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The most historical pass in the history of the World!

The Aryans came through here.

The Mongols came through here.

The British Army came through here.

Even Alexander the Great came through here & suffered

They all got hurt


I think I posted this before but it will be tough to fight a country whose motto is

sons & guns


The only reason I look at all of this is I wonder why?

Why now when the western world is on the brink would we dare

to even think about this move?

wars mean money,the ability to continually test new weapons,new strategies.keeps everone in a job.

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wars mean money,the ability to continually test new weapons,new strategies.keeps everone in a job.

For sure the old saying there is money to be made supplying tools of the trade

But that is what I meant about this cannot fly under the radar now.

People here are getting very disgusted at losing sons & daughters over some undeclared war.

Then there is the $$$

Many have cried out about the $$$ wasted in Iraq the running tally was crazy for the nothing we accomplished.

Then on the news the parents here of dead soldiers see all the good it did.

When they see the Iraq people burning flags & saying get the h#ll out of our country you dogs...............Well that makes them feel as if their children died in vane. Sad really..Sad state of affairs these days.

We are not as dumb as our governments assume.

We have said many times yes we would be right there if someone threatens our shores but this is not it. This is something else all together.


yes thats true the people were conned over Iraq,anyone with half a brain knew it had nothing to do with spreading democracy or WMD's,it was about oil and war reparation contracts to make a few more very very rich i.e.the bush family,cheney haliburton etc.

But aside to that the iraqi's finally got fed up with the al queda insurgents and stopped supporting them.now we see these same insurgents flooding into afghanistan for a final showdown,but the white house will keep spurting the dribble about homeland security,and better to fight them over there rather than on home soil.but as we have discussed the US citizen should be more concerned for their own safety from within.


Have a look at Celente, audio is a bit out of sync.:

Joe, finally regained consiousness. It was dark and he noticed he was surrounded by other people, all seemed to be in severe pain, some cried.

Ta dam, ta dam............ta dam , ta dam..........ta dam, ta dam........

Joe listened to that sound and realised he was inside of a train wagon....................... :o .

The remaining tent people were looking at the horizon and what they were seeing was the sky filled with flames and their tents looked surreal in this intense bright red glow. The men women and children in the utmost apprehension watched the growing firelight in the sky......bright flames seem to set fire to the city of Gods. As the Gods became completely hidden from view by the flames and smoke, they remembered the prophecy shouted out loud by that crazy guy on the hilltop..............



Is there a solution?

Who knows maybe there is. With everybody or almost everybody indebted one way or another to everybody else the most elegant solution would be to cancel all debt starting tomorrow.

This simply does not work.

And I WOULD BE AT YOUR FRONT DOOR with my AK47 (assuming you are one of the debtors, otherwise RESPECT Brother)

You're right of course it will never work on a macro scale. On the other hand I guess there are plenty of cases where people or companies or maybe even countries can't even pay off the interest on their debt let alone the principal so what's a creditor to do?

Anyway you can leave the AK47 at home since I got no debts and no credit cards either :o

I like some aspects of the Chinese stimulus plan. Here's some "change", that even I can believe in:

nothing extraordinary, goes on since years and... i like it!

I like some aspects of the Chinese stimulus plan. Here's some "change", that even I can believe in:

nothing extraordinary, goes on since years and... i like it!

Yes, I know. I was just juxtaposing Chinas action against the empty rhetoric that eminates from my own pitiful "homeland".

Who says the Chinese don't have a sense of humor?

Luo Ping, a director-general at the China Banking Regulatory Commission, said after a speech in New York on Wednesday that China would continue to buy Treasuries in spite of its misgivings about US finances.

“Except for US Treasuries, what can you hold?” he asked. “Gold? You don’t hold Japanese government bonds or UK bonds. US Treasuries are the safe haven. For everyone, including China, it is the only option.”

Mr Luo, whose English tends toward the colloquial, added: “We hate you guys. Once you start issuing $1 trillion-$2 trillion [$1,000bn-$2,000bn] . . .we know the dollar is going to depreciate, so we hate you guys but there is nothing much we can do.”




PALO ALTO, CA - An international mathematics research team announced today that they had discovered a new integer that surpasses any previously known value "by a totally mindblowing shitload." Project director Yujin Xiao of Stanford University said the theoretical number, dubbed a "stimulus," could lead to breakthroughs in fields as diverse as astrophysics, quantum mechanics, and Chicago asphalt contracting.

"Unlike previous large numbers like the Googleplex or the Bazillionty, the Stimulus has no static numerical definition," said Xiao. "It keeps growing and growing, compounding factorially, eating up all zeros in its path. It moves freely across Cartesian dimensions and has the power to make any other number irrational."

Jean-Luc Brossard, a researcher with the European consortium CERN, said the number is so staggeringly large that it is difficult for even mathematicians to grasp, let alone lay people.

"The number itself is incomprehensible by human minds, and can only be theoretically understood in a fractional parallel universe which we refer to as the DC dimension," said Brossard. "The best way to understand a stimulus is to imagine a dollar sign followed by a packed string of hexidecimal nanodigits, wound into a triple helix, woven into a dodecahedron, and stacked on top of one another. Now imagine you were a black hole on the far edge of the universe, trying to escape the stimulus at 30 times the speed of light. The stimulus would still catch up to you and ram your black hole with such furious, repeated force that it would cause your entire reality itself to collapse."

Xiao said the team discovered the number with the help of an international network of 24 nitrogen-cooled Cray Ultracluster supercomputers, the CERN particle accelerator, and "three pounds of Humboldt County Chronic."

"The exciting news is that with more powerful computers and drugs, we believe we are on the verge of discovering an even larger number, which we refer to as a 'stimulusconferencebill,'" said Xiao. "Speaker Pelosi has already promised us the funding."


And the party has only just begun

European banks may need 16.3 trillion bail out


Hey, hold on there, that is surely more money than has ever existed in the history of the universe. If that article is in any way serious or related to the truth, then the whole crisis has reached unbelievable proportions. I suppose that we have now truly arrived at super-astronomical numbers, as those scientists only ever mention billions.

Maybe I'm just suffering from a massive overdose of Chang and I will wake up tomorrow out of this comatose nightmare, the sun will be shining, my EXCEL sheet will be back to where it was eighteen months ago, Iceland will be full of happy people, Woolworths will be on the high street, the Labour party won't exist, er... OH SHIT, but they did, what is happening to me???

And now...... is there an end to it?


12, you remember the card game I showed?

post-21826-1234459439_thumb.jpg post-21826-1234459485_thumb.jpg post-21826-1234459533_thumb.jpg

Find out about the card game, The Illuminati Card Game.

How did I know that the message was planned on the 9th?

But was sended on the 10th.

See DJ index on the 10 th, what number is missing?

Countdowns normally start at 10.

And they just did....


And the party has only just begun
European banks may need 16.3 trillion bail out


Hey, hold on there, that is surely more money than has ever existed in the history of the universe. If that article is in any way serious or related to the truth, then the whole crisis has reached unbelievable proportions. I suppose that we have now truly arrived at super-astronomical numbers, as those scientists only ever mention billions.

Maybe I'm just suffering from a massive overdose of Chang and I will wake up tomorrow out of this comatose nightmare, the sun will be shining, my EXCEL sheet will be back to where it was eighteen months ago, Iceland will be full of happy people, Woolworths will be on the high street, the Labour party won't exist, er... OH SHIT, but they did, what is happening to me???

And now...... is there an end to it?

I'd love a printing press..........cos sure as hel_l thats what they'll be using in the USA,UK,EU.

As the USA shrinks in global muscle power and financial clout this might be one way to save the country,each state going their own way and managing themselves from a financial point of view.but the old american saying "you can kiss my ass"which i really like as i say it to my g/f all the time,may turn into america having to kiss everyone else's ass!

Funny how what goes around comes around.....




Now we will accept help from Russia? Did we not give the weapons

( in directly of course ) That drove the Russians out of Afghanistan?

Now we will enlist them to try our own hand at what ever it is we are trying to steal there? Because I am 99.9999% sure we are not mobilizing this giant excursion to chase down one bearded man.

You know sh*t like this may have flown below the radar in the 50's but those days are long gone.

who's to say the bin laden is still alive?it would pay no side to admit it if he were dead because they want to keep the dream alive.(christianity verses islam.)islams goal is to islamise the world,but there are two forks here,sunni and shi-ite.the sunnis hold the wealth and doing it by financial stealth(the creating of islamic banks,supposedly tying it to sharia law principle,the shi-ites and al queda or doing it through mass attacks trying to create chaos.

I think you need to study islam a little bit more. Shi-ites are more moderate than Sunni. Btw Al Quada is not linked with the Iranian Ayatolla's but with the saudi Wahibi muslim sect. He is their enemy.

As the USA shrinks in global muscle power and financial clout this might be one way to save the country,each state going their own way and managing themselves from a financial point of view.but the old american saying "you can kiss my ass"which i really like as i say it to my g/f all the time,may turn into america having to kiss everyone else's ass!

Funny how what goes around comes around.....




Now we will accept help from Russia? Did we not give the weapons

( in directly of course ) That drove the Russians out of Afghanistan?

Now we will enlist them to try our own hand at what ever it is we are trying to steal there? Because I am 99.9999% sure we are not mobilizing this giant excursion to chase down one bearded man.

You know sh*t like this may have flown below the radar in the 50's but those days are long gone.

who's to say the bin laden is still alive?it would pay no side to admit it if he were dead because they want to keep the dream alive.(christianity verses islam.)islams goal is to islamise the world,but there are two forks here,sunni and shi-ite.the sunnis hold the wealth and doing it by financial stealth(the creating of islamic banks,supposedly tying it to sharia law principle,the shi-ites and al queda or doing it through mass attacks trying to create chaos.

I think you need to study islam a little bit more. Shi-ites are more moderate than Sunni. Btw Al Quada is not linked with the Iranian Ayatolla's but with the saudi Wahibi muslim sect. He is their enemy.

knit picking HA?

iN 2 years time will we see massive inflation after all this money printing when it finally gets into the economic system?

But the they have to to raise interest rates again so what good will that do ? :o


Listen carefully to the date and day that 550 Billion was send away, and you will notice something.......

Have a look.



Financial Pearl Harbour?

iN 2 years time will we see massive inflation after all this money printing when it finally gets into the economic system?

But the they have to to raise interest rates again so what good will that do ? :o

I really dont know,except the interest earned on savings would still be wiped out by inflation just as they are now with deflation,its almost worth not having your money in a bank not even for security sake.

Listen carefully to the date and day that 550 Billion was send away, and you will notice something.......

Have a look.



Financial Pearl Harbour?

sorry alex all i see is an empty calendar,pleas tell me?cannot access your attachment.

Listen carefully to the date and day that 550 Billion was send away, and you will notice something.......

Have a look.



Financial Pearl Harbour?

sorry alex all i see is an empty calendar,pleas tell me?cannot access your attachment.

Hi Beachcomber, if you listen to that guy he say's they had the meeting on Monday the 15th where they were told that the previous Thursday 550 Billion was withdrawn. That date was..............11 September.........


Told ya, these guy's are funny.

Listen carefully to the date and day that 550 Billion was send away, and you will notice something.......

Have a look.



Financial Pearl Harbour?

sorry alex all i see is an empty calendar,pleas tell me?cannot access your attachment.

Hi Beachcomber, if you listen to that guy he say's they had the meeting on Monday the 15th where they were told that the previous Thursday 550 Billion was withdrawn. That date was..............11 September.........


Told ya, these guy's are funny.

as i cant access your attachment i dont know who you are talking about and what meeting?asume you are referring to sept.2008 and that sept 11 is significant because of 9/11/2001


You forgot already?

I posted a link to a YT clip where a member of congress/parliament explained what really happened that congress had this emergency meeting with Paulson where Paulson told congress on Monday 15 September 2008 that the previous Thursday, 11 September 2008 around 11 o clock there was a huge run on the banks money accounts. 550 Billion USD was moved from the accounts within a few hours.

In the PNAC documents which were released before 9-11 2001 it was stated a new Pearl Horbour was needed to get their changes through.

The 9-11 attacks was that Pearl Harbour effect.

Therefore this date 11-9-2008 I call, a financial Pearl Harbour.

You forgot already?

I posted a link to a YT clip where a member of congress/parliament explained what really happened that congress had this emergency meeting with Paulson where Paulson told congress on Monday 15 September 2008 that the previous Thursday, 11 September 2008 around 11 o clock there was a huge run on the banks money accounts. 550 Billion USD was moved from the accounts within a few hours.

In the PNAC documents which were released before 9-11 2001 it was stated a new Pearl Horbour was needed to get their changes through.

The 9-11 attacks was that Pearl Harbour effect.

Therefore this date 11-9-2008 I call, a financial Pearl Harbour.

OK thanks AL i guess i did n't see the you tubeclip.I often think that 9/11 was an inside job,i remember watching dubya's reaction when told while he was visiting a school,his reaction imo was too cool,like he already new what was coming.

iN 2 years time will we see massive inflation after all this money printing when it finally gets into the economic system?

But the they have to to raise interest rates again so what good will that do ? :o

I really dont know,except the interest earned on savings would still be wiped out by inflation just as they are now with deflation,its almost worth not having your money in a bank not even for security sake.

I think there are enough very angry people out there who will be taking their money

from the banks if they have not already done so in disgust.

I was referring more to what will happen to people who still have huge credit card

and other debts and what happens to them if interest rates creep back up again?

iN 2 years time will we see massive inflation after all this money printing when it finally gets into the economic system?

But the they have to to raise interest rates again so what good will that do ? :o

I really dont know,except the interest earned on savings would still be wiped out by inflation just as they are now with deflation,its almost worth not having your money in a bank not even for security sake.

I think there are enough very angry people out there who will be taking their money

from the banks if they have not already done so in disgust.

I was referring more to what will happen to people who still have huge credit card

and other debts and what happens to them if interest rates creep back up again?

well they cant get blood out of a stone.in today's society it pays to be hugely indebt,have maximum amount of credit on as many cards as possible,spend it all,go bankrupt(make sure to put your home,investment properties in wife's name or childrens before hand.am not saying its what i'd do,but when you see the blind corruption of the bankers and politicians,the social welfare fraud..........if you cant beat them then join them.

You forgot already?

I posted a link to a YT clip where a member of congress/parliament explained what really happened that congress had this emergency meeting with Paulson where Paulson told congress on Monday 15 September 2008 that the previous Thursday, 11 September 2008 around 11 o clock there was a huge run on the banks money accounts. 550 Billion USD was moved from the accounts within a few hours.

In the PNAC documents which were released before 9-11 2001 it was stated a new Pearl Horbour was needed to get their changes through.

The 9-11 attacks was that Pearl Harbour effect.

Therefore this date 11-9-2008 I call, a financial Pearl Harbour.

It's obvious I'm too slow to apply for work with MI6 :o

When you say " to get their changes through " what changes were these?

Do you mean introduction of the Patriot Act , Guantanamo Bay and all the other crap under GWB ?

well they cant get blood out of a stone.in today's society it pays to be hugely indebt,have maximum amount of credit on as many cards as possible,spend it all,go bankrupt(make sure to put your home,investment properties in wife's name or childrens before hand.am not saying its what i'd do,but when you see the blind corruption of the bankers and politicians,the social welfare fraud..........if you cant beat them then join them.

YEAH i like that ! MAX OUT :o

and then tell them to <deleted> off :D

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