

Thai Red Cross donations

Would like to add that at top center of page is a working on-line credit card link that should allow donations from anywhere in the world direct to the Thai Red Cross.


HOW TO DONATE Internationally (aid not specific to thailand)

World Vision provides food to India tsunami victims

World Vision International (WVI)

Website: http://www.wvi.org

Red Cross Responds to Tsunamis in South Asia

Website: http://www.redcross.org

MSF delivers assistance to earthquake stricken areas of Southeast Asia

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) - International

Website: http://www.msf.org

Save the Children responding to deadly earthquake, tidal waves in southern Asia


Care international





HOW TO DONATE in Other countries (aid not specific to thailand)

Norway unites to confront tsunami disaster

Norwegian Church Aid - Norway

Website: http://http://www.nca.no

PWJ Deploys Assessment Team to Indonesia in Response to Massive South East Asia Earthquake

Peace Winds Japan

Website: http://www.peace-winds.org/en/index.html

Séisme Asie du Sud : l’ensemble du réseau Caritas mobilisé

Caritas - France (Secours Catholique)

Website: http://www.secours-catholique.asso.fr

India Status Report and Appeal

Sustainable Environment and Ecological Development Society (SEEDS) - India

Website: http://www.seedsindia.org


I just went to barclays bank and tried to pay direct to the hospital (as details on first post in this thread)

a. can only do bank to bank (dont bank at barclays)

b. if I did bank there they wanted to charge me £20 for the transaction

I just went to barclays bank and tried to pay direct to the hospital (as details on first post in this thread)

a. can only do bank to bank (dont bank at barclays)

b. if I did bank there they wanted to charge me £20 for the transaction

That's western procedures for you.

If you have a visa card donate directly on the thai's red cross website.

link above this post in this topic


Dear All,

Latest update from Patong, I had asked the Deputy Director of Patong Hospital about how the money is being allocated and I would like to inform you of the following allocations:

- As of now the hospital is treating all tsunami victims at no charge

- Money for the family to cover the transport of the deceased

- Proper coffin and burial for unidentified deceased

- Money for foreigners admitted that have lost their belongings

- All donations of staple items are being handed out everyday at the hospital

This is the info I have now and will try to update more later on in the day.

I would give this advice to those who are interested in coming down to help in Phuket, although we do need all the help we can get but I would suggest to contact your local embassy and inquire whether your services can be best put to use in Bangkok or Phuket. For those that have planned to come down, on your arrival please contact City Hall (Sala kang) to be given a proper posting at the need places/hospitals since City Hall is the center of all operations currently.

One more, please inform anyone needing to search for names to go here, it is the most consolidated as of now:


Lastly, I just wanted to take this time to extend my appreciation to all of those that have contributed both financially and mentally. I hope you all have a safe new year's and all the best to all of you and your loved ones.

Best regards,


aka Shopgurl


PHUKET: The following are account details for those wishing to make monetary donations to help victims of the tsunami disaster in Phuket and surrounding areas.

Siam Commercial Bank Relief Fund (for people in any of the six stricken provinces in need of assistance): Siam Commercial Bank, Ratchayothin Branch, Bangkok; Account name: SCB. POOPRASOBPAI; Account number: 111-3-05400-9.

ITV Relief Fund (for people in any of the six stricken provinces in need of assistance). Siam Commercial Bank, Ratchayothin Branch, Bangkok; Account name: ITV. FOR PUPRASOBPAI; Account number: 111-3-05388-3.

Thai Red Cross: Siam Commercial Bank, Ratchayothin Branch, Bangkok; Account name: THAI RED CROSS; Account number: 045-304002-3

Kusoldharm Rescue Foundation (for the rescue of trapped and injured people, and retrieval of bodies). Bank of Ayudhya, Phunphon Branch, Phuket City, Phuket; Account Name: Kusoldharm Foundation; Account Number 297-108886-3.


Trying to donate from the UK.

As said earlier by a previous poster, .... when paying from a uk bank to thailand you get charged.

Tried paying through the red cross site but it looks like you have to live i thailand. as no where was i asked to give my account details.

Help any one!!!!

I want to pay to thailand through card visa etc

Any web sites or numbers appreciated.


Hello to all-I just joined in order to say my heart goes to all whom are hurt, physically, emotionally, financially, economically, etc.! I cannot keep away from the television here in the USA-this is such a devastating and tramatic event. I am a single mother here in the USA and do not make a lot of money, but we (my 13- year-old son, Brandon and I) wanted to make a small donation to the Thai Red Cross and have just finished doing so. Although it does not feel like much to do, I guess if everyone helps in any way they can, it will amount to some help with supplies, clothing, medicines and such. Our thoughts and prayers are with all the people, local and foreign who are affected by this-will try to help again when we can, financially. Until then, God's speed and our love to all!

Jodie and Brandon

Hello to all-I just joined in order to say my heart goes to all whom are hurt, physically, emotionally, financially, economically, etc.!  I cannot keep away from the television here in the USA-this is such a devastating and tramatic event.  I am a single mother here in the USA and do not make a lot of money, but we (my 13- year-old son, Brandon and I) wanted to make a small donation to the Thai Red Cross and have just finished doing so.  Although it does not feel like much to do, I guess if everyone helps in any way they can, it will amount to some help with supplies, clothing, medicines and such.  Our thoughts and prayers are with all the people, local and foreign who are affected by this-will try to help again when we can, financially.  Until then, God's speed and our love to all!

Jodie and Brandon

Thank you Jodie, Even small things will help a lot.


For those in Canada who wish to donate, received this by e-mail from the Thai Society of Ontario:

Dear Thai Society of Ontario members, friends and families,

You have heard the news about the tsunami in S.E Asia. Thousands were killed and thousands had left homeless and facing infectious disease in the South of Thailand. We have worked with various Thai organizations to set up to accept the donations to help buy drinking water for the survivors and body bags for the deceased.

If you wish to donate, you may send a personal cheque /money order or bank draft payable to “Royal Thai Embassy Relief Fund” and send to Royal Thai Embassy, 180 Island Park Drive, Ottawa, Ont. K1Y OA2. Please make sure to have your return address, the Embassy will send you an acknowledge letter.

Trying to donate from the UK.

As said earlier by a previous poster, .... when paying from a uk bank to thailand you get charged.

Tried paying through the red cross site but it looks like you have to live i thailand. as no where was i asked to give my account details.

Help any one!!!!

I want to pay to thailand through card visa etc

Any web sites or numbers appreciated.

it is confusing but follow the thai red cross link I manged to pay in

For those in Canada who wish to donate, received this by e-mail from the Thai Society of Ontario:

Dear Thai Society of Ontario members, friends and families,

You have heard the news about the tsunami in S.E Asia. Thousands were killed and thousands had left homeless and facing infectious disease in the South of Thailand. We have worked with various Thai organizations to set up to accept the donations to help buy drinking water for the survivors and body bags for the deceased.

If you wish to donate, you may send a personal cheque /money order or bank draft payable to “Royal Thai Embassy Relief Fund” and send to Royal Thai Embassy, 180 Island Park Drive, Ottawa, Ont. K1Y OA2. Please make sure to have your return address, the Embassy will send you an acknowledge letter.

an acknowledge letter? wouldnt that money be better spent on relief aid?


Chiang Mai Collection point.

Along the Ping river, outside Warorot market there is a government collection site for donations of money,clothes and food etc.


Numerous people have asked for a place to make donations through PayPal but none were available. We have setup our E-Store to accept Paypal donations. Once they are collected we will wire transfer them to Thailand to help Thai people start to rebuild their lives. If any Thai members have had family members affected they can contact us directly in Thai language at [email protected].

Our Website.. http://www.lukamar.ca/

For those in Canada who wish to donate, received this by e-mail from the Thai Society of Ontario:

Dear Thai Society of Ontario members, friends and families,

You have heard the news about the tsunami in S.E Asia. Thousands were killed and thousands had left homeless and facing infectious disease in the South of Thailand. We have worked with various Thai organizations to set up to accept the donations to help buy drinking water for the survivors and body bags for the deceased.

If you wish to donate, you may send a personal cheque /money order or bank draft payable to “Royal Thai Embassy Relief Fund” and send to Royal Thai Embassy, 180 Island Park Drive, Ottawa, Ont. K1Y OA2. Please make sure to have your return address, the Embassy will send you an acknowledge letter.

an acknowledge letter? wouldnt that money be better spent on relief aid?

I haven't been able to verify it on the web, or even a contact address, but spokesman for the South Asia Earthquake Relief Fund, Dr. Budhendra Doobay, said on radio news here in Canada yesterday, "You may contribute to organizations like the Red Cross, or UNICEF if you wish, but 30% of that money will go to administrative costs, whereas with our organization every dollar goes directly to aid"

Trying to donate from the UK.

As said earlier by a previous poster, .... when paying from a uk bank to thailand you get charged.

Tried paying through the red cross site but it looks like you have to live i thailand. as no where was i asked to give my account details.

Help any one!!!!

I want to pay to thailand through card visa etc

Any web sites or numbers appreciated.

I have waited until final confirmation from my bank but the Thai Red Cross page has an online hotspot that take you to amount page/name address page/then to secure payment page. There is a place to enter Visa card number/date/code and you are done. First authorization entry at your bank/card will be "unknown merchant" but final payment will be Thai Red Cross Bangkok when payment is cleared.

This was done on a US issued card without using US billing address.

Trying to donate from the UK.

As said earlier by a previous poster, .... when paying from a uk bank to thailand you get charged.

Tried paying through the red cross site but it looks like you have to live i thailand. as no where was i asked to give my account details.

Help any one!!!!

I want to pay to thailand through card visa etc

Any web sites or numbers appreciated.

I have waited until final confirmation from my bank but the Thai Red Cross page has an online hotspot that take you to amount page/name address page/then to secure payment page. There is a place to enter Visa card number/date/code and you are done. First authorization entry at your bank/card will be "unknown merchant" but final payment will be Thai Red Cross Bangkok when payment is cleared.

This was done on a US issued card without using US billing address.

yes this worked from my UK bank account too

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