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Visa Agency Rip Off

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I would like to warn other forum members not to use ******, which is right next door to the official British visa center in REGENT HOUSE, RATCHAMDARMI ROAD, LUMPINI , BANGKOK 022548894.

We were usherd into this office and were told it was the offical British embassy visa center, i also asked the manager 3 times and he confirmed this. They wanted 25,000 BAHT for a TOURIST VISA. We gave a deposit of 12,500 BAHT and then as we left the office we noticed the official British visa center next door. When we asked *********for our money back they refused, even though they told us lies and were overcharging us for a Tourist visa service.

The British visa office were of great help and we paid 4,250 Baht and received the Tourist visa after 5 days.

We reported ***** to the THAI POLICE , but they were not interested, luckily there was a thai speaking english police liason officer in the station at the time and he was able to get a police report made out for us.

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Am I right in believing the OP actually mistook the cowboy visa agent for the VFS office next door and it was normal practice to pay a fee of 25,000 to the outfit contracted by the British embassy simply to manage their " queue " and the application process?

Surely not?

Perhaps the chap would like to buy shares in my timeshare villa complex in Yala?

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That's another one they stole a clients file last year from my company. We prepared it and she was silly enough to hand it to them, they simply walked through the door submitted it and charged her a ridiculous fee. We now use an escort service to ensure the docs go to the right people.

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I should complain to the British embassy visa section about this. While they may well plead they can do nothing about the commercial operations in the same building as their outsource agents, it is inexcusable to have these jokers sharing the same lobby as the VFS who may even have some sort of relationship with them.

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I should complain to the British embassy visa section about this. While they may well plead they can do nothing about the commercial operations in the same building as their outsource agents, it is inexcusable to have these jokers sharing the same lobby as the VFS who may even have some sort of relationship with them.

And the British Embassy will probably point to the disclaimer on their website which says this:-

"Use of Visa Agents

There are a number of visa agents in operation throughout Thailand, prospective applicants may choose to use them in order to support or prepare their entry clearance application. It is important to note that these agents are in no way whatsoever connected to the Embassy. They have no influence over the outcome of an application. The British Embassy's outsource partner, VFS Global, operates from the UK Visa Application Centre. Their staff are clearly identifiable by their uniform.

Any decision to utilise the service of an agent is entirely at the applicants' discretion. "

They also provide a link to the VFS website which carries the same message and also provides a photograph of staff in uniform under the legend "UK Visa Application Centre" alongside a Union Jack. They will perhaps take the view that they have done what they can to steer people throught the right door and those who can't work it out for themselves may well need/deserve the services of an agent.

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Neither the embassy nor VFS have any control over whoever the building owners let other offices to. They could move, but these sharks would only follow.

Even when applications were made at the embassy itself there were con artists like this preying on the queue outside. When applying for my wife's settlement visa we were approached by one suggesting he let us check the application before we submitted it. A short Anglo Saxon phrase got rid of him.

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  • 5 months later...
Am I right in believing the OP actually mistook the cowboy visa agent for the VFS office next door and it was normal practice to pay a fee of 25,000 to the outfit contracted by the British embassy simply to manage their " queue " and the application process?

Surely not?

Perhaps the chap would like to buy shares in my timeshare villa complex in Yala?

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The full name and address of the visa company that ripped us off is:

The managers name is Charlie and he called some thai men to try and frighten us when we demanded are money back.The above office is next door to the official British VFS visa center.Dont take notice of anyone who tries to lead you into another office, make your own way to the Official British VFS VISA CENTER.

This company has several offices in Thailand inc Pattaya.

They are a totally useless and greedy visa agency who will overcharge you and will get nasty if you complain. :)

Edit: name of company removed per forum rules - mario2008

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the young girl, from that office next to uk visa ctr approached me, when we went to put in are docs in but i informed here as she was independant,and nothing to do with vfs, i was not interested, got some surly looks off her,the rest of the time i was there,waiting for missus to finish handing in docs ect.

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Here's an interesting report about an official survey into the standards at the British Embassy in Bangkok in November 2007 IMrecommendBangkokNov07.pdf

Despite some posters on this forum insisting that anybody who mistakes the Visa World office for the VFS center must be an idiot on page two it clearly states

Visa Application Centre: There continues to be concern that the Visa Application Centre run by UKvisas official outsource partner can be confused with private visa agencies operating close by, and which have deliberately mimicked the VAC appearance.Given that consumers often buy by price, I wondered whether large window signs “advertising” the application handling fee might be effective. For a visit visa the official partner’s price would always be £63 (local equivalent) but the opportunist agent will want to add on their own fees.

Because it states 'continues to be a concern' I assume the problem had been highlighted even earlier than this report, yet, although the VFS center accepted the report's recomendations after more than a year and a half things are exactly the same, nothing has been done to change the signage to make things clearer.

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Just thought Id put my 2 cents worth in here .

Like many guys who regularly come to Thailand , I unexpectadly met a great woman and after a few trips back and forth , started down the road of tourist visa applications etc so she could see Oz and meet my family and friends .

Am sure there are many categories to put our g/friends/partners in when thinking about this process , so to simplify it somewhat , I should say straight away , that my girl is from Pha khao , out from Loei , up in Ishan.

She had worked for 10 years to support her family, away from home in BKK in a factory and doesnt speak great english although she has put herself through some courses and is greatly improving this now.

As many would understand , if you are a from a farming family in Ishan , you would probably not expect to be flush with funds. This was certainly the case here so after reading a lot of the posts regarding help, info and procedures needed for tourist visa applications , I was somewhat unoptimistic about the prospects on our application . Now I need to thank a couple of you guys for advice along the way. It certainly helped althoughI may have strayed offline somewhat :)

We came in contact with a lady who ran the Phuket branch of a Visa application office in BKK and I supose got carried away with all the hype and info we were given . We had to provied mountains of info , individually , and get the office in BKK to start collating it all with plans to submit the app when I returned on the next trip 2 months later.

Some interesting stats regarding this . Deposit by way of debit card was 20,000 baht . Balance owing for the service was 32,000 baht . Now , many of you guys would be shaking their heads right now reading this but thats history . After what I have read on here myself , I would be too, :D At least my g/fs return airfare was part of the fee .

Everything seemed to be heading in the right direction . I was in direct contact with the office , they were in contact with my girl . She got her first passport and was helped along by thai speaking staff from te office and I was on my way back over before too long.

We stayed in Sathorn , whilst back and fort 2 or 3 times to Wireless rd to the office. Actually, didnt realise how close we were to the Oz embassy , could have thrown a rock and hit it from the hotel , ahh well .

Long story short , about time you say, lol , all sorted . Got the visa , 3mths and we headed back to Oz after a bit of r&r in Pattaya.

Knowing what I now know , and having runs on the board with Oz govt regarding her first visa , I wouldnt do it again , I supose. At the time , it felt safe and a reasonable bet.

Would be interested in some of you guys opinions on our situation .


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I would like to warn other forum members not to use ******, which is right next door to the official British visa center in REGENT HOUSE, RATCHAMDARMI ROAD, LUMPINI , BANGKOK 022548894.

We were usherd into this office and were told it was the offical British embassy visa center, i also asked the manager 3 times and he confirmed this. They wanted 25,000 BAHT for a TOURIST VISA. We gave a deposit of 12,500 BAHT and then as we left the office we noticed the official British visa center next door. When we asked *********for our money back they refused, even though they told us lies and were overcharging us for a Tourist visa service.

The British visa office were of great help and we paid 4,250 Baht and received the Tourist visa after 5 days.

We reported ***** to the THAI POLICE , but they were not interested, luckily there was a thai speaking english police liason officer in the station at the time and he was able to get a police report made out for us.

Only have yourself to blame - lesson learn't (?)

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Most so called agents in Thailand are mere form fillers. All they can and will do is tell you how to fill in the form and what documents are required. I firmly believe that anyone who can use a computer should be capable of finding out what is required for a successful application themselves without the need to pay someone else for this service. Although I appreciate that a small percentage of applicants may have some unusual circumstances that may require the help of a professional. In which case one should choose someone who is qualified, registered and regulated in the country to which one is applying.

However, at the end of the day, if you have used an agent and are happy with their service and consider that you paid a fair price for that service then there is no problem.

The problems start with the rip off merchants who will try to con people into thinking that they have no chance unless they engage the 'agent' and use the 'agent's special knowledge and relationship with the embassy'. Unfortunately, most of these seem to be run by Brits!

One notorious 'agent' in Pattaya certainly falls into this category. He claims a special relationship with the embassy, but when it comes to filling in the form advises his victims clients to leave the question about using an agent blank! I can understand why he does this, but cannot understand why his victims clients don't ask him why he doesn't want the embassy to know he was involved!

This is not just a Thai problem. I was working near the Russian embassy in Kensington recently. It seemed as if every other shop along the Bayswater Road was a visa agent specialising in Russian visas! Of course, not having any experience of applying for a visa to Russia I cannot comment on their competence or otherwise.

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Here's an interesting report about an official survey into the standards at the British Embassy in Bangkok in November 2007 IMrecommendBangkokNov07.pdf

Despite some posters on this forum insisting that anybody who mistakes the Visa World office for the VFS center must be an idiot on page two it clearly states

Visa Application Centre: There continues to be concern that the Visa Application Centre run by UKvisas official outsource partner can be confused with private visa agencies operating close by, and which have deliberately mimicked the VAC appearance.Given that consumers often buy by price, I wondered whether large window signs "advertising" the application handling fee might be effective. For a visit visa the official partner's price would always be £63 (local equivalent) but the opportunist agent will want to add on their own fees.

Because it states 'continues to be a concern' I assume the problem had been highlighted even earlier than this report, yet, although the VFS center accepted the report's recomendations after more than a year and a half things are exactly the same, nothing has been done to change the signage to make things clearer.

Your answer lies in the quote you provided. they asked the question whether it would be useful to put a sign up detailing the cost of the visa handling fees up in the window, but then in the same breath acknowledge that this may only lead to the unofficial agencies doing the same thing and possibly undercutting the price.

VFS will have their hands tied in relation to this. They can't keep running from office to office in BKK, or people won't know where the hel_l to go from day to day and any move they make will obviously just be duplicated by the agencies that specialise in hooking in the unwary.

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Am I right in believing the OP actually mistook the cowboy visa agent for the VFS office next door and it was normal practice to pay a fee of 25,000 to the outfit contracted by the British embassy simply to manage their " queue " and the application process?

Surely not?

Perhaps the chap would like to buy shares in my timeshare villa complex in Yala?

Believe me its very easy to get mistaken especially when they stand in front of the portable sign for the VAC.

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Those are everywhere, not only at the british side of the story.

I once was offered a tourist visa, I just had to pay almost 800 euro. What do you mean corruption? :) Even the embassy is corrupt.

Who offered you a tourist visa for where and who for?

What was the outcome of your complaint about the corrupt embassy?

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Am I right in believing the OP actually mistook the cowboy visa agent for the VFS office next door and it was normal practice to pay a fee of 25,000 to the outfit contracted by the British embassy simply to manage their " queue " and the application process?

Surely not?

Perhaps the chap would like to buy shares in my timeshare villa complex in Yala?

Believe me its very easy to get mistaken especially when they stand in front of the portable sign for the VAC.

Come on, schoolboy error is you ask me. I was approached by a couple of these touts and told them to @@@@ off. A little thought is all thats needed. Far too many people looking for the quickest and easiest way to get their missus a visa.

This should serve as a warning to them.

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VFS will have their hands tied in relation to this. They can't keep running from office to office in BKK, or people won't know where the hel_l to go from day to day and any move they make will obviously just be duplicated by the agencies that specialise in hooking in the unwary.


One solution mentioned elsewhere would be for VFS to put all their offices in the same building and insist that the landlord not allow any visa agents to rent office space there.

However, as VFS currently handle applications for only three countries in Bangkok (Australia, India and the UK) they would not need more than one, possibly two floors. In those circumstances I cannot see that any landlord would be willing to allow VFS to dictate who they can and cannot rent office space to.

Plus, of course, what signage VFS are able to put up in the building's common parts is up to the landlord; not VFS.

I would be interested to hear from Australian and Indian members about the situation at their VACs. Do they have similar problems?

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VFS will have their hands tied in relation to this. They can't keep running from office to office in BKK, or people won't know where the hel_l to go from day to day and any move they make will obviously just be duplicated by the agencies that specialise in hooking in the unwary.


One solution mentioned elsewhere would be for VFS to put all their offices in the same building and insist that the landlord not allow any visa agents to rent office space there.

However, as VFS currently handle applications for only three countries in Bangkok (Australia, India and the UK) they would not need more than one, possibly two floors. In those circumstances I cannot see that any landlord would be willing to allow VFS to dictate who they can and cannot rent office space to.

Plus, of course, what signage VFS are able to put up in the building's common parts is up to the landlord; not VFS.

I would be interested to hear from Australian and Indian members about the situation at their VACs. Do they have similar problems?

I forsee complaints on here from people getting a visa to India when they applied for a UK one! :)

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I went last year, dam hot day, hangover - muppet of taxi driver. We eventually got there and sat outside while i had a smoke before we went in, straight away i had some young thai guy who spoke good english asking questions, me feeling not so good thought he was being friendly, he then offered to show us the way and we got upstairs to the visa office, id worked hard on the visa app and had a couple of folders - we got to the entrance and im sure he gave a nod as the security guards would not let the gf in and she had to sit outside, why? i was asking myself why when it was her visa.

All this time the young guy outside was telling the gf she did not stand a chance and for a garuntee she needed to use them(i went nuts when she told me back at the hotel) etc the guards did cause a bit of scene so im pretty sure he gave a nod, i got in submitted the app and got told it had to be english, doh my fault im sure i had read it could be it thai, i thought no problem ill go outside and we can get it done in english it wont be to hard as everthing else is ok, the guy did offer the use of table in the vfs global office then things started to make sence, trying to do the app into english while he was there and him poking through my stuff and carrying on how they could do it all and we did not stand a chance pretty much finished me off for that attempt and i walked out, a lot wiser the next time we are there it will be smooth hopefully as next time i will send the gf in and stay outside.

Edited by Surini
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