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Pattaya's Fareng Police Volunteers


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If we look a bit intimidating then, in my opinion, that is a good thing because just our appearance could deter someone from causing trouble.

This is very dodgy ground, however good you believe your intentions to be. Intimidating clothes intimidates everybody, not just the tiny minority looking to make trouble. Do you like paramilitary enforcers checking up on you when you go out for a quiet drink?

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What's the difference between this "police" and any gang members patrolling their areas? It's just lust for control, that's what it is. A few good stories here and there do not justify it.

They could have helped that woman without wearing handcuffs and truncheons.

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From the article in the Bangkok Post.
Applicants with a non-immigrant visa are preferred because they can be granted a one-year extension.

Is this the reason that some guys apply to be a TPV, so they can get a visa extension, which they may not have been eligible for otherwise (under 50, not enough money etc.)?

I would like an answer to this one also.

The impression I got from the article was that "non-immigrant visa's" are preferred to prevent the constant change of the TPV cadre. No where was it mentioned, nor have I ever seen it, in writing that TPV members obtain any preferential treatment in the visa extension or issuance process.

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From the article in the Bangkok Post.
Applicants with a non-immigrant visa are preferred because they can be granted a one-year extension.

Is this the reason that some guys apply to be a TPV, so they can get a visa extension, which they may not have been eligible for otherwise (under 50, not enough money etc.)?

I would like an answer to this one also.

The impression I got from the article was that "non-immigrant visa's" are preferred to prevent the constant change of the TPV cadre. No where was it mentioned, nor have I ever seen it, in writing that TPV members obtain any preferential treatment in the visa extension or issuance process.

Already answered in post number 25

Sorry Guys, I have to work now so I won't be posting again on this thread. I have said all that needs to be said. If you have any more questions you can come and see me on Walking Street. I will be there tonight from 9pm.


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most of you guys are scary and could use a few less trinkets on your belt. you run in packs and have a serious mean look on your faces, maybe to look tougher and keep us in line, not sure, but a smile and friendly attitude would go a long way. A hello once in awhile? Maybe then we might think you are there to help us, rather than "keeping us in line". One guy looked like he was considering a goose step to keep us in line and I had to get out of the way or be trampled, I dont think he would have done it the same way with just the two of us present. I am sure there are some of the volunteers that sincerely want to help, but I think the majority see there one chance in life for a bit of perceived power, scary

Hello Lost in LOS!!!

See, that wasnt so hard, was it? :o

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"If we look a bit intimidating then, in my opinion, that is a good thing because just our appearance could deter someone from causing trouble."

you couldn't be more wrong...... maybe for Joe Smoe on vacation with his family but for a tough guy out to make trouble, you would just be giving him an excuse to see if you could back up that "intimidating look", which I highly doubt

you would do much better with the good and bad guys by dressing and acting like what you propose to be...........a good guy here to help

good luck

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The black uniform is ridiculous and gives everyone a giggle as they pass by . :o

Explain further what is so ridiculous....I am fascinated to know what you mean.....

sorry...I cannot help having a giggle as well. You guys look so martial with that black uniform and the batons and stuff dangling from your belts. A less bold appearance might turn the perception of you guys much more positive!

OK then...tommorow just for you I will wear a yellow T-Shirt and white shorts with flip-flops as a previous poster suggested :D

We are POLICE ASSISTANTS....working in a street environment....

Speaking of working, did any progress ever occur to get the TPV work permits and thus be working legally?

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most of you guys are scary and could use a few less trinkets on your belt. you run in packs and have a serious mean look on your faces, maybe to look tougher and keep us in line, not sure, but a smile and friendly attitude would go a long way. A hello once in awhile? Maybe then we might think you are there to help us, rather than "keeping us in line". One guy looked like he was considering a goose step to keep us in line and I had to get out of the way or be trampled, I dont think he would have done it the same way with just the two of us present. I am sure there are some of the volunteers that sincerely want to help, but I think the majority see there one chance in life for a bit of perceived power, scary

I agree. I think a complete change of uniform is in order and of course get rid of that "equipment belt". You mentioned that the black uniform projects authority. Authority over who? From what I understankd you're suppose to be helping with translations, directions etc. My impression is most of the volunteers are just a bunch of cop wannabes. I guess I'm a bit prejudiced because my one experience with the volunteers was a couple of years ago on Walking street. I asked one cop wannabe where a certain club was located and his reply was something like "keep it moving mister". Very helpful, very friendly.

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I like the way this milk monitor felt the need to attack the journalist and question his credentials ("This so-called journalist" etc ). I read the article and thought Wechsler was pretty kind to the volunteers, considering the suspicion so many of them are held in. I mean, what on earth would compel someone to volunteer for this kind of work? Surely it has to be small penis syndrome.

And as for baldy's complaint about Wechsler talking about the tatoos - does he think nobody else would have noticed them? It is very strange for anybody in a supposedly responsible public role to have so many tatoos on view - most jobs expect employees to cover them.

Very touchy.

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Oh what a shame.....everything was so civil here for a while and then the idiots came out to play. I will not contribute any further to this thread now and ask admin/mods to control it in accordance with the rules of your board.

Thanks to the sensible posters and bye for now.


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Simon did not make the cover because Simon (me!) works in Phuket :o

There was a recent article in The Phuket Post about the Phuket Tourist Police Volunteers, complete with front page photo. Alas, I was considered too ugly/old/whatever etc to grace the front page!

Just as a general comment re uniforms. The Phuket volunteers wear white polo shirt, non-military black trousers and standard black shoes (boots not allowed). We do have a 'batman belt'. I did propose that the carrying of a truncheon was removed (because no Phuket volunteers have ever had to use their truncheon!). But my bosses rejected my proposal :D


Edited by simon43
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I understand that we get negative and positive press and our group is contraversial, however when a so-called reputable publication comes out with rubbish like that...it makes me think that journalism in Thailand is in a bad way.


I have never seen any positive press about you.

I would like to praise the Men in Black they certaninly do no harm and are a force of good - so how can the be perceived as bad.

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I'm sure there are those with good intentions and good on them for having the initiative and compassion to want to genuinely help.

But no one has ever been able to answer who vets these individuals and checks there history's or credentials ?

As for the uniforms real police who work the beaches in USA Australia Caribbean etc wear shorts ride bikes crisp white shirts and look approachable.

This whole storm trooper look is just plain ridiculous.

I worked as a qualified medic here in Thailand for some years, often dealing with pi##ed tourists and the end results of druken brawls wearing casual wear a T shirt at most with Medic on it and disposable gloves when needed.No white coat or stethoscope dangling to show who I was.

I just dont get it.

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Simon did not make the cover because Simon (me!) works in Phuket :D

There was a recent article in The Phuket Post about the Phuket Tourist Police Volunteers, complete with front page photo. Alas, I was considered too ugly/old/whatever etc to grace the front page!

Just as a general comment re uniforms. The Phuket volunteers wear white polo shirt, non-military black trousers and standard black shoes (boots not allowed).


Very reasonable, non-intimidating, and professional attire.

As well as honesty expressed on earlier threads on the issue of work permits, one wonders why Phuket TPV are so much more reasonably dressed, cordial, honest, and straight-forward than their Pattaya brethren.


Edited by sriracha john
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Simon did not make the cover because Simon (me!) works in Phuket :D

There was a recent article in The Phuket Post about the Phuket Tourist Police Volunteers, complete with front page photo. Alas, I was considered too ugly/old/whatever etc to grace the front page!

Just as a general comment re uniforms. The Phuket volunteers wear white polo shirt, non-military black trousers and standard black shoes (boots not allowed).


Very reasonable, non-intimidating, and professional attire.

As well as honesty expressed on earlier threads on the issue of work permits, one wonders why Phuket TPV are so much more reasonably dressed, cordial, honest, and straight-forward than their Pattaya brethren.


SRJ--once again you are pushing this from the sidelines with your comments and Work Permit questions--I answered you over 1 1/2 years ago after you kept asking the same boring questions--I now know you are a bitter and frustrated backbencher.

The below is my answer to you in Nov 2007 and the same applies now.

Quote from Nov 07---(Once again I cannot fathom why you are so insistent on this Work permit subject. What business is it of your's if you do not belong to either group. I think there is something else you are hiding to be so aggressive with this subject. From your teacher admission above you've definitely been shit on by somebody so now need to vent your feelings on others--shame on you for being so shallow. I don't blame either of the groups for not discussing these issues with people like you on the forum. As I said if they are happy with their situation (some for more than 5 years) then why can't you be. Bye 4 now...)



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Simon did not make the cover because Simon (me!) works in Phuket :o

There was a recent article in The Phuket Post about the Phuket Tourist Police Volunteers, complete with front page photo. Alas, I was considered too ugly/old/whatever etc to grace the front page!

Just as a general comment re uniforms. The Phuket volunteers wear white polo shirt, non-military black trousers and standard black shoes (boots not allowed).


Very reasonable, non-intimidating, and professional attire.

As well as honesty expressed on earlier threads on the issue of work permits, one wonders why Phuket TPV are so much more reasonably dressed, cordial, honest, and straight-forward than their Pattaya brethren.


SRJ--once again you are pushing this from the sidelines with your comments and Work Permit questions--I answered you over 1 1/2 years ago

So, after reading your "answer" from then... the answer is "No, there are still no work permits for TPV."

Got it. Thank you for the update.

Edited by sriracha john
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I post on here as a very successful 'bar owner' on Walking Str and as some people remember from previous posts I have used the Tourist Police Assistants for 5-6 years to clear up many problems in my bar and around the general area. I obviously also know many of them personally and I assure you their intentions are honourable and helpful. They are very conscientous in trying to clear the problems encountered on Walking Str every night and I (plus many others bar owners on Walking Str) respect their commitment and would hate to see them disband, as there is only 'one' actual policeman on duty every night for the whole of Walking Str due to Police budgets. This is why these stupid mudslinging threads usually populated by shit stirrers gets my hackles up, because without the FTPA's, Walking Str could be a much meaner place. Also as most people realise the Assistants are very well known around most of Pattaya and are very generous with the amount of time they volunteer. They are also well respected by Thai institutions such as TAT, City Hall, BPH and the Walking Street Committee etc. So please get your facts right (or have first hand knowledge as I have) before posting. So get off their backs and have a nice day.

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Simon did not make the cover because Simon (me!) works in Phuket :o

There was a recent article in The Phuket Post about the Phuket Tourist Police Volunteers, complete with front page photo. Alas, I was considered too ugly/old/whatever etc to grace the front page!

Just as a general comment re uniforms. The Phuket volunteers wear white polo shirt, non-military black trousers and standard black shoes (boots not allowed).


Very reasonable, non-intimidating, and professional attire.

As well as honesty expressed on earlier threads on the issue of work permits, one wonders why Phuket TPV are so much more reasonably dressed, cordial, honest, and straight-forward than their Pattaya brethren.


SRJ--once again you are pushing this from the sidelines with your comments and Work Permit questions--I answered you over 1 1/2 years ago

So, after reading your "answer" from then... the answer is "No, there are still no work permits for TPV."

Got it. Thank you for the update.


SRJ you must be waiting online for comments to your posts--so sad. No wonder you worry about such trivial things and poke your nose into other peoples business. Get a life lad. Just as a suggestion why not go to WS and talk to the FTPA's--maybe your behind the scenes thinking might change. Over and Out.

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I post on here as a very successful 'bar owner' on Walking Str and as some people remember from previous posts I have used the Tourist Police Assistants for 5-6 years to clear up many problems in my bar and around the general area. I obviously also know many of them personally and I assure you their intentions are honourable and helpful. They are very conscientous in trying to clear the problems encountered on Walking Str every night and I (plus many others bar owners on Walking Str) respect their commitment and would hate to see them disband, as there is only 'one' actual policeman on duty every night for the whole of Walking Str due to Police budgets. This is why these stupid mudslinging threads usually populated by shit stirrers gets my hackles up, because without the FTPA's, Walking Str could be a much meaner place. Also as most people realise the Assistants are very well known around most of Pattaya and are very generous with the amount of time they volunteer. They are also well respected by Thai institutions such as TAT, City Hall, BPH and the Walking Street Committee etc. So please get your facts right (or have first hand knowledge as I have) before posting. So get off their backs and have a nice day.

I think most people agree that these guys have a place on Walking Street. It's the SS type outfits and the arrogant attitude of some that give them all a bad press.

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I've seen a few times TPV's do some good but I also saw last week a scandi TPV NOT behaving in a correct or polite manner that you would expect from Mr Miller and his crew.

How does the TPV's deal with the 'bad apples' - nothings perfect in this world and some people will always go on a 'power trip' How do the TPV police themselves?

side edit - The TPV i saw was not on walking street but on the dark side.

Edited by Hssl
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This topic (like almost all of it's predecessors) is turning nasty.

Please talk, debate or [argue] in a civil manner or this thread will end up alongside all the other "closed" TPV threads.


Personal observation (Am I allowed such a thing? :o ): Repeating some comments in this thread, I personally think that if the TPV's moderated the tough guy image, they would be a much more effective (and respected) organisation than they currently are. With their current image, one gets the impression you are walking up to the bouncer's of a nightclub, begging for entry, and lucky if not shoed away.

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