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Five Year Stamp Poll

I'm on a tourist visa or am a border runner...   

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Please take a minute to vote if...

You are under 50 years, not married to a Thai, working in Thailand, wanting to learn Thai, have a Thai child, etc... You have no other visa options except getting a tourist visa or doing a tourist exemption stamp run every 15 or fly every 30 days.

If you were able to get a five year visa stamp with no benefits such as gold greens, spas, fast trac entry. But with the 5 year stamp you did not need to go to an Embassy to get a visa or cross the border. Would you be willing to part with 400,000 Baht as a one time payment to the Thai government to be allowed to live in Thailand for five years? With this 5 year visa, you will be able to work in Thailand, when you apply for a work permit.

If you qualify with the criteria under paragraph one, please vote. Thank you.

Edited by george
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Please take a minute to vote if...

You are under 50 years, not married to a Thai, working in Thailand, wanting to learn Thai, have a Thai child, etc... You have no other visa options except getting a tourist visa or doing a tourist exemption stamp run every 15 or fly every 30 days.

If you were able to get a five year visa stamp with no benefits such as gold greens, spas, fast trac entry. But with the 5 year stamp you did not need to go to an Embassy to get a visa or cross the border. Would you be willing to part with 400,000 Baht as a one time payment to the Thai government to be allowed to live in Thailand for five years?

If you qualify with the criteria under paragraph one, please vote. Thank you.

The management reserves the right to change the rules anytime

Indeed, whatever your visa, your permit to stay, or whatever, it can be and will be changed at will.

If you are under 50, even married to a Thai woman and/or having children, you should earn your money outside Thailand and spend it here.

Even being over 50, having a permit, married to a Thai and having Thai children, you will never know if you can stay.

Rules change, money gets worth less, whatever.

Even having been in the country for a very long time does not make very much difference.

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Would you be willing to part with 400,000 Baht as a one time payment to the Thai government to be allowed to live in Thailand for five years? With this 5 year visa, you will be able to work in Thailand, when you apply for a work permit.

I'm curious. Might we inquire as to what prompted this question? Is this a proposal to the government? A newly found loop-hole? Something in the works at the DFA?


That would be slightly more then 6600 baht a month for some peace of mind.

Which really puts things in perspective and hence the notion becomes pretty much a non-starter, particularly in light of the shenanigans going on over at the Thai Elite card's 5 year visa promise:


Thailand Elite Program Is Dying! Special Entry Visa Suspended!

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I'm curious. Might we inquire as to what prompted this question? Is this a proposal to the government? A newly found loop-hole? Something in the works at the DFA?


The Thai government has just announced a 115 billion stimulus package to help the economy.

The government needs to look at ways to help pay for this.

If money that “ Long term tourists” was giving to visa run companies or the expenses they had of flying to another country for a visa, instead went into the coffers of the Thai government. Then this is one small way that is being explored to help pay for the stimulus package.If you look in the archives, some posters on Thai visa in the past even suggested that the government was over looking this revenue stream.

Unlike the Thai elite card, this is a one off payment for ONE 5 year visa stamp. You are paying for a visa. No future Thai government should ever be able to take it away from you without giving back your money. (One exception exists if you committed a criminal act and needed to be deported. You would then lose the right to a refund on the visa stamp) Possible changes to this proposed plan could happen, such as you may get a big visa stamp that says 5 years, however you still need to get a annual extension of stay permit for 1,900 Baht but you would not need to leave Thailand. As long as you had not been convicted of a criminal act in Thailand it would be extended for another year.

Survey is being done to see if it’s commercially viable.

Thanks for all those that are voting.


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Would this visa ONLY be available to those who were not married and under 50 i.e. us married over 50 chaps have to keep on as we are?

Sure you would be able to pay for the visa. But the odds are high most people that were over 50 years old and not working, would rather show a pension of 65K per month or just put up 800K.

If you are married to a Thai, then odds are very high rather than giving the 400K to the government you would just leave in the bank. At the end of 5 years you still have the 400K. The only reason you may give the government the 400K is if you were going to get divorced or you were tired of the wife saying "you can stay in Thailand because of me" :o

Later I may do another poll for those folks. I'm sure it will very heavily no rather than yes as these guys have other options. Wanted to make sure this first poll wasn’t distorted.

But its understood exceptions exist and some certainly would find it more viable such as this example… you are over 50 years old with a work permit. You no longer are able to get a wp with a extension of stay based on retirement so you must travel every 90 days Your employer was in business less than 2 years so you had no option up to now other than do a visa run as you could not get an extension of stay on business either. The 400K was a price your company or you were willing to pay rather than having the hassle of traveling. For most they still would travel but for some it would be worth it.


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I'm curious. Might we inquire as to what prompted this question? Is this a proposal to the government? A newly found loop-hole? Something in the works at the DFA?


The Thai government has just announced a 115 billion stimulus package to help the economy.

The government needs to look at ways to help pay for this.

If money that “ Long term tourists” was giving to visa run companies or the expenses they had of flying to another country for a visa, instead went into the coffers of the Thai government. Then this is one small way that is being explored to help pay for the stimulus package.If you look in the archives, some posters on Thai visa in the past even suggested that the government was over looking this revenue stream.

Unlike the Thai elite card, this is a one off payment for ONE 5 year visa stamp. You are paying for a visa. No future Thai government should ever be able to take it away from you without giving back your money. (One exception exists if you committed a criminal act and needed to be deported. You would then lose the right to a refund on the visa stamp) Possible changes to this proposed plan could happen, such as you may get a big visa stamp that says 5 years, however you still need to get a annual extension of stay permit for 1,900 Baht but you would not need to leave Thailand. As long as you had not been convicted of a criminal act in Thailand it would be extended for another year.

Survey is being done to see if it’s commercially viable.

Thank you for the explanation. :o

It's a shame that 20 Trillion Baht never materialized from the Thailand Elite Card (see above link in Post #5). It would have paid for this stimulus package and a few hundred more just like it.

Anyway, good luck to the accountants.

Edited by sriracha john
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Greg, as an under 50, divorced, non-working foreigner in Thailand, this 5-year visa stamp would seem to be a very viable option for me. But I would still vote no in your poll.


For the very simple reason that, based on past records, I trust a Thai government as far as I can throw them! They have no qualms about changing rules, visa rules etc as they see fit, and cannot be trusted in any way, shape or form to keep to their word.

Make it 100,000 baht for a 5-year stamp and I might be interested, (I'll risk that level of money)

Make it 400,000 baht for a 'guaranteed-by-HM' 5-year stamp after which time automatically allows you to apply for PR without the need to show 3 years of tax payments etc and I might be interested.


Edited by simon43
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Greg, as an under 50, divorced, non-working foreigner in Thailand, this 5-year visa stamp would seem to be a very viable option for me. But I would still vote no in your poll.


For the very simple reason that, based on past records, I trust a Thai government as far as I can throw them! They have no qualms about changing rules, visa rules etc as they see fit, and cannot be trusted in any way, shape or form to keep to their word.


I second that.


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I agree with Simon43, I could walk away from 100,000 and would figure that the visa would be good for at least two years, maybe the full five. At two years, it would be about break even if I did not need to do 90 day runs.

Thats walking money but you are in thinner air than mine if your walking money is 400,000

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The Thai government has just announced a 115 billion stimulus package to help the economy.

The government needs to look at ways to help pay for this.

If money that “ Long term tourists” was giving to visa run companies or the expenses they had of flying to another country for a visa, instead went into the coffers of the Thai government. Then this is one small way that is being explored to help pay for the stimulus package.www.sunbeltasiagroup.com

Being explored by whom? Sunbelt please say if the government is seriously considering yes or no to put such a measure in place. If it is yes, give a source.

Be aware that your post could easily give birth to a rumour, especially because people are taking your word for gospel.

Edited by keestha
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NO! --- With their track record, continuely moving the goal posts, I wouldn't trust em as far as I could kick em.

So long as I can continue to get my 12 + 12 month OA visa out of Perth every 2 years for around 5500 Baht that'll do me!

Edited by bdenner
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Greg, as an under 50, divorced, non-working foreigner in Thailand, this 5-year visa stamp would seem to be a very viable option for me. But I would still vote no in your poll.


For the very simple reason that, based on past records, I trust a Thai government as far as I can throw them! They have no qualms about changing rules, visa rules etc as they see fit, and cannot be trusted in any way, shape or form to keep to their word.

Make it 100,000 baht for a 5-year stamp and I might be interested, (I'll risk that level of money)

Make it 400,000 baht for a 'guaranteed-by-HM' 5-year stamp after which time automatically allows you to apply for PR without the need to show 3 years of tax payments etc and I might be interested.


Agree with Simon. I wouldn't trust the Thai government to keep their word. That would seem to be a 400k bet against the odds. 100k for 5 years I might be willing to risk.

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Greg, as an under 50, divorced, non-working foreigner in Thailand, this 5-year visa stamp would seem to be a very viable option for me. But I would still vote no in your poll.


For the very simple reason that, based on past records, I trust a Thai government as far as I can throw them! They have no qualms about changing rules, visa rules etc as they see fit, and cannot be trusted in any way, shape or form to keep to their word.

Make it 100,000 baht for a 5-year stamp and I might be interested, (I'll risk that level of money)

Make it 400,000 baht for a 'guaranteed-by-HM' 5-year stamp after which time automatically allows you to apply for PR without the need to show 3 years of tax payments etc and I might be interested.



Happy New Year!

Thanks for taking the time to write. This visa may happen or not even happen. Just getting feedback now. This plan is Western thinking by this government on how the government can make the money rather than the border runs required. Plus its green friendly,less gas being wasted going back and forth to the border.

I’ve been in Thailand a number of years like you Simon. I understand your frustration on not trusting the government as it seems they change the rules as often as the ocean tide changes. We have felt those changes first hand when we were told changes would happen and then they had different interpretations on the change. I’m not here to defend the government.

However the difference now being open-minded if it happens, you be getting the stamp in your passport in exchange for 400K. Very hard for them to change the rules once you have a visa stamp already in your passport. Changes only happen when a person’s old extension of stay expired.

Could the government change the rules down the line? 100% it will for new applicants when the economy turns around or they have 300,000 new foreigners living here. If it’s 100,000 Baht for the stamp, its 1.2 million foreigners.

Similar to the investment visa for 3 or 10 million Baht after the 1997 crisis, it stop when the economy was better. They then stop taking new applicants but old applicants were grandfathered in. If this becomes available, the odds are very low it will affect you during the 5 years. After 5 years, don't even count on it.

Changes happen because of the political climate for one party being nationalistic for elections and the economic tide at that time.




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400k or US$ 2,250/year - this is more expensive than doing the visa runs etc, and much more expensive than Cambodia, Philippines or Malaysia, something in the order of $1000 to $1200 per year is tax enough BUT

1) This should include the re-entry permit over the term of the visa.

2) No need to report every 90 days .. UNLESS changing address. (They can up the fine if thye wish but eliminating pointless exercises and stop wasting immigration officials time should be a disirable goal).

At 400k - I voted NO - 200k with above proviso's then would be inclined to vote YES.

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However the difference now being open-minded if it happens, you be getting the stamp in your passport in exchange for 400K. Very hard for them to change the rules once you have a visa stamp already in your passport.

I like the idea but at more than 6600 bahts/month, it remains very expensive.

I haven't voted yet.

Reason for edit: I voted "No"

Edited by adjan jb
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Greg, as an under 50, divorced, non-working foreigner in Thailand, this 5-year visa stamp would seem to be a very viable option for me. But I would still vote no in your poll.


For the very simple reason that, based on past records, I trust a Thai government as far as I can throw them! They have no qualms about changing rules, visa rules etc as they see fit, and cannot be trusted in any way, shape or form to keep to their word.

Make it 100,000 baht for a 5-year stamp and I might be interested, (I'll risk that level of money)

Make it 400,000 baht for a 'guaranteed-by-HM' 5-year stamp after which time automatically allows you to apply for PR without the need to show 3 years of tax payments etc and I might be interested.


I agree with Simon. 2,000 baht/month sound like a fair pricen to me and then you could buy as many month as you could afford or need at any given time.


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I agree with Simon. 2,000 baht/month sound like a fair pricen to me and then you could buy as many month as you could afford or need at any given time.


In agreemeent as well.....Simon, if this was on offer at THB 50/m some of the old farts on TV would be whinging its too expensive... :o

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I come under the criteria, but havent voted yet. But im leaning towards a No. Of course I would like to have a better visa option but, as others have mentioned, 5 years seems too big a risk. It also seems a bit pricey. Would rather have a one - two year visa option.

I also wonder in what way the visa would be affected if you leave the country. Just a re-entry stamp?

Anyway, I REALLY would like a different visa option, just something a little less risky and/or expensive. Good news that a different visa option is (possibly) even being considered.

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Simple answer: No.

Currently tourist visas (including the trips) can be had for about the equivalent of 2700 baht per month. Your suggestion is 2.5 times more expensive. PLUS you'd have to pay it all in advance.

I'd consider it at half the cost.

If you'd like to discuss real options, please PM me and we can start a dialogue.

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5 years seems too big a risk. It also seems a bit pricey.

As Sunbelt explained before and I tend to agree with him, once you have a visa stamp in your passport you're pretty safe (or so it seems)

The price is a concern. It's much more expensive than tourist visas

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And Happy New Year to you too Greg :o

One needs to bear in mind that the type of person who could benefit from this offer, (ie single guy/lady, no business in Thailand etc), is probably the sort of person with the least ties to Thailand, (no kids, no job etc etc). They (we) are here because we like to live in Thailand, (for the food, weather, girls, guys or whatever).

Asking this type of person to cough up 400,000 baht is really taking the p*ss and perhaps indicates how overinflated a view the Thai government has of the attractions of their country to 'farang'.

The attractions are fading for many of us, whilst the attractions/practicalities of living in a neighbouring country are increasing.

I say reduce the fee to 100,000 baht for 5 years and be happy that some of us will be willing to pay that much.

As for me, I'll stick to my 15 day visa runs to the Andaman Club. It's just down the road from me and gives me a day out from the madhouse :D


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Another way to think about the possibility is to compare the idea to the Elite program. That was a lifetime visa for 1 million baht and assorted other benefits. Someone under fifty would amortize that amount over twenty years, add the golf and spa in and that comes out to about 50,000 baht yearly. A much better deal and yet they probably only put together about 1500 paying customers. At 400,000 for a five year, or around 80,000 baht per year, I doubt you could put together even 100 takers even with an expensive marketing program.

Your probable range for success would be between 100,000 and 200,000 baht for a five year as long as there were no 90 day runs or re-entry costs.

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Lower the price and add a non restrictive unspecified workplace & job type work permit (a work permit that says you can work anywhere and do anything you are qualified to do without having to report back to the labour office everytime you have a day off) into the deal would make it far more attractive to un-attached under fifties.

Even if you can afford to nothing, who really wants to?

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Lower the price and add a non restrictive unspecified workplace & job type work permit (a work permit that says you can work anywhere and do anything you are qualified to do without having to report back to the labour office everytime you have a day off) into the deal would make it far more attractive to un-attached under fifties.

Even if you can afford to nothing, who really wants to?

...and free access to all National Parks :o

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