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Why Are Thai Girls So Jealous?


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Hmmm..... Not wanting to burst any bubbles here... but dunno about your g/f worrying about what 'you' are up to..... when she is workong on an American airbase....  :D

???? where did you get the idea his GF was working on a US airbase?? Am I the only one who thinks you don't actually read the posts before replying??

Ai laddy, his missus is in Thailand and it's the Thai bird with her name on her hat serving him Thai food in Afganistan at the only Thai restaraunt there, on the US airbase, eh? :o

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You think you guys have problems ? My ex-wife is Japanese and who I remain very close to almost like she's my sister. I was single for 10 years after the divorce and married a Thai about 9 months ago. It is totally impossible to get her to believe I have no romatic interest in my ex-wife, she can't accept my ex still having my surname and just can't figure out why I can not speak about the ex is sour terms. It's a mental drain with the jealous issues...I'm here to tell you. It gets a little easier day-by-day though as she realizes this old boy ain't controlled by poontang...I'm as mentally and emotionally attached as anybody...but I don't ever let her think she's gaining any sort of control over me. Ain't happening.

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Very interesting topic but wrong..all women are jealous not only Thai women.

Well, but I will make your guys more jealous :D .I sent my farang boyfriend to Pattaya on his own twice. Once he went on holiday there on his own and the second time we both were in Bkk but he wanted to spend time alone in Pattaya for a week so me and my brother drove him there. A bit embarrassing really as his hotel was right in the middle of load of bars. But whatever he was up too in Pattaya I have never asked him. We are now back home and still happy together.

BTW, I am Thai. :o

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Very interesting topic but wrong..all women are jealous not only Thai women.

Well, but I will make your guys more jealous :D .I sent my farang boyfriend to Pattaya on his own twice. Once he went on holiday there on his own and the second time we both were in Bkk but he wanted to spend time alone in Pattaya for a week so me and my brother drove him there. A bit embarrassing really as his hotel was right in the middle of load of bars. But whatever he was up too in Pattaya I have never asked him. We are now back home and still happy together.

The only person most members of this board are going to be jealous of is your husband.

Did he fall out of the car laughing when you dropped him off? :o

BTW, I am Thai. :D

Don't know any other nationality that would call their husbands "farung".


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:D  My live in girlfriend doesn't trust me to go out with the lads. she thinks I am going short time. In the past, I have done what we all do and been caught out. That was a long time ago,but she never lets me forget my ' mistake' as she calls it.

Speaking to my mates, they all seem to have the same trouble with theirs.

  I live just outside Pattaya, so I suspect this has something to do with it. They know we will get pestered in the bars. Most of us have been here a long time, so we have lost interest in the b/g scene.

  Does anyone have the same problem, or am I just unlucky. I know she cares for me very much, but sometimes, I think it would be better to have someone who was indifferent.    :o

have a life....drop her and get a new one :D

unless you want life in h.e.l.l.......if that's not were you came from :D

you sound very insecure to me :D

Edited by kreon
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heheh theviking; was my post that difficult to understand for them?

maybe I need to go to english school so I can present my material in a simpler format for everyone to understand. just kidding i'm just messing with you guys, you probably just stayed up to late and were'nt able to see the screne at 100% of your normal capacity. get some sleep daaamn it!

oh and to krider -> lol are you "post stalking me"? heheh I am not worried about her man, quit sending me "doubt info"!

Edited by peder.klockmann
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Can't see why you not accept you're gf's jealousy?

What makes it sure you will not cheat on her again?

Guy's like you, that are wining about the girl, when it all starded out with you're own act's make me feel sick... :o


You might get some more time and experience with thai-girls? Or any girls? What do i know?  :D

As said before, all bg's are jelous, and are really scared to death by the thought that they can loose their support.

Why dont you try to tell her the next time she complains, that : "ok, if it aint ok for you to go out, let's split, so you can find a better man."

I think she will be a wery inderstanding girl after that sentence.  :D

I tried that, we finished for 6 months and went different ways. She met someone

with a bar in Koh Sammui and lived there. I made hay here. We kept in touch by phone, and when she came to this area, we met socially, seeming to get on better than before. She wanted to try again. saying she did not care for her new man.

I said no, it wont work, because she would only start again. She said she wouldn't.

Eventually, I weakend and agreed to try again. :D

Before long, she was at it again. It's not all the time, obviously or she would be out, but enough to wear me down. As I said before, she does love me, I'm sure, and anybody who knows, will agree that love doesn't grow on trees. This one will take care of me when my arse needs wiping,to put it bluntly. How many wives/ g/f's would do that? :D

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This one will take care of me when my arse needs wiping,to put it bluntly. How many wives/ g/f's would do that?  :o

Dunno... why don't you put that statement to the test ask her if she'll do it, and then come tell us what she said.

we'll wait :D


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  I tried that, we finished for 6 months and went different ways. She met someone

with a bar in Koh Sammui and lived there. I made hay here. We kept in touch by phone, and when she came to this area, we met socially, seeming to get on better than before. She wanted to try again. saying she did not care for her new man.

I said no, it wont work, because she would only start again.  She said she wouldn't.

Eventually, I weakend and agreed to try again.  :D

Before long, she was at it again. It's not all the time, obviously or she would be out, but enough to wear me down. As I said before, she does love me, I'm sure, and anybody who knows, will agree that love doesn't grow on trees. This one will take care of me when my arse needs wiping,to put it bluntly. How many wives/ g/f's would do that?  :o

Ye' bird's just pure mad mate :D

No trust, no relationship - what's the point? It was the main reason I ditched my ex. She had one massive insecurity complex, to the point of being stalked at my office (despite us living together at the time). What was initially a pain the arse started to come a major embarrassment.

Any wild jealous (untrue) accusations, silence them instantly. Tell her to knock it off or you'll call it a day. But at the same time, she's also been playing games? Christ...

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  I tried that, we finished for 6 months and went different ways. She met someone

with a bar in Koh Sammui and lived there. I made hay here. We kept in touch by phone, and when she came to this area, we met socially, seeming to get on better than before. She wanted to try again. saying she did not care for her new man.

I said no, it wont work, because she would only start again.  She said she wouldn't.

Eventually, I weakend and agreed to try again.  :D

Before long, she was at it again. It's not all the time, obviously or she would be out, but enough to wear me down. As I said before, she does love me, I'm sure, and anybody who knows, will agree that love doesn't grow on trees. This one will take care of me when my arse needs wiping,to put it bluntly. How many wives/ g/f's would do that?   :o

Ye' bird's just pure mad mate :D

No trust, no relationship - what's the point? It was the main reason I ditched my ex. She had one massive insecurity complex, to the point of being stalked at my office (despite us living together at the time). What was initially a pain the arse started to come a major embarrassment.

Any wild jealous (untrue) accusations, silence them instantly. Tell her to knock it off or you'll call it a day. But at the same time, she's also been playing games? Christ...

glad to hear you're not insecure, the problem is that most of the guys are wussy's and don't have the balls to do it :D

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Most of the farrang have ex BG's or Thais with kids the wrong side of 30 or both, you are the last resort. They are hanging onto the ATM card so they do not have to work. Get wise.

I was going to post something similar as this is most certainly true in the majority of cases, but not all so I refrained.

However, as more information has now come to light I am inclined to agree with the above statement. I also hope that most blokes realise that this is the case and more importantly realise that they can keep on hopping around until they find someone who doesn't just want their cash.

Edited by ProfessorFart
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I helped my wife set up a business for herself that earns not tons of money, but enough. She is totally independent which in turn allows me to save the money I earn to do other business ventures. As the old saying goes: "Don't give them fish,

teach them how to fish." This will only work with the right kind of girl though. Many just don't have a sense of entrepeneurship and twaddle the money away. In a sense, I guess this gives her a sense of security and confidence so if the day ever came that I left, she wouldn't be sh#t out on the pavement. With this sense of security, she gives me a bit of freedom which keeps our relationship peaceful.

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Sensible tactic mbkudu however your missus sounds like an exception in the fact that she is willing to do a days work.

A big part of the problem is that having a bloke to sponge off all day without having to get their hands dirty is an attractive proposition to too many a woman. My mate's missus does sod all all day bar swan around in her flash car and run up a bill on her mobile. When I asked her if she'd like to find a good job one day she just laughed...........

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Sensible tactic mbkudu however your missus sounds like an exception in the fact that she is willing to do a days work.

A big part of the problem is that having a bloke to sponge off all day without having to get their hands dirty is an attractive proposition to too many a woman. My mate's missus does sod all all day bar swan around in her flash car and run up a bill on her mobile. When I asked her if she'd like to find a good job one day she just laughed...........

Without anything constructive for her to do day in and day out, night after night, it leaves only two things really: Spending money and stalking the husband for butterfly.

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"Don't give them fish, teach them how to fish."

“Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish, and he will sit in the boat and drink beer all day.” :o

Much cheaper than maxing out credit cards on hand bags and jewelry :D .

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Well my thai wife is completely the opposite.

She doesn't mind i talk to other girls, she knows i love her. She never once asked me were i am , or called me to verify my whereabouts with a fake excuse (like women can do).

Not all thai girls are like that :o

Mine too, it's called mutual trust. Have always done what I wanted and have let her do what she wants. Explained this right at the start of the relationship.

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Well my thai wife is completely the opposite.

She doesn't mind i talk to other girls, she knows i love her. She never once asked me were i am , or called me to verify my whereabouts with a fake excuse (like women can do).

Not all thai girls are like that :D

Mine too, it's called mutual trust. Have always done what I wanted and have let her do what she wants. Explained this right at the start of the relationship.

Same here :o

(and i'm very happy with it also) :D

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Well my thai wife is completely the opposite.

She doesn't mind i talk to other girls, she knows i love her. She never once asked me were i am , or called me to verify my whereabouts with a fake excuse (like women can do).

Not all thai girls are like that :D

Lucky b******d! :D

Wait till your g/f goes through your mobile phone and wants to know who "SMS" is and what is her "Call Centre Number" all about? :o:D

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Well my thai wife is completely the opposite.

She doesn't mind i talk to other girls, she knows i love her. She never once asked me were i am , or called me to verify my whereabouts with a fake excuse (like women can do).

Not all thai girls are like that :D

Mine too, it's called mutual trust. Have always done what I wanted and have let her do what she wants. Explained this right at the start of the relationship.

Same here :o

(and i'm very happy with it also) :D

Maybe I'm just a different type of guy now (used to be a butterfly all around the world untill I met this girl); I don't want that, maybe because she's allready put me in marriage mode. I wouldn't want someone that I marry to be sleeping around so I wouldn't think it'd be fair if I did as well.

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Well my thai wife is completely the opposite.

She doesn't mind i talk to other girls, she knows i love her. She never once asked me were i am , or called me to verify my whereabouts with a fake excuse (like women can do).

Not all thai girls are like that :D

Lucky b******d! :D

Wait till your g/f goes through your mobile phone and wants to know who "SMS" is and what is her "Call Centre Number" all about? :o:D

Been there... done that!!!

Mobile telephone, wallet, business diary, computer, business cards, briefcase etc... all thoroughly checked (and regularly re-checked) by my teeruk.

The simple answer is not to give your GF/wife any excuse to doubt your honesty and integrity... mutual trust will minimise (but maybe not stop completely) the jealousy.

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