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You know I hear a lot of scenarios on what is going to happen due to the financial crisis. We hear inflation, deflation, hyper inflation, letting the banks go broke, nationalizing the banks, riots and civil war.

More and more people are becoming disenchanted with the way the politicians are running things and the politicians know it. So what is the one thing that is sure to get the people thinking about bigger problems than the economy. That would be a nice war, you choose the players, could be anyone. The government will gin up excuses to justify having an all out war. Once it starts it takes the average Joe’s mind off the politicians and onto the war. It can also be a real money maker for a lot of the rich, and only the poor and middle class do the fighting and lose their lives. Also helps the unemployment situation as it takes a lot of stuff to fight a war and a lot of people to make it.

I hope this does not come about but it is a possibility, even if it is a short time solution, it will take the pressure off the politicians for a decade or so depending on how well the war is managed or mismanaged.

And before you ask I haven’t been smoking anything

I am hearing more and more people speculating the same thing.I think the players are obvious aren't they? :ermm:

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I hope this does not come about but it is a possibility, even if it is a short time solution, it will take the pressure off the politicians for a decade or so depending on how well the war is managed or mismanaged.

Like you I hope it is not true....but also like you I agree that they like to divert attention with the right hand so you do not notice the left.

The fact that the 51st US State ( Israel) has been chomping at the bit to bomb Iran.

That they now have the US claiming all kinds of possible world wide danger should Iran have nukes it is the end of the world<sic>

....well it does not look good.

Never mind the fact that Israel has a ton of undeclared nukes & with North Korea does not take part in the non-proliferation treaty......Or that Iran has never posed a threat nor attacked Israel as they know they would be vaporized...

All that matters now is a bigger diversion.


I hope this does not come about but it is a possibility, even if it is a short time solution, it will take the pressure off the politicians for a decade or so depending on how well the war is managed or mismanaged.

Like you I hope it is not true....but also like you I agree that they like to divert attention with the right hand so you do not notice the left.

The fact that the 51st US State ( Israel) has been chomping at the bit to bomb Iran.

That they now have the US claiming all kinds of possible world wide danger should Iran have nukes it is the end of the world<sic>

....well it does not look good.

Never mind the fact that Israel has a ton of undeclared nukes & with North Korea does not take part in the non-proliferation treaty......Or that Iran has never posed a threat nor attacked Israel as they know they would be vaporized...

All that matters now is a bigger diversion.

Israel is certainly a possibility but what got me thinking about it was Obama sending troops to Australia. &lt;deleted&gt; Australia is very capable of taking care of itself. Then Hillary is making connections in SE Asia, and they are worried about China. That would seem like a huge mistake to me, why poke at the biggest kid on the block? But then making sense never has anything to do with it.


Israel is certainly a possibility but what got me thinking about it was Obama sending troops to Australia. &lt;deleted&gt; Australia is very capable of taking care of itself. Then Hillary is making connections in SE Asia, and they are worried about China. That would seem like a huge mistake to me, why poke at the biggest kid on the block? But then making sense never has anything to do with it.

Similar scripts actually

In regards to China...No different than Iran.

It seems in this version of the world none can sell/buildup arms except US & the 51st State & those they deem fit to give them to for

overthrows ummm democratic revolutions.

Yet if countries like Even China builds a war ship...gasp....then what the heck is going on here....We better station troops accordingly.

Your right makes no sense at all

Funny thing is if China wanted to threaten they need not fire a shot.

Just stop lending/buying treasuries & start selling like crazy.


Oh they exist & it is no secret.

I know many have built it up into a shrouded cult type existence.

but they are quite open about their governors etc.

There comes a time when those that say it is only a conspiracy theory

can no longer remain in denial when you are being punched repeatedly in the face

by the facts :ph34r:

Bilderberg Group "highest form of world government"


You guys are unreal. From Wiki:


Conspiracy theories

According to chairman Étienne Davignon, a major attraction of Bilderberg group meetings is that they provide an opportunity for participants to speak and debate candidly and to find out what major figures really think, without the risk of off-the-cuff comments becoming fodder for controversy in the media.[30] However, partly because of its working methods to ensure strict privacy, the Bilderberg group is accused of conspiracies.[31][30][32][33][34] This outlook has been popular on both extremes of thepolitical spectrum, even if they disagree on what the group wants to do. Some on the left accuse the Bilderberg group of conspiring to impose capitalist domination,[35] while some on the right have accused the group of conspiring to impose a world government and planned economy.[36]

Politico journalist Kenneth P. Vogel reports that it is the "exclusive roster of globally influential figures that has captured the interest of an international network of conspiracists," who for decades have seen the Bilderberg meetings as a "corporate-globalist scheme", and are convinced powerful elites are moving the planet toward an oligarchic "new world order".[37] He goes on to state that these conspiracist's "populist paranoid worldview", characterized by a suspicion of the ruling class rather than any prevailing partisan or ideological affiliation, is widely articulated on overnight AM radio shows and numerous Internet websites.[37] Proponents of Bilderberg conspiracy theories in the United States include individuals and groups such as the John Birch Society,[36][38] political activist Phyllis Schlafly,[38] writer Jim Tucker,[39] political activist Lyndon LaRouche,[40] radio host Alex Jones,[1] and politician Jesse Ventura, who made the Bilderberg group a topic of a 2009 episode of his TruTV series Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura.[41] Non-American proponents include Russian-Canadian writer Daniel Estulin.[42]

Jesse Ventura? Right up there with rt.com and zerohedge.com.:blink:


I hope this does not come about but it is a possibility, even if it is a short time solution, it will take the pressure off the politicians for a decade or so depending on how well the war is managed or mismanaged.

Like you I hope it is not true....but also like you I agree that they like to divert attention with the right hand so you do not notice the left.

The fact that the 51st US State ( Israel) has been chomping at the bit to bomb Iran.

That they now have the US claiming all kinds of possible world wide danger should Iran have nukes it is the end of the world<sic>

....well it does not look good.

Never mind the fact that Israel has a ton of undeclared nukes & with North Korea does not take part in the non-proliferation treaty......Or that Iran has never posed a threat nor attacked Israel as they know they would be vaporized...

All that matters now is a bigger diversion.

be lenient Gentlemen! it's quite difficult to divert attention away from $15 trillion debt :whistling:


There comes a time when those that say it is only a conspiracy theory

can no longer remain in denial when you are being punched repeatedly in the face

by the facts :ph34r:

Bilderberg Group "highest form of world government"


Jones said the Bilderberg Group covertly set up the European Union and that its members are seeking world government.

Jones is too chicken to mention tsunamis, earth quakes, global warming, swine flu, chicken flu, aids flu and hyperinflation flu.


You know I hear a lot of scenarios on what is going to happen due to the financial crisis. We hear inflation, deflation, hyper inflation, letting the banks go broke, nationalizing the banks, riots and civil war.

More and more people are becoming disenchanted with the way the politicians are running things and the politicians know it. So what is the one thing that is sure to get the people thinking about bigger problems than the economy. That would be a nice war, you choose the players, could be anyone. The government will gin up excuses to justify having an all out war. Once it starts it takes the average Joe's mind off the politicians and onto the war. It can also be a real money maker for a lot of the rich, and only the poor and middle class do the fighting and lose their lives. Also helps the unemployment situation as it takes a lot of stuff to fight a war and a lot of people to make it.

I hope this does not come about but it is a possibility, even if it is a short time solution, it will take the pressure off the politicians for a decade or so depending on how well the war is managed or mismanaged.

Mrs Merkel of the 4th Reich that is the German led EU has most certainly talking up a war in the past month if Europeans dont do as she says, the German political elite have been trying to rule Europe for 100 years and it seems theyre going to get their way.

She is a communist, you only have to see the way in which she has put her facist stooges in Greece and Italy to acknowledge this.

Peter Mandelson's said in 2009 we now live in a post-democratic era, he has been proven to be correct.

IMHO there will be Indigenous freedom fighters in Europe if this continues in the coming years. The problem being the fascist EU is most advanced police state in the world and has so many ways of suppressing them.


I hope this does not come about but it is a possibility, even if it is a short time solution, it will take the pressure off the politicians for a decade or so depending on how well the war is managed or mismanaged.

Like you I hope it is not true....but also like you I agree that they like to divert attention with the right hand so you do not notice the left.

The fact that the 51st US State ( Israel) has been chomping at the bit to bomb Iran.

That they now have the US claiming all kinds of possible world wide danger should Iran have nukes it is the end of the world<sic>

....well it does not look good.

Never mind the fact that Israel has a ton of undeclared nukes & with North Korea does not take part in the non-proliferation treaty......Or that Iran has never posed a threat nor attacked Israel as they know they would be vaporized...

All that matters now is a bigger diversion.

be lenient Gentlemen! it's quite difficult to divert attention away from $15 trillion debt :whistling:

$15 Trillion today .. $20 by the end of next year ? What is 100 Trillion ? 1 Zimbabwian :o

US Pacific Aus-sault: 'Military-economic alliance looms'


Europe , by hook or by crook , seems to be bluffing its way through this crisis - and if it continues .. attention will probably shift to the US and the $ /

A turn around coming ....

$ down , markets & commodities up ... :rolleyes:


I hope this does not come about but it is a possibility, even if it is a short time solution, it will take the pressure off the politicians for a decade or so depending on how well the war is managed or mismanaged.

Like you I hope it is not true....but also like you I agree that they like to divert attention with the right hand so you do not notice the left.

The fact that the 51st US State ( Israel) has been chomping at the bit to bomb Iran.

That they now have the US claiming all kinds of possible world wide danger should Iran have nukes it is the end of the world<sic>

....well it does not look good.

Never mind the fact that Israel has a ton of undeclared nukes & with North Korea does not take part in the non-proliferation treaty......Or that Iran has never posed a threat nor attacked Israel as they know they would be vaporized...

All that matters now is a bigger diversion.

be lenient Gentlemen! it's quite difficult to divert attention away from $15 trillion debt :whistling:

$15 Trillion today .. $20 by the end of next year ? What is 100 Trillion ? 1 Zimbabwian :o

US Pacific Aus-sault: 'Military-economic alliance looms'

Great video Churchill, I agree with what Alice Slater had to say . But I think Namm's 15T would seem to low when you look at the U.S. National Debt Time clock. It's closer to 117T http://www.usdebtclock.org/ That is going to burn out the printing machines or they will have to raise the dollar size of the bills. A 10,000 dollar bill is just around the corner.


It seems everyone knows that the ECB is buying Italian and Spanish debt but they will or cannot admit it ... So Euro is not seen as a basket case / so far so good ........ :unsure:

'We won’t know until early next year how much the ECB has spent on its efforts to defend Italy and Spain facilitate the transmission of monetary policy across the Eurozone.

However, Gary Jenkins at Evolution Securities has crunched some numbers and he reckons the bank is now sitting on up to €100bn of Italian debt alone.'

continued ..



Israel is certainly a possibility but what got me thinking about it was Obama sending troops to Australia. &lt;deleted&gt; Australia is very capable of taking care of itself. Then Hillary is making connections in SE Asia, and they are worried about China. That would seem like a huge mistake to me, why poke at the biggest kid on the block? But then making sense never has anything to do with it.

Similar scripts actually

In regards to China...No different than Iran.

It seems in this version of the world none can sell/buildup arms except US & the 51st State & those they deem fit to give them to for

overthrows ummm democratic revolutions.

Yet if countries like Even China builds a war ship...gasp....then what the heck is going on here....We better station troops accordingly.

Your right makes no sense at all

Funny thing is if China wanted to threaten they need not fire a shot.

Just stop lending/buying treasuries & start selling like crazy.

I think the US is playing Iran totally wrong ..

They have to give up the idea that they must police the world ..

I recently saw a documentary on BBC about life in Tehran and the people are really cosmopolitan with a ski resort close ..

and one of my trusted friends is from Iran commuting between London and Tehran ..

Threats will be met with threats ..that is no way forward !! :angry:

Top US senator unveils Iran central bank sanctions http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5hhCsKDHwV6qjxIpEu06UzoanP82g?docId=CNG.1e15397ba6f112f35bec6eb7fd662ef1.191


I find it unbelievable how little attention is paid to unfunded liabilities in the United States (ie. Unfunded Social Security and Medicare costs going forward).

The politicians argue over the current annual deficits being run of 1.5 - 2 trillion dollars and yet there is next to no mention of unfunded liabilities which make those deficits pale into insignificance.

It is like the unfunded liabilities are just so scary to even think about that no one dare talk about them.

I find it absolutely mind-boggling when I hear economic commentators talking-up the long-term prospects of the United States economy. What drugs are these guys on? I'd love to try some of them.


Mrs Merkel of the 4th Reich that is the German led EU has most certainly talking up a war in the past month if Europeans dont do as she says, the German political elite have been trying to rule Europe for 100 years and it seems theyre going to get their way.

She is a communist, you only have to see the way in which she has put her facist stooges in Greece and Italy to acknowledge this.

Peter Mandelson's said in 2009 we now live in a post-democratic era, he has been proven to be correct.

IMHO there will be Indigenous freedom fighters in Europe if this continues in the coming years. The problem being the fascist EU is most advanced police state in the world and has so many ways of suppressing them.


p.s. GODSPEED to the Indigenous freedom fighters the J€hadis and M€Ujahedins.



I find it unbelievable how little attention is paid to unfunded liabilities in the United States (ie. Unfunded Social Security and Medicare costs going forward).

The politicians argue over the current annual deficits being run of 1.5 - 2 trillion dollars and yet there is next to no mention of unfunded liabilities which make those deficits pale into insignificance.

It is like the unfunded liabilities are just so scary to even think about that no one dare talk about them.

I find it absolutely mind-boggling when I hear economic commentators talking-up the long-term prospects of the United States economy. What drugs are these guys on? I'd love to try some of them.

There is no problem with Social Security. A simple matter of tweaking the income cap for the tax on workers would solve it instantly for another hundred years. Medicare? Yes, huge problem. The simple answer would be to institute nationalized health care with strict cost controls for all Americans. Sadly, socialism-phobia makes such a Euro style fix impossible.


Great video Churchill, I agree with what Alice Slater had to say . But I think Namm's 15T would seem to low when you look at the U.S. National Debt Time clock. It's closer to 117T http://www.usdebtclock.org/ That is going to burn out the printing machines or they will have to raise the dollar size of the bills. A 10,000 dollar bill is just around the corner.

yes Alice Slater is correct. I can't believe Barack Obama is telling the American people that China is a possible threat

on its own ? There is simply no evidence that China has hostile intentions ? This is all Israel pulling the strings of America once again :bah:

For sure China could become a potential threat if Iran is attacked ( and Russia ) because they would be more inclined to support Iran. But the reintroduction of troops in Australia is to prepare for the utter chaos that will ensue in this region.



Great video Churchill, I agree with what Alice Slater had to say . But I think Namm's 15T would seem to low when you look at the U.S. National Debt Time clock. It's closer to 117T http://www.usdebtclock.org/ That is going to burn out the printing machines or they will have to raise the dollar size of the bills. A 10,000 dollar bill is just around the corner.

yes Alice Slater is correct. I can't believe Barack Obama is telling the American people that China is a possible threat

on its own ? There is simply no evidence that China has hostile intentions ? This is all Israel pulling the strings of America once again :bah:

For sure China could become a potential threat if Iran is attacked ( and Russia ) because they would be more inclined to support Iran. But the reintroduction of troops in Australia is to prepare for the utter chaos that will ensue in this region.


If Israel attacks Iran ... that is the day to feel sad ... :(


Europe , by hook or by crook , seems to be bluffing its way through this crisis - and if it continues .. attention will probably shift to the US and the $ /

A turn around coming ....

$ down , markets & commodities up ... :rolleyes:

The euro is a heavyweight boxer taking some hits. It will strike back only once. That will be enough....

a solution will be found , unless they are all stupid ... An Open Letter to Dr Jens Weidmann http://www.voxeu.org/index.php?q=node/7296


If Israel attacks Iran ... that is the day to feel sad ... :(

Yes hopefully that won't be necessary and Iran's regime can be persuaded or otherwise forced to stop their nuclear bomb program without it coming to that.


Great video Churchill, I agree with what Alice Slater had to say . But I think Namm's 15T would seem to low when you look at the U.S. National Debt Time clock. It's closer to 117T http://www.usdebtclock.org/ That is going to burn out the printing machines or they will have to raise the dollar size of the bills. A 10,000 dollar bill is just around the corner.

yes Alice Slater is correct. I can't believe Barack Obama is telling the American people that China is a possible threat

on its own ? There is simply no evidence that China has hostile intentions ? This is all Israel pulling the strings of America once again :bah:

For sure China could become a potential threat if Iran is attacked ( and Russia ) because they would be more inclined to support Iran. But the reintroduction of troops in Australia is to prepare for the utter chaos that will ensue in this region.


'US successfully tests new hypersonic missile

The United States has successfully tested a new rocket which speed exceeds the speed of sound by five times, the Associated Press reports, citing Pentagon. The rocket, called the Advanced Hypersonic Weapon, was launched from the Pacific Missile Range Facility in Hawaii. It traveled 3,700 kilometers in less than half an hour and successfully struck the target. Earlier this year, the Congressional Research Service said in a report the Advanced Hypersonic Weapon is part of the military's program to develop "prompt global strike" weapons that would allow the US to strike targets anywhere in the world with conventional weapons in as little as an hour.'




More and more people are becoming disenchanted with the way the politicians are running things and the politicians know it. So what is the one thing that is sure to get the people thinking about bigger problems than the economy. That would be a nice war, you choose the players, could be anyone. The government will gin up excuses to justify having an all out war. Once it starts it takes the average Joe’s mind off the politicians and onto the war. It can also be a real money maker for a lot of the rich, and only the poor and middle class do the fighting and lose their lives. Also helps the unemployment situation as it takes a lot of stuff to fight a war and a lot of people to make it.


And the irony is that one of the reasons the US has so much debt and is in such a mess is because of the cost of all its wars it's been funding for years. Uk and much of Europe would be better off too.

I wonder when the US will work out, that if they pull out of all these places and wars and stop interfering based on their own interests, they'll cut their expenses enormously. Probably have a more stable world too given that for every problem they "solve" they alienate so many people in the process that the world just gets more and more radical and extreme.

Stop interfering. Pull the troops out. Save money. Spend it on worthwhile causes and job creation, and perhaps even consider paying off some debt :)


Mrs Merkel of the 4th Reich that is the German led EU has most certainly talking up a war in the past month if Europeans dont do as she says, the German political elite have been trying to rule Europe for 100 years and it seems theyre going to get their way.

She is a communist, you only have to see the way in which she has put her facist stooges in Greece and Italy to acknowledge this.

Peter Mandelson's said in 2009 we now live in a post-democratic era, he has been proven to be correct.

IMHO there will be Indigenous freedom fighters in Europe if this continues in the coming years. The problem being the fascist EU is most advanced police state in the world and has so many ways of suppressing them.


p.s. GODSPEED to the Indigenous freedom fighters the J€hadis and M€Ujahedins.


Are you trying to say you believe the communist scum that is the German political elite are Nazis? Theyve certainly similar non democratic principles. But the other groups you mentioned are not indigenous.

You are clearly a fool who believes that appointing unelected totalitarian stooges in sovereign countries that are meant to be democracies to serve the purpose of the German led utterly corrupt EU regime is going to be accepted by the people!

As the gentleman Nigel Farage states the EU was meant to stop fascism and the Germans taking over Europe its doing exactly the opposite.


If Israel attacks Iran ... that is the day to feel sad ... :(

Yes hopefully that won't be necessary and Iran's regime can be persuaded or otherwise forced to stop their nuclear bomb program without it coming to that.

an alternative would be if Iran could manage to produce a fistful of nuclear devices as soon as possible to stop the threats of being attacked (example North Korea) by any war mongers who sit on piles of nuclear warheads with the lame justification "holier than thou!".

p.s. assuming the threats are not just saber rattling which is going on since years, an attack on Iran would be just what's needed to end the present financial crisis and we could all live happily ever after :whistling:


Stop interfering. Pull the troops out. Save money. Spend it on worthwhile causes and job creation, and perhaps even consider paying off some debt :)

Another who believes govt should tax people and create jobs, most in govt are career politicians who have never had a job in the private sector in their lives yet the sheep seem to believe they can create jobs its truly and astoundingly deluded concept) .The problem is govt interfering/taxation in the first place enabling them to form the vile formidable totalitarian regimes theyve become.

10-15% tax on GDP is more then enough for govts to run RRR's esq education, a small military to defend its borders, police force and basic health care.

And leave the people who made their money to spend it as they see fit.


Mrs Merkel of the 4th Reich that is the German led EU has most certainly talking up a war in the past month if Europeans dont do as she says, the German political elite have been trying to rule Europe for 100 years and it seems theyre going to get their way.

She is a communist, you only have to see the way in which she has put her facist stooges in Greece and Italy to acknowledge this.

Peter Mandelson's said in 2009 we now live in a post-democratic era, he has been proven to be correct.

IMHO there will be Indigenous freedom fighters in Europe if this continues in the coming years. The problem being the fascist EU is most advanced police state in the world and has so many ways of suppressing them.


p.s. GODSPEED to the Indigenous freedom fighters the J€hadis and M€Ujahedins.


Are you trying to say you believe the communist scum that is the German political elite are Nazis? Theyve certainly similar non democratic principles. But the other groups you mentioned are not indigenous.

You are clearly a fool who believes that appointing unelected totalitarian stooges in sovereign countries that are meant to be democracies to serve the purpose of the German led utterly corrupt EU regime is going to be accepted by the people!

As the gentleman Nigel Farage states the EU was meant to stop fascism and the Germans taking over Europe its doing exactly the opposite.

the rubbish you write proves who of us two is a fool :lol:


If Israel attacks Iran ... that is the day to feel sad ... :(

Yes hopefully that won't be necessary and Iran's regime can be persuaded or otherwise forced to stop their nuclear bomb program without it coming to that.

Another way the US could save money and reduce debt: Phase out their own nuclear weapons, and stop making any more. Would probably save other countries billions too in de-escalation, and help reduce their debts.

I'm no fan of Iran. But put yourself in their shoes. Why shouldn't they develop nuclear weapons when a belligerent and war-mongering US has them? What gives the US the right to nuclear weapons and saying others can't? If you were Iran wouldn't you want to protect yourself from the US? The US have been proving for hundreds of years if they have superior weaponry, they've no qualms about using it for their own interest, and eliminating others.

Do the US really think other people will want to continue bringing knives to their gun fights? They need to grow out of the mentality they've had since elminating the Indians for their own interests :)


Stop interfering. Pull the troops out. Save money. Spend it on worthwhile causes and job creation, and perhaps even consider paying off some debt :)

Another who believes govt should tax people and create jobs, the problem is govt interfering/taxation in the first place enabling them to form the vile formidable totalitarian regimes theyve become.

10% tax on GDP is more then enough for govts to run RRR's esq education, a military to defend its borders and basic health care.

No mention of tax in my post. I think you're confused with someone else :)

I'm no fan of Iran. But put yourself in their shoes. Why shouldn't they develop nuclear weapons when a belligerent and war-mongering US has them? What gives the US the right to nuclear weapons and saying others can't?

what question Fletch!? <_<

the power that comes not from muzzles of guns but cruise missiles, hellfire rockets, smart bombs and intercontinental ballistic missiles with multiple nuclear warheads.

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