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Can Money Buy Happiness?


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From The Sunday Times January 18, 2009

Wealthy men give women more orgasms

Jonathan Leake, Science and Environment Editor

Scientists have found that the pleasure women get from making love is directly linked to the size of their partner's bank balance.

They found that the wealthier a man is, the more frequently his partner has orgasms.

"Women's orgasm frequency increases with the income of their partner," said Dr Thomas Pollet, the Newcastle University psychologist behind the research.

He believes the phenomenon is an "evolutionary adaptation" that is hard-wired into women, driving them to select men on the basis of their perceived quality.

The study is certain to prove controversial, suggesting that women are inherently programmed to be gold-diggers.

However, it fits into a wider body of research known as evolutionary psychology which suggests that both men and women are genetically predisposed to ruthlessly exploit each other to achieve the best chances of survival for their genes.

The female orgasm is the focus of much research because it appears to have no reproductive purpose. Women can become pregnant whatever their pleasure levels.

Pollet, and Professor Daniel Nettle, his co-author, believed, however, that the female orgasm is an evolutionary adaptation that drives women to choose and retain high-quality partners.

He and Nettle tested that idea using data gathered in one of the world's biggest lifestyle studies. The Chinese Health and Family Life Survey targeted 5,000 people across China for in-depth interviews about their personal lives, including questions about their sex lives, income and other factors. Among these were 1,534 women with male partners whose data was the basis for the study.

They found that 121 of these women always had orgasms during sex, while 408 more had them "often". Another 762 "sometimes" orgasmed while 243 had them rarely or never. Such figures are similar to those for western countries.

There were of course, several factors involved in such differences but, said Pollet, money was one of the main ones.

He said: "Increasing partner income had a highly positive effect on women's self-reported frequency of orgasm. More desirable mates cause women to experience more orgasms."

This is not an effect limited to Chinese women. Previous research in Germany and America has looked at attributes such as body symmetry and attractiveness, finding that these are also linked with orgasm frequency. Money, however, seems even more important.

David Buss, professor of psychology at the University of Texas, Austin, who raised this question in his book The Evolution of Desire believes female orgasms have several possible purposes.

"They could promote emotional bonding with a high-quality male or they could serve as a signal that women are highly sexually satisfied, and hence unlikely to seek sex with other men," he said. "What those orgasms are saying is 'I'm extremely loyal, so you should invest in me and my children'."

Edited by rijb
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My mate get too pissed for that lol.Was too bored to read all that but a friend of mine won 14.9 million gbp and also gave his son 1 million and he is such a misreable sod he is always thinking about when his dad dies and leaves him more.He got caught playing away from home and his long term gf did him for half a million,so his dad gave him another half million.The father is a good mate of mine and i show him the ropes over here,stay in penthouse( no more info) and go to a 300 baht room for st/lt,as i have said to him never ever let a thai lady know you are rich.He stays low key and acts like a normal tourist when over here,and we have a good laugh when we here some farangs boasting how much pension they have lol.

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My mate get too pissed for that lol.Was too bored to read all that but a friend of mine won 14.9 million gbp and also gave his son 1 million and he is such a misreable sod he is always thinking about when his dad dies and leaves him more.He got caught playing away from home and his long term gf did him for half a million,so his dad gave him another half million.The father is a good mate of mine and i show him the ropes over here,stay in penthouse( no more info) and go to a 300 baht room for st/lt,as i have said to him never ever let a thai lady know you are rich.He stays low key and acts like a normal tourist when over here,and we have a good laugh when we here some farangs boasting how much pension they have lol.

why do you laugh? are you rich too?

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My mate get too pissed for that lol.Was too bored to read all that but a friend of mine won 14.9 million gbp and also gave his son 1 million and he is such a misreable sod he is always thinking about when his dad dies and leaves him more.He got caught playing away from home and his long term gf did him for half a million,so his dad gave him another half million.The father is a good mate of mine and i show him the ropes over here,stay in penthouse( no more info) and go to a 300 baht room for st/lt,as i have said to him never ever let a thai lady know you are rich.He stays low key and acts like a normal tourist when over here,and we have a good laugh when we here some farangs boasting how much pension they have lol.

why do you laugh? are you rich too?

welcome to ex pat pattaya..............full of BS.

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Short answer= No.

Money can however, but you a nice house/condo, fast car, designer clothes, expensive meals and 'friends'.

'The earth provides enough to satisfy every mans need, but not every mans greed...'

Mahatma Gandhi

Edited by yasx
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a friend of mine won 10 million dollars in the NY lottery when he was 17. i think he was too young to actually claim it (have to be 18), so his dad picked up the check for him. my friend said winning the lottery was the worst thing that ever happened to his family. suddenly they had a ton of new "friends"...most of whom they had not ever been close to or hadn't even seen for years. and everyone wanted a "favor". his dad gave him money to put a downpayment on a house, and he paid for my friend's first year at university. but he was a gullible and overgenerous guy, and due to bad investments and the handouts he gave to supposed friends and long lost family, they were broke within a couple of years and my friend has absolutely nothing to show for it. besides which he lost his faith in humanity.

i personally don't care much about money beyond being comfortable and being able to travel when i want to. but then, it's been a long time since i had to worry about money at all.

most of the more wealthy people have met in my life have been absolutely miserable. their priorities were totally screwed up. and on the other hand, some of the poorest people i have met in the world (ie. in nepal, cambodia) were some of the happiest.

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My mate get too pissed for that lol.Was too bored to read all that but a friend of mine won 14.9 million gbp and also gave his son 1 million and he is such a misreable sod he is always thinking about when his dad dies and leaves him more.He got caught playing away from home and his long term gf did him for half a million,so his dad gave him another half million.The father is a good mate of mine and i show him the ropes over here,stay in penthouse( no more info) and go to a 300 baht room for st/lt,as i have said to him never ever let a thai lady know you are rich.He stays low key and acts like a normal tourist when over here,and we have a good laugh when we here some farangs boasting how much pension they have lol.

why do you laugh? are you rich too?

welcome to ex pat pattaya..............full of BS.

love them answers and bygon if i told you i would have to kill you.

no need to bite on stupid remarks like that,up to you!!!!

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a friend of mine won 10 million dollars in the NY lottery when he was 17. i think he was too young to actually claim it (have to be 18), so his dad picked up the check for him. my friend said winning the lottery was the worst thing that ever happened to his family. suddenly they had a ton of new "friends"...most of whom they had not ever been close to or hadn't even seen for years. and everyone wanted a "favor". his dad gave him money to put a downpayment on a house, and he paid for my friend's first year at university. but he was a gullible and overgenerous guy, and due to bad investments and the handouts he gave to supposed friends and long lost family, they were broke within a couple of years and my friend has absolutely nothing to show for it. besides which he lost his faith in humanity.

i personally don't care much about money beyond being comfortable and being able to travel when i want to. but then, it's been a long time since i had to worry about money at all.

most of the more wealthy people have met in my life have been absolutely miserable. their priorities were totally screwed up. and on the other hand, some of the poorest people i have met in the world (ie. in nepal, cambodia) were some of the happiest.

My friend is a very happy man still,but he does lsten to his oldest and dearest friends who stop him from being a horrible person.He actualy bought 4 of them a brand new merc each,i didnt know him then,dam_n dam_n lol.A great guy and he even tells you when you have missed a turn for the drinks,wonderful guy.

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a friend of mine won 10 million dollars in the NY lottery when he was 17. i think he was too young to actually claim it (have to be 18), so his dad picked up the check for him. my friend said winning the lottery was the worst thing that ever happened to his family. suddenly they had a ton of new "friends"...most of whom they had not ever been close to or hadn't even seen for years. and everyone wanted a "favor". his dad gave him money to put a downpayment on a house, and he paid for my friend's first year at university. but he was a gullible and overgenerous guy, and due to bad investments and the handouts he gave to supposed friends and long lost family, they were broke within a couple of years and my friend has absolutely nothing to show for it. besides which he lost his faith in humanity.

i personally don't care much about money beyond being comfortable and being able to travel when i want to. but then, it's been a long time since i had to worry about money at all.

most of the more wealthy people have met in my life have been absolutely miserable. their priorities were totally screwed up. and on the other hand, some of the poorest people i have met in the world (ie. in nepal, cambodia) were some of the happiest.

I can totally understand that, If i won the lottery my biggest concern would people expecting hands out family freinds inlaws.

Maybe its better to be ok. hehe

Saying that u can always keep it a secret or say u won just a million.

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not much fun without money but i am sure less wealthy people living abroad still can enjoy themselves without spending a fortune.I much prefer having a few friends over and having a bbq and a few beers than going to walking st with the lads.Early retirement gave me a new perspecetive on life,i dont have to deal with dickheads all day long,after backhanders for business and wanting me pay for lunches all the time.

Parasites the lot of them and i realy feel for people over here who still have to work and suck up to these owners/directors of comapnies.

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a friend of mine won 10 million dollars in the NY lottery when he was 17. i think he was too young to actually claim it (have to be 18), so his dad picked up the check for him. my friend said winning the lottery was the worst thing that ever happened to his family. suddenly they had a ton of new "friends"...most of whom they had not ever been close to or hadn't even seen for years. and everyone wanted a "favor". his dad gave him money to put a downpayment on a house, and he paid for my friend's first year at university. but he was a gullible and overgenerous guy, and due to bad investments and the handouts he gave to supposed friends and long lost family, they were broke within a couple of years and my friend has absolutely nothing to show for it. besides which he lost his faith in humanity.

i personally don't care much about money beyond being comfortable and being able to travel when i want to. but then, it's been a long time since i had to worry about money at all.

most of the more wealthy people have met in my life have been absolutely miserable. their priorities were totally screwed up. and on the other hand, some of the poorest people i have met in the world (ie. in nepal, cambodia) were some of the happiest.

Answer to that girlx is materialism! If u dont know about it then you'll be happy.

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a friend of mine won 10 million dollars in the NY lottery when he was 17. i think he was too young to actually claim it (have to be 18), so his dad picked up the check for him. my friend said winning the lottery was the worst thing that ever happened to his family. suddenly they had a ton of new "friends"...most of whom they had not ever been close to or hadn't even seen for years. and everyone wanted a "favor". his dad gave him money to put a downpayment on a house, and he paid for my friend's first year at university. but he was a gullible and overgenerous guy, and due to bad investments and the handouts he gave to supposed friends and long lost family, they were broke within a couple of years and my friend has absolutely nothing to show for it. besides which he lost his faith in humanity.

i personally don't care much about money beyond being comfortable and being able to travel when i want to. but then, it's been a long time since i had to worry about money at all.

most of the more wealthy people have met in my life have been absolutely miserable. their priorities were totally screwed up. and on the other hand, some of the poorest people i have met in the world (ie. in nepal, cambodia) were some of the happiest.

I can totally understand that, If i won the lottery my biggest concern would people expecting hands out family freinds inlaws.

Maybe its better to be ok. hehe

Saying that u can always keep it a secret or say u won just a million.

i would spend a bit then live off the interest and leave some to family and friends when i dies,then they will have to treat me well untill i croak it lol.

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My mate get too pissed for that lol.Was too bored to read all that but a friend of mine won 14.9 million gbp and also gave his son 1 million and he is such a misreable sod he is always thinking about when his dad dies and leaves him more.He got caught playing away from home and his long term gf did him for half a million,so his dad gave him another half million.The father is a good mate of mine and i show him the ropes over here,stay in penthouse( no more info) and go to a 300 baht room for st/lt,as i have said to him never ever let a thai lady know you are rich.He stays low key and acts like a normal tourist when over here,and we have a good laugh when we here some farangs boasting how much pension they have lol.

why do you laugh? are you rich too?

welcome to ex pat pattaya..............full of BS.

love them answers and bygon if i told you i would have to kill you.

no need to bite on stupid remarks like that,up to you!!!!

haha not that old chestnut eh?

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Nothing new here, all women will fake an orgasm for money wont they ? ,. i would :D ,.( if i were a woman ) .fact,most people will end up skint if they were skint when they won the lottery,.look at bgs that take their men for millions, they almost always end up broke and back working their ass off ( pun intended ) :o

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Makes no difference if you have money or not. If you are a happy person by nature then you'll be happy rich or poor and if you are a miserable cu_nt then you'll be miserable rich or poor.

I'm a happy person by nature and I've been pretty well off at times and pretty poor at other times, but I was always happy and contented, I have my health and family.

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Makes no difference if you have money or not. If you are a happy person by nature then you'll be happy rich or poor and if you are a miserable cu_nt then you'll be miserable rich or poor.

I'm a happy person by nature and I've been pretty well off at times and pretty poor at other times, but I was always happy and contented, I have my health and family.

good post.

1/ good health

2/ family

3/ everything else

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I think it really depends on what you have to give up, to get the money in the first place.

If you have to sacrifice living a full life, then yea I'd say money does not buy happiness.

But if you have the time to share with friends and loved ones, and have the dough to enjoy things.... then yes I'd say money does buy hapiness.

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Having money usually means having options. Having no money almost always means having fewer if any options.

Having options is a freedom that brings many people happiness.

Now there might be those who want to argue that havng no options doesn't impact on happiness, but I think it's not an easy case to make.

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Having money usually means having options. Having no money almost always means having fewer if any options.

Having options is a freedom that brings many people happiness.

Now there might be those who want to argue that havng no options doesn't impact on happiness, but I think it's not an easy case to make.

That sums it all up quite accurately I think.

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I have had the dis-pleasure of being down and out in the past, by that I mean worrying about how I will pay the rent and even sometimes where the next meal will come from. Such an experience is very very stressful and I hope never to experience it again.

From that I would say that having 'enough' money is happiness in itself because after experiencing such hardship it is simply wonderful to not have to worry about such things. On top of that small luxuries such as owing a PC with internet connection, a car, a selection of movies and other home entertainment, the occasional night out and even the odd trip to the beach make life easier and more enjoyable.

Asides from the bare minimum (Paying the bills) what else is there?: A faster PC, bigger apartment/house, faster car, a bigger TV etc!!!!!!

I have also done well for myself in the past, although far from being rich I was living in nice places and was cash liquid. At one point I was living in a luxurious pad (All paid for) with it's own private pool. It may sound lovely (Which it was) but in reality I only ever used 2 rooms in that place and rarely went swimming, to be honest I am just as comfortable now in my studio apartment.

Also back when I was doing well for myself I used to stay in 4/5* hotels when I went to the beach. Well at Christmas/New Year I went to Koh Samet and stayed in a 300/baht a night with nothing but a bed and a cold-shower and I had a FANTASTIC holiday.

For me money buys he luxury of not having to stress about the basics, along with a bit of enjoyment and sending my Daughter through a good education will do me just grand thanks. Anything else will be a bonus.

Although a couple of billion quid to get Swindon Town into the premiership would but a big smile on my face.

Edited by Moonrakers
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Money may not be able to buy happiness however if one does not have enough money to meet their basic needs, the lack of money is almost a sure guarantee of unhappiness. I think the real value of money is in the freedom it buys you to live your life in the way that you choose and desire. In my own case, money has bought me the freedom to go where I want, do what I want, live where I want, and buy what I want without ever having to worry about money which in turn has indirectly added to my happiness since it allows me to live my life to it's fullest.

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