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Sleepless Nights Ahead For Bohpud & Gecko Fire & Threads


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Glad to hear Gary is ok ... gutted i never got to sample the new gecko club

but dont think it will put him off ..... check out his status on facebook


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Glad to hear Gary is ok ... gutted i never got to sample the new gecko club

but dont think it will put him off ..... check out his status on facebook


What an ass-hole, if this is true!!!!

I would imagine you could put your money on it! Thinking about it, it will probably be his biggest crowd ever!

Great! We can open up the old thread again! Yipee!

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Glad to hear Gary is ok ... gutted i never got to sample the new gecko club

but dont think it will put him off ..... check out his status on facebook


I think it might be April the 1st in Bridgend! Nice one 1927.

Tell you what though, I bet you could be right mate!


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Well they got soo many friends, let them help!

You are right.. What goes around DOES come around.... YOU'LL SEE!!!!




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A n onsensical, screaming (all capitals) post has been deleted.



Just passing a message on.. You'll be sued for this and someone will also go to jail

Your website will be involved in an internal investigation and all of your IP addresses have been noted by the way

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5) Not to post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling.

Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

6) Not to post comments that could be reasonably construed as defamation or libel.

Defamation is the issuance of a false statement about another person, which causes that person to suffer harm. Libel involves the making of defamatory statements in a printed or fixed medium, such as a magazine or newspaper.

I have deleted several posts. Please read the rules above re flaming & trolling.Pushing a person to respond in a negative manner is trolling & warnings have been issued.

Two things posters have to take into account here:

1/ No one has any joy out of anyone's misfortune, so to harp on it or gloat upon it, is not the done thing, warnings & if necessary suspensions or outright banning will take place.

2/ For people responding, issuing threats in public is also not the done thing & frowned upon. Nor is the assumption that guilt lays with someone from this forum Please these are very serious charges.

Both sides should seriously consider their tones & innuendos.If this doesn't improve, I'm not going to have a trashing match going on & have no hesitation in closing it.


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Further to my earlier reply & warning.

First let me tell you, that even though some people might have differences with Gecko's, no one takes pleasure out of what has happened. There are some posts out of school, but if you read them all, you will see that people were concerned about Gary's welfare & not very happy with what has happened.

If people have arguments or concerns , there are legal ways to address them & I'm sure arson or thuggery is not an avenue to be explored.

Myself & Thaivisa appreciate some people's close relationship with Garry, we understand feelings are running high. If you feel aggrieved by some of the comments , fair enough, you are entitled to answer, or press the report button. But threats against members are not acceptable in any way,shape or form.

If you wish to pursue legal avenues against certain members please do so , but not by threatening physical violence on an open forum.

Maybe we don't live in our country as someone mentioned in a deleted post, but there is also a judicial system here in Thailand, that is very capable of dealing with veiled or unveiled threats. Samui law is not above the law of the land.

Again wishing Garry a speedy recovery.

Rooo, on behalf of Thaivisa moderating team.

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An interesting quote from concerned in the Sleepless thread.

"If this venue and its owners respect the peace of the surrounding area (as stated by the poster who is clearly close to the owner) and the people in it, all will be well in "Paradise". However if it goes in the other direction and the powerful people up there whose living comes from renting their villas, start losing their business, then the people running this outfit will have to be quiet very quickly or get ready to run.

I posted in this vein previously and the post was removed. I can only assumed that it was somehow perceived as some kind of threat or warning. This is NOT so! It is simply a statement about the type of "Wild West" society that those of us who have lived in Samui for many years, know exists.

People living in this sort of environment will simply not watch millions of bahts of income disappear when a few thousand will solve the problem for them. This unfortunately is sad but true! I sincerely hope for the sake of all, that the people who have started this project are able to make a good living out of it without ruining the living of all that surround them, then they will be safe and all around will be happy.

This post is not a threat or warning! Just a hope that sanity prevails in a beautiful but dangerous place."

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Members, quoting threads from other topics, with the pure intent of creating discontent have been warned & post removed.

This is a topic about an incident, so far no one has been able to contribute in any way, as to the cause of the fire.

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Well they got soo many friends, let them help!

You are right.. What goes around DOES come around.... YOU'LL SEE!!!!




You are rather noisy this morning! Since when has objecting to noisy nightclubs been against the law?

Arson however IS against the law.

Are you here publicly accusing us of arson?

Please be very careful. The laws of libel in Thailand are very severe indeed. Persue this line and I can assure you you are likely to find yourself in a court of law followed by the monkey house in double quick time.

As for hiding behind user names. What's your name?

It is common practice and recommended throughout the world not to disclose identities on forums and on the web for sensible security reasons.

If anyone did commit arson then they should go to jail.

However people on here are allowed to express their opinion about noisy venues. That is not breaking the law. The only one putting themselves on the wrong side of the law right now is you.

Whilst many of us will probably understand you feeling very upset about a friend's demise, you should as I say, make yourself aware with regards to Thai libel laws and realise the position you are likely to put yourself in

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Inflammatory post removed. Please read the rules before posting.

4) Not to flame fellow members.

Flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, to launch personal attacks, to insult, or to be hateful towards other members. This includes useless criticism, name-calling, swearing and any other comments meant to incite anger.

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Iv had a post deleted once again and im confused why... possible swear word may have done it but all i was doing was quoting Garys facebook... ....  let me try again

Gary, glad your ok and hope you and your family get through this ... left a message on your facebook and glad to see you have so many people supporting you...

and with regards to your status update glad you plan on coming back .... i should be in Samui from Jan to July and would offer any help in the re building of a new club ... would give me something to do .....

all the best

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Have we still got to the reason of the fire?

That would be very useful information under the circumstances.

I have heard from 3 sources (all completely unsubstantiated) that Gary fell asleep with a cigarette on the go and that started it. I have also heard on here (also unsubstantiated) that it was due to gas being left on in the kitchen.

If someone from the establishment itself would be kind enough to let us know whether either of these is the case, we could end all this speculation about arson etc. etc. and we could all get on with our lives! Surely that's not too much to ask is it?

If it is something more sinister, then surely it's best to know that too!

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Have we still got to the reason of the fire?

That would be very useful information under the circumstances.

I have heard from 3 sources (all completely unsubstantiated) that Gary fell asleep with a cigarette on the go and that started it. I have also heard on here (also unsubstantiated) that it was due to gas being left on in the kitchen.

If someone from the establishment itself would be kind enough to let us know whether either of these is the case, we could end all this speculation about arson etc. etc. and we could all get on with our lives! Surely that's not too much to ask is it?

If it is something more sinister, then surely it's best to know that too!

Why do you care? Fair enough this makes interesting reading but unless you are no longer being kept awake by the club or you are an angry friend/associate/"family member" of the gecko then really.. Why do you care? I don't like to see anyone hurt & won't speculate the cause of the fire but I do believe in karma & it does take many forms, it commonly takes the form of human response to human action. I'm betting that his bravado will die with his anger & he won't be back, Ibeza is so much more farang friendly. 50 baht says I'm right.

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Have we still got to the reason of the fire?

That would be very useful information under the circumstances.

I have heard from 3 sources (all completely unsubstantiated) that Gary fell asleep with a cigarette on the go and that started it. I have also heard on here (also unsubstantiated) that it was due to gas being left on in the kitchen.

If someone from the establishment itself would be kind enough to let us know whether either of these is the case, we could end all this speculation about arson etc. etc. and we could all get on with our lives! Surely that's not too much to ask is it?

If it is something more sinister, then surely it's best to know that too!

Why do you care? Fair enough this makes interesting reading but unless you are no longer being kept awake by the club or you are an angry friend/associate/"family member" of the gecko then really.. Why do you care? I don't like to see anyone hurt & won't speculate the cause of the fire but I do believe in karma & it does take many forms, it commonly takes the form of human response to human action. I'm betting that his bravado will die with his anger & he won't be back, Ibeza is so much more farang friendly. 50 baht says I'm right.

Now let's see! Why would I care? Mmmmm. How about a load of us who live around here are being considered to be bloody arsonists and are consequently the focus of quite a bit of aggression. When you are not any such thing, don't you think you would give a sh-t about it becoming known that it was in fact an accident! Good enough for you Einstein?

By the way, I'll have your 50 baht anyday. The karaoke has already started again loud and clear!

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Have we still got to the reason of the fire?

That would be very useful information under the circumstances.

I have heard from 3 sources (all completely unsubstantiated) that Gary fell asleep with a cigarette on the go and that started it. I have also heard on here (also unsubstantiated) that it was due to gas being left on in the kitchen.

If someone from the establishment itself would be kind enough to let us know whether either of these is the case, we could end all this speculation about arson etc. etc. and we could all get on with our lives! Surely that's not too much to ask is it?

If it is something more sinister, then surely it's best to know that too!

Why do you care? Fair enough this makes interesting reading but unless you are no longer being kept awake by the club or you are an angry friend/associate/"family member" of the gecko then really.. Why do you care? I don't like to see anyone hurt & won't speculate the cause of the fire but I do believe in karma & it does take many forms, it commonly takes the form of human response to human action. I'm betting that his bravado will die with his anger & he won't be back, Ibeza is so much more farang friendly. 50 baht says I'm right.

Now let's see! Why would I care? Mmmmm. How about a load of us who live around here are being considered to be bloody arsonists and are consequently the focus of quite a bit of aggression. When you are not so such thing, don't you think you would give a sh-t about it becoming known that it was in fact an accident! Good enough for you Einstein?

By the way, I'll have your 50 baht anyday. The karaoke has already started again loud and clear!

Trying to get this straight... So you live nearby, you are being threatened/questioned? You maintain that it was an accident & I quote your post:

"about it becoming known that it was in fact an accident!"

FACT being the operative word.

I'm trying to figure out whether your english is bad or whether I'm understanding you properly & you need to try to imply that this was an accident to stop the accusations that you may or may not be experiencing?

I'll ignore the rest of your comments as those from someone who's insecure & frightened because no, I wouldn't "give a sh1t" if I was innocent.

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Sorry just can't leave this alone!

"Trying to get this straight"

Don't try, you have no chance! I'm sure most other people have probably grasped it though!


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Sorry just can't leave this alone!

"Trying to get this straight"

Don't try, you have no chance! I'm sure most other people have probably grasped it though!


Your probably right, understanding scrubbers never was my strong point.

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Just give me your 50 baht and stop being such a bad loser!

You sound just like a thai bargirl now.

Aaaaaargh! And I thought I had managed to leave my past behind me!

Please don't be offended I'm only rude to people I like and what with me being a bar girl and you being R1CH ! Well, I mean we should really be friends!

Good night Harnsuum Maaaan!

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Just give me your 50 baht and stop being such a bad loser!

You sound just like a thai bargirl now.

Aaaaaargh! And I thought I had managed to leave my past behind me!

Please don't be offended I'm only rude to people I like and what with me being a bar girl and you being R1CH ! Well, I mean we should really be friends!

Good night Harnsuum Maaaan!

Well at least you've lightened your mood for tonight, never mind eh... tomorrow is another day :)

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