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Som Tam Thai....(only 1 Chilli Though)


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After years in and around se asia and asia, ive just discovered the joys of som tam, and fully understand why many thai women say its the food they miss and crave when out of the country.

I fear i may also now have this problem!

What is it about this simple culinary street delight that makes you have to induge in it at least twice a week!

Why did i not discover this on my previous stints in LOS, maybe the language barrier as they seemed to always put the crab in it even after clearlyi pointing and saying MAI AWO...lol

I belive its due to my improved ability to order food in thai.....that i now enjoy this addictive dish.

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After years in and around se asia and asia, ive just discovered the joys of som tam, and fully understand why many thai women say its the food they miss and crave when out of the country.

I fear i may also now have this problem!

What is it about this simple culinary street delight that makes you have to induge in it at least twice a week!

Why did i not discover this on my previous stints in LOS, maybe the language barrier as they seemed to always put the crab in it even after clearlyi pointing and saying MAI AWO...lol

I belive its due to my improved ability to order food in thai.....that i now enjoy this addictive dish.

some people get a thrill out of running around complaining they have an upset gut and the shi*ts

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chilis are addictive, as bkkjames hinted at.

a day without consuming a dozen chilis is a lost day in my life.

Somtam with only 1 chilli, in Thailand? That's like seeing a motorbike with only 1 person on it.

I love most Thai food, but som tam is not for me.

MSG, along with salt and sugar were thrown in to the pot by the kilo when my wife first started cooking for me. We've gradually reduced it down to virtually zero on all three counts.

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That big heaping spoonful of white stuff they add in is NOT salt.

Love somtam thai, cant stand somtam pla ra or with poo.

The somtam thai taste so fresh and clean. but once you add the black stuff....gross.

Usually the white spoonful is sugar not msg. The bown paste is also a sugar substitute so I ask them to leave out the white sugar .

I always say mai ow pick as there is usually enough chillie left at the bottom of the bowl for my taste.

Love it, low calorie but filling ..

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chilis are addictive, as bkkjames hinted at.

it is such that i find myself putting them on everything - even got a plant in the back yard (inherited).

(i wonder how long it will be before the anti-chili brigade shows up)

Chillis?!! If you don't like it, go ho...oh, sorry, wrong thread.

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Sadly there is NO shortage of either; the small thai chili (พริกขี้หนู) for the unenlightened; "prik kee nuu" or "mouse shit pepper" and/or MSG (which is also provided for the equally unenlightened) as (ผงชูรส) "phohng chuu roht"; which translates roughly as "dust that enhances taste". ..

You will find no shortage of either at ANY thai food stand on any soi, in any city, in any province, that you may care to visit in this pissant developing third world country also known as the glorious "Land 'O Thais".

Just so we are clear, it is not that I am disparaging thais; believe me, I tolerate them, because I happen to live in their country, but. .. .. just telling the truth.

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Great topic.

Try Som Tam Thai with Sweet Corn - kow port(?).

My favourite, and I really miss it when I'm away, but when I get back now I can only handle 5 chillis, after getting up to 7 or 8.

Well what do expect when you eat it 2-3 times a week for a year...?

Mmmm....missing Thailand more now you got me thinking of that.

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Sadly there is NO shortage of either; the small thai chili (พริกขี้หนู) for the unenlightened; "prik kee nuu" or "mouse shit pepper" and/or MSG (which is also provided for the equally unenlightened) as (ผงชูรส) "phohng chuu roht"; which translates roughly as "dust that enhances taste". ..

You will find no shortage of either at ANY thai food stand on any soi, in any city, in any province, that you may care to visit in this pissant developing third world country also known as the glorious "Land 'O Thais".

Just so we are clear, it is not that I am disparaging thais; believe me, I tolerate them, because I happen to live in their country, but. .. .. just telling the truth.

Isn't it nice to get people coming on the board when they feel they can roll out their expertise on all things Thai, and in the very next paragraph <deleted> all over it. I think it must cause the poster serious issues: on one hand, taking the time to master the language of somewhere he truly hates, probably all the while chewing on tom yum khung pizza while watching cnn 24/7 in a 4000 baht a month apartment overlooking a klong filled with garbage.

Perhaps TD can enlighten us as to from where he hails from so we can take a few pot shots at his culture / or lack there of because.......

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Sadly there is NO shortage of either; the small thai chili (พริกขี้หนู) for the unenlightened; "prik kee nuu" or "mouse shit pepper" and/or MSG (which is also provided for the equally unenlightened) as (ผงชูรส) "phohng chuu roht"; which translates roughly as "dust that enhances taste". ..

You will find no shortage of either at ANY thai food stand on any soi, in any city, in any province, that you may care to visit in this pissant developing third world country also known as the glorious "Land 'O Thais".

Just so we are clear, it is not that I am disparaging thais; believe me, I tolerate them, because I happen to live in their country, but. .. .. just telling the truth.

Flame Boy :o

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Have to say I actually loved TD's post. I don't agree with the sentiment at all, but it was so beautifully brutal, flippant. And it made Jamesey boy throw his toys out of the pram, so it had to be good.

Thanks PC for that, coming from you I will take it as a compliment.

As for the poser in question, if you look at all of his posts, they are all the same..

a few paragraphs demonstrating his superior thai language skills, and then one or two lines belittling the locals. personally, I believe it's not so much an attempt to impress us, moreover, some insecurity issues that have caused the poster to turn on the country and its people. sad actually.

But PC, I am sure you have figured that all out on your own.

Regarding chilis, great stuff for a stuffed-up head.

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