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Water At 35 Baht Per Unit.


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Depends on how many litres as you say, but It does 'feel' a tad High.

Our unit is 4 baht but I'm not 100% sure how many litres, I think they use cubic metres which makes no sense to me, but Its a lot of water, I'd hazard a guess at a 1000 litres or something in reality.

Maybe you could bathe in Beer, Could be good for your Skin ;-)

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My apartment charges me 35 Baht per unit for water, is that a lot?

It seems like a big number, my local bar charges me 35 Baht for a bottle of beer,

and I use a lot more water than beer, well sometimes.

What is a unit in litres?

We used 39 units last month total charge 546.02 baht = 13.89 baht that's the total bill of course including standing charge.

The bill state,s 39,000 that must be litres i think? so per ltr which is closer to your Beer idea is 0.014 baht how i wish Leo was that much lol.

Also for the last 6 months metered water used under 50 units was free that as now expired but a new scheme is in place but just as in the Free Visa offer there are no solid details yet.

I take it your in a condo? this is a house in Roi Et but I would still think you qualify for the Free water, 50 units is a lot there's 6 of us in this house & a business with a few vehicles & Tractors to wash so yours sounds extreme.

My 39 Units last month would be at your rate 1365 Baht, more than double sounds to me typical Thai profitering.

How are they measuring this if you have a separate meter won't you be charged by the water company or does the condo owner have a master metre that he's charge from them, then make's a massive profit from reselling you the water.

Check your Lease/owner agreement.

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In one condo I've paid 20 Baht a unit (1 m3)

In another 30 Baht.

35 Baht sounds higher than the 'norm' but it all depends on how many units you use, I use 6 per month so an additional 30 Baht on my bill wouldn't be of any significance if I was charged 35 Baht a unit.

Those who live in a house will be paying the government rate which is lower, and has been free as someone said, but I've still had to pay water useage in my condo.

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Live in Cha Am in a condo, charges for water are 15baht a unit (1,000) litres. In three months we used 27 units.

Shut off all your water and go out and look at the meter, it should not be moving. Write down the meter reading and check again later to see how much it is changing. If you are going away for a weekend, turn off the water at the meter. Check that it is still off when you get home, if it isn't someone might be tied into your line.

Sounds mighty suspicious.

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It's a rip off by the apartment owners!! We pay 6 baht per unit in our village.


I think that you may be getting ripped off also as in my village it is 3 baht.

However when the water runs out around March and April it costs me about 20 baht as I have to go 3km to the river with my pickup truck and a 1300 litre tank, pump from the river into the tank, go back home and pump into my storage ongs.

The alternative is to buy water from the local tanker at 50 baht a cubic metre.

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In the village our water was 30 baht a month, no meter just a flat fee for everybody.

Due to water shortages in the dry deason I had a deep bore well installed, now I have water all year round, the water goes through filters before entering the main tank which is above the height of the house then through another set of filters for drinking water.

So after an initial outlay, no more costs and a constant supply of drinking and everyday water.

Jeez, 35 Baht a Cubic Metre, that's expensive.

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Just finished doing the sums for a condo, the cost of pumping, filtering and repairs along with all the sewage costs plus 3.5baht to the municipality for 'permission to pump'.

Water costs us just under 17 Baht a cu metre (1,000 litres or 1 unit).

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So there are various different charges for water through out thailand according to this thread?

I have a 1000 litre fish tank and thats an awful lot of water for only 3 baht a unit as someone has said.

My bill is usually 160 baht per month.

Saying all this though isnt water free at this time of year, we havent paid a water bill for the last 5 months as its states on the bill no need to pay??

Shouldnt this be for everyone or is it only in bangkok?

I can imagine the landords charging 35 baht per unit arent paying the bills either.

Yet another scam then i guess.

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So there are various different charges for water through out thailand according to this thread?

I have a 1000 litre fish tank and thats an awful lot of water for only 3 baht a unit as someone has said.

My bill is usually 160 baht per month.

Saying all this though isnt water free at this time of year, we havent paid a water bill for the last 5 months as its states on the bill no need to pay??

Shouldnt this be for everyone or is it only in bangkok?

I can imagine the landords charging 35 baht per unit arent paying the bills either.

Yet another scam then i guess.

My bill is usually 160 baht per month. check your meter you use around 11-12 units a month (11,000-12,000) litres.

The free bit is for the hole country but i think for private dwellings, so the condo's fall into a happy landlord black hole same with the electric, this is illegal in the UK you can not profit from utilitys yes i know this is Thailand.

I'm sure the landlords are paying (not free) as there usage will be well over the 50 unit free government incentive,plus I'm sure if condo's are fed to one meter for billing purpose's then they would be exempt from the scheme, its meant for family's, landlords don't fit that description there's lots I'd love to fit them in but I think my post would be removed lol.

I too do not understand this 3 baht per unit, i'm willing to add my bill to this topic if those disclosing 3 baht will also do the same we are billed by the local goverment water company, i'm not sure we are all talking about the same thing here.

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It's a rip off by the apartment owners!! We pay 6 baht per unit in our village.


I think that you may be getting ripped off also as in my village it is 3 baht.

However when the water runs out around March and April it costs me about 20 baht as I have to go 3km to the river with my pickup truck and a 1300 litre tank, pump from the river into the tank, go back home and pump into my storage ongs.

The alternative is to buy water from the local tanker at 50 baht a cubic metre.

Hmm! 3 baht a unit, that's pretty good, but at 6 baht I am happy with that,considering we have water 12 months a year!!


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A Condo is a business and as such can not get the 'free' water. Individual units in a Condo have to get their water through the building, so no chance for them to get the free water (unlike electricity that you can, as a unit owner, buy direct from PEA)

So condos have to charge the official rate (or the cost if they pump their own)

Condos also have to run a water supply system inside the building so a charge a bit over the municipality rate can be justified.

But some condos do just treat water as a money making activity.

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You want to talk about an outrageous water bill.

In my apartment building near the Sukhumvit/Asok area, there are 4 units.

Each person pays a flat rate of 1200 baht per month for water. That is correct, and is not a typo; ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED BAHT A MONTH just for our water. The landlord said as there's only one water meter coming into the property that is the way she's always done it. So she makes 4800 baht from all of us, and I am sure we can't possibly use that much water.

Most days, I open the water in the kitchen or bathroom sink and let it run for an hour or two; just to feel like I'm getting my money's worth..

Other than getting raped for water, the building is really nice, but it's still a bitter pill to swallow.

Edited by tod-daniels
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You want to talk about an outrageous water bill.

In my apartment building near the Sukhumvit/Asok area, there are 4 units.

Each person pays a flat rate of 1200 baht per month for water. That is correct, and is not a typo; ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED BAHT A MONTH just for our water. The landlord said as there's only one water meter coming into the property that is the way she's always done it. So she makes 4800 baht from all of us, and I am sure we can't possibly use that much water.

Most days, I open the water in the kitchen or bathroom sink and let it run for an hour or two; just to feel like I'm getting my money's worth..

Other than getting raped for water, the building is really nice, but it's still a bitter pill to swallow.

Pity the waste & the environmental impact that daily task has. :o

To compare that charge to my 4 bed house in Issarn sleepin 6 & running a business from there, for our bill to be 1200 baht we would have to use around 85 units (85,000 ltrs) a month we average 35 Units.

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My latest water bill. My phone doesn't do well for close up pictures but I think you can see 15 units (cubic meters) at a cost of 45 baht.


Wow Gary that's well cheap I'll try to post mine from last month but I never have much luck uploading photo's here lol.


Got it great.

As you can see I used 39 units (39,000) is that litres? or 39 thousand cubic meters, or are they one of the same? Maths is not my good point,anyone care to clear this up i've seen the same question in other posts here on water charge's.

Paid 546.02 Baht, what I think is the tax charge of 35.72 Baht is nearly as much as your total bill :D .

Why the big difference :o

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My latest water bill. My phone doesn't do well for close up pictures but I think you can see 15 units (cubic meters) at a cost of 45 baht.


Wow Gary that's well cheap I'll try to post mine from last month but I never have much luck uploading photo's here lol.


Got it great.

As you can see I used 39 units (39,000) is that litres? or 39 thousand cubic meters, or are they one of the same? Maths is not my good point,anyone care to clear this up i've seen the same question in other posts here on water charge's.

Paid 546.02 Baht, what I think is the tax charge of 35.72 Baht is nearly as much as your total bill :D .

Why the big difference :o

WOW....slow day is it chaps ?....posting copies of your water bills on TV.... :D:D

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My latest water bill. My phone doesn't do well for close up pictures but I think you can see 15 units (cubic meters) at a cost of 45 baht.


Wow Gary that's well cheap I'll try to post mine from last month but I never have much luck uploading photo's here lol.


Got it great.

As you can see I used 39 units (39,000) is that litres? or 39 thousand cubic meters, or are they one of the same? Maths is not my good point,anyone care to clear this up i've seen the same question in other posts here on water charge's.

Paid 546.02 Baht, what I think is the tax charge of 35.72 Baht is nearly as much as your total bill :D .

Why the big difference :o

WOW....slow day is it chaps ?....posting copies of your water bills on TV.... :D:D

If its of no interest to you for the utility's difference in Thailand then move on, sorry no we don't have to work for a living, are we back teaching today hope its not to hot for you.

Darling pass me another beer please. :D

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If its of no interest to you for the utility's difference in Thailand :o

You are of course quite correct, I have no interest in my utility bills in Thailand, as I am more interested at present in picking out the colour of my new Aston Martin.. :D

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