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I Love My Thai Wife, But


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You said it ....I love my wife ...BUT??... why the hel_l are you married ???????

TRUST , INTEGRITY , Faithfullness , another language to you I guess , if you are real & the post is genuine , you sir , are a B....Y Idiot

Did you marry to prove something ???

Walk away & spare the girl. BUT watch your back & bank account


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You said it ....I love my wife ...BUT??... why the hel_l are you married ???????

TRUST , INTEGRITY , Faithfullness , another language to you I guess , if you are real & the post is genuine , you sir , are a B....Y Idiot

Did you marry to prove something ???

Walk away & spare the girl. BUT watch your back & bank account


Don't you think that's a bit harsh?

The OP hasn't done anything (yet), he is just thinking about the buzz he got from his time in Pattaya, and wishing he could get those feelings again.

He said he would never be unfaithful to his wife, whom he loves.

Whatever he decides – he should:

  • Take care of his health, not take any nasty infections home.
  • Be very careful not to fall in love again
  • Never, under any circumstances whatsoever, no matter how guilty he feels, admit to anything

Edited by chickenslegs
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Walk away & spare the girl. BUT watch your back & bank account

There's no need to spare the girl. She's young and beautiful and not far off gaining permanent residence in the US. When that happens she'll be the winner by far. The OP is merely her ride to bigger and better things.

If she openly voices objection to the OP visiting Thailand it's probably just to put on a good front. She's probably really hoping he will go, as after one year in the US she must have spotted more than a few "temptations".

If he does decide to make the trip he should put the time to good use and canvas for some replacements. :o

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[*]Never, under any circumstances whatsoever, no matter how guilty he feels, admit to anything

Just going to Pattaya as a single is an admission of guilt. A female would have to be mentally retarded to think otherwise.

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Like the topic says...I love my Thai wife. We've only been married a year. She is young, beautiful, fun to be around, and I think she loves me too. There is only one thing wrong. I miss Pattaya too much. I miss the beaches, warm weather, bar hopping, flirting with the bar girls, looking at all the beautiful Thai girls, getting drunk, and I must say, the feeling of power I get knowing I'm a rich falang (actually, I'm just your average American, but in Pattaya I feel like a superstar). My wife doesn't want me to go because she thinks I will cheat on her and she knows how drunk I get when I'm in Pattaya. I've assured her I will never cheat on her, I just want to go to have fun. Of course, I can go if I want, but it will hurt her feelings. I don't want to hurt her, but I'd like to go again someday. What's a guy to do?

whats a guy to do? eh....mmm first you got to face up to the fact you are really a women.

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Take her with you, problem solved. :o

Not really.

One of his desires is attention from bargirls. I can attest to the fact that if you have a girlfriend with you in Pattaya you're just about invisible to the bargirls. :D

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Like the topic says...I love my Thai wife. We've only been married a year. She is young, beautiful, fun to be around, and I think she loves me too. There is only one thing wrong. I miss Pattaya too much. I miss the beaches, warm weather, bar hopping, flirting with the bar girls, looking at all the beautiful Thai girls, getting drunk, and I must say, the feeling of power I get knowing I'm a rich falang (actually, I'm just your average American, but in Pattaya I feel like a superstar). My wife doesn't want me to go because she thinks I will cheat on her and she knows how drunk I get when I'm in Pattaya. I've assured her I will never cheat on her, I just want to go to have fun. Of course, I can go if I want, but it will hurt her feelings. I don't want to hurt her, but I'd like to go again someday. What's a guy to do?

I love my Thai wife. We've only been married a year. She is young, beautiful, fun to be around, and I think she loves me too. so why do you not want to stay with her when you are here ,forget the story's there are quite a few girls who will not rip you off and mean what they say ,the ones i can make out who slag the girls off are the ones who did not have a brain

and may be have a grudge be cause of there own stupidity , how can you say what you say if you love her ?,you do not have power over here with out your wife looking after you espically when you are pissed ,you are a fool , if you stay in pattaya to long without some one to look after you you will not be a rich falang to long , i guess you should listen to her if you love her , before you get to drunk and your power dissapears and some kaytoy is giving you one god bless dimwit

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My wife has her interview for her green card this month. She will then have a permanent American visa, with or without me. My first wife was a Russian girl and she left me when she got her green card. I must say that going to the bars in Pattaya is more fun when I'm alone. I've always been a nerd and have had little luck with the ladies. It's great to get all that attention and being a "sexy man". I'll never cheat on my wife.

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Listen to your wife to save your marriage!

And other parts of your anatomy ! :P

I know this has been said a million times, "she's not a bar girl". She was working at the hotel I was staying at.


Good thing I had just taken a leak before I read this, or I would have had to change my pants and mop up a mess ! :D

"Young, beautiful and working in a hotel". Hmmmm, well, I suppose there's a first time for everything. The idea that a girl working in a hotel means she's less likely to go with any guests, especially being "young and beautiful" ? :D

But she did go with the OP. :o

Hmmmm, isn't that the same as the classic "I no go man, I only work cashier. But I like you too mut, I go with you" story we hear so often ? :D

Actually, I guess it wouldn't be the first time something like that has ever happened. After all, it seems to happen to me on a regular basis ! Almost every girl I meet, working in laundries, restaurants, malls (and even hotels !) :wai: has never gone with a man before ! But they all seem to decide that, because I'm special and I have a good heart (and a large wallet), that I will be the first man they ever go with !

I swear, it has nothing at all to do with my glancing over at them and subtly licking my eyebrows ! :jerk:

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"Young, beautiful and working in a hotel". Hmmmm, well, I suppose there's a first time for everything. The idea that a girl working in a hotel means she's less likely to go with any guests, especially being "young and beautiful" ? :D

But she did go with the OP. :o

You've got to hand it to these girls, they certainly know how to make the uninitiated feel very special. :D

We've got to have a big laugh here, but there are plenty of non-bargirls living and working in Pattaya too. The trick is to be able to determine the difference.

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^Non bg(s) in Patters are the one's you need to worry yourself about Tropo - more cunning/devious. :o

Don't worry - it's bargirls all the way for me. :D I've forgotten how to date a girl.

Edited by tropo
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She obviously doesnt trust you - and she has, it seems, good reason - therefore she doesn't truly love you.

Read up on philosphy and you will understand that love without trust can not truly exist - FACT

First you say she have good reason not to trust him,and because of that she don't really love him I think that is a lot of bull and so is the story of the OP.

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may I remind everyone of the forum rules:

By using this service you agree;

1) You will not use thaivisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, referencing prostitution (including bargirls and barboys), referencing suicide, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law. You also agree not to post negative comments criticizing the legal proceedings or judgments of the Thai Court of Law.

please keep that in mind. some posts have been amended.

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Take her with you, problem solved. :o

Not really.

One of his desires is attention from bargirls. I can attest to the fact that if you have a girlfriend with you in Pattaya you're just about invisible to the bargirls. :D

Very True.

Not true at all. A high percentage of Thai girls, esp. those working on Soi 6, are willing to engage in threesomes after it's explained that your girlfriend really likes them herself or sincerely wants to try.

So you just need to spend a good deal of time bringing out your girlfriend's latent bisexuality. Pattaya is good for that because no one knows her there and she'll be leaving. Usually straight Thai girls don't like other Thais thinking that they're gay or bi.

Once do that, you'll be in hawg heaven. How to do it is another topic, so I won't go into that.

Seems your sex life needs some spicing up; that's why you're tempted to stray. You've got the solution now: go for it.

Edited by JSixpack
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Take her with you, problem solved. :o

Not really.

One of his desires is attention from bargirls. I can attest to the fact that if you have a girlfriend with you in Pattaya you're just about invisible to the bargirls. :D

Very True.

Not true at all. A high percentage of Thai girls, esp. those working on Soi 6, are willing to engage in threesomes after it's explained that your girlfriend really likes them herself or sincerely wants to try.

Interesting. So I should perhaps walk around with a sign "it's ok to talk to me because my girlfriend is bisexual" and/or have my girlfriend carry the sign and have her behave in a distinctly bisexual manner (with a little coaching from you of course)...and change my location to Soi 6 instead of Walking Street.

To be honest, I don't crave the attention, but the OP does. Perhaps he'll read this and give it a try.

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^Aint the truth KerryK - sometimes it's a crime being so handsum/sexy that every woman in thailand wants you. :D


Hmmm, would have thought that after all this time of tipping you while you were dancing at Jenny's, you would have at least been able to tell the

difference between Kerryd and kerryk !

There's gratitude for you ! No more tips for you, no matter how much you "shake your thang" on stage !

By using this service you agree;

1) You will not use thaivisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, referencing prostitution (including bargirls and barboys), referencing suicide, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law. You also agree not to post negative comments criticizing the legal proceedings or judgments of the Thai Court of Law.

Can the Forum Rules be amended to include: "non-bargirls and non-barboys that act like bargirls and barboys, even though they work in a hotel or restaurant or laundry or other non-bar related job" ?

Then again, that wouldn't leave us a lot to discuss, would it ? :o

My landlady asked me why I don't get married. I told her it was cheaper to have 6 mia nois, plus that way I could have at least one night a week to myself ! :D

Edited by Kerryd
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Interesting. So I should perhaps walk around with a sign

In Pattaya, a farang male appearance is in itself a large sign--normally. But your ignorance of that fact suggests a severe case of appearance impairment on your part. So here's what you can do, tropo: just pin a B1000 note prominently on the front of your shirt. It will be sufficient to attract more offers than you could possibly accept.

Even this considered, however, the normally friendly ladies do tend to back off if the farang male has an obviously "nice" Thai girl already in tow--for obvious reasons. So you all sit down together, have a nice chat & drinks, and clear up all the misconceptions.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Pattaya sucks.

It's the worst sincity among the sincities I've known.

You'd better take your wife to the sunny Aruba / summer Spain or Fjord trip in Norway this coming Summer.

U love sunshine, night life in a beach city >>> Taking ur wife with you to Bali / Hua Hin / the Philippines is definitely better going to Pattaya :o

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Never ceases to amaze me how many guys come to Pattaya in search of the perfect hedonists lifestyle.. Like being a rich young playboy.. Girls, booze, parties and 24hrs a day if you want it..

Then after enjoying themselves for a few short Months they get loved up with a bar bird and revert to exactly the same boring married lifestyle they came to Thailand to escape from..

What amazes me is how may guys fall in love with girls who have slept around for money and then treating them like gold!

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In my humbling experience, I've found that Thai women actually expect their man to cheat of them....no matter how long or strong their relationship After all, this is the land of the mia noi--if you are rich enough to afford a GF in this country, then many Thai men willingly flaunt their wealth and status...the little lady at home doesn't like it one bit, but that's the culture they were born into and they silently suffer for it.

I was in BKK several years ago with my soon-to-be wife. She went shopping with her GF and I remained in the hotel room, ill with a terrible series of migraines that later turned out to be caused by partially collapsed cervical vertebra. When they returned, there was knocking at the door, as my fiance didn't take the only passkey issued to us. I was sleeping and took time to open the door and let them in. Just before doing so, I heard my fiance's GF remark in Thai..."he probably has a woman in the room with him, maybe we go somewhere else". When I opened the door, there stood the two ladies a bit dumbfounded and I hope a bit ashamed for automatically thinking the worst of me. Two weeks after I returned to the States, I underwent a spinal fusion operation and the headaches subsided. Over the years, I have often heard my wife tell me "go ahead...have a mia noi...it's up to you!"...usually followed by a comment that after that I will lose everything we own together in Thailand after she kicks me out. It is always said nowadays in jest, but there is always an underlying expectation that a husband will eventually cheat. Her invitation to me is nothing more than a test. Flunk it and you go back to rock bottom. What the Thai wife fears for and absolutely does not want is anybody to know about it and cause her to lose face. In our case, we have remained true to each other in 11 yers of marriage and several years of courtship prior to that. Before I met my wife, I was a galavanting playboy, living it up high on expense accounts and enjoying everything that the LOS had to offer. But I honestly haven't ever looked twice at another woman since I met my wife in 1994...she is quite a beauty of course...and it took me another 5 years or so to appreciate that her true beauty was inside and unseen. Are you on this same road of growth as a couple...or just marking time?

So where does this leave the OP? I believe that when a man commits to a woman to have a monogamous relationship...in or out of wedlock...that is precisely what you bargained for and you must live up to your end of the bargain. Sure, go out on boys nights and look at the cute menu laid out before you...look, appreciate, but don't taste! If you succumb to another woman's charms, you will have begun unraveling everything you have worked to create with your lady and the process once started is irreversable. Your will have violated that precious thing we call trust and nothing is more difficult to win it back. Men sometimes think they are capable of living some kind of dual lifestyle--shutting a door behind them in their main life and opening another one in their chosen fantasy land. You are only corrupting yourself and believe me, a woman has a sixth sense for BS and can smell a cheat a mile away. Endeth the epistle :o

Don't do it!

I think what you say is true. Thai women have an expectation that all men will cheat. particularly given their knowledge and experience with Thai men. However, I find the wome are just as likely to engage in the same behavior, if not more so. It is much easier for them to get away with it, if their partner is a foreigner and even easier if he is not living in Thailand with her 24/7.

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