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Canyon Ride!


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Well, the idea of spending a month in Ranong soon cooled when I took in the full 'backwater' vibe to the place.

Nonetheless I still saw that there were a few sights to take in before I risked my neck on the return trip north.

Here's the canyon scouting mission:

If you hang a left coming into ranong at the signs for 'SPRINGs/HOT WATER SPRINGS' you follow this road. You'll pass signs indicating turn right for the Hot Springs. A glut of speed bumps are here so try and elude or slow down for them.

After here you'll go onto a winding and wending valley road.



It's narrow so be wary. A ton of construction wagons were toing and froing back and forth as well.

The road starts to get a bit shitty and some evil potholes are present on the last 1/3 of corners.

You should pass a Mad Max style off-roader and then a temple sign will appear and you need to slow down here, as there's MORE speedbumps!

After this keep following the signs for the Canyon. If memory serves me you'll reach a T-Junction, turn right and head up the hill. You are on the Canyon Trail, get your lean on!



You are now truly in the wilderness, miles from nowhere and it's you versus the road. Don't screw up as the is hardly any traffic:



Be wary of this corner, the 'uphill lane' (left hand is dirt only and cars use it.)


But the views are worth the risk.


The road keeps on going and pretty I had a glimmer of a real gem of a location: (more on this later).


I pass it by, determinded to see the canyon out before resting...

Once past this there's a small village with curious little thais wondering what the Ryder is up to.

It's strange as they have all these nuts from the trees arranged in a quirky way along the road edges. I guess it passes the time and gives passers-by something to look at!

I hope I don't have to crunch over to many of them on a corner! :o



Just after the above picture was taken the road bends around to the right and become a near-impassible trail. I could of wended the CBR down it but it didn't really appeal to me as the trees were dense and getting good photo ops was less and less likely that way.

I returned to the lake, which I nickname Lake Eden as it has original charm and is remote with an esoteric feel. Untouched by the mass tourism elsewhere:



A few buildings off to the side of the road sell treats and snacks.


But once you leave the road it's like entering another space entirely...




The place is a paradise, but not so much once you spend awhile there.

If you look closely at the buildings you can see the roof's are built low, for the sun sets directly over the stone crags surrounding the lake hitting you right in the eyes and the buildings behind you.

With little cover from the sun the lake is a real heat reflector. On a cloudy day though it would be ideal but at mid-day and afternoon it's a heatray!

It was nearly mid-day and the burn was setting in. I grabbed a drink from one of kids (who must surely enjoy being up here to play around) who ran the shop/building.

It was time to move on and leave Eden Lake behind.


A salt-of-the-earth ranger walked past the bike waving, I waved back and rode off to see where the next adventure was. :D

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Another excellent road for some peg scraping is the 4006. Leave Ranong and head south towards Phuket / Khao Lak. Around 25km just before Kapoe is the 4006. Hang a left and head east. Its a very nice road in good condition and a lot less traffic than the 4 that takes you across the mountains from Chumphon. You have some lovely sweeping bends and some really nice straights with no side roads joining. This brings you out at Lang Suan. Hang a left and you are on the main drag to HH. Its the 41 till Chumphon then back to the 4. Another beautiful ride is the 4139. Just before you cross the big river near the Isthmus of Kra on the 4 back towards Chmphon is a small road on the right. The road is in a poor condition but it cuts through the mountains with some stunning scenery. Just watch out for the pot holes. Again it brings you out on the 41 near Thung Tako around 30 km south of Chumphon Me and the Rocket have had some beautiful days riding around this part of the country :o

Edited by H2oDunc
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Just dug some pictures out from the ride across on the 4139. It has some of the most stunning scenery around the area. There is a near perfect circular hole in one of the mountains. It looks like a rocket has been fired through it. I've never seen anything like it before. A beautiful ride but a slow one because of the road condition. :o






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Just dug some pictures out from the ride across on the 4139. It has some of the most stunning scenery around the area. There is a near perfect circular hole in one of the mountains. It looks like a rocket has been fired through it. I've never seen anything like it before. A beautiful ride but a slow one because of the road condition. :o

You wouldnt have to lean too far to scrape the pegs on that beast h20dunc. Nice pics.

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